We work on
Transport generel
Our experts on transport have developed a transport generel, a strategic document for transport solutions for several Slovak cities including Žilina.
Intelligent transport
Professional team of the ERAdiate project led by prof. Ing. Tatiana Kováčiková, PhD. She is an expert on intelligent transport systems deals with the development of intelligent transport systems.
Electric car EDISON
Research, measurements and enhancements are carried out by UNIZA students directly on the orange prototype of a small urban experimental electric car – EDISON. It has been completely developed and built at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Technologies against black ice
Black ice on the roads will maybe soon become a thing of the past. Team of the UNIZA Research Centre is working on an automatic anti-icing spray system.
We cooperate with
In the field of cooperation in education and science, we cooperate with more than 150 universities around the world.
We are closely connected with our graduates through faculty alumni clubs.
Secondary schools
We are in close contact with secondary schools not only in the region of Žilina.
We open the door of our university more frequently towards the public. Popular events for potential students and the general public include the Christmas at the University, the Open Day , the Night of Researchers, the Research Station and so on.
State and public administration
Our experts also cooperate with representatives of the state and public administration. Cooperation is connected mainly with the transport sector.

Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: Ing. Katarína Taranová / tel.: +421 41 513 5131 / e-mail: katarina.taranova@uniza.sk