We are unique in
Top university in Slovakia
Based on the results of the comprehensive accreditation of higher education institutions in 2015, we belong to the top five best Slovak universities.
Attractive study programmes
We offer study programmes connected with fast employment on the labour market.
Unique modern campus equipped with cutting-edge technology and relaxation zones is situated in a pleasant environment next to the forest park in Žilina, within walking distance from the city centre and dormitories.
Foreign student mobility
One of UNIZA's priorities is to send each of our students to mobility at least once during their studies.
Accommodation in modern dormitories
We offer to all students of full-time study accommodation in modern accommodation facilities UNIZA.
Student life
Express your talent and ideas. Be a radio presenter, write the screenplays for student television, dance in the folk ensemble Stavbár or develop your business idea in the startup Occupation Entrepreneur.
We work on
Transport generel
Our experts on transport have developed a transport generel, a strategic document for transport solutions for several Slovak cities including Žilina.
Intelligent transport
Professional team of the ERAdiate project led by prof. Ing. Tatiana Kováčiková, PhD. She is an expert on intelligent transport systems deals with the development of intelligent transport systems.
Electric car EDISON
Research, measurements and enhancements are carried out by UNIZA students directly on the orange prototype of a small urban experimental electric car – EDISON. It has been completely developed and built at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Technologies against black ice
Black ice on the roads will maybe soon become a thing of the past. Team of the UNIZA Research Centre is working on an automatic anti-icing spray system.
We cooperate with
In the field of cooperation in education and science, we cooperate with more than 150 universities around the world.
We are closely connected with our graduates through faculty alumni clubs.
Information for applicants / students
UNIZA Framework Academic Calendar
Teaching period at UNIZA usually starts on the last Monday of September. The official academic year starts on 1st September. Teaching period is divided into winter and summer semesters and examination periods. Students can find important dates in the academic calendars of their faculties.
Study programmes
We only offer accredited programmes with good professional and material support. You can choose from 37 bachelor, 37 engineer/master and 25 doctoral programmes in full-time form of study.

Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: PhDr. Renáta Švarcová / tel.: +421 41 513 5151 / e-mail: renata.svarcova@rekt.uniza.sk
Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: Ing. Katarína Taranová / tel.: +421 41 513 5134 / e-mail: katarina.taranova@uniza.sk