13. Joint work meeting of the Steering Committee for HRS4R

On 26 September 2024, a work meeting of the Steering Committee for HRS4R members took place. At the beginning, the chairman of the Steering Committee, Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, summarised the current status of documents in development needed to complete the implementation phase and presented the meeting objectives. This was followed by a broad discussion. The results were the harmonisation of the Action Plan with the UNIZA Long-term Plan for 2021-2027, and commenting on all documents related to the implementation phase, that being the process of engagement of individual research groups, the overview of current UNIZA strengths and weaknesses within the four thematic areas of the Charter and Code, a short description of UNIZA's profile, selected UNIZA economic indicators and description of OTM–R policy of open, transparent and merit-based recruitment.
The meeting has resulted in the completion of all the materials, which will be prepared for final translation into English and uploaded to the EURAXESS website by 12 October 2024.

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