I am an applicant with special needs

In accordance with Section 100 (2) of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on the Change and Supplement to Some Acts, the following student shall be considered to be a student with special needs:

a) with sensory, physical and multiple disabilities,
b) with chronic disease,
c) with weakened health,
d) with mental illness,
e) with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders,
f) with learning disorders.

Support services

Student who agrees with the evaluation of his/her special needs is entitled to support services according to the extent and type of his/her special need.

Provision of support services

Especially in the form of the use of specific educational means, individual educational approaches.

Determination of special conditions for fulfilment of study obligations (without reducing the requirements for study performance) and individual approach of teachers.

Remission of tuition fees in justified cases if the standard length of study is exceeded due to a special need.


University coordinator

PhDr. Katarína Gažová

Department for education

tel.: +421 41 513 5038

e-mail: katarina.gazova@uniza.sk

Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications

doc. Ing. Eva Nedeliaková, PhD.

tel.: +421 41 513 3409

e-mail: eva.nedeliakova@fpedas.uniza.sk

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

doc. Mgr. Branislav Ftorek, PhD.

tel.: +421 41 513 2519, 4962


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

doc. Ing. Mariana Beňová, PhD.

tel.: +421 41 513 2119, 2057

e-mail: mariana.benova@feit.uniza.sk



Faculty of Civil Engineering

doc. Ing. Mária Kúdelčíková, PhD.

tel: +421 41 513 6273

e-mail: maria.kudelcikova@fstav.uniza.sk


Faculty of Security Engineering

Mgr. Valéria Moricová, PhD.

tel.: +421 41 513 6731

e-mail: valeria.moricova@fbi.uniza.sk


Faculty of Management Science and Informatics

RNDr. Zuzana Borčinová

tel.: +421 41 513 4279

e-mail: zuzana.borcinova@fri.uniza.sk

Faculty of Humanities

Mgr. PhDr. Eva Škorvagová, PhD.

tel.: +421 41 513 6379

e-mail: eva.skorvagova@fhv.uniza.sk

University study programme Ranger

Bc. Jana Závodská

tel.: +421 41 513 5040

e-mail: jana.zavodska@uniza.sk


Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: PhDr. Katarína Gažová / +421 41 513 5038 / katarina.gazova@uniza.sk

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