What is a student card?

According to the Higher Education Act, it is a proof of study. It confirms the legal status of a holder. It entitles him/her to use the rights and benefits of the law.

It replaces a paper confirmation of attendance at school. It is based on the hybrid chip card MiDARE Desfire EV1 and Gemalto TOP GX4. For full-time students, it is made in the ISIC visualization and it allows to benefit from a network of discounts at home and abroad.

For foreign students on study visits (ERASMUS), it is possible to issue a student card only for rent. This card then provides only services connected with Access System and Catering System.

Library card

Accommodation facility

LDAP account

How to proceed in getting a new card?

1. Enrolment

The basic condition for issuing the card is an actual enrolment of a student in the relevant academic year in the system IS Vzdelávanie (it is realized by the study departments of faculties).

2. Personal identification

Personal participation with the presentation of proof of identity (ID card, passport, driving licence) is required for issuing the card.

3. Photography

It is not necessary to bring a printed photo as we take a digital photo while you wait.

5. Issuing the card

After fulfilling the conditions, we print the cards while you wait.

6. Activation

In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, we upload the holder's personal data to a card memory through the university terminal.

Common activities with cards

Loss of card

A loss must be reported at the workplace issuing the cards. After payment of the fee for a duplicate, the card will be issued while you wait.

Card malfunction

It is necessary to bring the card personally to the workplace where the diagnostics will be carried out. The verification of functionality in all IS of the University will also be carried out.


Card does not communicate with card readers

It is probably a physical problem of the card. It is necessary to visit the workplace dealing with cards – ground floor of the Rectorate – AA018

tel.: +421 41 513 1717

e-mail: karty@uniza.sk

Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: Ing. Róbert Orenič, MBA / +421 41 513 1714 / robert.orenic@uniza.sk

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