Name of the faculty: | Faculty of Civil Engineering |
Name of the study programme: | Theory and Structures of Buildings |
Degree of higher education: | 3. |
Institution body for approving the study programme: | Akreditation board of UNIZA |
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification: | 30.10.2015 |
Date of the latest change in the study programme description: | 30.11.2018 |
Reference to the results of the latest periodic review of the study programme by the institution: | 14.2.2021 |
1. | Basic information about the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | Name of the study programme | Theory and Structures of Buildings | Number according to the register of study programmes | 103623 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b | Degree of higher education | 3 | ISCED-F education degree code | 864 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c | Place(s) of delivery of the study programme | University of Žilina | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d | Name of the field / Combination of two fields of study |
Civil Engineering | Number of the field of study | 3659V00 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ISCED-F codes of the field/fields | 0732 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
e | Type of the study programme | academically oriented | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
f | Awarded academic degree | PhD. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
g | Form of study | full-time | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h | Cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfils at each of the given institutions | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i | Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered | Slovak | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
j | Standard length of the study expressed in academic years | 3 rok(y) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
k | Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students) | 1.grade: 10 2.grade: 10 3.grade: 10 4.grade: 10 |
Actual number of applicants |
Actual number of students |
2. | Graduate profile and learning objectives |
a | Learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes |
Graduate profile [CV 1] To enable top students in the 2nd degree of higher education to make a qualified decision to choose the 3rd degree of university study of the doctoral study programme in the field of Civil Engineering through suitable means of information transfer. [CV 2] To recommend and propose to top students from other faculties and from abroad (based on the requirements of the graduate profile) the continuation of education in the 3rd degree of higher education and thus increase their competitiveness in the European labour market. [CV 3] To prepare students through appropriate choice and availability of subjects from the core of knowledge and through a combination of compulsory and optional subjects designed for the future profession of scientist, researcher and manager in the field of construction. [CV 4] To teach students the methodology of scientific research, methods of theoretical analysis, and experimental research and thus prepare them for the profession of scientist, researcher and innovator. [CV 5] To prepare students for mastering specialised software in the field of scientific analysis, computer graphics, BIM tools, modelling, simulations and other computer and information technologies. To support knowledge acquisition for working with the most modern software products focused on their specialisation. [CV 6] To prepare students for the processing of scientific and professional analyses of the theory of designing modern, reliable and durable building structures, including the use of smart materials, future-oriented and economical envelopes and supporting structures, using modern technologies during their construction and to enable them to carry out scientific research in studios, laboratories and companies doing research activities. [CV 7] To develop the specifics of the study programme within the scope of Civil Engineering faculties of the Slovak Republic, especially through the increased focus of study programmes of all three degrees of education at FCE UNIZA on progressive wooden constructions, application of renewable energy sources and renovation of buildings, including historical ones. [CV 8] Make students aware of the current international efforts, documents and commitments in the areas - the Green Deal, Paris and Dublin Declarations, European Commission White Papers, sustainable development and construction, the circular economy, or new ones that are yet to emerge. [CV 9] To expand the field of knowledge of students by inviting prominent experts in the field and researchers from research institutes in the Slovak Republic and abroad. [CV 10] To enable students to take part in international mobility or internships in order to acquire up-to-date knowledge and observe trends in research in the field of theory and construction of buildings. Cognitive knowledge [VV2] Gain highly specialised knowledge of the theory of design, preparation, implementation, maintenance, renovation and remediation of buildings in their complex understanding and interrelationships, as well as in research areas. [VV3] Can work with specialized software for scientific and technical analysis, possesses extensive knowledge of computer graphics, simulation techniques and the latest computer and information technologies, including BIM resources. Skills [VV5] Can independently integrate and apply theoretical and practical knowledge, critically analyse and assess proposals in areas of research, development and innovation of buildings and their immediate surroundings, and are able to present their own original solutions to challenging problems and creatively apply the acquired knowledge in practice, not only locally but also internationally. [VV6] Can model, optimise and evaluate material, construction, technical and technological solutions associated with the design, implementation, operation, maintenance, renovation and disposal of buildings in the environment of the most modern information and virtual technologies, and optimise alternative solutions in relation to static, energy, environmental and economic parameters of sustainability. [VV7] Demonstrate a systematic understanding in the civil engineering field with regards to the acquisition of skills and knowledge of methods of scientific research, corresponding to the current state of knowledge in the field. They understand the construction work as a complex unit in its qualitative, urban, architectural, cultural, structural, static, environmental, energy, social, economic, and technical-functional contexts within its life cycle. Competences Graduates: [VV 9] Utilise innovative thinking, being ready to present the results of their research and analyses to an audience of industry experts, and are competent enough to solve scientific problems within an interdisciplinary research team and later, after the acquisition of sufficient experience and erudition, lead such teams. [VV 10] Are able to support technological, social and cultural progress in a knowledge-based society in an academic and professional context. They are ready to take an active approach to tackling issues related to global climate change, the green agenda and the collaborative economy. The difference between the study programme from other faculties of civil engineering in the Slovak Republic lies in its greater focus on wooden constructions and renovation of buildings, including historic buildings. The combination of structural, material and static aspects of construction and renovation of buildings into a joint study programme (with the specialisations in building construction or load-bearing structures of buildings) is unique. |
b | Indicated professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability |
The graduates have a wide range of employment opportunities in the positions of the project manager of building structures, chief project engineer, as well as in the whole spectrum of other professions in the field of envelope and load-bearing structures, building physics and fire safety, including state administration in these areas. They are prepared for educational and creative scientific research activities within the academic environment or in research centres and science parks, or other research-oriented organisations. A part of the graduates of TaSoB leaves for practice after graduation. Similar to 2nd-degree graduates, after 3 years of practice they can apply for qualifications as: Additionally, after meeting the prescribed conditions, they can obtain licenses as experts in the field of energy efficiency of buildings (specialised skills in accordance with Act No. 555/2005 as amended) in the part of thermal protection of buildings and structures and according to Act No. 382/2004, as amended, (on experts, interpreters and translators), after completing additional training, they may apply for appointment as experts in the field of construction of civil engineering, building physics, building statics and structural failures. The conduct of these jobs is regulated by the following legal regulations: If the graduates remain in the academic environment after graduation, they are qualified to perform the profession of a researcher and after completing continuing education in the field of pedagogical science, they are qualified to perform the profession of a university teacher. |
c | Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favourable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession |
• Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers (SKSI), |
3. | Employability |
a | Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability |
The graduates of the doctoral study are highly qualified specialists in the field of design and theoretical and experimental evaluation of load-bearing and envelope structures of buildings in reflection on the quality of their internal environment and optimisation of load-bearing elements. Due to the small number of graduates, the online portal does not display any information about graduate employability on the market. The concept of the doctoral study programme as a continuation of second degree higher education, which was preceded by the four-year bachelor's degree with its broad scope in civil engineering and great versatility allows graduates to find work in the European labour market across the whole of the construction industry. |
b | Successful graduates of the study programme |
The TaSoB study programme was accredited in 2016. Its teaching began in the academic year 2016/2017. It is, therefore, a relatively young programme and the list of graduates with their employment is as follows: |
c | Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback) |
Building Testing and Research Institue, Žilina branch (TSÚS) – employs one recent graduate of the doctoral studies and is in negotiations with PROMA s. r. o., Žilina, design and construction company - employs one PhD graduate (Ing. Vandličková, PhD.) and is satisfied with her readiness for the work field. Faculty of Civil Engineering, UNIZA - employs several graduates of Theory and Construction of Building Structures as well as Theory and Construction of Engineering Structures with an orientation on load-bearing structures of buildings, and is satisfied with their readiness and offers them further education and qualification development opportunities. INSET, s.r.o., division Slovakia - diagnostics of building and engineering structures, employs graduates and expresses satisfaction with the readiness of our graduates. |
4. | Structure and content of the study programme | |
a | Rules for the design of study plans within the study programme | |
Specifically, for the 3rd degree of higher education, the processes, procedures and structures are defined by Directive No. 216 Quality Assurance of the Doctoral Degree Studies at the University of Žilina. At the level of the study programme, the above-mentioned directive is thoroughly observed. Study plans are based on accepted university rules. Education in the doctoral study programme of Theory and Construction of Building Structures (TaSoB) is carried out on the basis of the individual study plan of the doctoral student, under the guidance of the supervisor. The doctoral student's study plan is determined by the supervisor in accordance with the recommended study plan given in the chart below. Education is based on the acquisition of knowledge at the level of current knowledge and the doctoral student's own contribution to it. It is the result of scientific research and independent creative activity of the doctoral student. The quality of the 3rd level of higher education depends on the quality of the scientific research work of the training workplace, therefore the rule is that the individual study plans of TaSoB doctoral students are linked to their scientific research activities and the research activities of their supervisors, which are carried out mainly through solving research projects. The supervisor of the doctoral student is responsible for the quality and level of the individual study plan, while the doctoral student actively participates in its creation. The individual study plan is approved by the commission responsible for a workgroup and guarantor of the study programme. The doctoral study consists of the educational and scientific parts, the content and mutual relationships in credit terms are regulated by UNIZA's internal regulations. The organisation of doctoral study programmes at UNIZA is governed by Directive No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina. |
b | Recommended study plans for individual study paths | |
The recommended study plan for the study program is shown in the chart above. The students can choose from two offered educational paths (specialisations) with an orientation on the building construction or load-bearing structures of buildings, the student can choose at least 3 electoral courses in the second semester. The study program (TKPS) is not a combination of study fields and it is not even a multidisciplinary SP, the degree of content matching of the study program is close to 100% of the requirements placed on graduates of the study field 35. civil engineering. The areas and scope of knowledge, skills and competencies that profile the graduate of the third-degree study program are fully in line with the required level of the national qualification framework.
c | The study programme, in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses Profile courses of the relevant study path (specialization) within the study programme - Appendix 1 |
d | Number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies | |
180.0 | ||
Other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study | ||
Conditions during the study During the studies, the doctoral student must obtain the prescribed number of credits, specifically for the following activities: The doctoral student's study plan consists of a study part, which ends with a dissertation examination, a scientific part and the defence of the dissertation. The number of credits for individual activities is determined by the student's individual study plan, which is approved by the supervisor, the Dean and the Joint Commission of the UNIZA for Civil Engineering. The study part of the doctoral student's study plan consists mainly of participation in lectures, seminars and individual study of literature according to the focus of the dissertation, for which the supervisor allocates credits in accordance with the university credit system. The individual study plan of the doctoral student contains a list of subjects to be completed by the doctoral student, a list of dissertation examination subjects selected from the list approved by the Commission and a list of compulsory and recommended literature. The scientific part of the doctoral student's study plan consists of individual or team scientific work of the doctoral student, which is related to the topic of the dissertation. The scientific part of the doctoral student's study plan is professionally guaranteed by the supervisor. The number of credits for individual activities is determined by the study plan of TaSoB. The supervisor submits to the Dean an annual evaluation of the fulfilment of the doctoral student's study programme no later than 31st August for the relevant academic year, stating whether or not they recommend continuing the student’s studies. At the same time, the supervisor evaluates the status and level of fulfilment of the doctoral student's study programme and adherence to deadlines, while granting credits and, if necessary, submitting a proposal to modify the student’s individual study programme. The doctoral student registers for the dissertation examination in the full-time form of doctoral studies no later than 18 months from the date of enrolment in the doctoral studies. The doctoral student is obliged to submit a written work prepared for the dissertation examination together with the application for the dissertation examination. The written work for the dissertation exam consists of the dissertation project, containing an overview of the current state of knowledge on the topic, an outline of the theoretical foundations of its future solution and an analysis of the methodological approach to solving the issue. One opponent, who is appointed by the dean of the faculty, prepares a report for the written work for the dissertation examination. The dissertation examination consists of a discussion part of the written work for the dissertation examination and a part in which the doctoral student has to demonstrate theoretical knowledge in the specified subjects of the dissertation examination. The dissertation examination takes place before an examination commission, the chairman and members appointed by the Dean on the basis of a proposal by the chairman of the Joint Commission. The commission has at least four members, at least one of whom is not from the doctoral student’s workplace. At least one member of the commission must have the scientific-pedagogical title of professor, the other members must have the title of at least PhD. The examination board evaluates the overall result of the dissertation examination comprehensively with the statement "passed" or "failed". Minutes of the dissertation examination is prepared, in which the commission states its recommendation, or proposal to modify the title of the dissertation. The dissertation exam is one of the state exams. Conditions for proper completion of studies The condition for the proper completion of the doctoral study is the completion of the dissertation examination, obtaining the required number of credits and the defence of the dissertation. The dissertation demonstrates that the student of the doctoral study programme TaSoB has the ability and readiness for independent scientific and creative activity in the field of research. The work presents the results of scientific research and the application of research results in practice. The result of the dissertation should be the acquisition of new knowledge in the field. Scientific research is the process of acquiring new scientific knowledge and expanding the boundaries of human knowledge. The student must demonstrate a deep systematic understanding of the field of study, must demonstrate knowledge, skills and competencies in research work and correctly apply the methods of scientific research. The student has to prove that within the dissertation they carried out a substantial part of the research themselves, that they sketched it, constructed it, realised it, optimised it, and all this in an ethical way. The doctoral student submits to the Dean an application for permission to defend the dissertation in accordance with the study schedule if they obtained the prescribed number of credits during their studies. In addition to the dissertation and the abstract, the application shall be accompanied by other documents required by Directive No. 110, which also defines the structure of the dissertation, and Directive No. 215 On Final, Rigorous and Habilitation Theses in the UNIZA Conditions. After receiving the application for permission to defend the dissertation, the Dean submits to the chairman of the Joint Commission the doctoral student's application together with the dissertation and asks them to propose the composition of the defence commission and the opponents' proposal. The commission and minimum 2 opponents are then appointed by the dean of the faculty. After receiving all the opinions from the opponents, the Dean forwards the doctoral student's request for permission to defend the dissertation, together with all the requisites, including the opponents' opinions, to the chairman of the defence committee. After receiving the materials, the chairman of the defence commission proposes to the Dean the time and place of the dissertation defence. The dissertation together with its defence forms one subject. The defence of the dissertation is a state examination and in the standard length of study, the doctoral student must complete it no later than in the last month of the last academic year of their standard length of study. The defence of the dissertation takes place in the form of a scientific debate. The doctoral student presents the content of the dissertation, its results and its benefits. Opponents then present their opinions, on which the doctoral student gives their own opinions. The discussion verifies the accuracy, justification and scientific origin of the knowledge contained in the dissertation. The defence may take place only in the presence of at least two-thirds of the members of the defence commission entitled to vote, including at least two opponents, and at least one member of the commission must be from a workplace outside UNIZA. At the end of the defence, a closed meeting of the commission is held, which is attended by its members, including opponents and the supervisor. The closed session evaluates the course and result of the defence and the possibility of using the results of the dissertation in practice. At the same time, the commission and the opponents decide in a secret ballot whether the commission will propose to award the doctoral student an academic degree. Subsequently, the commission evaluates the defence of the dissertation with a mark, while the classification is carried out according to the classification scale specified in Directive No. 110. The chairman of the defence committee announces the result of the majority vote to the doctoral student and the other participants present at its public meeting. A proposal for the award or non-award of the academic degree to the doctoral student, together with the minutes and file material of the doctoral student, is submitted by the chairman of the defence commission to the Dean. |
e | For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure | |
number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | 1st year: 45.0, 2nd year: 60.0, 3rd year: 60.0 | |
number of credits for compulsory optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | 15 credits: 15-1st year, 0-2nd year, 0-3rd year | |
number of credits for optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | 0 credits: 0-1st year, 0-2nd year, 0-3rd year | |
number of credits required for the completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for the common foundations and for the relevant specialization, in the case of a teaching combination study programme or a translation combination study programme | - | |
number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of studies | 46 credits:0-1st year, 6-2nd year, 40-3rd year | |
number of credits for professional practice required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | - | |
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for project work with the indication of relevant courses in engineering study programmes | - | |
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for artistic performances in addition to the final thesis in art study programmes | - | |
f | Rules for the verification of learning outcomes, students’ assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment | |
At the university level, the processes, procedures and structures are defined by Directive No. 110: Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina and Directive No. 216: Quality Assurance of the Doctoral Degree Studies at the University of Žilina. Doctoral studies are evaluated according to the principles of the credit system in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic no. 614/2002 Coll. on the study credit system, as amended, § 54 par. 2 of the University Act and the principles set out in Directive No. 216 Quality Assurance of the Doctoral Degree Studies at the University of Žilina. The quality of the doctoral study is evaluated during its implementation as well as during its completion. A successfully completed doctoral study is considered to be one in which, in addition to meeting the schedule, all required criteria have been met and the doctoral student has published the results of their work stated in the individual study plan in the form prescribed. |
g | Conditions for the recognition of studies or a part of studies | |
At the university level, doctoral studies are governed by the rules defined in Directive No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina and Directive No. 216 Quality Assurance of the Doctoral Degree Studies at the University of Žilina. In the case of foreign mobilities and internships, Directive No. 219 Mobility Programmes of the UNIZA Students and Staff Abroad, defines the processes, procedures and structures of the conditions for the recognition of studies. These directives also govern the conditions for the recognition of studies (or parts of studies) at the faculty. In the case of the TaSoB study programme, the guarantor of the study programme decides on the recognition of the study, its part or individual subjects after getting acquainted with the applicant's portfolio. The guarantor takes into account the fulfilment of the core knowledge of the study programme. This applies to applicants from Slovakia as well as from abroad. |
h | Topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list) | |
The topics of the dissertations, on the proposal of the supervisors, are approved by the Dean and made public no later than two months before the last deadline for the submission of applications for doctoral studies, which can be applied for in the admission procedure. For each topic, the name of the study programme, the name of the supervisor, the form of study (full-time, part-time), the deadline for submission of applications and the date of the admission procedure are given. Proposals for dissertation topics are made public and published on the official board of the faculty's website, which also publishes the method and dates of registration. The date of publication of the dissertation topics is determined by the academic calendar of the training workplace. |
i | Rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses in the study programme; list of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details) | |
Rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses in the study programme; list of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details) Proposals for dissertations on the basis of supervisors with the consent of the members and the chairman of the Joint Commission are approved by the Dean, who makes them public no later than two months before the last day for submitting applications for doctoral studies. For each topic, the name of the study programme, the name of the supervisor, the form of study (full-time, part-time), the deadline for submission of applications and the date of the entrance examination are given. Proposals for dissertation topics are made public and published on the official board of the faculty's website, which also publishes the methods and dates for students applying for study. The date of publication of the dissertation topics is determined by the academic calendar of the training workplace. The entrance examination shall take place before an admissions committee consisting of at least four members. The Admissions Committee is composed of its chairman and at least two members appointed by the Dean. Another member of the commission is a supervisor for the listed topic. The Admissions Committee evaluates the result of the entrance examination in a closed session with the conclusion of "passed" or "failed". If more than one candidate applies for one topic, their order is determined according to the success of the entrance examination. In determining the order, the commission also takes into account the scope and quality of the applicant's previous study, professional or publication activities and the results of their other professional activities. The current involvement of the applicant in student scientific and professional activities or other competitions is also favourable for the applicant. Based on the results of the entrance examination, the Dean decides on the admission of the candidate within 30 days from the date of the entrance examination. If Dean decides positively on the admission of an applicant, they also state the name of the supervisor and the topic of the dissertation in their decision. The written decision must also contain a statement, justification, and instructions on the possibility of submitting a request for review of the decision and must be delivered to the addressee only. During the implementation of the study programme, the facts related to the fulfilment of the content of the individual study plan of the doctoral student are evaluated. The evaluation is performed once a year at the end of the academic year by the supervisor and approved by the guarantor of the study programme and subsequently by the Dean. The decisive facts are the dissertation examination and the defence of the dissertation. A doctoral student who does not fulfil all the obligations arising from the individual study plan and who does not have sufficient credits cannot apply for the dissertation examination or apply for permission to defend the dissertation. Within the deadline set for the submission of the thesis, the author of the thesis personally uploads its electronic version, identical to the bound version, in .pdf format in one file with the possibility of conversion to plain text into the system Records of Final Theses (hereinafter EZP). Access to EZP is possible via the page: UNIZA then sends the work in the electronic form to the Central Register of Final, Rigorous and Habilitation Theses (CRZP), where the degree of originality of the submitted work is verified. Along with the dissertation, the relevant opinions of opponents, supervisors, supervisors of final theses or rigorous theses, reviewers or other persons are sent in electronic form and these reviews are stored in CRZP together with the relevant work for the period of its retention. The doctoral study student submits to the Dean an application for permission to defend the dissertation in accordance with the study schedule as long as they possess the prescribed number of credits. After receiving the application for permission to defend the dissertation, the Dean submits to the chairman of the Joint Commission the doctoral student's application together with the dissertation and asks them to propose the composition of the defence commission and the opponents' proposal. Commission and minimum 2 opponents are then appointed by the dean of the faculty. After receiving all the opinions from the opponents, the Dean forwards the doctoral student's request for permission to defend the dissertation, together with all the requisites, including the opponents' opinions, to the chairman of the defence commission. After receiving the materials, the chairman of the defence commission proposes to the Dean the time and place of the dissertation defence. The dissertation together with its defence forms one subject. The defence of the dissertation is a state examination and in the standard length of study, the doctoral student must complete it no later than in the last month of the last academic year of their standard length of study. The defence of the dissertation takes place in the form of a scientific debate. The doctoral student presents the content of their dissertation, its results and its benefits. Opponents present their opinions, on which the doctoral student also gives an opinion. The discussion verifies the accuracy, justification and scientific origin of the knowledge contained in the dissertation. The defence may take place only in the presence of at least two-thirds of the members of the defence commission entitled to vote, including at least two opponents, and at least one member of the commission must be from a workplace outside UNIZA. At the end of the defence, a closed meeting of the commission is held, which is attended by its members, including opponents and the supervisor. The closed session evaluates the course, the result of the defence and the possibility of using the results of the dissertation in practice. The commission will decide on the originality of the work after the defence. Evidence of completion of the doctoral study programme TaSoB in the field of study Construction is a university diploma, a certificate of state examination and a diploma supplement. Evidence of graduation is usually handed over to the doctoral student by the Dean at a graduation ceremony, organised according to the traditions and customs of UNIZA. |
Opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility | ||
In the case of foreign mobility and internships, Directive No. 219 Mobility Programmes of the UNIZA Students and Staff Abroad defines the processes, procedures and structures of the conditions for the recognition of studies within the scope of student mobility. At the faculty level, the fulfilment of the relevant processes, procedures and structures within the framework of student mobility is ensured by the faculty coordinator, who is usually the Vice-Dean for International Cooperation. With their help and with the help of the study programme guarantor, the student compiles the study plan from the offer of study subjects at a foreign university so that it contains equivalents of compulsory and optional study programme subjects that the student has prescribed in their study programme for the relevant academic year at UNIZA. In the case of an internship abroad, the student fills in the "Learning agreement" form in addition to the agreement "Information about the planned study stay", the document which also includes the study plan of the student going abroad for the academic year. In the document, the names of subjects that are to be completed abroad and their equivalents according to their study plan at UNIZA are filled in. |
Rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences | ||
At the university level, Directive No. 207 Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina and Directive No. 201 Disciplinary Code for Students of the University of Žilina define the processes, procedures and structures of the academic study. Both documents are also valid at the faculty level. The essence of the Code of Ethics is that all persons employed or studying at the university are governed by the following ethical principles: humanity, reasonableness, honesty, decency, correctness, tactfulness, consideration, responsibility, sense of duty, respect for the dignity of others and awareness of one's own dignity and honour, while also respecting fundamental human rights and freedoms. Unacceptable practices in the field of pedagogy and research are defined and forms of violations are defined. The disciplinary rules for UNIZA students define the following terms: disciplinary offence, the person responsible for the disciplinary offence, disciplinary measure, disciplinary proceedings, decision imposing a disciplinary measure and review of the decision imposing a disciplinary measure. |
Procedures applicable to students with special needs | ||
At the university level, Directive No. 198 Support for Applicants and Students with Special Needs at the University of Žilina, Directive No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina and Directive No. 216 Quality Assurance of the Doctoral Degree Studies at the University of Žilina define processes, procedures and structures for students with special needs. The rules defined by these directives also apply at the faculty level. |
Procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students | ||
At the university and faculty level, the processes, procedures and structures with regard to filing complaints and appeals are defined by Directive No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina. The rules on student access to corrective actions are defined in Article 9 of this directive and, in part, in Article 15. FCE UNIZA follows the procedures described in Directive No. 110.
5. | Course information sheets of the study programme (In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compulsory courses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compulsory optional courses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optional courses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. | Current academic year plan and current schedule |
Current academic year plan | |
Academic calendar Faculty of Civil Engineering specific information regardless of the academic calendar and schedule is available at: e-learning portal of UNIZA is available at:
Current schedule | |
Current schedules of all study programmes are accessible at:
7. | Persons responsible for the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guarantor of the study program: Marián Drusa, prof. Ing. PhD. |
b - c | List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contents is generated from Study plans.
d | List of teachers of the study programme (including doctoral students) with the assignment to the course | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contents is generated from Study plans.
e - f | List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics |
g | Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• Ing. Marek Bartko, |
h | Study advisor of the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Study advisor of the study programme |
i | Other supporting staff of the study programme - assigned study officer, career counsellor, administration, accommodation department, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Doctoral study department: Ing. Andrea Husáriková - International Mobility Officer, study abroad (Erasmus+): Mgr. Zuzana Pudiková - Career advisor: Ing. Lucia Nesselmannová. Accommodation facility UZ Veľký Diel: Jozef Lacek (riaditeľ UZ Veľký Diel) Accommodation faciliity UZ Hliny V: Ing. Miroslav Stromček (riaditeľ UZ Hliny V) |
8. | Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support |
a | List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centres, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds). |
Directive No. 217 Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina provides detailed information about possible support during the education process. The purpose of this directive is to define the resources of the University of Žilina, which are used in the implementation of accredited study programmes and creative activities with regard to ensuring their maximum effectiveness, efficiency, economy, accessibility and renewal in accordance with the internal quality system of education. Resources are divided into - financial, spatial, material, technical, personnel, information and support infrastructures. At UNIZA, university-wide classrooms are available for educational activities, and individual faculties have additional classrooms in which the faculties organise their teaching as part of their educational activities and accredited study programmes. All available classrooms are listed at: Information on the availability and usability of these classrooms for students with special needs can be found at: University-wide classrooms are used for teaching mainly subjects of the theoretical basis and general focus for individual faculties. These are lecture halls with a capacity of 110-150 seats, as well as smaller classrooms with a capacity of 24-60 seats for exercises, and seminars, but also lectures for smaller groups of students. Virtual tours of university-wide classrooms can be explored at: The scheduling department is in charge of assigning these classrooms to specific studying programmes and subjects according to the student numbers and the requirements of their respective faculties/departments. Faculty classrooms are assigned to the study programme by the Council of the Study Programme, or The Board of Guarantors of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE UNIZA) and the decisions are approved by the Board of the Dean of the FCE. Departments claim these classrooms when entering the teaching schedule for the relevant academic year into the system in accordance with the study plans of the relevant study programmes. The following faculty classrooms and laboratories are set aside for the needs of the TaSoB study programme: • standard equipment - AE102, AE103, AE013, AE202, AE203, AE303, The standard equipment of classrooms is comprised of a computer, data projector, whiteboard, wifi, LAN connection. All classrooms are suitable for disabled students. Material and technical equipment of laboratories and laboratory classrooms is listed at: In addition, FCE has virtual tours of laboratories with a description of the material and technical equipment available at: FCE UNIZA is equipped with devices and equipment that enable students, in cooperation with teachers and researchers, to acquire professional knowledge from the entire spectrum of activities of the field of study during the processing of bachelor's, master‘s and doctoral theses. In the laboratories of the departments and in the Testing Laboratory of the FCE, UNIZA (accredited by Slovak National Accreditation Service - SNAS), the instrumental equipment corresponds in close connection to the scientific research profiles of the departments. All laboratories of the departments are accessible to students; they are regularly used for lectures and practical training and are also available to doctoral students during the processing of doctoral theses. The three main departments of the study programme are equipped with the following technology:
With the exception of the first laboratory, the other two are a part of the UNIZA Research Center. At the same time, "Direct research on the envelope structures of intelligent buildings" of the research centre is carried out, where 36 measuring points with sensors mapping the building's external climatic conditions with the possibility of correcting its energy systems are installed directly on the façade of the building.
Further information on the allocation, use, monitoring and decommissioning of spatial, material and technical resources are described in Directive No. 217 (Articles 7-14). |
b | Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.) |
The information necessary for the effective management of study programmes at UNIZA can be found in the UNIZA Academic Information and Education System (AIVS). Details of the sources of information in this area are defined in Directive No. 217 Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina and in Directive No. 218 On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes. The scheduling department, in cooperation with the relevant study departments of the faculties and the Center for Information and Communication Technologies (CeIKT), using information systems, collects the data about available premises and takes inventory of technology used in study programmes. Objects that are also accessible to students and employees with disabilities are specially marked in the system. Relevant sources of information for applicants and students are information on faculty-specific study programmes as well as information on university-wide study programmes. Essential information about the study, including study programmes, instructions for the admission procedure, graduation, etc. are a part of UNIZA's internal regulations. Access to these documents is available on the UNIZA website at in the Applicants section. Detailed information on the study programmes is located on the faculty website with the option to use the links on the main page. Information on currently provided full-time study programmes in the relevant academic year is always available on the Study Programmes website at Access to study literature is provided by the UNIZA University Library (UK) - see also Art. 17 of Directive No. 217 Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina. Access to the compulsory literature listed in the Information Sheet (available in the E-learning system) of the relevant subject is available in the UK, either directly or through its sub-libraries at the relevant departments, depending on the type and form of literature and study materials. Most of the newer titles published by the Publishing House of the University of Žilina (EDIS) are also available in the EDIS university shop. Another often used form is the distribution of study materials needed for the processing of specific tasks directly by the relevant teachers unless it is freely available material (these are mainly presentations from lectures, some sample solutions, excerpts from technical standards and various illustrative examples). These materials are most often shared either in the LMS Moodle learning platform, through shared materials in MS-Teams, or by e-mail, rarely and only in exceptional cases in the form of physical copies or prints. |
c | Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning |
The main core of distance education and study review at FCE UNIZA is e-education, built on the basis of LMS Moodle. The organisation of the courses is based on a guided study with the support of information and communication technologies in close connection with AIVS. E-learning has been in use at the university since the academic year 2004/2005. In recent months, due to the pandemic situation, MS Teams has been used for the needs of online lectures and exercises. Instructions from CeIKT are available for this form of pedagogical process at the following links: |
d | Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation |
e | Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities |
At the university level, the possibilities of social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities are described in Directive No. 217 Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina - especially in the Articles 17, 18 and 19. The creation of these organisations and associations is governed by the procedures laid out in Directive No. 123 Modification of the Basic Principles in the Creation of Groups of Students and Staff on the Premises of the University of Žilina with the approval of the UNIZA Rector granting consent to the establishment of student organisations/clubs/associations based on the opinion of a three-member commission headed by the Vice-Rector for Education. These organisations are governed by statutes approved by the Rector. The leaders of their organisations are responsible for the activities of these organisations. List of student organisations/clubs/associations operating in UNIZA: Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering can take advantage of the opportunities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities offered by UNIZA. More information about the focus of individual organisations is available at: Sports activities for UNIZA students and employees are provided by the UNIZA Institute of Physical Education (hereinafter "ÚTV") as a university-wide institute with the aim of developing a programme of physical activities for UNIZA students and employees. More information regarding sports activities is available at: |
f | Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships, application instructions, rules for recognition of this education |
Possibilities and conditions for the participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships, application instructions, rules for recognition of this education At the faculty level, these activities are in the portfolio of the Vice-Dean for Development and International Relations, and detailed information can also be found on the faculty website.
Assistant for International Studies and International Mobility, including Erasmus+: Mgr. Zuzana Pudíková, |
9. | Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | Required abilities and necessary admission requirements | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Admission requirements are detailed in Directive No. 206 Principles and Rules of the Admission Procedure at the University of Žilina. Faculties and other units also guarantee, through adherence and application of the principles and rules of the admission procedure for studies at UNIZA, that:
Other conditions for admission to study are determined by the faculty: |
b | Admission procedures | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
At the university level, doctoral studies are governed by the rules defined in Directive No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina and Directive No. 216 Quality Assurance of the Doctoral Degree Studies at the University of Žilina. The rules, procedures and structures for admission to the 3rd level of higher education are defined by Directive No. 206 Principles and Rules of the Admission Procedure at the University of Žilina. Applicants for the TaSoB study programme apply for dissertation topics made public by the FCE and published on the official bulletin board or the university website. The topics of dissertations are discussed in the Joint Commission and then subsequently approved by the Joint Commission and the Dean of the FCE, which announces them no later than two months before the last day for submitting applications for doctoral studies. For each topic, the name of the study programme, the name of the supervisor, the form of study (full-time, part-time), the deadline for submitting applications and the date of the admission procedure are given. The entrance examination takes place in front of an admissions committee composed of at least four members. The Admissions Committee consists of its chairman and at least two members appointed by the Dean. Another member of the commission is the supervisor for the listed topic. The Admissions Committee evaluates the result of the entrance examination in a closed session with the conclusion of "passed" or "failed". If more than one candidate has applied for one topic, they determine their order according to the success of the entrance examination. In determining the order, the commission also takes into account the scope and quality of the applicant's previous professional publishing activities and the results of their other professional activities. |
c | Results of the admission process over the last period | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10. | Feedback on the quality of provided education |
a | Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality |
At the UNIZA level, for the need of monitoring and evaluation of students' opinions on the quality of the study programme, Directive No. 223 Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes defines the procedures that are used for the purposes of evaluation. The process of monitoring and periodic evaluation of study programmes takes place at UNIZA at three levels:
The following participate in the monitoring and periodic evaluation of the environment: (a) internal stakeholders: FCE UNIZA obtains data for monitoring quantitative and qualitative indicators of the quality of the study programme through:
The process of collecting data from information systems takes place in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for Research, the guarantor of the study programme and the department for doctoral studies with the support of CeIKT. The process of preparation, implementation and statistical processing of direct measurements describing the performance of students is the responsibility of individual teachers in coordination with the guarantors of study programmes. The process of preparing and exporting data from indirect measurements capturing the perception of education by stakeholders is coordinated at the level of the UNIZA Science and Research Department. The person responsible for communication with stakeholders for the needs of monitoring and periodic evaluation is the guarantor of the study programme in coordination with the dean of the faculty. The person responsible for monitoring the faculty is the Vice-Dean for Research in coordination with the dean of the faculty. The person responsible for the periodic evaluation of study programmes at the level of the Study Programme Council is the guarantor of the study programme, and at the faculty level, it is the Dean. Monitoring the perception of education by stakeholders is carried out mainly through questionnaires. |
b | Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality |
Feedback at the level of the study programme is obtained through regular anonymous questionnaires designed for students graduating from all levels of education. They are used to map the entire study programme. The general set of questions consists of items organised into these topics at least: Feedback on individual subjects is obtained during the semester through a regular anonymous questionnaire designed for all students at all levels of education. It maps the educational process to the level of the teacher/subject, the teacher's approach, the possibility of achieving the learning outcomes and their connection with the methods of teaching and assessment, and the specifics of the subject. At the level of study programmes, the guarantor of the study programme analyses the feedback obtained identifies opportunities and suggestions for further strengthening the positives and offers suggestions for eliminating identified weaknesses and possible risks. The results of the feedback on the implemented education and the identified opportunities for improvement are subsequently analysed, and evaluated and are the basis for the creation of the Report on the Evaluation of the Study Programme within the periodic evaluation of the study programme by the Board of the Study Programme. The key findings and results obtained from surveys and feedback from students are then published on the website of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UNIZA (in the section Surveys), where they are available to all members of the academic community and the public. |
c | Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality |
Feedback from graduates of study programmes maps the effect and impact of completed higher education at the appropriate level. The anonymous questionnaire is intended for all graduates who completed their studies in a given study programme in the last three years. Alumni are contacted by the Board of the Study Programme in cooperation with the dean of the faculty to fill in the questionnaire. The request also includes information on the place of publication of previous monitoring and periodic evaluation results. The guarantor of the study programme and senior staff analyse the data from the relevant parts of the feedback obtained, identify opportunities and suggestions for strengthening the positive, eliminate identified weaknesses and possible risks, and propose measures to improve the quality of education. The key findings and results obtained from surveys and feedback from graduates are then published on the website of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UNIZA, where they are available to all members of the academic community and the public. The results of the feedback on the implemented education and the identified opportunities for improvement are subsequently analysed, and evaluated by the Board of the Study Programme, and are the basis for the preparation of the Report on the Evaluation of the Study Programme within the periodic evaluation of the study programme by the Board of the Study Programme. |
11. | References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student (e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internal regulations and information / Link | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||