EURAXESS Centre of the University of Žilina

The University of Žilina becomes a part of the EURAXESS network

By signing the Declaration of Commitment, the University of Žilina joined the EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion pan-European initiative of the European Commission..

Newly-founded EURAXESS Centre of UNIZA offers administrative support and access to cost-free information and services for foreign applicants who are looking for new possibilities and opportunities in the field of science and research or would like to work at UNIZA.

The Centre provides expert counselling and information regarding working conditions or legislative issues related to living and working in Slovakia and at our university.

Arrival in the Country

  • entry conditions / visas
  • recognition of diplomas
  • work permit

Insurance and Taxes

  • health insurance
  • social insurance
  • taxes

Everyday Life

  • accommodation
  • bank services
  • medical care
  • Slovak language courses
  • occasional interpreting services at state authorities

By joining the EURAXESS network, the University of Žilina affirms its quality. UNIZA creates an attractive workplace for researchers that continually meets European standards regarding the care of its employees, the promotion of their professional development and the transparency of their selection procedure, in compliance with the standards of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

For more information about the EURAXESS network, click on the link: and Human resources strategy for research (

Job offers at UNIZA Job vacancies (

UNIZA job offers at EURAXESS portal:

Contact info:
University of Žilina
Department of Personnel and Social Work, 2nd floor, office AA 206
street Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina

Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: Ing. Veronika Kunová / +421 41 513 5115 /

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