Description of the Field of Habilitation Proceedings and Inauguration Proceedings

1. Basic data on the field of the habilitation proceeding and the inauguration proceeding (hereinafter referred to as the "HPaIP field")
Name of the University University of Žilina
Name of the Faculty/Workplace Faculty of Security Engineering
Name of the HPaIP field Protection of persons and property
Awarded title associate professor (abbreviation doc.), professor (abbreviation prof.)
University Authority for Approval of the HPaIP field Accreditation Board of the University of Žilina
Number of the decision on granting the right to carry out HPaIP (from the old accreditation) 2016-15695/21256:7-15A0 of 23 May 2016
Reference to the result of the last periodic review of the HPaIP field by the University
2. Definition of the HPaIP field
a Name and definition of the content of the HPaIP field
(draw the content definition from the description of the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned – state the main topics of the core knowledge of the field of study from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

Field HPaIP Protection of Persons and Property assigned to the study field 2. Safety and Security Sciences

The field Protection of Persons and Property includes knowledge enabling comprehensive assessment, design and management of risks and threats to the security of persons, tangible and intangible values and the environment, technological risks, industrial security and implementation of preventive measures and effective and efficient anti-social and criminal solutions, security incidents, emergencies and crisis situations.

The main topics of the field include protection of persons, property and information, security management, project management, civil security and civil protection, risk management and crisis management, rescue services, forensic engineering, occupational health and safety, fire protection, technological security.

b Name of the field of study (1 or 2) to which the HPaIP field is assigned
(description of the field of study (1 or 2) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

study field 2. Safety and Security Sciences

c The content definition of the HPaIP field must be as close as possible to the field of study (1 or 2) to which it is assigned
(indicate here the area and scope of knowledge for the third level (point 4) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

The applicant has extensive general knowledge at the evaluation level and is able to correctly apply specific scientific methods of basic research and applied research in the field of protection of persons, property and environment, health and safety at work, rescue services and evaluation of materials and technical means in the field of protection before fires, as well as in crisis and risk management. He has extensive expertise in several areas of the field of study which serves as a basis for conducting research and development and creating new knowledge in the field of security services. He has sufficient knowledge of R&D design procedures as well as setting up and leading research teams.

The applicant is able to formulate new hypotheses and strategies for further research and development of the study field of security sciences independently, as well as in interactions with other fields of study. He applies his own findings of his theoretical analysis and his comprehensive scientific research in solving problems of theory and practice of crisis management, protection of persons and property, fire safety, rescue activities and safety and health at work. He applies his own findings from the study of the causes, course and consequences of negative technical phenomena. He practically masters the chosen research methods and uses them in search of new technologies, technical details and important interactive system links. To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of his outputs and findings, he can design, validate and implement new research and working practices.

The applicant is characterized by independent, critical and analytical thinking, which he applies in a changing security environment. He independently presents the results of research and development to the professional community in the Slovak Republic and abroad. He is a valid member of scientific teams in the field of crisis management, fire engineering and environmental security, in the protection of buildings and property with an emphasis on elements of critical infrastructure, as well as in safety and health at work.

It takes into account social, scientific and ethical aspects when formulating research intentions and interpreting research results. In his work he uses modern decision-making methods, including modelling and simulation supported by suitable software products. He can determine the focus of research and coordinate the team in the field of security sciences.

3. Level of education in the HPaIP field
a The fact confirming that UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify third-level study programmes in the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned. (If it is assigned to 2 fields of study, the University must have the above-mentioned rights in both fields of study).
( for relevant field(s) of study in a form of a link

Security management 3. degree (full-time EN/SK, external EN/SK):


Crisis management 3. degree (full-time EN/SK, external EN/SK):



Rescue services 3. degree (full-time EN/SK, external EN/SK):

b The fact confirming that UNIZA delivers a third-level study programme, a second-level study programme or a study program combining the first degree and the second degree in the field of study or fields of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned
Provide a list of delivered relevant study programmes for the given field of study from the University Portal (Portal VS)

Security management 3. degree (full-time EN/SK, external EN/SK):


Crisis management 3. degree (full-time EN/SK, external EN/SK):


Rescue services 3. degree (full-time EN/SK, external EN/SK):  


Security management 2. degree (full-time SK, external SK):


Crisis management 2. degree (full-time SK, external SK):


Rescue services 2. degree (full-time SK, external SK):

4. Persons responsible for the field of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings
a HPaIP guarantors who are responsible for the development and quality assurance of the HPaIP field
1. Name, surname, titles (the main guarantor appointed by the Dean / Rector):

Name, surname, titles (main guarantor appointed by the dean / rector): prof. Ing. Tomas Lovecek, PhD.

position: Vice-Dean for Science and Research, university teacher assigned to the position of professor in the field of habilitation and inauguration proceedings protection of persons and property

contact (mail, phone):, +421 41 513 6604

link to portal register of employees:

link to VUPCH:

link to VTC:

CV link:

link to the solemn declaration that they are responsible for the development of only 1 HPaIP department at 1 university in the Slovak Republic:

Name and surname
of other guarantors of the HPaIP field
Position (Assoc. prof. / prof.)
in the field of activity
Additional information

prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD.

University teacher assigned to the position of professor in the field of 8.3.7 Civil Protection

contact (mail, phone):, +421 41 513 5130

link to portal register of employees:

link to VUPCH:

link to VTC:

CV link:

link to the solemn declaration that they are responsible for the development of only 1 HKaIK department at 1 university in the Slovak Republic:



prof. RNDr. Iveta Marková, PhD.

University teacher assigned to the position of professor in the field of study 8.3.6 Rescue Services

Contact (mail, tel.): , +421 41 513 6799

link to portal register of employees:

link to VUPCH:

link to VTC:

CV link:

link to the solemn declaration that they are responsible for the development of only 1 HKaIK department at 1 university in the Slovak Republic:


doc. Bc. Ing. Linda Makovická Osvaldová, PhD.

University teacher assigned to the position of associate professor in the field of habilitation and inauguration proceedings of the Rescue Services

Contact (mail, tel.):, +421 41 513 6767

link to portal register of employees:

link to VUPCH:

link ti VTC:

CV link:

link to the solemn declaration that they are responsible for the development of only 1 HKaIK department at 1 university in the Slovak Republic:


doc. Ing. Andrej Veľas, PhD.

University teacher assigned to the position of associate professor in the field of study 8.3.1 Protection of Persons and Property 

Contact (mail, tel.):

link to portal register of employees:

link to VUPCH:

link to VTC:

CV link:

link to the solemn declaration that they are responsible for the development of only 1 HKaIK department at 1 university in the Slovak Republic:

b Composition of the Scientific Council of the Faculty with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation
(If the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings take place at a Faculty, the Scientific Council of the relevant Faculty shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.)

Composition of the UNIZA Scientific Council with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation
(The UNIZA Scientific Council shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.)

5. Level of research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field and level of quality culture of UNIZA
a List of the most significant 25 outputs of a group of 5 persons documenting the implementation of long-term and continuous research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field, the intensity and extend of which correspond to the nature of these proceedings and whose results are on an internationally significant level.
(for each person there must be at least 2 outputs from the period of the last 6 years prior to the year in which the relevant accreditation application was submitted, ensuring the availability of records of the submitted outputs in databases and registers and compliance with other provisions of the standards). The output is presented in the form of a bibliographic record and must correspond to the outputs that are listed in the Research/Art/Teacher Profile (in Slovak VUPCH) and Research/Artistic/Other Output (in Slovak VTC).

prof. Ing. Tomáš Loveček, PhD.


ID WoS: AAC-9356-2019

ID SCOPUS: 23990915700

1.output Cascading impact assessment in a critical infrastructure system [Hodnotenie kaskádového dopadu v systéme kritickej infraštruktúry] / Řehák, David [Author, 45%] ; Šenovský, Michail [Author, 5%] ; Hromada, Martin [Author, 5%] ; Loveček, Tomáš [Author, ZUZFBIPVB, 42%] ; Novotný, Peter [Author, 3%]. [article]. – DOI 10.1016/j.ijcip.2018.06.004. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC, In: International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection [electronic document] . – Amsterdam (Netherland) : Elsevier. Elsevier Science. – ISSN (online) 1874-5482. – n. 22 (september 2018) (2018), s. 125-138 [online] . – SJR: 0,866 ; CiteScore: 5,6 ; SNIP: 2,304 ; IF: 2.225 link – CREPČ:
2.output Complex approach to assessing resilience of critical infrastructure elements [Komplexný prístup k posudzovaniu odolnosti prvkov kritickej infraštruktúry] / Řehák, David [Author, 25%] ; Šenovský, Pavel [Author, 25%] ; Hromada, Martin [Author, 25%] ; Loveček, Tomáš [Author, ZUZFBIPVB, 25%]. – [english]. – [OV 230]. – [article]. – [peer reviewed]. – DOI 10.1016/j.ijcip.2019.03.003. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC, In: International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection [electronic document] . – Amsterdam (Netherland) : Elsevier. Elsevier Science. – ISSN (online) 1874-5482. – č. 25 (jún 2019) (2019), s. 125-138 [online] . – SJR: 0,486 ; CiteScore: 4,4 ; SNIP: 1,654 ; IF: 2.164 link – CREPČ:
3.output Personnel threats in the electric power critical infrastructure sector and their effect on dependent sectors : overview in the Czech Republic / Řehák, David [Author, 40%] ; Hromada, Martin [Author, 20%] ; Loveček, Tomáš [Author, ZUZFBIPVB, 40%]. – [english]. – [OV 230]. – [article]. – [peer reviewed]. – DOI 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104698. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: Safety Science [text document(print)] . – Netherlands (Holandsko) : Elsevier. – ISSN 0925-7535. – year. 127 (2020), p. [1-10] [print] . – SJR: 1,178 ; CiteScore: 7,8 ; SNIP: 2,473 ; IF: 4.877 link – CREPČ:
4.output Critical infrastructure protection systems effectiveness evaluation [Hodnotenie účinnosti ochranných systémov objektov kritickej infraštruktúry] / Loveček, Tomáš [Author, ZUZFBIPVB, 50%] ; Ristvej, Jozef [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 33,3%] ; Šimák, Ladislav [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 16,7 %]. – [English]. – [Article]. – DOI: 10.2202/1547-7355.1613. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC.In: Journal of homeland security and emergency management. - ISSN 1547-7355. - Vol. 7, no. 1 (2010), art. no. 34, [24] s. link:
5.output Level of protection of critical infrastructure in the Slovak Republic [Úroveň ochrany kritickej infraštruktúry v Slovenskej republike] / Loveček, Tomáš [Author, ZUZFBIPVB, 60%] ; Veľas, Andrej [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 30%] ; Ďurovec, Martin [Author, 10%].– [English]. – [Article]. –SCOPUS. In: Production management and engineering sciences. - Leiden; London: CRC Press/Balkema; Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. - ISBN 978-1-138-02856-2. - p. 163-168. link:

prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD.


ID WoS: B-7917-2011

ID SCOPUS: 39962519800 

1.output The present status of creating the security system of the Slovak republic after entering the European union [Sučasný stav budovania bezpečnostného systému Slovenskej republiky po vstupe do Európskej únie] / Šimák, Ladislav [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 50 %] ; Ristvej, Jozef [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 50%]. – [English]. – [Article]. – DOI 10.2202/1547-7355.1443. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: Journal of homeland security and emergency management. - ISSN 1547-7355. - Vol. 6, no. 1 (2009), art. no. 20, [20] p. link:
2.output On Smart City and Safe City concepts [Koncepty bezpečného mesta a smart city] / Ristvej, Jozef [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 35%] ; Lacinák, Maroš [Author, 35%] ; Ondrejka, Roman [Author, 30%]. – [English]. – [OV 230]. – [Article]. – DOI 10.1007/s11036-020-01524-4. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: Mobile Networks and Applications [print] [electronic document] : the Journal of SPECIAL ISSUES on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing. – New York (USA) : Springer Nature. Springer International Publishing AG. – ISSN 1383-469X. – ISSN (online) 1572-8153. – Roč. 25, č. 3 (2020), p. 836-845 [print] [online] . – IF: 3.426 ; SJR: 0,445 ; CiteScore: 5 ; SNIP: 1,076 link CREPČ:
3.output Assessing importance of disaster preparedness factors for sustainable disaster risk management : the case of the Slovak Republic / Titko, Michal [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 75%] ; Ristvej, Jozef [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 25%]. – [English]. – [OV 230]. – [Article]. – [peer reviewed]. – DOI 10.3390/su12219121. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: Sustainability [electronic document] . – Bazilej (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2071-1050. – Year. 12, č. 21 (2020), p. [1-20] [online] . – IF: 3,251 ; SNIP: 1,242 ; SJR: 0,612 ; CiteScore: 3,90 link CREPČ:
4.output Population preparedness for disasters and extreme weather events as a predictor of building a resilient society : the Slovak Republic / Titko, Michal [corresponding author, ZUZFBIKKM, 74%] ; Ristvej, Jozef [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 25%] ; Zamiar, Zenon [Author, 1%]. – [English]. – [OV 230]. – [Article]. – DOI 10.3390/ijerph18052311. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: International journal of environmental research and public health [electronic document] [text document (print)] : open access journal. – Basel (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN 1661-7827. – ISSN (online) 1660-4601. – Year. 18, n. 5 (2021), p. [1-24] [online] [print] link CREPČ:
5.output Relations of COVID-19 and the risk management framework / Klučka, Jozef [corresponding author, ZUZFBIKKM, 34%] ; Gruenbichler, Rudolf [Author, 33%] ; Ristvej, Jozef [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 33%]. – [English]. – [OV 080]. – DOI 10.3390/su132111854. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC In: Sustainability [electronic document] . – Bazilej (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2071-1050. – Year 13, n. 21 (2021), p. [1-15] [online]. link – CREPČ:

prof. RNDr.. Iveta Marková, PhD.


ID WoS: F-2103-2018

ID SCOPUS: 7006353032, 56331215000

1.output Experimental study of oriented strand board ignition by radiant heat fluxes / Tureková, Ivana [Author, UKFPFAKTT, 30%] ; Marková, Iveta [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 40%] ; Ivanovičová, Martina [Author, 10%] ; Harangozó, Jozef [Author, UKFPFAKTT, 20%]. – [English]. – [OV 010, 170]. DOI 10.3390/polym13050709. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: Polymers [electronic document] . – Bazilej (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2073-4360. – Year. 13, n. 5 (2021), 1-13 [online] link – CREPČ:
2.output Fire size of gasoline pool fires [Požiarne charakteristiky benzínových požiarov] / Marková, Iveta [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 55%] ; Lauko, Jozef [Author, 4%] ; Makovická Osvaldová, Linda [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 10%] ; Mózer, Vladimír [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 20%] ; Svetlík, Jozef [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 5%] ; Monoši, Mikuláš [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 5%] ; Orinčák, Michal [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 1%]. – [English]. – [OV 230]. – [Article]. – DOI 10.3390/ijerph17020411. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: International journal of environmental research and public health [electronic document] [print] : open access journal. – Basel (Switzeland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN 1661-7827. – ISSN (online) 1660-4601. – Year. 17, n. 2 (2020), p. [1-14] [online] [print] . – IF: 3,390 ; SNIP: 1,356 ; SJR: 0,747 ; CiteScore: 3,40 link – CREPČ:
3.output Analysis of hygrothermal microclimatic (Htm) parameters in specific food storage environments in Slovakia / Marková, Iveta [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 45%] ; Tureková, Ivana [Author, UKFPFAKTT, 45%] ; Jaďuďová, Jana [Author, 5%] ; Hroncová, Emília [Author, 5%]. – text. – [English]. – [OV 010, 100]. DOI 10.3390/ijerph17062092. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: International journal of environmental research and public health [electronic document] [print]: open access journal. – Basel (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN 1661-7827. – ISSN (online) 1660-4601. – Year 17, n. 6 (2020), p. 1-15 [online] [print] . – IF: 3,390 ; SNIP: 1,356 ; SJR: 0,747 ; CiteScore: 3,40 link – CREPČ:
4.output Thermal analysis of granulometry selected wood dust particles : granulometry of wood dusts / Marková, Iveta [Author, UMBFP04, 30%] ; Hroncová, Emília [Author, UMBFP04, 5%] ; Tomaškin, Ján [Author, UMBFP04, 15%] ; Tureková, Ivana [Author, UKFPFAKTT, 50%]. – [English]. – [OV 130]. – [Article]. – DOI 10.15376/biores.13.4.8041-8060. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: BioResources [electronic document] . – Raleigh (USA) : NC State University. – ISSN (online) 1930-2126. – Year. 13, n. 4 (2018), p. 8041-8060 [online] . – IF: 1.396 ; SJR: 0,431 ; CiteScore: 2,7 ; SNIP: 0,763 link – CREPČ:
5.output Ignition of Deposited Wood Dust Layer by Selected Sources / Tureková, Ivana [Author, UKFPFAKTT, 60%] ; Marková, Iveta [corresponding author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 40%]. – text. – [English]. – [OV 010, 170]. DOI 10.3390/app10175779. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC. In: Applied sciences [electronic document] . – Bazilej (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2076-3417. – Year. 10, n. 17 (2020), Art. No. 5779, s. [1-16] [online] . – IF: 2,679 ; SNIP: 1,068 ; SJR: 0,435 ; CiteScore: 3,00 link – CREPČ:

doc. Bc. Ing. Linda Makovická Osvaldová, PhD.


ID WoS: AAB-2187-2019

ID SCOPUS: 55756681200

1.output Experimental study of straw-based eco-panel using a small ignition initiator / Makovická Osvaldová, Linda [Corresponding author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 40%] ; Marková, Iveta [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 40%] ; Jochim, Stanislav [Author, KDS, 10%] ; Bareš, Jan [Author, 10%]. - [English]. – [OV 170]. - [article]. – DOI 10.3390/polym13081344. – WOS CC; SCOPE ; CCC. In: Polymers [electronic document] . – Basel (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2073-4360. – Year 13, no. 8 (2021), art. well. 1344, p. [1-12] [online] link - CREPČ:
2.output Wooden façades and fire safety [electronic document] : effects of joint type on ignition behavior / Makovická Osvaldová, Linda [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 100%]. – 1st ed. – Cham (Switzerland) : Springer Nature, 2020. – 88 p. [print form] [online]. – (SpringerBriefs in Fire, ISSN 2193-6595, ISSN 2193-6609). - [English]. – [OV 230, 170]. – [reviewed]. – ISBN 978-3-030-48882-6. – ISBN (electronic) 978-3-030-48883-3. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-48883-3 link – CREPČ:
3.output Non-isothermal thermogravimetry of selected tropical woods and their degradation under fire using cone calorimetry / Makovická Osvaldová, Linda [Corresponding author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 70%] ; Janigová, Ivica [Author, 15%] ; Rychlý, Jozef [Author, 15%]. - [English]. – [OV 170]. - [article]. – DOI 10.3390/polym13050708. – WOS CC; SCOPE ; CCC In: Polymers [electronic document] . – Basel (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2073-4360. – Year 13, no. 5 (2021), p. [1-13] [online] link - CREPČ:
4.output Flammability characteristics of thermally modified oak wood treated with a fire retardant / Gašparík, Milan [Author, 30%] ; Makovická, Osvaldová Linda [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 30%] ; - Čekovská, Hana [Author, 25%] – Potůček, Dalibor [Author, 25%].– [English].– [Article]. – DOI 10.15376/biores.12.4.8451-8467. – WOS CC; SCOPE ; CCC. In: BioResources [electronic resource]. - ISSN 1930-2126. - Vol. 12, iss. 4 (2017), online, p. 8451-8467. link:
5.output Fire characteristics of selected tropical woods without and with fire retardant / Makovická Osvaldová, Linda [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 80%] ; Kadlicová, Patrícia [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 5%] ; Rychlý, Jozef [Author, 15%]. - [English]. – [OV 170]. - [article]. – [reviewed]. – DOI 10.3390/coatings10060527. – WOS CC; SCOPE ; CCC. In: Coatings [electronic document] . – Basel (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2079-6412. – Year 10, no. 6 (2020), p. [1-12] [online] . – SJR: 0.484; CiteScore: 3 ; SNIP: 0.998 ; IF: 2,881 link - CREPČ:

doc. Ing. Andrej Veľas, PhD.


ID WoS: R-3424-2017

ID SCOPUS: 56395445400

1.output New possibilities for testing the service life of magnetic contacts / Boroš, Martin [Corresponding author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] ; Veľas, Andrej [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] ; Zvaková, Zuzana [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] ; Šoltés, Viktor [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%]. - [English]. – [OV 230]. – [other (main article)]. - DOI 10.3390/mi12050479. – WOS CC; SCOPE ; CCC. In: Micromachines [electronic document] . – Basel (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2072-666X. – Year 12, no. 5 (2021), p. [1-12] [online] link - CREPČ:
2.output Influence of the environment on the reliability of security magnetic contacts / Boroš, Martin [Corresponding author, ZUZFBIKBM, 40%] ; Veľas, Andrej [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] ; Šoltés, Viktor [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] ; Dworzecki, Jacek [Author, 10%]. - [English]. – [OV 230]. - [article]. – DOI 10.3390/mi12040401. – WOS CC; SCOPE ; CCC. In: Micromachines [electronic document] . – Basel (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2072-666X. – Year 12, no. 4 (2021), p. [1-16] [online] link - CREPČ:
3.output Occupational safety of municipal police officers : assessing the vulnerability and riskiness of police officers' work / Šoltés, Viktor [Corresponding author, ZUZFBIKBM, 35%] ; Kubás, Jozef [Author, ZUZFBIKKM, 35%] ; Veľas, Andrej [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] ; Michalík, Dávid [Author, 5%]. - [English]. – [OV 230]. - [article]. – [reviewed]. - DOI 10.3390/ijerph18115605. – WOS CC; SCOPE ; CCC. In: International journal of environmental research and public health [electronic document] [text document (print)] : open access journal. – Basel (Switzerland) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN 1661-7827. – ISSN (online) 1660-4601. – Year 18, no. 11 (2021), p. [1-19] [online] [printed form] link - CREPČ:
4.output Cumulative probability of detecting an intruder by alarm systems / Loveček, Tomáš [Corresponding author, ZUZFBIKBM, 55%] ; Veľas, Andrej [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] ; Kampová, Katarína [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%];- Mariš, Ladislav [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 5%];- Mózer, Vladimír [Author, ZUZFBIPŽI, 5%].– [English]. - [article]. – DOI 10.1109/CCST.2013.6922037. – WOS CC; SCOPUS. In: ICCST 2013 [electronic resource] : the 47th annual international Carnahan conference on security technology : proceedings. - [S.l.]: IEEE, 2013. - ISBN 978-958-8790-65-7. - CD-ROM, [5] p. link - CREPČ:*recview&uid=1099483&pageId=resultform&full=0
5.output What is the role of private intelligence in the Slovak Republic? Legal and practical aspects of private detective services / Boroš, Martin [Corresponding author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] ; Zvaková, Zuzana [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%], Šoltés, Viktor [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%]; Veľas Andrej [Author, ZUZFBIKBM, 25%] – [English]. - [article]. – 10.1057/s41284-021-00294-2. – WOS CC; SCOPE ; CCC. In: Security journal [electronic document, print]. - ISSN 0955-1662. - [1-27] p., link:
b UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify the third-level study programmes in at least half of the fields of study in which it provides higher education
(Note: this is common for all descriptions of the HPaIP fields – inserted by the R&D Rectorate)
Name of the field of study Level of study
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Ecological and Environmental Sciences 1., 2.
Mechanical Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Informatics 1., 2., 3.
Cybernetics 1., 2., 3.
Electrical Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Geodesy and Cartography 1.
Civil Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Transport 1., 2., 3.
Economics and Management 1., 2., 3.
Media and Communication Studies 1., 2., 3.
Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences 1., 2.
Security Sciences 1., 2., 3.
Of the 12 fields of study, 9 are third-level fields of study, which represents 75% of the total number of harmonised fields of study.
c Periodic review of research, development, artistic and other creative activities:
Link to the evaluation report of the complex accreditation of UNIZA activities, year 2015:
6. Criteria for reviewing compliance of conditions for obtaining the title associate professor
Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria for evaluating the compliance with the conditions for obtaining the title of associate professor, which are in accordance with generally binding regulations, and a link to previous versions of the criteria with indication of their validity

Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria:

link to previous versions of the criteria:

7. Criteria for reviewing compliance of conditions for obtaining the title professor
Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria for evaluating the compliance with the conditions for obtaining the title of professor, which are in accordance with generally binding regulations, and a link to previous versions of the criteria with indication of their validity

Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria: 

link to previous versions of the criteria:

8. Rules and procedures of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings
a Currently established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings
UNIZA Directive No. 211 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical and artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at UNIZA
Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Scientific Council and the UNIZA Scientific Council
Previously established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings with indication of validity
Methodological guideline No. 8/2016 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical titles or artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at the University of Žilina in Žilina

List of candidates who have obtained the scientific-pedagogical title of associate professor and professor from the other comprehensive accreditation in the relevant field of HPaIP

Link to completed habilitation and inauguration proceedings in the relevant field of HKaIK and their result:

List of candidates who have obtained the scientific-pedagogical title of associate professor and professor from the other comprehensive accreditation in the relevant field of HPaIP

Link to existing habilitation and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP department: