Vnútorná hodnotiaca správa študijného programu

Názov vysokej školy: Žilinská univerzita v Žiline
Názov študijného programu: bezpečnostný manažment AJ
Stupeň štúdia: 3.

I. Samohodnotenie plnenia štandardu SP 2 – Návrh nového študijného programu a návrh úpravy študijného programu

SP 2.1. Návrh nového študijného programu alebo návrh úpravy študijného programu je spracovaný a predložený v súlade s formalizovanými procesmi vnútorného systému zabezpečovania kvality vysokoškolského vzdelávania vysokej školy (ďalej len „vnútorný systém“). Ak vysoká škola nemá vnútorný systém schválený, pravidlá zabezpečovania kvality sú uvedené priamo v príslušnom návrhu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The proposal for curriculum alignment is processed and submitted by the formalised processes of the UNIZA internal quality assurance system. Processes, procedures and structures are defined by UNIZA regulations No. 222 Internal quality assurance system UNIZA  and No. 204 Regulations for the creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programmes UNIZA. The faculty applies the processes, procedures and structures defined at the university level by Regulation No. 203 Regulations for the development of recommended plans of study for study programmes, Regulation No. 205 Regulations for the assignment of lecturers to provide study programmes UNIZA and Regulation No. 212 Regulations for defining the workload of creative staff UNIZA in the development of study plans in the programme of study.

Study plans have a specified time and content sequence of study programme courses and forms of assessment of study achievements defined in course information sheets. The constructivist approach was applied in study programme development, the basis of which is to harmonise the required education objectives, results, teaching and learning methods and assessment methods. In designing the content of the study programme, consideration was given to the parts of the curriculum, the required competencies, specific and measurable education outcomes, education methods and assessment methods, the essential characteristics for learning objectives and results, and the location of the course in the program or program in the faculty environment. Each course has a place in the syllabus, in a particular year, or the trajectory structure.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Regulation 203:

Regulation 204:

Regulation 205:

Regulation 212:

Regulation 222:


Courses information sheets

SP 2.2. Študijný program je spracovaný v súlade s poslaním a strategickými cieľmi vysokej školy, určenými v dlhodobom zámere vysokej školy.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

"The strategic goal of the University of Žilina is its formation as a modern educational and internationally recognized scientific research institution and its further development based on traditions and a creative concept of scientific, educational, cultural and humanizing mission, with high prestige and a leading place among European universities and in the wider global space, with the ability to react in advance and adequately to the rapidly changing real environment and the demands of practice, using its innovative potential for the development of the region, Slovakia and the European Union, developing the human potential and other resources of the University, while continuously ensuring the quality of creative activity and higher education and achieving the highest possible level of satisfaction of students and their future employers. " The study programme is developed by the above strategic goal of UNIZA, the vision, mission and strategic goals of the faculty, whose activities are directed to the field of security and safety.

In the „Security Management“ study programme the strategic goal is education and research in the area of protection of persons, property and information, risk and incident management, methods and technics, continuity of activities,  anti-corruption management systems, health and safety at work, crime prevention and counter-terrorism, object protection systems (alarm systems, barriers, guards/physical protection, organizational and regime measures, projecting), information security management systems (cyber security, personal data protection, protection of classified information, security of banks' information systems), information security architecture (information technology, computer networks, information network security, security incident management), criminalistics / forensics (criminalistics tactics, technique and methodology), security forces (e.g. private security services, detective services).

Odkazy na dôkazy

UNIZA long-term plan

 FSE UNIZA long-term plan 

SP 2.3. Sú určené osoby zodpovedné za uskutočňovanie, rozvoj a zabezpečovanie kvality študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

According to accreditation standards requirements and UNIZAs internal rules are identified persons responsible for study programme implementation, development and quality assurance.

General guarantor is appointed on the proposal of the Dean, after discussion in the College and after approval by the Faculty's Scientific Council. General guarantor has primary responsibility for study programme implementation, development and quality assurance. The study programme general guarantor is a member of the Council of Faculty Guarantors and, at the same time, the chairman of the Board of the study programme. The study programme also has 4 other persons, the so-called co-guarantors, who, following the standards for the study programme, guarantee profile courses and are responsible for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study programme.

Study programme general guarantor is prof. Ing. Tomáš Loveček, PhD., co-guarantors are doc. Ing. Andrej Veľas, PhD., doc. Ing. Katarína Kampová, PhD., prof. Ing. Zdeněk Dvořák, PhD., Ing. Lucia Figuli, PhD.

Profile courses, which are provided by the guarantors in doctoral studies, are Integrated Management System, Modelling and Simulation of Object Protection Systems, Theory of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience, Reliability and Effectiveness of Technical Systems for the Protection of Persons and Property, Technical Security of Objects.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Transcript of the Dean's Colleges (stored at the Dean's Office)

Transcripts of the Faculty's Scientific Council

 Appointment decrees (copies deposited in the Dean's Office)

Dean's Statements: the Council of Faculty Guarantors

Study Programmes Councils

Regulation UNIZA No. 214 Štruktúry vnútorného systému kvality:

 Scientific/artistic and pedagogical characteristics of teachers:

 Study programme description 

SP 2.4. Do prípravy návrhu študijného programu sú zapojení študenti, zamestnávatelia a ďalšie zainteresované strany.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

In addition to those responsible for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study programme, representatives of students, employers and other stakeholders (alumni) are involved in the preparation of the proposal for the alignment of the study programme. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

Transcripts of the Faculty's Scientific Council

 Appointment decrees (copies deposited in the Dean's Office) 

 Transcripts of the study program board   (copies deposited in the profile department)

 Study programmes Councils

Statements of practice authorities. 


SP 2.5. Študijný program je priradený k študijnému odboru a je zdôvodnená miera jeho obsahovej zhody s príslušným študijným odborom. V prípade študijných programov v kombinácii dvoch študijných odborov alebo ak ide o interdisciplinárne štúdiá, je študijný program priradený k príslušným študijným odborom a je zdôvodnená miera jeho obsahovej zhody s príslušnými študijnými odbormi.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The study programme is assigned to the Security and Safety Science field of study. Main topics of the Security and Safety Science field of study core of knowledge are the protection of persons, property and information, security management, project management, civil security and civil protection, risk management and crisis management, rescue services, forensic engineering, theory of police sciences, criminology and criminalistics, security public administration services, occupational health and safety, fire protection, technological safety. The core themes of the field of study include knowledge of relevant areas of law, in particular criminal, police and administrative law.

The University has set rules for the development of recommended curricula for degree programmes. These rules imply that the courses of the core knowledge topics of the field of study must account for at least 60% of the ECTS credits. There is explicitly stated whether a given subject is a core subject in the study plan and also in the course information sheet.

 The external form of study is organized in such a way that the time intensity of study according to the recommended study plan corresponds to the work of a student in the range of 1560 hours per academic year (according to the requirements of the University Act §60, ods.2). The total time burden of the student is indicated in the course information sheet. The total time burden consists of direct teaching (direct coursework) and other activities defined for the successful fulfilment of the educational objective of the course. The total number of credits in the PhD's degree is at least 180 ECTS. The core courses in the  PhD's  degree 170 ECTS (94 %).


Odkazy na dôkazy

Annex No.1 of the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic No. 244/2019 Coll. on the system of fields of study of the Slovak Republic.

Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic No. 614/2002 Coll. on the credit system of studies

Article 3 of Regulation No. 203 Rules for the creation of recommended study plans for study programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina

 Study programme description

 Courses information sheets  

SP 2.6. V študijnom programe je jasne špecifikovaná a komunikovaná úroveň kvalifikácie, ktorú získavajú študenti jeho úspešným absolvovaním, pričom kvalifikácia zodpovedá príslušnej úrovni vzdelania podľa kvalifikačného rámca.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The level of qualification that students will obtain by completing the doctoral programme in Security Management study programme is specified in the "Description of the study programme". 

In particular:

 Point 2 Graduate profile and learning objectives, letter b) Professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of graduation.

 The qualification corresponds to the expectations of the practice that are declared by National qualifications framework SR, National Employment Standard, National Employment System, Job catalogue and other public portals such as the Employment Register ( ).

University confirms the successful completion of the study programme by awarding an academic degree and issuance of a university diploma. The university also confirms the successful completion of the study programme by issuing further documentation explaining the qualification obtained, including the learning outcomes achieved, the context, level and content of the completed studies. Documents of the completion of the doctoral studies of the Security Management study programme in the Security and Safety Sciences field of study are university diploma, state examination certificate and diploma supplement (according to the University Act §68).

The third level of study focuses on narrower specialization and deepening of theoretical and scientific knowledge of professional training in the field of protection of persons, property and information. Graduates find employment at all universities where study programmes in the field of Security and Safety Sciences are carried out, either as university lecturers or as researchers. Due to the extensive and interdisciplinary acquisition of knowledge and laboratory skills, graduates find employment in various positions in organizational units,( e.g. Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, the Police Force, the National Security Authority, Slovak Information Service, National Security Analytical Centre, Cybersecurity Competence and Certification Centre). Graduates are primarily employed in improving the level of protection of persons, property and information.

In the private sector, they are employed as research, development and professional staff in organisations participating in domestic and international grant schemes (e.g. Horizon Europe - Secure societies, DG Migration and Home Affairs, DG for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, Security Research of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic). They can also be employed as research, development and professional staff in organisations focused on research, development and production of new security technologies, or in organisations carrying out testing and certification of elements of security systems. 


Odkazy na dôkazy 

SP 2.7. V študijnom programe je jasne špecifikovaný profil absolventa, pričom v jeho rámci sú prostredníctvom deskriptorov vymedzené a komunikované výstupy vzdelávania, ktoré sú verifikovateľné a zodpovedajú poslaniu vysokej školy, príslušnému stupňu kvalifikačného rámca a oblasti poznania podľa príslušného študijného odboru alebo kombinácie študijných odborov, v ktorých ich absolventi získajú vysokoškolské vzdelanie.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

In the Security Management study programme, the profile of the graduate is clearly specified in the description of the study programme.  The profile of the graduate is specified concerning the relevant level of the qualification framework, the description of the study programme (defined by the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Science and Higher Education of the Slovak Republic) and the employability of graduates on the labour market (statistics of Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, the faculty's own surveys). The structure and content of compulsory courses and compulsory elective courses and other educational activities of the study programme Security Management provide to get knowledge, skills and competencies as well as transferable competencies that enable professional and personal development of students.

Learning outcomes are explicitly defined in the study programme description and verifiable by defined methods and forms of learning and assessment of results, which are specified in the course information sheets. Learning outcomes corresponds to the mission of the University, degree of the qualification framework SKKR 6/7 and areas of knowledge of the Security and Safety Sciences field of study. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

Study programme description 

 Courses information sheets 

 Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic 

SP 2.8. Výstupy vzdelávania a kvalifikácia získaná absolvovaním študijného programu napĺňa sektorovo-špecifické odborné očakávania na výkon povolania. V študijnom programe sú indikované povolania, na výkon ktorých je potrebná získaná kvalifikácia. Tieto skutočnosti sú potvrdené vyjadreniami relevantných externých zainteresovaných strán alebo súhlasným stanoviskom právnickej osoby uvedenej v opise príslušného študijného odboru, ak si to opis vyžaduje, alebo súhlasným stanoviskom príslušného ministerstva na uskutočňovanie študijného programu, ak ide o štátnu vysokú školu, resp. o kvalifikáciu pre výkon regulovaných povolaní.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The student fulfils the sector-specific professional expectations for the performance of professions, which are specified in the "Description of the study programme", especially in point 2 "Graduate profile and educational objectives" in letter b) "Indicated professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of graduation" by graduating the study programme. These are presented below.

The above is confirmed by the statements of the relevant external stakeholders with the written concurring opinion of the selected authorities. The authorities are listed in the 'Description of the study programme', specifically in point 2 'Graduate profile and learning objectives' under (c) 'Relevant external stakeholders'. Relevant external stakeholders have provided a statement or an opinion of agreement of the qualification's relevance to the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

Presentation of acquired qualifications www.sustavapovolani.sk ,  

Odkazy na dôkazy  

SP 2.9. Odborný obsah, štruktúra a sekvencia profilových študijných predmetov a ďalších vzdelávacích činností študijného programu a podmienky na úspešné ukončenie štúdia umožňujú dosahovanie výstupov vzdelávania uvedených v profile absolventa a zaručujú prístup k aktuálnym vedomostiam, zručnostiam a kompetentnostiam vrátane prenositeľných spôsobilostí, ktoré ovplyvňujú osobný rozvoj študentov a môžu byť využité v ich budúcom kariérnom uplatnení a v živote ako aktívnych občanov v demokratických spoločnostiach. V prípade profesijne orientovaných bakalárskych študijných programov je obsah študijného programu zostavený tak, aby umožňoval dosiahnuť zamestnávateľmi očakávané výstupy vzdelávania s akcentom na rozvoj praktických profesijných zručností v príslušnom odvetví hospodárstva alebo spoločenskej praxe.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Achieving the learning outcomes listed in the graduate profile of the doctoral study programme Security Management is ensured through the established structure and content of compulsory and compulsory elective courses as well as other educational activities of the study programme (professional courses, foreign internships), which guarantee graduates access to professional knowledge, skills and competences (competences), including transferable competences. The development of professional and personal competencies enables the broad application of graduates within the profession but also their further development in relation to specific conditions and situations in their career as active citizens who will create values in democratic societies. Explicitly defined goals and learning outcomes, rules and conditions for successful completion of studies enable students to study effectively and of high quality, to carry out pedagogical activities and research activities within the framework of doctoral studies.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Study Plan

Courses information sheets 

Study programme description 

Regulation 110:

10122020_S-110-2013-Studijny-poriadok-PhD-v-zneni-D1-a-D3.pdf (  

SP 2.10. Študijný program má stanovenú štandardnú dĺžku štúdia, určenú pracovnú záťaž pre jednotlivé študijné predmety vyjadrenú v ECTS kreditoch a počet hodín kontaktnej výučby s výnimkou, ak to nevyžaduje povaha vzdelávacej činnosti. Štandardná dĺžka štúdia, pracovná záťaž a počet hodín kontaktnej výučby umožňujú dosiahnutie výstupov vzdelávania a zodpovedajú forme študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The study programme has a set standard length of study, a specified workload for individual courses expressed in ECTS credits and the number of hours of direct teaching. This is defined by the University Act, the requirements of accreditation standards, the UNIZA Study Regulations (Regulation 110) and the rules for the development of recommended study plans (Regulation 203). All this information is provided in the study plans of individual study programmes, which are published on the faculty's website and in the e-education information system.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Regulation 110: 10122020_S-110-2013-Studijny-poriadok-PhD-v-zneni-D1-a-D3.pdf (


SP 2.11. V prípade profesijne orientovaných bakalárskych študijných programov je súčasťou ich obsahu povinná odborná prax študentov v zmluvne spolupracujúcej organizácii v celkovom rozsahu aspoň jeden semester, ktorej účelom je rozvoj praktických profesijných zručností. Odborná prax umožňuje študentovi vykonávať činnosti, prostredníctvom ktorých si osvojí pracovné postupy typické pre príslušnú úroveň kvalifikácie a príslušný študijný odbor, má možnosť podieľať sa na odborných procesoch, projektoch a prostredníctvom konkrétnych úloh nadobúdať vedomosti, zručnosti a kompetentnosti relevantné pre výkon príslušných profesií. Odborná prax môže byť uskutočnená ako súvislá alebo rozdelená na viacero kratších časových období v nadväznosti na potreby príslušného študijného programu a podmienky spolupracujúcej organizácie, v ktorej sa odborná prax uskutočňuje.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

It is not a career-oriented study programme. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

SP 2.12. Študijný program má jednoznačne určenú úroveň a povahu tvorivých činností, vyžadovanú na úspešné ukončenie štúdia, najmä vo väzbe na záverečnú prácu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Creative activity is an integral part of profile courses, core courses and other courses within the study programme. These creative activities are declared mainly by semestral works, projects, case studies and other assignments during the study. The level, nature and method of assessment of creative activities during studies are further defined in the course information sheets. The student will demonstrate the level of creative activity acquired during his/her studies in the final thesis. The requirements for the final thesis are defined in the study regulation (Regulation 110, Article 11). The dissertation must include a quality analysis of the problem under study, an original proposal for a solution to the problem (in a broader context beyond the field), the results, its evaluation and verification, discussion and conclusions, indicating what new knowledge for the further development of science, technology and practice the dissertation brings. The student of the 3rd degree of study must demonstrate in the final thesis that he/she can formulate a scientific problem, scientific questions and a scientific hypothesis based on the knowledge of the highest level of development in the given field of security and safety. The PhD student can apply the methods of theoretical and empirical research with the subsequent use of exact scientific methods, to increase the knowledge of theoretical and applied research in security and safety sciences.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Courses information sheets

Final Thesis:

Regulation 110:

II. Samohodnotenie štandardu 3 – Schvaľovanie študijného programu

SP 3.1. Študijný program je schválený v súlade s formalizovanými procesmi vnútorného systému a je zaručené nezávislé, nezaujaté, objektívne, odborne fundované, transparentné a spravodlivé posúdenie návrhu a schválenie študijného programu, do ktorého sú zapojení študenti, zamestnávatelia a ďalšie zainteresované strany. Je zaručené, že osoby posudzujúce a schvaľujúce študijný program sú iné ako osoby, ktoré pripravujú návrh študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The study programme is approved by the internal university's formalised processes. The processes involve students, employers and other relevant parties. The process ensures that those reviewing and approving the programme of study are different from those drafting the programme of study.

The above processes are within the competence of the Accreditation Council, which is the highest decision-making body within the framework of quality assurance of university education, accreditation of study programmes, habilitation procedures and procedures for the appointment of professors at UNIZA. Members of the Accreditation Council are two academic employees from outside UNIZA (min. one works at a foreign university), two external members from the employers (they are not involved in the educational process and research activities UNIZA), two members from the student representatives. The Statute of the Accreditation Council (Regulation 210, Article 4 and Article 5) defines additional criteria for its members to ensure an independent, impartial, objective, professional, transparent and fair assessment of the proposal and approval of the study programme.   

Odkazy na dôkazy

Regulation 210:

 Regulation 222:

III. Samohodnotenie štandardu 4 – Učenie sa, vyučovanie a hodnotenie orientované na študenta

SP 4.1. Pravidlá, formy a metódy vyučovania, učenia sa a hodnotenia študijných výsledkov v študijnom programe umožňujú dosahovanie výstupov vzdelávania pri rešpektovaní rozmanitosti študentov a ich potrieb.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The diversity of a student's needs can be viewed from different perspectives, e.g. according to preferred learning style, in terms of interests and aspirations, personal characteristics. It may depend on the student's various backgrounds, life, social and health situations.

FSE UNIZA identifies the diverse needs and requirements of applicants and students and uses forms, methods and tools for teaching, learning and assessment of learning outcomes that enable the achievement of learning outcomes while respecting the diverse needs of students. The criterion is met at different levels based on the different typology and diversity of students. In terms of the diversity of interest in studying individual subjects in a given study program, in addition to compulsory subjects, compulsory elective courses are provided within the study (curriculum), which students choose to achieve the prescribed number of credits needed to advance to the next year. Compulsory elective courses are in accordance with the focus of the doctoral student's dissertation. This opportunity supports the diverse professional orientations of future FBI UNIZA graduates, their personal and career development within the Department of Security Sciences. This is also supported by the possibility of applying and compiling an individual study plan based on the acceptance of diverse situations and current needs of students. Rules, forms and methods of teaching, learning and evaluation of learning outcomes are applied and are taken into account with considerable consideration in the design of the study program, where the results of feedback from students are used for this purpose (eg questionnaire surveys, student suggestions, etc. .). Based on the teacher's experience and interaction with individual students, various forms, methods and tools of teaching and assessment and motivating supportive learning methods are applied.

Based on the existence and implementation of some diagnostic tools, such as the above-mentioned questionnaires, university lecturers choose appropriate forms and methods of teaching and assessment of learning outcomes. In applying them, assistance and cooperation of students in higher levels of study are effectively used. To apply the rules, forms and implementation of appropriate tools and methods of teaching, learning and assessment of learning outcomes in the study programme, which enable the achievement of learning outcomes while respecting the diversity of students and their needs, recruited lecturers to undergo 'adaptation training'. (Adaptive training topics aimed at supporting the achievement of this indicator: Personality of the university student. Diagnosis of learning styles approaches to learning of students and possibilities of creating appropriate conditions for education of students with different learning styles, approaches to learning. Specificities of adult education. Psychodidactic knowledge about student learning and teaching. Students with special educational needs and gifted students.)

FSE UNIZA, in addition to considering diversity in teaching, learning and assessment of learning outcomes, also takes into account the diversity of students' needs and the diversity of applicants and students with specific needs, e.g. in the implementation of the admission procedure, state final examinations, etc. Professional supervision in the application and implementation of rules, methods and forms of teaching, learning and assessment of learning outcomes for students with specific needs are provided by the Faculty Coordinator. In addition to the Vice-Dean for Education, tutors, faculty academic advisors and/or educational assistants may also be involved in the teaching and learning process and its modification, with recommendations and guidelines, where necessary.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Study programme study plans with individual trajectories

Regulation 110: 10122020_S-110-2013-Studijny-poriadok-PhD-v-zneni-D1-a-D3.pdf (

Regulation č. 206 Zásady a pravidlá prijímacieho konania na štúdium na Žilinskej univerzite v Žiline, Article. 2

Regulation č. 198 Podpora uchádzačov o štúdium a študentov so špecifickými potrebami na Žilinskej univerzite v Žiline

Statute of the Faculty of Security Engineering, Article 7

Students with specific needs - study, conditions, support services, documents
Student support and cooperation with upper-level students

 Faculty coordinator for work with students with specific needs, tutors, study advisors

Long-term plan of FSE UNIZA for the years 2021 - 2027, paragraph Education, Work environment, Indicators

Assessment methods, forms and tools - course information sheets

SP 4.2. Je umožnená flexibilita trajektórií učenia sa a dosahovania výstupov vzdelávania. Študijný program umožňuje zodpovedajúce vzdelávanie sa mimo vysokej školy v domácich a zahraničných inštitúciách, najmä prostredníctvom podpory mobilít. Výsledky tohto vzdelávania sú uznávané vysokou školou.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

To promote flexibility in learning and the achievement of learning outcomes, a student may undertake part of the study according to an approved study plan outside the faculty (on foreign university/faculty). Completion of part of the study at another university is conditional upon application for exchange study and confirmation of acceptance by the partner institution (foreign mobility or internship), the agreement between the partner institutions on the study (in the case of cooperation between UNIZA and another partner institution), the agreement between the partner institutions on the study (in the case of cooperation between UNIZA and another partner institution, which has an accredited study programme in a given field of study or a similar field of study at the foreign partner institution and which has a certified/accredited internal quality system for higher education or in accordance with ESG 2015), a statement of the results of the study. Courses taken at another university or in another study programme are recognised at the faculty by the vice-dean based on an application, which includes a transcript of study results, information sheets or syllabi of completed courses. The course grade and the date of the course grade will be recorded into the information system. The application and the related documentation become part of the student's study file kept by the Education Office. Credits earned for successful completion of the course may be counted towards the overall credit total up to 3 years after the date of completion of the course.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Records of student mobility (International Relations and Marketing Office)

Regulation 219:

Regulation 110: 10122020_S-110-2013-Studijny-poriadok-PhD-v-zneni-D1-a-D3.pdf (

SP 4.3. Používané formy a metódy vyučovania, učenia sa a hodnotenia študijných výsledkov stimulujú študentov prijímať aktívnu rolu v procese učenia sa a rozvoji akademickej kariéry. Študenti sú zapájaní do tvorivých činností vysokej školy primerane vo vzťahu k výstupom vzdelávania a úrovni kvalifikačného rámca študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The policies, structures and processes of teaching, learning and assessment of learning outcomes applied in the study programme encourage the active role, autonomy and autonomy of students in education and in the learning process. The applied forms, methods and tools of teaching, learning and evaluation of learning outcomes stimulate students to take an active role in the learning process and in the development of academic careers. This approach is also reflected in student assessment. Faculty policies, structures, and processes reinforce students' sense of autonomy, independence, and self-esteem in achieving learning goals and outcomes. The university has tools that help students personalize the goals of education and independently manage and verify their own progress in achieving individual learning outcomes through self-assessment tools. The policies, structures and processes of the faculty lead to the strengthening of students' internal motivation to constantly improve, overcome obstacles and achieve the required results in creating outputs and achieving educational goals. Students are adequately involved in creative activities in relation to the learning outcomes and the level of the qualification framework of the study program.

The autonomy and independence of students is supported and implemented in several ways, e.g. when choosing compulsory elective courses, or choosing a foreign internship. Students are motivated to take an active role in the process of teaching, learning and evaluation of learning outcomes, e.g. various forms of motivational scholarships (merit, extraordinary), awarding the Rector's Prize for excellent achievement and study results. Students are supported in participating in the internal grant scheme of UNIZA, in the creation of local associations and organizations, whose focus and scope creates a significant intersection with the issues studied in the study program. The faculty creates conditions not only for membership in student organizations, but also for organizing various autonomous sports, cultural and social events.

In the implementation of the study program at the faculty, the active role, autonomy and independence of students in education are encouraged through the recommendation of the implementation of various forms of subjects, e.g. project-oriented teaching of subjects that support the solution of students' own ideas using original approaches in groups or individually. As part of the student competition of student university professional activities, students have the opportunity to present their own projects, where the first three places are financially evaluated and associated with other benefits. Students are also involved in the scientific research activities of the department, in national and international projects, in the publication of newly acquired knowledge, experimentally acquired knowledge, etc. Support autonomy and taking an active role in the teaching and learning process often results in significant improvements for the benefit of students, achieving outstanding results in presentations of acquired knowledge, skills or competencies at faculty, university, interuniversity, national and international levels (eg Literary Fund Award SR), National Award of the Slovak Republic for the quality of the diploma thesis, awards at international competitions in firefighting - obtaining the title of world champion, winning the award "ambassadors of science and technology", where students are recognized for a significant number of subjects completed at another foreign university. The forms and methods of teaching, learning and evaluation of learning outcomes, which stimulate students to take an active role in the learning process and in the development of academic careers, are used by all teachers for individual subjects listed in the course information sheets.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Student Awards

reviews of significant final theses

Student scientific and professional activity Faculty of security engineering UNIZA

methods, forms and tools of evaluation - information sheets of individual subjects,

Erasmus+ mobility at Faculty of security engineering UNIZA

Directive no. 219 Mobility of students and staff of the University of Žilina abroad

Directive 110: 10122020_S-110-2013-Studijny-poriadok-PhD-v-zneni-D1-a-D3.pdf (

Scholarship regulations 1a2.pdf

Extraordinary scholarships awarded

The price of the rector


Directive no. 217 Resources to support educational, creative and other related activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina

Directive 220.

220 Evaluation of creative activity of employees in relation to quality assurance of education at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 6

SP 4.4. V rámci študijného programu je posilňovaný zmysel pre autonómiu, samostatnosť a sebahodnotenie a zároveň je študentom poskytované primerané vedenie a podpora učiteľov založená na vzájomnom rešpekte a úcte.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The policies, structures and processes of teaching, learning and self-assessment applied in the study program encourage the active role, autonomy and independence of students. Students are provided with appropriate guidance and support from teachers, while the faculty support mutual respect in the student-teacher relationship. The policies, structures and processes applied at the faculty shift the role of the teacher from the provider of educational content to the student's guide in the process of achieving educational outcomes. The development of an equal partnership between all subjects of education is one of the basic principles of the proper functioning of the FBI UNIZA's internal quality system. Mutual respect in the teacher-student relationship is ensured by the application of ethical principles enshrined in the code of ethics and the long-term intention of the faculty, which emphasizes tolerance and mutual respect of researchers and students, collegiality and team spirit in pedagogical and scientific work while respecting responsibility and copyright all parties involved. In addition to adequate student guidance in the pedagogical process, support from teachers, e.g. consultation hours. In building and consolidating an equal partnership between teacher and student, there are structures in the faculty (dean, vice-dean for education, guarantor of the study program, tutors of individual years, study advisors) to explain the individual rights and obligations of both stakeholders, thus creating suitable environment for the appropriate solution of various situations in the teacher-student relationship. In case of non-application of the principles of mutual respect, the student and the teacher have the opportunity to solve it by submitting an application.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Long-term plan of the Faculty of security engineering UNIZA for the years 2021 - 2027, paragraph Values / Principles

tutors of individual years, study advisors

Directive no. 207 Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina, Art. 4

Directive no. 201 Disciplinary Code

Directive no. 101

10122020_S-110-2013-Studijny-poriadok-PhD-v-zneni-D1-a-D3.pdf (

teachers' consultation hours  

SP 4.5. Študijný program je uskutočňovaný spôsobom, ktorý posilňuje vnútornú motiváciu študentov neustále sa zdokonaľovať, vedie k dodržiavaniu princípov akademickej etiky alebo profesijnej etiky, ak ide o profesijne orientovaný bakalársky študijný program.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The faculty has policies, structures and processes that strengthen students' internal motivation to continuously improve in the acquisition of new knowledge, practical skills and competencies and at the same time lead them to achieve the set goals of education by adhering to the principles of academic ethics. The forms and methods of teaching, learning and assessment used at the faculty stimulate students to constantly improve, but the faculty has identified risks of unethical behavior and their impact on student progress and compliance with the required educational goals and takes preventive measures. Faculty of security engineering UNIZA consistently ensures equal access to education for all groups of applicants and deepens the ethics and culture of academic life.

The faculty supports and motivates students and staff to create an environment with high academic ethics and a high quality culture of all activities and to perceive the belonging of members of the academic community and other faculty staff. The UNIZA Code of Ethics, the UNIZA Disciplinary Code, the UNIZA Study Regulations, etc. serve to achieve and fulfill this fact.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Records of the faculty disciplinary committee meetings

Faculty of security engineering UNIZA Disciplinary Board

Directive no. 207 Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina

Directive no. 110 

SP 4.6. Študijný program má stanovené a vopred zverejnené pravidlá, kritériá a metódy hodnotenia študijných výsledkov v študijnom programe. Výsledky hodnotenia musia byť zaznamenané, dokumentované a archivované.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The faculty has established rules, criteria and methods for the evaluation of study results for the study program. The results of the evaluation are recorded, documented and each teacher has them archived for the subject in electronic or and physical form. The curriculum sets out the form of the final assessment of the subject and the number of ECTS obtained. The results of the course and the conditions for completing the course and methods of evaluation of the achieved study results are listed in the information sheets of the course, which specifies the method of continuous and overall evaluation of the course, point evaluation of individual parts and tasks, percentage weight for a partial task. The AIVS electronic system, the MOODLE system, and the MS Teams system are used to electronically document the achieved educational results and their evaluation. Verification of the acquired knowledge, skills and competences in the subject, the rules of evaluation of the achieved study results and the rules of registration of the evaluation are set out in the Faculty of security engineering UNIZA study regulations. The faculty also has established rules for commission examinations and rules for compiling examination commissions for state final examinations. All outputs of the doctoral student during the evaluation during the study are archived in the personal file of the doctoral student in accordance with the applicable legislation in accordance with Article 17 of Directive no. 204 The rules for the creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programs at the University of Žilina in Žilina must be accessible for inspection if necessary.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Archiving of achieved educational results in the personal file of the doctoral student

UNIZA study regulations for the 3rd level of university

AIVS system

MOODLE system

MS Teams

 methods, forms and tools of evaluation - information sheets of individual subjects

SP 4.7. Metódy a kritériá hodnotenia sú vopred známe a prístupné študentom; sú zahrnuté v jednotlivých častiach/predmetoch/moduloch programu a sú vhodné na spravodlivé, konzistentné, transparentné overenie získaných vedomostí, zručností a spôsobilostí.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Assessment methods and criteria during the study are primarily tied to the subjects and are defined in the study plans and in the information sheets of individual subjects. They are known in advance and accessible to students. Depending on the set goals and results of education in the subjects, the continuous and final evaluation of the subjects can be e.g. elaboration of the assignment, project, presentation of the results of the assigned tasks, etc. Verification of the acquired knowledge, skills and competences in the subject is performed by the teachers on the basis of predefined criteria and using established assessment methods.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Subject information sheets

Directive no. 110:  

SP 4.8. Hodnotenie poskytuje študentom spoľahlivú spätnú väzbu na zistenie miery plnenia výstupov vzdelávania, ktorá je v prípade potreby spätá s poradenstvom v oblasti napredovania v štúdiu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Completion of the course is classified by grade or verbal evaluation.
The grade expresses the result of the evaluation in accordance with the aim and content of the course, as well as the learning outcomes stated in the information sheet of the course, as well as the student's ability to apply the acquired knowledge. The student must demonstrate competence, which is the result of a complex of knowledge, skills and attitudes that the student has acquired through formal and non-formal education and informal learning during the acquisition of their own practical experience. Competences together with knowledge and skills serve as structural characteristics of learning outcomes for the subject. Grading is performed according to the classification scale with grades A to FX. All requirements, conditions, methods and evaluation criteria of individual parts of the course are defined in the information sheet of the course and are accessible to students.
The student will receive the verbal evaluation completed after fulfilling the conditions for successful completion of the course. Conditions for successful completion of the course are listed in the information sheets.
Feedback on the degree of fulfillment of individual outputs is provided to students continuously using several forms (by mutual agreement of students with the teacher): enrollment in the e-learning system, enrollment in the moodle system, in the MS Teams system. The teacher is obliged to keep and keep records of the evaluation of secured subjects.
To ensure a better degree of fulfillment of learning outcomes, students can also use the counseling / consultations of teachers, which are published on the faculty's website.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Subject information sheets

Directive no. 110: 

Consultation hours: 

SP 4.9. Ak to okolnosti umožňujú, hodnotenie študentov študijného programu vykonáva viacero učiteľov.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The evaluation of students in the third-degree study program is carried out by several persons in accordance with the applicable rules. This also guarantees an appropriate degree of objectivity of the evaluation. The professional subjects of the core of the study department in the study plan completed by the examination have the character of a state examination and the level of their completion is assessed by a commission consisting of: the subject teacher, at least two members of the working group working group and the doctoral student supervisor. The tutor does not have the right to participate in the evaluation of the subject.

Courses that are not included in the core of the field of study are usually provided by one teacher and the assessment is also carried out. In case of disagreement with the proposed evaluation of the teacher, the student has the right to request a correction of the evaluation, immediately request the opinion of the teacher, who is obliged to explain the evaluation. If the student does not agree with this explanation, he / she is entitled to request the opinion of the Vice-Dean for Science and Research, who will provide it in cooperation with the guarantor of the study program. The student can apply for a commission exam only if UNIZA's internal regulations have been violated during the course evaluation process. The multi-member examination commission for the commission examination is appointed by the dean in cooperation with the guarantor of the study program.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Teachers and guarantors - information sheets of individual subjects

Test reports - stored at the Safety Research Office

AIVS system 

Directive no. 209 Study regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university studies at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 9, Art. 10   

SP 4.10. Študenti majú možnosť využiť prostriedky nápravy voči výsledkom svojho hodnotenia, pričom je zaručené spravodlivé zaobchádzanie so žiadateľmi o nápravu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The evaluation of students in the third-degree study program is carried out by several persons in accordance with the applicable rules. This also guarantees an appropriate degree of objectivity of the evaluation. The professional subjects of the core of the study department in the study plan completed by the examination have the character of a state examination and the level of their completion is assessed by a commission consisting of: the subject teacher, at least two members of the working group working group and the doctoral student supervisor. The tutor does not have the right to participate in the evaluation of the subject.

Subjects that are not included in the core of the field of study are usually provided by one teacher, who also carries out the assessment. In case of disagreement with the proposed evaluation of the teacher, the student has the right to request a correction of the evaluation, immediately request the opinion of the teacher, who is obliged to explain the evaluation. If the student does not agree with this explanation, he / she is entitled to request the opinion of the Vice-Dean for Science and Research, who will provide it in cooperation with the guarantor of the study program. The student can apply for a commission exam only if UNIZA's internal regulations have been violated during the course evaluation process. The multi-member examination commission for the commission examination is appointed by the dean in cooperation with the guarantor of the study program.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Teachers and guarantors - information sheets of individual subjects

Test reports - stored at the Safety Research Office

AIVS system 

Directive no. 209 Study regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university studies at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 9, Art. 10

IV. Samohodnotenie štandardu 5 – Prijímacie konanie, priebeh štúdia, uznávanie vzdelania

SP 5.1. Študijný program sa uskutočňuje podľa vopred definovaných a verejne ľahko prístupných pravidiel štúdia vo všetkých fázach študijného cyklu, ktorými sú prijímacie konanie, priebeh a hodnotenie štúdia, uznávanie vzdelania, ukončenie štúdia, udeľovanie titulu a vydávanie diplomu a ďalších dokladov o získanom vzdelaní. Zohľadňujú sa osobitosti vyplývajúce zo špecifických potrieb študentov.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

FSE UNIZA possesses and upholds its own policies, structures and processes for all phases of study. Internal quality system processes contain consistent and easily, publicly accessible rules of study in all phases of study cycle ( admission procedure, process and evaluation of achieved study results, progression to further study phase, recognition of education, end of studies, awarding the title, issue of diplomas and other documents of aquired education). Criteria for progressing of students to further parts of study are appropriately selective in order to stop progression, end of education or part of students education in case they do not have required knowledge, skills and competence. Rules are publicly accessible to all sides of study program.

The student's study cycle is organizationally connected with the department for science and research, where, in addition to electronic records, the paper files of each student as well as the graduates of the study program are archived. The study cycle is governed by the study regulations of the faculty. The conditions of the admission procedure and the planned numbers of students in the study program are approved by the AS of the faculty and published within the legal deadlines. Admission commissions are appointed for the study program. An overview of students' studies is available in the AIVS system. In the whole life cycle of the student and in all phases of the study cycle, the peculiarities resulting from the specific needs of students are taken into account (more information in SP 4.1.)

Odkazy na dôkazy

Statute FSE UNIZA čl. 6

Study regulation UNIZA for 3. degree study at university

the rights to be awarded by the Ministry

conditions of admission procedure and study at FSE UNIZA

records of FSE UNIZA Academic Senate meetings

records of state exams

records of the course, completion of individual phases and the completion of studies of students of the study programs and records of interruptions resp. abandoned studies are kept at the Department of Science and Research

AIVS system

Methodical guidelines on the principles and rules of the admission procedure for the study programs of the Faculty of Safety Engineering of the University of Žilina in Žilina

information sheets of individual subjects for Students with special needs

Directive no. 198 Support for applicants and students with special needs at the University of Žilina in Žilina

Directive no. 206 Principles and rules of the admission procedure for studies at the University of Žilina in Žilina

SP 5.2. V študijnom programe sú jasne špecifikované požiadavky na uchádzačov a spôsob ich výberu, ktoré zodpovedajú úrovni kvalifikačného rámca. Prijímacie konanie je spoľahlivé, spravodlivé a transparentné. Kritériá a požiadavky na uchádzačov sú vopred zverejnené a ľahko prístupné. Podmienky prijímacieho konania sú inkluzívne a zaručujú rovnaké príležitosti každému uchádzačovi, ktorý preukáže potrebné predpoklady na absolvovanie štúdia. Výber uchádzačov je založený na zodpovedajúcich metódach posudzovania ich spôsobilosti na štúdium.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The admission procedure at FSE UNIZA is reliable, which means that only applicants with the necessary skills and prerequisites to advance in the study are admitted to the study. Applicants who meet the requirements of the applicant and have the necessary knowledge, skills and competence are admitted to study. The necessary skills and prerequisites for admission are part of the descriptions of study programs. The outputs of the admission procedure provide reliable information for the decision-making of the faculty on the admission of the applicant and also for the decision-making of the applicant on entering the study program. The dean of the faculty decides on admission based on the order of students according to the number of points obtained for the entrance exam (mathematics, verbal or language part, motivational interview). The admission procedure at FSE UNIZA is fair and candidates with the best results are admitted to study at the faculty. The conditions of the admission procedure are inclusive and guarantee equal opportunities for every applicant who demonstrates the necessary prerequisites for graduation. The invitation to the entrance examinations contains the same and all relevant information for the admission procedure. The independence of the admission procedure is guaranteed, the same criteria, procedures, evaluation and selection methods are guaranteed for each candidate. The transparency of the admission procedure is ensured by public access to the conditions, criteria, methods and procedures for the admission and selection of candidates. All data are published in the document Conditions of admission to study at FSE UNIZA. It is possible to verify the course and results of the admission procedure and the impartiality of decision-making during the admission procedure is guaranteed. Each applicant for studies at the faculty has secured timely access to the documentation of his / her admission procedure, and upon request, the documentation of the admission procedure is provided to the applicant. The applicant's participation in the school or persons close to the training provided, or the applicant's other relationship with the university, does not affect the admission decision-making process. The applicant's prerequisites are assessed by the admissions committee for the given study program appointed by the dean of the faculty. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

conditions of admission procedure and study at FSE UNIZA

study applications

dean's orders


Annual report FSE UNIZA

Section 1.2.5 - Admission Procedure

Section 1.2.6 - Statistical overview of the admission procedure 

Study regulation UNIZA for 3. degree study at university

public invitation to DOD with information about SP

Thesis of admission procedures

Methodical guidelines on the principles and rules of the admission procedure for the study programs of the Faculty of Safety Engineering of the University of Žilina in Žilina
Directive no. 206 Principles and rules of the admission procedure for studies at the University of Žilina in Žilina 

SP 5.3. Pravidlá uskutočňovania študijného programu upravujú a umožňujú uznávanie štúdia a častí štúdia v súlade s Dohovorom o uznávaní kvalifikácií týkajúcich sa vysokoškolského vzdelávania v európskom regióne tak, aby sa podporovala domáca i zahraničná mobilita študentov.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Policies, structures and processes at the faculty regulate and enable the recognition of studies and parts of studies in order to support not only domestic but also foreign student mobility. Policies guarantee transparent, consistent and reliable recognition of the study or part of the study. In creating study programs, the faculty cooperates with partners outside the university to ensure the smooth recognition of qualifications. For non-EU students, it recognizes previous qualifications obtained abroad with the consent of the Rector, for EU students, it recognizes previous qualifications obtained abroad on the basis of nostrification by the relevant department of the Ministry of Education. At the faculty, the requirements regarding the recognition of periods and parts of studies to support student mobility are enshrined in the FSE UNIZA Study Regulations, in the Methodological Guidelines on Study Abroad.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Study regulation UNIZA for 3. degree study at university


Information  ERASMUS+ program


Information about studying abroad


Methodical guidelines on study stays abroad


List of signed partnerships with universities


FSE UNIZA Annual Report

Evaluation of educational activities at FSE UNIZA


Records of students who participated in the mobility - archived at the Department of Education

Directive no. 219 Mobility of students and employees of the University of Žilina abroad 

SP 5.4. V rámci uskutočňovania študijného programu je zaručené efektívne využívanie nástrojov na zabezpečenie výskumnej integrity a na prevenciu a riešenie plagiátorstva a ďalších akademických podvodov.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The quality level of the defended final and rigorous theses at the faculty corresponds to their degree, while requiring an appropriate level of creative activities. The topics of the works are listed by the teachers and subsequently they are approved by the guarantor of the study program at the given level of study. Commissions for state exams are formed in accordance with the Higher Education Act by teachers and experts from practice dealing with the given area, resp. addressed issues. Opponents' final theses are made by experts in the field. An adequate level of creative activities is achieved in the final and rigorous work, e.g. by the fact that a significant part of the final work is formed on the basis of not only theoretical but also practical experience from specific companies, industrial plants or other institutions. 


Possible plagiarism or other types of academic fraud are effectively detected and punished in principle thanks to the so-called protocol of originality of final theses in the CRZP system, the result of which is assessed by the supervisor of the final thesis, the opponent as well as the commission for state examinations. In case of suspicion of plagiarism or other type of academic fraud, the situation is investigated, evidence is submitted, or disciplinary board meeting. Prevention of plagiarism, or its timely detection helps the faculty, for example. continuous monitoring of the student's progress in writing the final thesis and continuous consultations of the student with the supervisor of the final thesis. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

Study regulation UNIZA for 3. degree study at university

Directive no. 201 Disciplinary Code for Students of the University of Žilina in Žilina

 Dean's order on state commissions

CRZP system - reviews of final theses (these are also in the personal files of students at the Department for Science and Research) 

Records of the conduct of disciplinary proceedings

State examination records

Plagiarism prevention

Directive no. 207 Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina

SP 5.5. Študenti študijného programu majú k dispozícii efektívne mechanizmy preskúmavania podnetov, ktorými sa domáhajú ochrany svojich práv alebo právom chránených záujmov, o ktorých sa domnievajú, že boli porušené, alebo poukazujú na konkrétne nedostatky v činnosti alebo v nečinnosti vysokej školy. Preskúmavanie podnetov je transparentné a uskutočňuje sa za účasti zástupcov študentov. Podávateľom podnetov je poskytovaná spätná väzba o výsledkoch preskúmania podnetov a o prijatých opatreniach.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Policies, structures and processes at the faculty allow students to use remedies against assessment results. Students of the study program have at their disposal effective mechanisms for examining the incentives with which they can claim the protection of their rights. They have access to consultations with teachers on the results of the verification of learning outcomes, the final evaluation and the shortcomings identified. They also have access to two corrective deadlines for the verification of learning outcomes and the final assessment (including commission examinations). The rules for student access to remedies are set out in the FSE UNIZA Rules of Procedure. The student has the right to reject the continuous assessment and the assessment on the exam, except for the FX assessment - insufficient. The student has the right to request a correction in writing, which consists in explaining the results of the evaluation, within one working day from which the final evaluation was published in the AIVS system for the given subject. The teacher is obliged to make the result of the written exam available to the student within 3 working days, if the university educational platform is used or to set a date for oral consultation, usually during his consultation hours, which will allow the student to look into his evaluated written work. The student can request a commission examination if the internal regulations of the FSE UNIZA have been violated during the evaluation process of the given subject, then the guarantor of the subject will determine the conduct of the commission examination. Student has the right to request a correction of the student's continuous assessment during the semester, he / she will immediately ask for the opinion of the teacher, who is obliged to explain the assessment. If the student does not agree with this explanation, he / she is entitled to request the opinion of the Vice-Dean for Education. FSE UNIZA policies guarantee fair and impartial treatment of applicants for redress. The success of students in achieving educational outcomes is stated in advance, e.g. in the subject information sheet.

An applicant who has been granted a decision not to admit to study may submit a request for review of this decision to the dean. If the dean does not change his decision, he forwards the request for review to the rector.

A doctoral student who has failed the examination may repeat the examination only once, at the earliest three months after the date of the unsuccessful dissertation examination within the deadline set by the chairman of the examination commission.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Archived test records and their evaluation in electronic or physical (paper) form

information sheets of individual , resp. úložisko s IL

subject examination reports 

Study regulation UNIZA for 3. degree study at university

SP 5.6. Úspešné ukončenie študijného programu potvrdzuje vysoká škola udelením akademického titulu, vydaním vysokoškolského diplomu, ako aj vydávaním ďalšej dokumentácie (dodatok k diplomu) vysvetľujúcej získanú kvalifikáciu vrátane dosiahnutých výsledkov vzdelávania, kontext, úroveň a obsah úspešne zavŕšeného štúdia. Táto dokumentácia je v súlade s príslušnými predpismi.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Students who have successfully completed their studies are awarded the academic degree of bachelor (for first-degree graduates), engineer (for 2nd-degree graduates) and philosophiae doctor (for third-degree graduates) by issuing a university diploma and other documentation in terms of the Study the FSE UNIZA Code and in accordance with the applicable UNIZA rules. The requirements and conditions for the completion of studies do not allow the completion of studies and the award of a degree to a student who has not achieved the goals of education in compliance with the rules of standard length of study. Successful completion of studies and the award of an academic degree is confirmed by the faculty by issuing a university diploma (diploma supplement), which informs about the acquired qualification, including achieved (outcomes) of educational results, context, level and content of successfully completed studies. The faculty respects the award of the relevant academic degree in accordance with the rights granted by the Ministry of Education (MŠVVaŠ). The explanation of the acquired qualification, including the achieved educational results, the context, level and content of the successfully completed study is guaranteed by the diploma form itself and the diploma supplement. This documentation complies with the relevant regulations. 

The Faculty keeps Records of the course of studies, Records of the state examination, Records of the completion of studies and the issuance and submission of certificates of completion of studies, Records of other than regular completion of studies. The diploma and all other relevant documents are in accordance with the valid legislation and are uniform within all UNIZA faculties

Odkazy na dôkazy

Diploma form

Diploma supplement form

Directive 110 UNIZA Study Regulations for the 3rd level of university, Art. 16, Art.17 

Personal file of the student at the Department of Science and Research

Records of the course of study

State examination records

Records of completion of studies and issuance and submission of certificates of completion of studies

Records of non - regular completion of studies

AIVS system 

V. Samohodnotenie štandardu 6 – Učitelia študijného programu

SP 6.1. Vysoká škola zaručuje pre študijný program učiteľov, ktorých kvalifikácia, rozvrhnutie pracovnej záťaže, úroveň výsledkov tvorivých činností, praktické skúsenosti, pedagogické zručnosti a prenositeľné spôsobilosti umožňujú dosahovať výstupy vzdelávania, ktorých jazykové zručnosti zodpovedajú jazykom uskutočňovania študijného programu a ktorých počet a pracovná kapacita zodpovedajú počtu študentov a personálnej náročnosti vzdelávacích činností.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The study program includes teachers whose qualifications, workload schedule, level of results of creative activities, practical experience, pedagogical skills and transferable skills enable the achievement of learning outcomes. Their language skills correspond to the languages ??of the study program and their work capacity corresponds to the number of students and the staffing requirements of the educational activities.

In preparing study programs, the Faculty applies the processes, procedures and structures defined by Directive 205 of the Rules for Assigning Teachers to the provision of study programs at UNIZA and Directive 212 of the Rules for Defining the Workload of UNIZA Creative Employees.

Teachers providing profile subjects of the study program demonstrate the results of creative activity in the relevant or related field of study, in which the study program is carried out at the required level depending on its degree.

A university teacher is assigned to a subject in the study program on the basis of his / her creative and professional activity, which is related to the defined goals of education in the subject. The teacher proves this fact by a list of::

a) publication outputs in the given field of educational objectives,

b) solved projects in which the educational goals defined for the relevant subject were used,

c) completed trainings, professional courses and trainings related to defined educational goals,

d) other relevant activities. 

a subject guarantor for a maximum of five subjects at each level of university study. At the same time, the size of the creative employee's workload for the established weekly working time is determined. Art. 3 of Directive no. 212 contains the recommended workload for creative employees in individual areas (pedagogy, science and research, personal development, other activities). Evidence of compliance with the defined principles of workload is the overviews of workloads in the UNIZA information system.  

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive 205:


Directive 212:


Scientific / artistic-pedagogical characteristics of teachers:


Employee evaluation

Workload overview: 


SP 6.2. Odborná kvalifikácia učiteľov zabezpečujúcich študijný program je minimálne o stupeň vyššia než kvalifikácia dosahovaná jeho ukončením. Od tejto požiadavky je možné upustiť v odôvodnených prípadoch, akými sú najmä lektori cudzích jazykov, učitelia zabezpečujúci prax, odborníci z praxe a doktorandi.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The professional qualification of teachers providing the study program is at least one level higher than the qualification achieved by its completion. This rule is also applied in the case of conducting students' final theses.

The exception only applies to foreign language teachers, internship teachers, practitioners and doctoral students.

Teachers are assigned to provide study programs on the basis of the directive no. 205. This fact can be verified in the information sheets of subjects, scientific-pedagogical characteristics of teachers, resp. in the teaching schedule.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive 205:


Subject information sheets


Teaching schedule:

SP 6.3. Profilové študijné predmety sú štandardne zabezpečované vysokoškolskými učiteľmi vo funkcii profesora alebo vo funkcii docenta, ktorí pôsobia na vysokej škole v príslušnom študijnom odbore alebo súvisiacom odbore na ustanovený týždenný pracovný čas. V študijných programoch s orientáciou na profesijné vzdelávanie sú profilové študijné predmety zabezpečované aj vysokoškolskými učiteľmi, ktorí sú skúsenými odborníkmi z príslušného odvetvia hospodárstva alebo spoločenskej praxe a ktorí pôsobia na vysokej škole na ustanovený týždenný pracovný čas alebo kratší pracovný čas. Je zaručená udržateľnosť personálneho zabezpečenia profilových predmetov študijného programu z hľadiska vekovej štruktúry učiteľov.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The profile subject is the subject of the study program, which significantly contributes to achieving the profile of the graduate, i.e. the goals and learning outcomes of the relevant study program.

Profile study subjects in the study program are standardly provided by university teachers as professors or associate professors. They are provided by guarantors and co-guarantors of study programs. They all work in the Security Sciences study field for a set weekly working time.

Teachers are assigned to the provision of study programs on the basis of the rules defined in Directive no. 205. Information on teachers providing profile subjects (also subjects of other categories) can be found in the information sheets of subjects, resp. in study plans.

 The Faculty has developed a Graduation Growth Plan, which also covers the needs of the study program Security Management 3rd level, which also ensures representation and guarantees. 

Profile subject in the study programme

         Provided by

Integrated management system

         Assoc. prof. Ing. Katarína Kampová, Ph.D.

Modelling and simulation of object protection systems

         prof. Ing. Tomáš Loveček, Ph.D.

Critical infrastructure protection and resilience theory

         prof. Ing. Zdeněk Dvořák, Ph.D.

Reliability and efficiency of technical systems for the protection of persons and property

        Assoc. doc. Ing. Andrej Veľas, Ph.D.

Technical safety of buildings

         Ing. Lucia Figuli, Ph.D.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Employment contracts of the guarantor and co-guarantors (department for personnel work)


Directive 205:


Subject information sheets


Scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of teachers:


Teaching schedule: 

SP 6.4. Vysoká škola má určenú osobu, ktorá má príslušné kompetencie a nesie hlavnú zodpovednosť za uskutočňovanie, rozvoj a zabezpečenie kvality študijného programu alebo inak vymedzenej ucelenej časti študijného programu podľa čl. 6, ods. 7 až 11 štandardov pre študijný program a zabezpečuje profilový predmet. Táto osoba pôsobí vo funkcii profesora v príslušnom študijnom odbore na ustanovený týždenný pracovný čas; ak ide o bakalársky študijný program, pôsobí vo funkcii profesora alebo vo funkcii docenta v príslušnom študijnom odbore na ustanovený týždenný pracovný čas. Táto osoba zároveň nenesie hlavnú zodpovednosť za uskutočňovanie, rozvoj a zabezpečenie kvality študijného programu na inej vysokej škole v Slovenskej republike. Jedna a tá istá osoba môže niesť hlavnú zodpovednosť za uskutočňovanie, rozvoj a zabezpečenie kvality najviac troch študijných programov. Do tohto počtu sa nezapočítavajú prípady súbehov podľa čl. 7 ods. 3, písm. b) až h) štandardov pre študijný program.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The main guarantor, prof. Ing. Tomas Loveček, Ph.D. a designated person who has the relevant competencies and bears the main responsibility for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study program or otherwise defined integral part of the study program according to Art. 6, par. 7 to 11 standards for the study program and provides a profile subject Modelling and simulation of object protection systems. He works as a professor in the field of security science for a fixed weekly working time. He is a member of the Board of Guarantors and the Chairman of the Study Program Board.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Register of university employees: prof. Ing. Tomáš Loveček, PhD.

Employment contract, job description of the guarantor (department for personnel work) 

Appointment decrees (copies deposited at the dean 's office)

SP 6.5. Osoby, ktoré vedú záverečné práce, vykonávajú aktívnu tvorivú činnosť alebo praktickú činnosť na úrovni zodpovedajúcej stupňu študijného programu v problematike odborného a tematického zamerania vedených prác. Školiteľmi dizertačných prác sú osoby vo funkcii profesora alebo vo funkcii docenta alebo inej obdobnej funkcii vo výskumnej inštitúcii zmluvne spolupracujúcej pri zabezpečovaní študijného programu tretieho stupňa s vysokou školou.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

All teachers who participate in the provision of the study program carry out active creative activity in the professional issues of the study program and the department at the level corresponding to the degree of the study program. This principle also applies to final supervisors. The professional qualification of the persons conducting the final theses is at least one degree higher than the qualification achieved at the end of the given degree of study. Persons who conduct final theses in the 1st and 2nd level of study are approved by the guarantor of the study program and appointed by the head of the department (proof: final thesis assignments).

The supervisors of dissertations are persons in the position of professor or in the position of associate professor (proof of individual study plans of doctoral students). The supervisors of the dissertation for the given field of study is appointed and removed by the dean.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive 205:


Final thesis assignments:

Records of assignments at profile departments

Individual study plans of doctoral students:

Records at the Security Research Department 

SP 6.6. Učitelia študijného programu rozvíjajú svoje odborné, jazykové, pedagogické, digitálne zručnosti a prenositeľné spôsobilosti.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The basic aspect of a university teacher's work is working on his own professional and personal development and improving his competencies. Teachers of the study program develop their professional, language, pedagogical, digital skills and transferable skills.

They are assigned to a subject in the study program on the basis of their creative and professional activity, which is related to the defined goals of education in the subject. Teachers prove this fact with a list of:

  1. a) publication outputs in the given area of educational goals,
  2. b) solved projects in which the educational goals defined for the respective subject were used,
  3. c) completed trainings, professional courses and trainings related to defined educational goals,
  4. d) other relevant activities.

UNIZA supports the development of teachers' skills in the field of language, pedagogical and digital skills by implementing regular lifelong learning courses in the field of languages and pedagogy, with priority given to doctoral students and young newly recruited staff. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive 205:


Overview of creative and professional activities of employees:

Scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of teachers:


Employee evaluation 

Database of language and pedagogical education graduates at UNIZA  (records at ÚCV).


SP 6.7. V prípade učiteľských kombinačných študijných programov zaručuje vysoká škola aktivizovanie učiteľov podľa čl. 6 odsekov 1 až 6 štandardov pre študijný program osobitne pre každú aprobáciu v súlade s príslušnosťou vyučovacieho predmetu k študijnému odboru a osobitne pre učiteľský základ.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

It is not a translation and interpreting combined study program.  

Odkazy na dôkazy

SP 6.8. V prípade prekladateľských a tlmočníckych kombinačných študijných programov zaručuje vysoká škola aktivizovanie učiteľov podľa čl. 6 odsekov 1 až 6 štandardov pre študijný program osobitne pre každú aprobáciu v súlade s príslušnosťou k jazyku a osobitne pre translatologický základ.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

It is not a study program in a combination of two fields of study. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

SP 6.9. V prípade študijných programov v kombinácii dvoch študijných odborov alebo študijných programov prvého stupňa uskutočňovaných ako interdisciplinárne štúdiá zaručuje vysoká škola aktivizovanie učiteľov podľa čl. 6 odsekov 1 až 6 štandardov pre študijný program pre každý študijný odbor, v ktorom jeho absolventi získajú vysokoškolské vzdelanie.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

It is not a joint study program. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

SP 6.10. V prípade spoločných študijných programov zaručuje vysoká škola aktivizovanie učiteľov podľa čl. 6 odsekov 1 až 6 štandardov pre študijný program pre príslušnú časť spoločného študijného programu, ktorú zabezpečuje v jeho rámci.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

It is not a joint study program. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

SP 6.11. V prípade, ak vysoká škola uskutočňuje študijné programy v príslušnom študijnom odbore na viacerých súčastiach alebo vo viacerých sídlach, zaručuje aktivizovanie učiteľov podľa čl. 6 odsekov 1 až 6 štandardov pre študijný program osobitne pre každú súčasť a osobitne každé sídlo, v ktorom uskutočňuje študijný program ako celok.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The study program is not carried out at several parts or several UNIZA locations. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

VI. Samohodnotenie štandardu 7 – Tvorivá činnosť vysokej školy

SP 7.1. Učitelia zabezpečujúci profilové predmety študijného programu preukazujú výsledky tvorivej činnosti v príslušnom študijnom odbore/študijných odboroch, v ktorom/ktorých sa študijný program uskutočňuje na požadovanej úrovni v závislosti od jeho stupňa: a) aspoň na významnej medzinárodnej úrovni, ak ide o študijný program tretieho stupňa; b) aspoň na medzinárodne uznávanej úrovni, ak ide o študijný program druhého stupňa alebo študijný program spájajúci prvý a druhý stupeň; c) aspoň na národne uznávanej úrovni, ak ide o študijný program prvého stupňa.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The required level of results of the creative activity of teachers providing profile subjects is defined by the Guidelines for the Assignment of Teachers for the Provision of Study Programs at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

The profile subjects in the study program are provided by university teachers as professors or associate professors, who work at the university for a set weekly working time.

Teachers providing profile subjects of the study program demonstrate the results of creative activity in the relevant or related field of study, in which the study program is carried out at the required level depending on its degree.

Each teacher of the profile subject keeps an up-to-date list of the submitted creative activity outputs (so-called VTC), which prove the meet of the required level for the given level, on the UNIZA employee portal. The portal also describes affiliation to the study program / department (annotation of the output with contextual information related to the description of the creative process and content of creative activity, characteristics of the impact of the output on socio-economic practice, characteristics of the impact of the output and related activities on the educational process).

The positions of professors and associate professors are filled on the basis of a selection procedure in accordance with the internal regulation "Principles of selection procedures for filling the positions of university teachers, researchers, positions of professors and associate professors and positions of senior staff at the University of Žilina."

The qualification prerequisite for filling the position of professor is the title of "associate professor", resp. "Professor" and at the same time meeting the valid criteria for obtaining the title of "associate professor" or Professor.

UNIZA's minimum criteria for the habilitation and inauguration proceedings and for filling the positions of associate professor and professor for the habilitation and inauguration proceedings assigned to the study field of safety sciences are set so that the minimum requirements for creative results meet at least a significant international level. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

Annex No. 1 to Directive No. 205 Rules for assigning teachers to provide study programs at the University of Žilina:


Employee portal:


 Directive no.200 Principles of the selection procedure for filling the positions of university teachers, researchers, positions of professors and associate professors:


Art.3 and Art.4 Directive no. 202

Criteria for filling the positions of professors and associate professors and principles for filling the positions of "visiting professors":


Annex No. 1 to Directive No. 211 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical titles and artistic-pedagogical titles Associate Professor and Professor at the University of Žilina:


Scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of teachers:


WoS database:


SP 7.2. Tvorivú činnosť vysoká škola preukazuje prostredníctvom najvýznamnejších výstupov tvorivej činnosti učiteľov zabezpečujúcich profilové predmety študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Odkazy na dôkazy

SP 7.3. V prípade, ak vysoká škola uskutočňuje viaceré študijné programy v príslušnom študijnom odbore, preukazuje úroveň výsledkov tvorivej činnosti podľa čl. 7 odsekov 1 a 2 štandardov pre študijný program osobitne pre každý študijný program, okrem súbehu s prípadmi podľa čl. 7 odseku 3.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Teachers providing profile subjects of the study program demonstrate the results of creative activity in the relevant or related field of study, in which the study program is carried out at the required level depending on its degree.

Teachers who provide profile subjects of the study program demonstrate the results of creative activity through the most significant outputs in the given or related field of study in which the study program takes place and also for persons responsible for the development and quality assurance of the HKaIK department. Focus of publishing

teachers' outputs, resp. persons for quality assurance of the HKaIK department, must be related to the given field of study, resp. HKaIK Committee.

Each teacher of the profile subject keeps an up-to-date list of the submitted creative activity outputs (so-called VTC), which prove the meet of the required level for the given level, on the UNIZA employee portal. The portal also describes affiliation to the study program / department (annotation of the output with contextual information related to the description of the creative process and content of creative activity, characteristics of the impact of the output on socio-economic practice, characteristics of the impact of the output and related activities on the educational process).

 Every year, the university and the faculty evaluate their scientific research activities in their annual report, within which they evaluate the most significant results of project solutions.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Annex No. 1 to Directive No. 205 Rules for assigning teachers to the provision of study programs at the University of Žilina


Art. 2 Directive no. 220 Evaluation of creative activity of employees in relation to quality assurance of education at the University of Žilina:


Employee portal:


Reports on scientific and research activities of UNIZA:  

SP 7.4. Ak vysoká škola uskutočňuje viaceré študijné programy v príslušnom študijnom odbore vo viacerých sídlach, zaručuje preukázanie výsledkov tvorivej činnosti pre každé sídlo osobitne.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

It is not a study program provided in several locations. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

SP 7.5. Na uskutočňovanie študijného programu tretieho stupňa preukazuje vysoká škola dlhodobú kontinuálnu výskumnú alebo umeleckú činnosť v problematike študijného programu. Pracovisko musí preukázať dlhodobú a kontinuálnu úspešnosť v získavaní finančnej podpory pre príslušný výskum alebo umeleckú činnosť a existenciu pokračujúcich alebo nových výskumných/umeleckých projektov z domácich a medzinárodných grantových schém a iných súťažných zdrojov.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Every year, the university and the faculty evaluate their scientific research activities in their annual report (submitted, solved and completed projects as well as the volume of obtained funds are evaluated).


The scientific council of the faculty evaluates the level of the faculty in the field of scientific research at least once a year.


University, resp. the faculty has, resp. had created an internal grant system to support the research activities of 3rd grade students.


The university has created a central information system for projects.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Reports on scientific and research activities of UNIZA:


Faculty annual reports:


Material for the meeting of the Scientific Board: Evaluation of the scientific research activities of the faculty for the year 2020 (deposited at the dean's office)


Final reports from internal grant projects. (until 2019 registered at the Security Research Department, from 2019 on )


UNIZA grant system and Directive no. 180 Grant system of the University of Žilina:


Central information system for projects: 

SP 7.6. Splnenie požiadavky uvedenej v čl. 7 odseku 5 štandardov pre študijný program môže vysoká škola nahradiť tým, že sa podrobuje periodickému hodnoteniu výskumnej, vývojovej, umeleckej a ďalšej tvorivej činnosti v jednotlivých oblastiach výskumu raz za šesť rokov a na základe výsledkov najnovšieho hodnotenia jej bolo udelené oprávnenie používať označenie „výskumná univerzita“.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

This is not the case. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

VII. Samohodnotenie štandardu 8 – Zdroje na zabezpečenie študijného programu a podporu študentov

SP 8.1. Sú zabezpečené dostatočné priestorové, materiálne, technické a informačné zdroje študijného programu, ktoré sú zárukou na dosahovanie stanovených cieľov a výstupov vzdelávania. Ide najmä o posluchárne, učebne, študovne, laboratóriá a laboratórne prístroje a iné potrebné vybavenie, technické prostriedky a vybavenie, ateliéry, dielne, projektové a umelecké štúdiá, tlmočnícke kabíny, kliniky, kňazské semináre, vedecké a technologické parky, technologické inkubátory, školské podniky, strediská praxe, cvičné školy, učebno-výcvikové zariadenia, športové haly, plavárne, športoviská, knižnice, prístup k študijnej literatúre, informačným databázam a ďalším informačným zdrojom, informačné technológie a externé služby a ich zodpovedajúce financovanie.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

At UNIZA, university-wide classrooms are available for educational activities, and individual faculties have additional classrooms in which the faculties organize their teaching as part of their educational activities and accredited study programs. University-wide classrooms are used for teaching mainly subjects of theoretical basis and general focus for individual faculties. These are lecture halls with a capacity of 110-150 seats, as well as smaller classrooms with a capacity of 24-60 seats for exercises, seminars, but also lectures for smaller groups of students. From the point of view of material and technical resources of educational spaces, classrooms are equipped with both standard and special equipment with regard to the preparation and teaching of relevant subjects in the classroom. These are mainly faculty classrooms, resp. school-wide seminar classrooms. Standard equipment means a computer connected to a data projector, a moving projection screen and a whiteboard, Wi-Fi internet connection, or loudspeaker and similar simple technical devices. The teacher also has the option of connecting their own laptop to the data projector. For faculty classrooms, virtual tours of individual classrooms are prepared with information about their size, capacity of places, material and technical resources, internet connection and schedules for the respective semester. Material equipment is solved by UNIZA directive no. 217 on Resources to support educational, creative and other related activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina.


In addition to theoretical teaching in the form of lectures and seminars, the study program also includes a practical form of laboratory exercises. The department has a security management laboratory in which it is possible to present mechanical means, weapons and ammunition, create polygons of electrical security and emergency alarm systems, access control and registration systems, camera monitoring systems and alarm transmission systems. The laboratory contains not only individual components, but also basic tools for creating simple connections and measuring basic electrical quantities.

Information resources are available in the University Library of the University of Žilina, which provides access to external information resources Web of Science, Scopus, Springer, AcademicOneFile, ACM Digital Library, ASCE Library, ENGnetBASE, IEEE Xplore, Knovel, ProQuestCentral, ScienceDirect, Wiley and other databases. The university library provides loans of professional literature, full-time study of professional literature in the study room, full-time access to journals, or access to electronic information sources from home. The library subscribes to selected periodicals, access to professional journals is provided mainly through electronic information sources. These are also available from PC staff and students after connecting to WIFI networks provided by the faculty. Computers with free internet access are installed in the rest areas of the faculty.

The department has a sub-library, which it manages and is available to students as needed. Contains information resources focused on security sciences.

Odkazy na dôkazy 

SP 8.2. V prípade, ak sú vzdelávacie činnosti poskytované dištančnou alebo kombinovanou metódou, sú zabezpečené systémy na správu obsahu kurzov a na správu vzdelávania a študentom je zaručený prístup k obsahu kurzov a k ďalším študijným materiálom.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The basic prerequisite for access to UNIZA information systems is a personal account in the university system, which is obtained by every student, doctoral student, UNIZA employee. The UNIZA account allows unified access to several UNIZA systems and consists of a login name and password. The student account can be used to log in to IS systems: webmail, Wi-Fi network, IS education, Microsoft 365 (MS TEAMS), etc. Access and manuals for teachers and students are available on the UNIZA Centre for Information and Communication Technologies.

The basic information system for the process of education and teaching is IS education, which is available to students from the university domain and from the Internet. The university Wi-Fi network supports EDUROAM. At UNIZA, e-learning is based on the LMS Moodle. The organization of the courses is based on guided study with the support of information and communication technologies in close connection with the academic information and education system (AIVS). AIVS is integrated with other information systems that are part of the university intranet, such as - university library (registration of final theses, verification of final theses for originality), accommodation (counsellor, accommodation, registration of payments ...), issuance of student ID and student administration ID cards, access system, user management (identity management), attendance system (doctoral students' attendance). The UniApps application allows you to access AIVS data and services from Android mobile devices, in accordance with the university's concept of introducing mobile technologies.

The university supports students in using their own mobile devices. UniApps allows access to information regardless of place and time using a mobile device. Schedule, user profile, exam dates, exam registration, exam results, etc. are available.

The study program is implemented by the full-time method. In the event of an emergency, state of emergency, state of emergency or serious technical obstacles, UNIZA will ensure, based on the Rector's decision, that full-time study is conducted online or in a distance form that will fully replace the full-time teaching method. For the form of distance learning, education at UNIZA is supported in the MS TEAMS environment. Access and manuals for teachers and students are available on the UNIZA Centre for Information and Communication Technologies. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

Approaches and manuals for use IS UNIZA:


Approaches and manuals for MS TEAMS:


SP 8.3. Je zabezpečený podporný odborný personál, ktorý kompetentnosťou a počtom zodpovedá potrebám študentov a učiteľov študijného programu vo väzbe na vzdelávacie ciele a výstupy.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

For the implementation of the study program, support professional staff is provided who, with their competence and number, meet the needs. Individual support workplaces (departments) and their activities are defined in the organizational rules of the faculty, which also stipulates the structure and number of jobs. Part of this regulation is also the current organizational chart by individual workplaces.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directory of employees UNIZA


List of employees FSE UNIZA


Organisational rules FSE UNIZA


SP 8.4. Sú udržiavané záväzné partnerstvá, ktoré umožňujú účasť relevantných zainteresovaných strán na zabezpečovaní kvality, realizácii a rozvoji študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Profiling program teachers have developed a wide range of partnerships with stakeholders, which are ministries and central state administration bodies (MoI SR, MoD SR, NBU, ZVJS), chambers (SKSB, AGA), non-profit associations (Cluster of Cyber Security, Association of Security Managers - The department cooperates with several companies, where it solves the issues of physical and object security in the form of studies, consultations and projects (Government Office of the Slovak Republic, Continental Matador Rubber, National Highway Company, Cargo , Stredoslovenská distribučná, Coca Cola HBC, etc.) Experts from practice - security managers regularly attend lectures from practice and company days of the faculty.

Odkazy na dôkazy 

SP 8.5. Vysoká škola má zabezpečené dostatočné personálne, priestorové, materiálne, technické a informačné zdroje študijného programu osobitne pre každé sídlo, v ktorom sa má uskutočňovať študijný program alebo jeho časť, primerane k cieľom a výstupom vzdelávania príslušnej časti študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The staffing of the study program is stated in the description of the study program, information sheets of subjects and VUPCH and VTC forms. It is also listed on the faculty and university website.

Material, spatial and technical resources of the study program are provided at a level covering the needs of the study program. The faculty has facilities in the form of laboratories and specialized classrooms for the processes of achieving educational goals, developing students' knowledge, skills and competencies.

In addition to theoretical teaching in the form of lectures and seminars, the study program also includes a practical form of laboratory exercises. For this purpose, UNIZA has a completely built infrastructure. Computer science classrooms are used for the purpose of processing assigned projects and for online knowledge testing and are equipped with modern computers with licensed software. The faculty has established specialized classrooms for teaching subjects focused on fire safety (MA 115) and in the field of civil protection and health and safety (MA 104). The faculty has another 18 standardly equipped teaching video projection technology available for teaching in its premises. It also uses a crisis simulation laboratory, a fire chemistry laboratory and a safety management laboratory for teaching and project activities. Information resources are available in the University Library of the University of Žilina, which provides access to external information resources Web of Science, Scopus, Springer, AcademicOneFile, ACM Digital Library, ASCE Library, ENGnetBASE, IEEE Xplore, Knovel, ProQuestCentral, ScienceDirect, Wiley and other databases.

Odkazy na dôkazy


Scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of teachers: 

SP 8.6. Vysoká škola efektívne reaguje na rozmanitosť potrieb a záujmov študentov študijného programu. Poskytuje študentom študijného programu podporu na úspešné napredovanie v štúdiu a kariérne poradenstvo.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The Counselling and Career Centre (PKC) provides UNIZA students and staff with comprehensive counselling in basic psychological care, social counselling, as well as career counselling. The PKC workplace is equipped with the necessary information and communication technologies, related software support and appropriate spatial, personnel, material and technical resources. There are also various types of compensatory aids and technologies available for the study purposes of students with special needs.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Counselling and career centre:


SP 8.7. Študenti študijného programu majú zabezpečené primerané sociálne zabezpečenie, športové, kultúrne, duchovné a spoločenské vyžitie počas štúdia.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

UNIZA creates conditions and supports students' sports and cultural activities through various clubs and the university pastoral centre, while creating conditions and supporting other student activities, especially the activities of student organizations and student associations that operate at UNIZA and their activities are in the interest of students. The students of the faculty are most often members of: Local Association of the SRC at FSE UNIZA, Voluntary Fire Brigade of the City of Žilina and UNIZA, University Club of Fire Brigade, Council of Housed Students of Hliny, Erasmus Student Network (ESN).

The Stavbár Folklore Ensemble and the University Pastoral Centre, a purpose-built facility for the church and religious society, also operate at UNIZA.

Sports activities of UNIZA students and staff are provided by the UNIZA Institute of Physical Education mainly in the following areas: teaching physical education, providing sports activities for students, organizing sports camps, organizing university competitions, providing sports activities for UNIZA staff, caring for and supporting sports student's participation in domestic and international sports competitions. It regularly organizes one-day and multi-day rafting sports courses, cycling stays connected with tourism, as well as winter ski courses.

The Counselling and Career Centre (PKC) provides UNIZA students and staff with comprehensive counselling in basic psychological care, social counselling, as well as career counselling.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive 217 (art. 17, 18, 19):


List of student organisations:


Overview of activities ÚTV:


Performance sport:


Social counselling:


SP 8.8. Študenti študijného programu majú zabezpečený prístup a podporu v účasti na domácich a zahraničných mobilitách a stážach.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Current and future UNIZA students have the opportunity to study at higher education institutions in Europe with which the university has concluded a cooperation agreement and also to complete an internship in companies and firms within the program countries.

For students (interested in foreign mobility), the university publishes the "Information Handbook for UNIZA Students", which defines the rules of Erasmus + student mobility valid for the current academic year. It describes the individual processes and structures of mobility (study stays and internships), the strategy of student selection and grant allocation, the procedure for processing the content of the study stay and the documents for concluding the financial contract, the documents required before the mobility, the procedure for ending the study stay.

The faculty, represented by the faculty Erasmus + coordinator, publishes the faculty selection conditions, the strategy for approving nominations and the strategy for awarding grants for study stays and internships before the faculty selection procedure for student mobility. After the faculty selection of students for Erasmus + mobility, the Minutes of the selection and a list of selected students, substitutes and unsuccessful applicants are prepared.

Detailed information on study stays and internships abroad is published by the faculty on its website.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive 219: 


Information handbook:


Faculty information on mobility opportunities:


SP 8.9. Vysoká škola poskytuje individualizovanú podporu a vytvára vhodné podmienky pre študentov študijného programu so špecifickými potrebami.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

At UNIZA and the faculty, the university and faculty coordinator for this area provides care for applicants and students with special needs. The scope of providing appropriate adjustments and support services is regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic no. 458/2012 on the minimum requirements of a student with special needs. Appropriate adjustments transform changes in the forms of learning, changes in the performance of examinations and in the evaluation of results into the course of study without reducing the requirements for study performance and without changing the nature of the study program. Comprehensive counselling in basic psychological care for UNIZA students and staff, social counselling as well as career counselling is provided to students by the Counselling and Career Centre. It is equipped with the necessary information and communication technologies, related software support and appropriate spatial, personnel, material and technical resources. There are also various types of compensatory aids and technologies available for the study purposes of students with special needs.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive 198:

10082021_Smernica-c-198-Podpora-uchadzacov-o-studium-a-SSP-na-Zilinskej-univerzite-v-Ziline.pdf (


Counselling and career centre:


Information for students with special needs, contacts:



SP 8.10. V profesijne orientovaných študijných programoch má študijný program zmluvných partnerov v podobe organizácií, ktoré zabezpečujú odbornú prax a praktickú výučbu študentov. Tieto organizácie majú zabezpečené dostatočné priestorové, materiálne, technologické a personálne podmienky tak, aby bolo možné dosiahnuť plánované výstupy vzdelávania.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

It is not a professionally oriented study program.   

Odkazy na dôkazy

VIII. Samohodnotenie štandardu 9 – Zhromažďovanie a spracovanie informácií o študijnom programe

SP 9.1. Vysoká škola zbiera, analyzuje a využíva relevantné informácie na efektívne manažovanie študijného programu a ďalších aktivít.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The Faculty collects, analyses and uses the information obtained for the effective management of the study program and other activities related to the implementation of creative activities, education, learning and evaluation of educational outcomes. Effective management of the quality of education and creative activities is ensured by the collection of information from the internal and external environment. This information integrates knowledge about the needs of the labour market, legislative restrictions, the capacity of the university and the latest knowledge in the fields of study. Areas for which the FSE UNIZA systematically collects information necessary to manage the quality of education and creative activities are: curricula, admissions, students, teachers, study resources, creative activities, results of monitoring information related to education and creative activities. Defined information is systematically collected and centrally processed at the level of the study program and individual subjects in the AIVS. In the educational process, information is automatically collected and evaluated in an objectively obtained quantitative and qualitative way so that it is possible to evaluate the indicators defined in the Long-term Plan of the Faculty. The information defined in the individual articles of this directive shall be systematically collected and centrally processed at the level in the study programs and individual subjects in the AIVS. The collection and evaluation of information on subjectively obtained quantitative and qualitative indicators is obtained by the Faculty by collecting feedback through planned surveys. Applicants, students, teachers, graduates and employers are actively involved in the collection of information related to the quality of education. The Faculty systematically collects and evaluates information obtained from the evaluation of the fulfilment of indicators within the specified deadlines, from feedback from stakeholders on statistics related to the evaluation of achieved results, from feedback from stakeholders from the evaluated questionnaires on the quality of teaching individual subjects. The results of the evaluation are published for the management of the Faculty or its part, which provides the study program. After their publication, they are the basis for evaluating the course of education and creative activity, forms and methods of solving ideas and suggestions arising from the evaluation process. After the beginning of the academic year, the Faculty will publish information on the study programs opened and the expected number of students admitted to the study program for the next academic year within the deadline specified by law and regularly monitors all study-related processes in accordance with Directive no. 224, at least once a year. As a rule, before the beginning of the academic year, the Faculty will prepare a list of offered courses for the following academic year on the basis of approved modifications to the study program, if necessary, it will add new subjects to the offer of the study program, ensure the updating of information sheets of subjects. As a rule, after the end of the academic year, the evaluation of the admission procedure, statistical indicators according to the indicators defined in the Long-term plan of the Faculty, and the evaluation of the quality of teaching in the previous academic year are monitored. The Faculty stores and archives all information necessary to record the course of study and related documents. 

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive no. 218

Directive on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programs


FSE UNIZA long-term plan for the years 2021 - 2027 


analysis of the results of surveys conducted on applicants, students, graduates of FSE UNIZA 


analysis and evaluation of surveys of members of the academic community 


surveys carried out by the part of the Faculty that provides the study program - archived physically mostly at the relevant department


AIVS system 


analytical reports on education and applicants 


SP 9.2. Efektívny zber a analýza informácií o študijnom programe a ďalších aktivitách vstupuje do hodnotenia študijného programu a do návrhu jeho úprav.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The results of surveys and the collection and analysis of information about the study program from applicants, students, graduates, external parties (e.g. employers) and teachers are published and after their publication are the basis for evaluating the course of education and creative activity, forms and methods of solving topics and suggestions arising from the evaluation process. After the beginning of the academic year, the Faculty will publish information on the study programs opened and the expected number of students admitted to the study program for the next academic year within the deadline specified by law, and regularly monitors all study-related processes. Effective collection and analysis of information about the study program and other activities enters into the evaluation of the study program and the proposal for its possible modifications. As a rule, before the beginning of the academic year, the Faculty will prepare a list of offered courses for the following academic year on the basis of approved modifications to the study program, if necessary, it will add new subjects to the offer of the study program, ensure the updating of information sheets of subjects. As a rule, after the end of the academic year, the evaluation of the admission procedure, statistical indicators according to the indicators defined in the Long-term plan of the Faculty, and the evaluation of the quality of teaching in the previous academic year are monitored.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive no. 218

Directive on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programs

FSE UNIZA long-term plan for the years 2021 - 2027 


analysis of the results of surveys conducted on applicants, students, graduates of FSE UNIZA 


analysis and evaluation of surveys of members of the academic community 


surveys carried out by the part of the Faculty that provides the study program - archived physically mostly at the relevant department


AIVS system 


analytical reports on education and applicants 


curricula of the study program with incorporated changes based on the results of surveys


Minutes from the meetings of the Scientific Council of the Faculty


information sheets of individual subjects 

SP 9.3. Pri študijnom programe sa sledujú a vyhodnocujú kľúčové indikátory vzdelávania a učenia sa, charakteristiky záujemcov a študentov, postup (napredovanie) študentov v štúdiu, ich úspešnosť a zanechávanie štúdia, spokojnosť študentov, uplatnenie absolventov, názory absolventov a zamestnávateľov, informácie o zdrojoch a podpore študentov.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

UNIZA's quality assurance policies are an integral part of the quality assurance system and education quality objectives and indicators are in line with these policies. Policies are regularly reviewed and improved, especially in the light of significant changes in the external environment. Within the FSE UNIZA's Long-Term Plan for 2021-2027, the FSE UNIZA has set its main motive for education Attractive offer of university studies, education and evaluation oriented to the student and for the needs of practice. The main motive is developed into basic goals for the field of education, respecting the mission, values, policies and strategic intentions of the FSE UNIZA. Control indicators are also set for each of the main objectives which meet the requirements of the VS 2.8.1.b.1 criterion of the SAAVŠ standards for the internal system and in several cases have an overlap into other areas of the Faculty management.

The Council of the study program implements according to the obligations determined by Directive no. 214 monitoring of the study program, including the collection and evaluation of suggestions from the internal and external environment from individual stakeholders, evaluates key education indicators for the study program with a view to improving the quality of education, evaluates the professional level of the study program and its compliance with current knowledge in the field. The indicators are developed into indicators that have set specific target values ??for the given period at the level of study programs and are regularly evaluated within the monitoring mechanism of the FSE UNIZA internal quality assurance system.

The results of the evaluation of indicators represent an input to the VSK FSE UNIZA review and to the evaluation of individual study programs. The monitored key indicators and indicators of education and learning include the characteristics of applicants and students, their progress in studies, their success and dropping out of studies, student satisfaction, graduate employment, graduates and employers' opinions, information on resources and student support. The individual set goals and related indicators are detailed in Directive no. 222 (Internal quality assurance system at the University of Žilina in Žilina), in article no. 8.

Odkazy na dôkazy

FSE UNIZA long-term plan for the years 2021 - 2027 


 FSE UNIZA internal quality system 


UNIZA internal quality system 


Directive no. 222 Internal quality assurance system at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 8, Art. 12 


Directive no. 213 Quality Assurance Policies at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 6 


Directive no. 214 Structures of the internal quality assurance system for the creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programs at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 16 


Directive no. 218 Directive on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programs, Art. 15 


evaluation of educational activities at FSE UNIZA 


SP 9.4. Na zber a spracovanie informácií o študijnom programe sa využívajú vhodné nástroje a metódy. Do získavania, analýzy, ako aj následných informácií o opatreniach sú zapojení študenti, učitelia, zamestnávatelia a ďalšie zainteresované strany študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The Faculty implements the efficient collection and processing of information about the study program using appropriate tools and methods. In the educational process, information is automatically collected and evaluated in an objectively obtained quantitative and qualitative way so that it is possible to evaluate the indicators defined in the Long-term Plan of the Faculty. Information defined in individual articles of Directive no. 218 (Directive on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programs) are systematically collected and centrally processed to the level of study programs and individual subjects in the electronic AIVS system. The collection and evaluation of information on subjectively obtained quantitative and qualitative indicators is obtained by the organizers by collecting feedback through planned surveys. Students, teachers, graduates and employers are actively involved in gathering information related to the quality of education. The student uses AIVS to register for compulsory and optional subjects, to register for exams, to enter teacher evaluations, etc. University teachers fill in the evaluation of students in examination reports (they enter the evaluation into the AIVS), publish study materials and evaluate the educational process from their position, and also take into account the results of questionnaire surveys related to education and other activities. The Faculty systematically collects and evaluates information obtained from the evaluation of indicators in the specified deadlines, from the evaluation of data from the data warehouse, which with the support of analytical applications provides information for managerial decision-making and operational management based on trends in important indicators in specified periods, from stakeholders feedback on statistics related to the evaluation of the achieved results, from stakeholders feedback from the evaluated questionnaires on the quality of teaching of individual subjects. The results of the evaluation are published for the management of the faculty or the parts that provides the given study program. After their publication, they are the basis for evaluating the course of education and creative activity, forms and methods of solving ideas and suggestions arising from the evaluation process. The Powerbi tool is used for visualization and as a basis for analytical reports of specific data obtained.

Odkazy na dôkazy

AIVS electronic system 


survey for students and teachers, results here: 


survey among applicants - archived at the FSE UNIZA dean's office 

results here: 


survey among graduates - physically archived at the FSE UNIZA dean's office 

results here: 


documents for analytical reports for education and applicants 


IX. Samohodnotenie štandardu 10 – Zverejňovanie informácií o študijnom programe

SP 10.1. Vysoká škola má zverejnené, ľahko prístupné a prehľadne štruktúrované informácie o študijnom programe, najmä o jeho vzdelávacích cieľoch a výstupoch, požiadavkách na uchádzačov o štúdium, spôsobe ich výberu a odporúčaných osobnostných predpokladoch, úrovni národného kvalifikačného rámca, študijnom odbore, udeľovanom akademickom titule, pravidlách vyučovania a učenia sa, podmienkach absolvovania programu, postupoch a kritériách hodnotenia, zdrojoch programu, o miere úspešnosti, možnostiach učenia sa študentov, ako aj informácie o povolaniach, ktoré môže úspešný absolvent študijného programu vykonávať, a o uplatnení absolventov študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The Faculty regularly publishes current and objective information about the study programs provided. The information is easily accessible and clearly structured, especially concerning its educational goals and outcomes, requirements for applicants for study, the method of their selection and also their recommended personal prerequisites. The Faculty has easily accessible and clear information also published about the field of study, about the awarded academic degree, about the rules of teaching and learning of students, about the conditions of successful completion of the study program, about procedures and evaluation criteria, about study program resources, about success rate, about professions which successful graduates of the study program can perform and about the achieved employment of graduates of the study program. The information published about the study program has both a qualitative and quantitative character and the most common way of publishing is the publication of information through the faculty's website, through the website dedicated mainly to applicants https: //studujbezpecnost.uniza. sk /, while a lot of information about the study programs of the Faculty is also made available on the university website In addition to official documents (electronic and written form) and web form, a lot of information is also published on notice boards at the Faculty headquarters, on information leaflets and in printed form. In addition to the above sources of information about the study program, the information is available on the public portal, where e.g. information on the field of study can be found at / bezpecnostne-vedy. The rules of teaching and learning are described in detail and published in the form of study regulations which is published on the website of the Faculty and the University. The study program in terms of the level of the national qualifications framework and the knowledge, skills and competences that the student masters after its completion and completion of individual subjects, are listed together with other information in the information sheets of subjects which are also publicly available

Odkazy na dôkazy

Faculty website


goals, learning outcomes


requirements for the applicant for study, conditions of admission, study options:


evaluation procedures and criteria:

information sheets of individual subjects


resources, learning opportunities:

information sheets of individual subjects


success rate:

Evaluation of educational activities

occupational information


employment of graduates


award of an academic degree


 documents for analytical reports for education and applicants /ReportSection1949bf5fa000193c7648

information about the study program


information about the field of study


rules of teaching, learning

Directive No. 110 UNIZA Study Regulations for the 3rd level of university

AIVS electronic system

SP 10.2. Tieto informácie sú ľahko prístupné študentom, ich podporovateľom, potenciálnym študentom, absolventom, ďalším zainteresovaným stranám a širokej verejnosti vo všetkých jazykoch, v ktorých sa uskutočňuje študijný program. Spôsob sprístupnenia informácií zohľadňuje aj potreby uchádzačov a študentov so špecifickými potrebami.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Due to the fact that the study program is provided only in Slovak, all qualitative and quantitative information about it is provided to students, potential students, graduates, other interested parties and the general public in Slovak and English (see evidence in SP 10.1.).

Odkazy na dôkazy

Faculty website

goals, learning outcomes

requirements for the applicant for study, conditions of admission, study options:


evaluation procedures and criteria:

information sheets of individual subjects


resources, learning opportunities:

information sheets of individual subjects


success rate:

Evaluation of educational activities

occupational information


employment of graduates


award of an academic degree


documents for analytical reports for education and applicants /ReportSection1949bf5fa000193c7648

information about the study program


information about the field of study


rules of teaching, learning

Directive No. 110 UNIZA Study Regulations for the 3rd level of university

AIVS electronic system

X. Samohodnotenie štandardu 11 – Priebežné monitorovanie, periodické hodnotenie a periodické schvaľovanie študijného programu

SP 11.1. Vysoká škola priebežne monitoruje, pravidelne vyhodnocuje a upravuje študijný program s cieľom zabezpečiť, aby bol v súlade so štandardmi pre študijný program a aby dosahované ciele a výstupy vzdelávania boli v súlade s potrebami študentov, zamestnávateľov a ďalších zainteresovaných strán, aby zodpovedali aktuálnym poznatkom a aktuálnemu stavu ich aplikácií, aktuálnym technologickým možnostiam a aby úroveň absolventov, najmä prostredníctvom dosahovaných výstupov vzdelávania bola v súlade s požadovanou úrovňou kvalifikačného rámca.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Ongoing monitoring and periodic evaluation of SP is implemented in the form of annual evaluations of doctoral students and through evaluations of doctoral students' works by opponents from an external environment. Doctoral students also have the obligation to present the results of their work once a year in front of the workplace where they are assigned (profile department). Records are made of these presentations, which are registered at the department.   

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive no. 218

Directive on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programs

FSE UNIZA long-term plan for the years 2021 - 227


analysis of the results of surveys conducted on applicants, students, graduates of FSE UNIZA


analysis and evaluation of surveys of members of the academic community


surveys carried out by the part of the Faculty that provides the study program - archived physically mostly at the relevant department


AIVS system


analytical reports on education and applicants


FSE UNIZA internal quality system


UNIZA internal quality system


Directive no. 222 Internal quality assurance system at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 8, Art. 12


Directive no. 213 Quality Assurance Policies at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 6


Directive no. 214 Structures of the internal quality assurance system for the creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programs at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 16


evaluation of educational activities at FSE UNIZA 


SP 11.2. Súčasťou monitorovania a hodnotenia študijného programu je získavanie relevantnej spätnej väzby od zainteresovaných strán programu, ktoré sa zúčastňujú aj na príprave metodiky jej vyhodnotenia. Študenti majú možnosť aspoň raz ročne prostredníctvom anonymného dotazníka vyjadriť sa o kvalite výučby a o učiteľoch študijného programu.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Part of monitoring and evaluating the study program is obtaining relevant feedback from interested parties of the study program (students, employers, partners). Feedback is handled by personal communication with interested parties, or in the form of evaluations of doctoral students' work.

At least once a year, students of the study program have the opportunity to comment on the quality of the teaching of individual subjects and teachers through an anonymous questionnaire in AIVS. A questionnaire is also available on the website of the FBI UNIZA faculty, where students can comment on the quality of education. Based on the comments, measures are taken to eliminate possible shortcomings and increase the quality of the educational process.

Obtaining feedback from employers and partners is carried out through direct communication, or in the form of reviews for dissertations.  

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive no. 218

Directive on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programs


results of a survey of students for individual study programs archived at the secretariats of the departments


FSE UNIZA long-term plan for the years 2021 - 2027 


AIVS system 


analytical reports on education and applicants  

SP 11.3. Výsledky vyhodnotenia spätnej väzby podľa odseku 2 sa premietajú do prijímania opatrení na zlepšenie; pri ich navrhovaní majú zaručenú účasť aj študenti.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Part of the monitoring and evaluation of the study program is to obtain relevant feedback from students and other stakeholders. The results of the feedback evaluation are reflected in the adoption of measures for improvement, and students who have their representatives are guaranteed to participate in their design. 1 member is elected to the Study Program Board, who is the representative of the students of the relevant study program, in the case of the Council of the study program for the 1st degree, it is a 1st degree student enrolled in the 2nd or higher year of university study. In the case of creating a new study program, it is a student of another study program at the appropriate level from the given faculty with the study program provided at the faculty. In justified cases, the Study Program Council may invite other experts or students who are not members of the Study Program Council to attend the meeting. FSE UNIZA students are also represented in the FSE UNIZA Academic Senate. In addition to the above-mentioned memberships, students are also represented at meetings of the FBI Dean's College UNIZA. Students are also represented in the UNIZA Accreditation Board, where there are 2 members from the ranks of UNIZA student representatives studying at two different faculties or other parts of UNIZA, of which 1 student of the 2nd degree of university studies and 1 student of the 3rd degree of university studies.

Odkazy na dôkazy

Directive no. 214

Structures of the internal quality assurance system for the creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programs at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 15d, Art. 19


FSE UNIZA Dean's College 


FSE UNIZA Academic Senate 


Directive no. 210

Statute of the Accreditation Board of the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 4

SP 11.4. Výsledky vyhodnotenia spätnej väzby a prijaté opatrenia a akékoľvek plánované alebo následné činnosti vyplývajúce z hodnotenia študijného programu sú komunikované so zainteresovanými stranami a sú zverejnené.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

Feedback is handled through personal communication with relevant stakeholders, or in the form of evaluations of doctoral students' work. The results of the feedback evaluation are presented at individual workplaces of the faculty. Opponents' opinions on the final theses of doctoral students, which are published in the "Record of final theses" information system, are also feedback.  

Odkazy na dôkazy

curricula of the study program with incorporated changes based on the results of surveys 


Directive no. 218

Directive on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programs 


FSE UNIZA long-term plan for the years 2021 - 2027 


 analysis of the results of surveys conducted on candidates, students, graduates of FSE UNIZA 


analysis and evaluation of surveys of members of the academic community 


surveys carried out by the part of the Faculty that provides the study program - archived physically mostly at the relevant department


AIVS system 


Directive no. 222 Internal quality assurance system at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Art. 16   


SP 11.5. Študijný program je periodicky schvaľovaný v súlade s formalizovanými procesmi vnútorného systému v perióde zodpovedajúcej jeho štandardnej dĺžke štúdia.

Samohodnotenie plnenia

The study program is periodically approved in accordance with the formalized processes of the internal quality system in a period corresponding to its standard length of study.



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