Description of the study programme

Name of the faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Name of the study programme: Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage
Degree of higher education: 3.
Institution body for approving the study programme: Accreditation Council of UNIZA
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
Date of the latest change in the study programme description: 17.3.2022
Reference to the results of the latest periodic review of the study programme by the institution: not available yet
1. Basic information about the study programme
a Name of the study programme Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage Number according to the register of study programmes 103423
b Degree of higher education 3 ISCED-F education degree code 864
c Place(s) of delivery of the study programme Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina
d Name of the field /
Combination of two fields of study
Media and Communication Studies Number of the field of study 7205V00
ISCED-F codes of the field/fields 0320 Journalism and information not further defined, 0322 Library, information and archival studies
e Type of the study programme Academically oriented
f Awarded academic degree PhD.
g Form of study external
h Cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfils at each of the given institutions We do not cooperate with another university in this study program.
i Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered Slovak language
j Standard length of the study expressed in academic years 4 years rok(y)
k Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students) 1.grade: 2
2.grade: 1
4.grade: 1
Actual number of applicants
Year of study 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
1.grade 1 2
Actual number of students
Year of study 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
1.grade 2
2.grade 1 1
3.grade 1
4.grade 1
2. Graduate profile and learning objectives
a Learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes

Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage is at least a unique study program in Central Europe, innovatively connecting the media, digital humanities and cultural heritage as an interdisciplinary platform creating a precondition for successful employment of graduates in the so-called professions of the future.

The units of the study program Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage follow the content of three trajectories of study specific for the first and second degrees, but are compactly designed to ensure the combination of theoretical knowledge and additional knowledge, abilities and skills fully in line with the core topics of the media and communication studies. The main content of the doctoral study consists of a scientific work, the results of which are usually included in the doctoral student's dissertation thesis, as well as in his partial publications. The specific approach involves an intensive effort to link research with practice through collaborating institutions.

The graduate of the doctoral degree is prepared for the area of ??basic and applied research in the sector of media, culture, creative industry or in the academic sector. The study plan reflects the current and anticipated future needs of the above sectors, employers in the field, while the acquired knowledge, skills and competences reflect the current state of knowledge in the field of methodology and are the basis for innovation and originality in practice, development and research. The graduate understands the content and goals of media and marketing communication in the field of cultural heritage and creative industries, included in the modern digital space. He has above standard knowledge and experience in the field of analysis, design and management of information, media content of various nature in the digital environment in the public and private sectors.

In accordance with the European strategy for culture and in the framework of strengthening national and European identity, he/she is able to inform and present topics, analyzes and solutions related to the support of the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. He/she has a deep knowledge of the principles of professional activities management in media, cultural and memory information institutions in the context of their future digital transformation, legislation in force and project management. The graduate's profile enables the graduate to adapt flexibly to the dynamically changing expectations and needs of the relevant sectors (also with an emphasis on the so-called professions of the future), as well as the academic environment. 

Objectives and outcomes of education      

The learning objectives and outcomes are achieved through measurable learning outcomes and correspond to the relevant level of the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area. The essential base of educational goals reflects compact units combining knowledge, abilities and skills in full accordance with the core themes of media and communication studies field of study.

[GO 1] To know the methodology related to several areas of the field, which forms the basis of innovation and original approaches in practice and research.

[GO 2] To master the scientific methods of basic and applied research in a given field with a link to related fields.

[GO 3] To formulate and validate new hypotheses, judgments and strategies in the context of the latest trends in the field.

[GO 4] To implement and present the results of own research, analysis and surveys reflecting autonomous, critical and analytical thinking.

[GO 5] To coordinate teamwork, lead teams and their segments in the scientific and application spheres of the field.

[GO 6] To present the results of own research, analysis or surveys in the professional community within the national and international scientific environment.

[GO 7] To adhere to the legal, ethical and cultural principles of the profession.

[LO 1] Knowledge

  • He/she has expertise in media methodology and theory, cultural heritage and information science in their mutual contextual and interdisciplinary connection (e.g. active participation in a research project, research for practice, management of media and communication institutions, media and culture, cultural heritage, scientific methodology, expert systems in information space, information analysis and information research...)
  • He/she knows the scientific methods of basic and applied research in the field with links to related disciplines. (e.g. active participation in a research project, research for practice, scientific methodology...)
  • He/she has deep expertise in the media system and its impact on society. (e.g. media and culture, cultural heritage, philosophy of media and culture, management of media and communication institutions...)
  • He/she can solve complex problems related to the creation, use and distribution of information content at a high level, has the ability to communicate and distribute it competently in all forms (e.g. philosophy of media and culture, information analysis, information research, management of institutions operating in the media and communication field...)
  • He/she masters the processes of data analysis from different perspectives, uses and applies data in research and practice (e.g. active participation in a research project, research for practice, expert systems in information space, information analysis and information research, data curation, historical geography...)
  • He/she has a deep knowledge of state information and cultural policies, information processes and the position of institutions in the information field (e.g. expert systems in information space, information analysis, information analysis and information research, cultural history, digital humanities, historical geography...).
  • He/she understands the importance of teamwork in situational connection to the current conditions and the specific community, institution... (e.g. cultural history, media and culture, trends in the presentation of cultural heritage, management of institutions operating in the media and communication field...)
  • He/she has knowledge of the broader social, ethical, economic, psychological, political, legal, aesthetic and other contexts of social communication (e.g. cultural history, media and culture, trends in the presentation of cultural heritage, literary communication and reading research, information analysis and information research...)

[LO 2] Skills

  • He/she knows the research methods of his/her own research and can apply the findings of scientific research in practice (e.g. active participation in a research project, scientific methodology, information analysis and information research...).
  • He/she proposes, verifies and implements new research and working practices as well as solutions in the development of strategies in the field of cultural and creative industries (e.g. active participation in a research project, scientific methodology, information analysis and information research, cultural heritage, management of institutions operating in the media and communication field...)
  • He/she can take an interdisciplinary and comprehensive view of the field and address the issues or problems raised in accordance with the latest trends (e.g. active participation in a research project, research for practice, media and culture, information research, digital humanities, historical geography...)
  • He/she can analyse, comment, interpret, evaluate, create and publicly present information at a high level (e.g. active participation in a research project, research for practice, cultural heritage, media and culture, websites and portals...)
  • He/she actively uses analytical and critical thinking as a prerequisite for further work in a sector-specific field of work (e.g. professional and scientific event organised by a PhD student, media and culture, websites and portals...)
  • He/she uses acquired skills especially in the field of methods for implementing complex information retrieval procedures using relevant selection language (e.g. research for practice, information analysis and information research...)
  • He/she possesses superior management skills accepting socially responsible and ethical decision making (e.g. management of institutions operating in the media and communication field, active participation in  a research project, research for practice, professional and scientific event organized by a PhD student, completion of a foreign internship...)

[LO 3] Competences

  • He/she analyses and solves problems in the relevant field (e.g. information analysis and information research, active participation in a research project, research for practice, management of institutions operating in the media and communication field...)
  • He/she determines the focus of research and takes a leading and active role in initiating and resolving research projects, management activities... (e.g. active participation in a research project, research for practice, media and culture...)
  • He/she is characterised by independent, critical and analytical thinking, which he/she uses in changing working and social conditions (e.g. professional and scientific event organised by a PhD student, media and culture...)
  • He/she has a high level of media, digital and cultural literacy (partial themes implemented cross-curricularly in all courses)
  • He/she analyses, comments, interprets, evaluates, creates and publicly presents information in different types of media (e.g. active participation in a research project, research for practice, media and culture...)
  • He/she assesses and evaluates the contexts of the strategic functioning of the institutional environment, their mission, focus and strategy of the cultural institution, also in the context of the development of society (e.g. research for practice, information analysis and information research, management of institutions operating in the media and communication field, media and culture...)
  • He/she is an impetus and a key element in developing effective collaboration between media, information and memory institutions in the digital environment (e.g. management of institutions operating in the media and communication field, research for practice, professional and scientific event organised by PhD student, cultural heritage...)
  • He/she presents own opinions and proposals, including in front of the scientific community (also in a foreign language), in an appropriate and effective manners (e.g. English language course, completion of a foreign internship, professional and scientific event organized by a PhD student, management of institutions operating in the field of media and communication...).
  • He/she actively works on personal and professional development (e.g. English language course, completion of a foreign internship, professional and scientific event organized by a PhD student...)

Knowledge, skills and competences are presented, inter alia, in the form of publication outputs defined in the doctoral student's study plan.

b Indicated professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability

The occupations are in line with the expectations arising from Level 8 of the NSRR (National Strategic Reference Framework):

  • researcher in media and communication studies or a content-related field,
  • university teacher in the position of assistant professor in media and communication studies or a content-related field,
  • senior management positions in the media, culture, memory institutions and creative industries,
  • researchers and specialists in library and information services, cultural heritage and the media and digital humanities sectors, setting trends for further development.

The study programme is also a reflection of the estimated professions of the future, which currently cannot yet be clearly defined, only assumed - e.g. digital innovations manager, manager of virtual production facilities, manager of media content for augmented and virtual reality, digital archaeologist, new media ecologist...

The above mentioned range of existing and foreseen occupations of the future creates a realistic prerequisite for the graduate's employment in the current and future labour market in the relevant sectors. The units of the curriculum reflect the current requirements of potential employers for graduate knowledge, skills and competences.

c Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favourable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession

The study programme does not prepare for a profession requiring an opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

The study programme will be reviewed by independent authorities from practice, giving a written comprehensive opinion on the fulfilment of the specific requirements for the study programme and the preparation of students for practice.

A specific list of other stakeholders will be made publicly available. The list of the so-called authorities from practice, relevant for the given field of study is approved by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Humanities UNIZA. The list of authorities that have signed the cooperation agreement is available online at:

Brief characteristics of authorities in practice: 

  1. Slovak Syndicate of Journalists (SSJ)

The Slovak Syndicate of Journalists - an authority from practice is intertwined with the Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage study programme, especially with regard to its assignment to the field of media and communication studies. The SSN can immediately and competently correct the direction of teaching and the content (updating and new trends) of the study programme, especially taking into account the ethical aspects of media production, journalism and reporting.

  1. The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic – Regional Monuments Office Žilina

The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic represents an authority from practice, which is closely intertwined with the orientation in the field of cultural heritage and can provide valuable, competent recommendations that will strengthen the design of the study programme in relation to the applicability of graduates in the professional sphere.

  1. State Archives Žilina with seat in Bytča

The State Archives Žilina, based in Bytča, is an authority in the field of cultural heritage. The State Archives as an important memory institution can make a significant and competent contribution to the improvement of the quality of training of professionals in the field of their further employment, immediately after graduation. At the same time, it provides a space in which students can undergo a work experience or internship and thus gain personal practical experience (also in the context of research).

  1. Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI SR)

The Centre for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic (CVTI SR) is a directly managed organisation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. CVTI SR performs the function of a national information centre for the Ministry of Education, for science, technology, innovation and the function of a specialised scientific library of the Slovak Republic. The mission of the institution is to support the development of science, technology and education by building and operating information systems for research and development; building and managing library and information collections and providing library and information services to the general professional public; methodological and analytical activities supporting management and evaluation in the field of research, development and higher education; preparation and implementation of projects to support research, development and education; popularisation of science and technology in society.  CVTI SR is a depository library of OECD, EBRD and WIPO and serves as a PATLIB patent information centre. All these activities are directly related to the content of the Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage study programme.

As a representative of employers, a representative of this organisation is involved in the study programme approval process as a member of the Study Programme Council.


3. Employability
a Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability

Graduates of doctoral studies are employed in various scientific research and managerial positions. In the Slovak environment, the perception of a PhD degree as a necessity only for career advancement, especially in the academic and scientific research environment, still persists.  Graduates are gradually proving through their successful work experience that it is possible to use scientific and research potential in corporate practice as well, and are contributing to the positive image of PhD studies in the eyes of the public.

The following table shows the statistics of successful graduates with a 3rd degree:


graduates PhD.

daily form

graduates PhD.

external form
































Data on the employability of graduates of the study programme are recorded and evaluated by the Vice-Dean for Quality and Development in his/her agenda. Graduates were involved in a survey of their satisfaction with their studies with the passage of time, in which feedback was obtained on the pedagogical process, material and technical provision of teaching, and on the acquired knowledge and skills applicable in practice. 

The last survey carried out on a sample of completed PhD students was carried out in the first quarter of 2022. All graduates since obtaining the rights to pursue PhD studies were contacted.

Results: of the former students, up to 6 are working at Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage Department, so we did not include them in the analysis of satisfaction with the study to maintain objectivity (and possible conflict of interest) (we describe and discuss student satisfaction separately elsewhere in the description of the study programme). Some graduates did not respond, some are no longer contactable, and 7 are currently on maternity leave, so have limited opportunities to secure feedback from employers. As we wanted to gain a more comprehensive view of the quality of the PhD studies, we also wanted to reach out to employers.

We have therefore created two forms: one designed to monitor feedback from graduates and the other as a reference sheet for their direct supervisors in their current workplace.   

Up to 8 former PhD students participated in the evaluation of their studies.  In their feedback, they were asked to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of their studies and had the opportunity to give suggestions for its improvement and enhancement in the future. The results show that they were satisfied with the education they had received (more detailed results are summarised in section 10 of this description).  

All the results of the aforementioned survey are available for consultation with the Vice-Dean for Quality and Development.  

The findings were analyzed and discussed at the Dean's College.


b Successful graduates of the study programme

Data on successful graduates of the study programme is recorded by the Vice Dean for Quality and Development – a separate non-public XLS document with contacts of several successful graduates is available. It is possible to reach out to them immediately and ask for feedback or provide insight into the forms submitted capturing feedback.

Some graduates have also agreed in writing to publish their profile on the FHV website, where a section "Successful graduates" is created:

Successful graduates of the Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage study programme include, for example: 

  1. Ivana Poláková, PhD. - contact:, workplace: the State Scientific Library in Banská Bystrica, Department of Research and Bibliography, Section of Library and Information Activities
  2. Júlia Marcinová, PhD. - contact:, workplace: City museum Rajec, museum researcher


c Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback)

Feedback from employers is collected and evaluated by the Vice Dean for Quality and Development. Employers' satisfaction with the level of graduates' readiness for practice is monitored.

The employer survey was conducted in the first quarter of 2022. The aim was to determine employer satisfaction with the level of preparedness of our graduates.

We received feedback in the form of references from employers such as CVTI SR, Gorazd Zvonický Zemplín Library, State Scientific Library in Banská Bystrica, Aspecta, Ltd. They expressed great satisfaction with the graduates‘ readiness for the performance of work. We were particularly interested in 4 areas:

  • Application of scientific research knowledge and skills at work, especially in research activities at a higher scientific and research level, in publishing, project and educational activities. On the basis of the completed forms, it can be stated that almost all knowledge, skills and competences acquired, deepened and also applied during PhD studies are also used by our former students at their current employer, with the extent depending on the job description. To a lesser extent, they are engaged in project activities. To a greater extent publishing and educational activities.  Employers reported the highest satisfaction with the work of our graduates, which can be closely linked to the quality of their training during their studies.
  • Assessment of individual job performance attributes such as level of professional knowledge and skills, completion of tasks in required time and quality, speed of problem solving, level of independence, willingness to learn, teamwork, accepting new challenges and responsibilities, ability to handle stress, presentation and expression skills, level of activity and commitment, creativity, imagination... We can conclude that employers expressed relatively high satisfaction with the job performance of our former PhD students in almost all the attributes surveyed. We perceive this as positive feedback, as the students develop desirable work behaviours and good work habits during their studies. The lower scores appear mainly in those attributes that result from the temperament and character traits of the observed, which cannot be perceived as a fundamental deficiency in relation to their training. 
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of graduates. The most frequently cited strengths of our graduates include high work commitment, perseverance, independence, dedication, inventiveness and creativity, professional expertise, interest and willingness to pursue lifelong learning. Those that need to be further developed include, for example, appropriate self-confidence, modesty, and verbal presentation.
  • Suggestions for improving the quality of the preparation of students in level 3 studies. Employers made minimal use of the opportunity to indicate measures to improve doctoral studies. They recommended a greater focus on practice and teaching IT-oriented courses.

All the results of the aforementioned survey are available for consultation with the Vice-Dean for quality and development.  

The findings were analyzed and discussed at the Dean's College.         

The status will continue to be monitored in order to improve the level of knowledge, practical skills and competences of our graduates in order to respond to the needs of practice.     

The employers' representative (as a member of the Study Programme Board) is directly involved in the preparation and evaluation of the study programme. The so-called authorities from practice, who comment on the entire accreditation file of a given study programme, also play an important role in the accreditation process.

4. Structure and content of the study programme
a Rules for the design of study plans within the study programme

At the university level, processes, procedures and structures are defined in:

Directive No. 203/2021 - Rules for the development of recommended curricula for study programmes at UNIZA,

Directive No. 204/2021 - Rules for the creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programmes at UNIZA,

Directive No. 205/2021 - Rules for Assigning Teachers to Provide Study Programmes at UNIZA,

Directive No. 212/2021 - Rules for defining the workload of creative employees of UNIZA,

Directive No. 110/2013 - Study Regulations for the Third Level of Higher Education at the University of Žilina,

The study programme is processed as a proposal for modification of the study programme in the sense of harmonization of the study programme with the standards of SAAVŠ (Slovak Higher Education Accreditation Agency) and the standards of VSK (internal quality system) UNIZA. The study programme is approved in accordance with the formalized processes of the internal quality system of UNIZA. Independent experts participate in the proposal, approval and assessment of individual study programmes (they are members of the Study Programme Board (SPB), they act as authorities from practice in the evaluation of the study programme, they are members of the UNIZA Accreditation Board (AB UNIZA)), as well as graduates and students are involved in these boards through their representatives. There are records of the nomination and approval of members (e.g. from the Dean's College, the Scientific Council...). Staff compositions of the SPB as well as other relevant structures (Boards) are known and publicly accessible. The members of the Boards are subject to the requirements in accordance with the above-mentioned directives. Based on the published data, it is clear that the persons involved in the preparation/editing of the SP are different from the persons approving the study programme (members of the UNIZA AB).

Doctoral studies are governed by the Directive No.110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of Higher Education at the University of Žilina, where the standard length of study for a doctoral study programme in the external form of study is defined as 3 or 4 academic years. The number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for the proper completion of studies for an external doctoral study programme with a standard length of study is 180 credits for 4 academic years in total for compulsory elective courses and other obligations/courses of the student, which are defined in the individual study plan. The nature of the individual learning activities is expressed in the available documents (information sheets of courses), where all the necessary elements are clearly and comprehensibly presented. In the study programme Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage (3rd degree, external form) we apply a study duration of 4 academic years and the acquisition of 180 credits.


Students enrolled in the PhD degree programme until 31 October 2022 will complete their studies in the original length of study in the submitted harmonised study programme. For these students, the recommended study plan (standard length of study) set at 4 years and the required acquisition of 180 credits applies. For students enrolled after 31 October 2022, the recommended study plan with a standard duration of 3 years (in accordance with the legislation in force) and the necessary acquisition of 180 credits applies. The recommended study plan in this case is identical to the full-time study programme.

The prerequisite for the proper completion of studies for an external doctoral study programme with a standard length of study of 4 academic years is the acquisition of at least 180 credits, whereby:       

  • at least 107 credits must be obtained for fulfilling the compulsory part of the study (in the study plan they are marked as compulsory courses with the codes 7D0D5xy). In addition, a doctoral student studying in the external form of study is obliged to take the course/activity "7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a PhD student" instead of conducting exercises during the study.
  • At least 10 credits for courses/activities belonging to the group of other pedagogical and professional/scientific activities (in the study plan they are marked as compulsory elective courses with the codes 7D0D6xy),
  • at least 15 credits for courses/activities belonging to the group of so-called conference outputs of scientific activity (in the study plan they are marked as compulsory elective courses with the codes 7D0D7xy),
  • at least 30 credits for courses/activities belonging to the doctoral student's further publishing activity (in the study plan they are marked as compulsory elective courses with the codes 7D0D8xy),
  • a minimum of 18 credits for compulsory elective courses belonging to the group marked in the study plan with the codes 7D0D9xy. This group also includes credits (3x5 credits) for successful completion of 3 selected courses in the dissertation examination. In case of interest, the student may choose and enrol in other courses from this group - beyond the required compulsory fulfillment.

The prerequisite for the proper completion of studies for an external doctoral study programme with a standard length of study of 3 academic years is the acquisition of at least 180 credits, whereby:      

  • at least 107 credits must be obtained for fulfilling the compulsory part of the study (in the study plan they are marked as compulsory courses with the codes 7D0D5xy). In addition, a doctoral student studying in the external form of study is obliged to take the course/activity "7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a PhD student" instead of conducting exercises during the study.
  • At least 10 credits for courses/activities belonging to the group of other pedagogical and professional/scientific activities (in the study plan they are marked as compulsory elective courses with the codes 7D0D6xy),
  • at least 15 credits for courses/activities belonging to the group of so-called conference outputs of scientific activity (in the study plan they are marked as compulsory elective courses with the codes 7D0D7xy),
  • at least 30 credits for courses/activities belonging to the doctoral student's further publishing activity (in the study plan they are marked as compulsory elective courses with the codes 7D0D8xy),
  • a minimum of 18 credits for compulsory elective courses belonging to the group marked in the study plan with the codes 7D0D9xy. This group also includes credits (3x5 credits) for successful completion of 3 selected courses in the dissertation examination. In case of interest, the student may choose and enrol in other courses from this group - beyond the required compulsory fulfillment.


A student may, if interested, also enrol in any number of additional, compulsory elective or elective courses - beyond the above required fulfillment.

b Recommended study plans for individual study paths

The units of the study programme Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage build on the three trajectories of study specific to the first and second levels of study, but are structured in a compact way to ensure a combination of theoretical knowledge and complementary knowledge, skills and abilities fully in line with the supporting themes of the core knowledge of the field of study Media and Communication Studies.


c The study programme, in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses
Profile courses of the relevant study path (specialization) within the study programme - Appendix 1
d Number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies
Other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study

Information about PhD studies is available at:

Only a student who has a statement from the supervisor in the annual evaluation of the doctoral student's study programme that he/she recommends his/her continuation of studies may enrol in the next year of study. The annual evaluation of the doctoral student for the academic year in question must be submitted by the supervisor to the Rector no later than 31 August of the academic year in question. In the annual evaluation, the supervisor shall assess the status and level of fulfilment of the doctoral student's study programme, compliance with deadlines, award credits and, if necessary, submit a proposal for the modification of the doctoral student's individual study programme.

All conditions and rules for successful completion of doctoral studies are defined in the Directive No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Level of Higher Education at the University of Žilina in Žilina.   

On the basis of the doctoral student's annual evaluation, the dean decides whether the doctoral student may continue his/her studies and also decides on any changes in his/her study programme. If the student has not fulfilled the conditions, the dean shall exclude him/her from studies in accordance with Article 8 and Article 19(4) of the above-mentioned Directive.

The conditions for successful completion of individual courses/parts of study are defined in their information sheets. Interim and final evaluation is also elaborated here. 

Conditions for proper completion of studies

A condition for the proper completion of studies is the acquisition of the necessary number of credits (180 credits in both daily and external study) according to the defined individual study plan, passing the dissertation examination and PhD thesis defence. (Directive 110, Article 1, paragraphs 4 a, b; 6; 9).

As part of the individual study plan, the requirements described in section 4a of this description must be fulfilled.

As part of the individual study plan, the requirements described in section 4a of this description must be fulfilled.

Other termination of studies is defined by UNIZA Directive No.110 Study Regulations for the Third Level of Higher Education at the University of Žilina, Article 19.

Repetition of the PhD thesis defence: it is defined by the directive UNIZA Directive No.110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of Higher Education at the University of Žilina, Article 15, Paragraphs 13, 14.

Submission and PhD thesis defence

Final theses are oriented towards demonstrating the application of the acquired knowledge and competence for solving problems in the field of study.

The elaboration, submission and defence of the dissertation shall be governed by the following guidelines: 

DIRECTIVE No. 215/2021 on final, rigorous and habilitation theses in the conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina:

DIRECTIVE No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Level of Higher Education at the University of Žilina:

and DIRECTIVE No. 216 Quality Assurance of Doctoral Studies at the University of Žilina:

The thesis demonstrates the ability and readiness of the student of the third level of higher education to perform independent scientific and creative activity in the field of research or development or independent theoretical and creative artistic activity. The thesis presents the results of scientific research and the application of research results in practice. The dissertation should result in the acquisition of new knowledge in the given field. Scientific research is the process of acquiring new scientific knowledge and expanding the frontiers of mankind's knowledge. The student must demonstrate a deep systematic understanding of the field of study, demonstrate skills in research work and correctly apply the methods of scientific research. The student should demonstrate that he/she has carried out a substantial part of the research himself/herself in the dissertation, that he/she has outlined, constructed, implemented, and optimized the research, all in an ethically clean way. 

Proposals for dissertation topics are announced and published on the official board of the faculty's web site, which also publishes the method and deadlines for students to apply for studies. The date of publication of dissertation topics is determined by the academic calendar of the training institute. Dissertation topics are published by 31 March of the academic year and applications for the third level must be submitted by 31 May of the academic year.           

The recommended length of the thesis is 80-120 pages (144,000-216,000 characters) and is defined in the Methodological Guideline No. 56/2011 on the requirements of theses, their bibliographic registration, preservation and accessibility. 

Substantial processes are governed by the relevant legislation of the Slovak Republic and internal regulations of UNIZA mentioned above.


e For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure
number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies 1 y.: 20.0, 2 y.: 25.0, 4 y.: 67.0
number of credits for compulsory optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies 73
number of credits for optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies
number of credits required for the completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for the common foundations and for the relevant specialization, in the case of a teaching combination study programme or a translation combination study programme
number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of studies 50
number of credits for professional practice required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for project work with the indication of relevant courses in engineering study programmes Not relevant
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for artistic performances in addition to the final thesis in art study programmes Not relevant
f Rules for the verification of learning outcomes, students’ assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment

The forms of verification of the acquired knowledge, skills and competences in the course are determined by the study plan and the information sheet of the course (conditions for completing the course). Directive No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Level of Higher Education at the University of Žilina Art. 5 precisely defines the credit system for doctoral studies and the evaluation of study results.

During his/her studies, a doctoral student obtains credits for attending specialized doctoral lectures and seminars according to the doctoral student's study plan, successful completion of the dissertation examination, pedagogical activity in the full-time form of study, independent activity in the field of scientific research and pedagogical activity, with emphasis on outputs in quality journals, (co-)solving of scientific tasks, final theses of bachelor's studies, etc.   

Verification of the acquired knowledge, skills and competences in the subject is carried out by the course guarantors after the end of the teaching of the course and as part of the dissertation examination.

All student outputs during the evaluation during the course of study or during the examination will be archived for 5 years electronically or in another form in accordance with applicable legislation in accordance with Article 17 of Directive No. 204 Rules for the creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina, must be accessible for consultation if necessary. The student's preparation will be archived from the oral examination; the examiner is responsible for this archiving, in a broader context the department. Completion of the course is graded with a mark (Classification or Exam). The mark reflects the result of the assessment in accordance with the aim and content of the course, as well as the learning outcomes stated in the course information sheet, and the student's ability to apply the knowledge acquired.

The course guarantor, in accordance with the criteria specified in the course information sheet, will familiarise students in detail with the conditions for the assessment of the learning outcomes in the course in the introductory lesson.      

The written exam can also be taken electronically, e.g. via the MS Teams platform.

The marking is based on a grading scale consisting of six grading levels:

Mark (classification level)

            Word classification and its     definition


Extent of knowledg (in %)



excellent:        excellent results

93 - 100%



very well:        above average results

85 - 92 %



well:                average results

77 - 84%



satisfactory:   acceptable results

69 - 76%



sufficient:    results meet minimum criteria

61 - 68%



insufficient:  additional work required

less than 61%



The grade and verbal mark (A - FX) is used for entry on the electronic statement of studies, the grade is entered into AIVS (Academic Information and Education System) by the examiner no later than 24 hours after the examination has taken place with the date of the examination. 

A student will receive credits for a course if his/her performance has been graded with any of the grades from A to E.

In a course for which another form of examination is prescribed by the curriculum in addition to the examination, successful completion of the prescribed form of examination is a condition for taking the examination in the relevant course. Students are normally examined by the lecturers who taught them the course. In justified cases, the study programme guarantor, in cooperation with the head of the department, may entrust the examination to another lecturer. It is not possible to divide a single examination into several days. The student has the right to be informed of the results of the examination in which he/she participated immediately after its evaluation. The oral examination of one student may not last longer than 60 minutes.  Examinations shall be held on dates to be determined by the examiner. The examiner shall publish the dates of the examinations well in advance, not later than seven calendar days before they are to take place. If a student fails to attend an examination and does not excuse himself/herself within five calendar days of the examination, or if the teacher does not accept the student's excuse for objective reasons, the student shall be marked 'FX - Insufficient'.

Exceptionally, the Dean/Rector may, at the request of a student, allow a new examination in a course in which the student has been classified with a numerical value in the range of 1.5 - 3 during the course of his/her studies. The result of the new examination will then be counted towards the student's overall academic performance.

The student has the right to refuse the interim assessment and the examination grade, except for the grade FX - insufficient. Rejection of an exam grade means a grade of FX, the next exam date is a make-up date for the student, as long as the student is eligible for another exam date. In such a case, the student's mark will be entered into the UNIZA AIVS. Only the most recent grade will be displayed in the electronic study report.

In case the student was evaluated with the grade "FX - insufficient" in the exam, he/she can repeat the exam up to two times (the first and the second remedial term), including the commission examination. The student has the right, within one working day of the final grade being published in the AIVS system for the course, to request a remedy consisting of an explanation of the results of the assessment, which may be made electronically by email, but must be received by the instructor from the student's official university email address.

The lecturer is obliged to make the result of the written examination available to the student within 3 working days, if the university learning platform is used, or to set a date for an oral consultation, usually during the lecturer‘s tutorial hours, at which he/she will allow the student to consult his/her graded written work.   

The student has the right to request a correction of the student's mid-term evaluation during the semester, and shall immediately request the opinion of the lecturer, who is obliged to explain the evaluation to the student. If the student does not agree with this explanation, he/she is entitled to request an opinion from the Vice-Dean for Education or the Dean, who will provide it in cooperation with the study programme guarantor within 15 calendar days.

g Conditions for the recognition of studies or a part of studies

At the level of the faculty and the university, Directive No.110 of the Study Regulations for the Third Level of Higher Education at the University of Žilina defines the processes, procedures and structures, Article 5, paragraph 7 - if a doctoral student has completed part of his/her studies at a training centre other than the designated one (e.g. if the student has been sent to this workplace as part of his/her study plan and if the credit systems of the sending and receiving workplace are compatible or predetermined in advance (transfer of credits), the credits obtained at this workplace are counted in full.)

In the case of foreign mobility and internships, Directive No. 219/2021 Mobility of Students and Employees of the University of Žilina in Žilina Abroad defines the processes, procedures and structures of the conditions for the recognition of studies.

Courses taken at the receiving institution are recognised at the faculty by the Vice-Dean for Education or, in the case of courses taken abroad, by the Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations, on the basis of an application form, which will include a transcript of the results of the study, which will be prepared by the receiving institution at the end of the student's studies, as well as information sheets or syllabi of the courses taken. The course grade and the date on which the grade was awarded will be entered in the AIVS. The application and related documentation become part of the student's personal study file held by the Education and Training Department.

Directive No. 219/2021 Mobility of students and staff of the University of Žilina abroad, Article 2 - Article 8.

DIRECTIVE No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Level of Higher Education at the University of Žilina:


h Topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list)

For clarity, the information is compiled in a separate, web-accessible document:


i Rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses in the study programme; list of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details)

The processes, procedures and structures are defined in the DIRECTIVE No. 215/2021 on final, rigorous and habilitation theses in the conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina:

DIRECTIVE No. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Level of Higher Education at the University of Žilina:

and DIRECTIVE No. 216 Quality Assurance of Doctoral Studies at the University of Žilina:

The dissertation demonstrates the ability and readiness of the student of the third level of higher education to perform independent scientific and creative activity in the field of research or development or independent theoretical and creative artistic activity. The thesis presents the results of scientific research and the application of research results in practice. The dissertation should result in the acquisition of new knowledge in the given field. Scientific research is the process of acquiring new scientific knowledge and expanding the frontiers of mankind's knowledge. The student must demonstrate a deep systematic understanding of the field of study, demonstrate skills in research work and correctly apply the methods of scientific research. The student should demonstrate that he/she has carried out a substantial part of the research himself/herself in the dissertation, that he/she has outlined, constructed, implemented, and optimized the research, all in an ethically clean way. 

Proposals for dissertation topics are announced and published on the official board of the faculty's web site, which also publishes the method and deadlines for students to apply for studies. The date of publication of dissertation topics is determined by the academic calendar of the training institute. Dissertation topics are published by 31 March of the academic year and applications for the third cycle must be submitted by 31 May of the academic year.

The method and form of application for studies for the 3rd level of higher education are specified in the Principles and rules of the admission procedure for studies at the Faculty of Humanities (FHV) at the University of Žilina in Žilina (UNIZA):

In the final (dissertation) thesis, the student must maintain the principles of scientific citation and reference to the literature, following the documents: the Decree No.18/2016 of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic - Model cover and title page; DIRECTIVE No. 215/2021 on the final, rigorous and habilitation theses in the conditions of the University of Žilina. The recommended length of the thesis is 80-120 pages (144,000-216,000 characters) and is defined in the Methodological Guideline No. 56/2011 on the requirements of theses, their bibliographic registration, preservation and accessibility.

Supervisors of dissertation theses may be university teachers in the function of professor or associate professor and other experts approved by the Scientific Council of UNIZA or the Scientific Council of the faculty, if the doctoral studies are carried out at the faculty. The thesis supervisor specifies the thesis topic, its scope, recommends study and information sources, guides the student in the elaboration of the topic, assesses the thesis and the student's approach to the elaboration of the thesis, expresses his/her opinion on the degree of originality of the thesis in his/her written opinion and classifies the thesis. The cooperation between the supervisor and the doctoral student is regulated in more detail in DIRECTIVE No. 216 Quality Assurance of Doctoral Studies at the University of Žilina.

For the assessment, evaluation and classification of dissertation theses, the Dean of the Faculty appoints at least two opponents on the proposal of the chairman of the thesis committee or the chairman of the working group.     

Directive No. 215/2021 on final, rigorous and habilitation theses in the conditions of the University of Žilina.

DIRECTIVE No. 216/2021 Quality assurance of doctoral studies at the University of Žilina.

Opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility

Directive 219/2021 - Mobility of students and employees of the University of Žilina abroad defines the processes, procedures and structures at the faculty and university level.

In accordance with Directive 216/2021, an active participation of the doctoral student in a foreign placement at a partner institution of the doctoral student's training institute is usually an integral part of the activities of a doctoral student in the full-time form of study, as prescribed in the study plan. It is recommended to include in the doctoral student's study plan the completion of a foreign stay of at least one month or one semester.

Students are regularly informed through information brochures, email communication, as well as the faculty social network about opportunities and news to take part in study stays and internships abroad. Support for students' participation in mobility is also presented and discussed at the Dean's colleges and during the FHV UNIZA open days. The Department for Scientific Research and International Relations conducts an information campaign at least twice a year to encourage participation in foreign mobility and internships. Students are provided with mobility counselling throughout the academic year through the faculty coordinator and faculty administrator at FHV UNIZA. The relevant information can also be found on the UNIZA web portal at

Student mobility (placements and internships) is also governed by the Faculty's Erasmus+ Mobility Selection Conditions, which are available at:

Before starting Erasmus+ mobility, the student defines the courses he/she will take at the foreign university through a learning agreement form. Together with the learning agreement, he/she fills in the individual study plan for Erasmus+ students, which is available on the faculty website in the foreign relations section, for study stays, the student completes an online learning agreement platform In the case of traineeships, the student will include the detailed programme of his/her traineeship in the paper version of the learning agreement for traineeships. 

In the individual study plan, the student plans all the courses that he/she would like to take during the semester during which he/she realizes the mobility, at the Faculty of Humanities UNIZA. At the same time, he/she will assign the courses he/she will take during the Erasmus+ mobility to the courses to which he/she has found an equivalent or compatible subject. The study programme guarantor, in cooperation with the faculty and the Vice-Dean for Education and Marketing or, in the case of courses taken abroad, with the Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations, will decide on the basis of the information provided (information sheets or course syllabi) for the course whether or not to accept the substitution of the course.

Upon return, the student at the FHV UNIZA is dedicated to fulfilling only those study obligations and obtaining the classification/examination of those courses that were not recognized in the individual study plan before departure. The procedure and conditions for fulfilling these obligations will be agreed individually with the guarantor and the respective teachers of the courses concerned.

Courses taken at a foreign university are recognised on the basis of a written transcript of the results of studies issued and certified by the foreign university. Courses taken at the receiving institution are recognised by the Faculty's Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations. On the basis of the transcript of study results, the student is issued with a document confirming the recognition of the Erasmus+ study placement by the home faculty. The course grade and the date the grade was awarded are entered in the AIVS. The certificate of recognition and the related documentation become part of the student's personal study file maintained by the Education and Professional Practice Department.


Rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences

At the faculty and university levels, the processes, procedures and structures are defined by Directive No. 207/2021 - Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina and Directive No. 201/2021 - Disciplinary Regulations for Students of the University of Žilina and Directive No. 226/2021 - on Copyright Ethics and Elimination of Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina.

Within the framework of the study programme implementation, the use of tools to ensure research integrity and to prevent and address plagiarism and other academic fraud is defined in the Directive No. 209/2021 Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd level of higher education at UNIZA and in the Directive No. 201/2021 Disciplinary Regulations for Students of the University of Žilina and Directive No. 207/2021 UNIZA Code of Ethics, Directive No. 167 Rules of Procedure of UNIZA Disciplinary Committees. Students are familiarised with academic ethics from the 1st year of Bachelor's studies, or even before its beginning at the Preparatory Course organised for incoming students, subsequently academic ethics is emphasised when writing term papers and essays in individual courses, and honesty and academic ethics are repeatedly emphasised in the courses Seminar for the final thesis and Publishing in the scientific area. While preparing the syllabi for each course, the teachers use wording as the concluding wording that highlights the non/violation of academic ethics. Citation ethics is one of the elements assessed not only in the final thesis. As part of the prevention of plagiarism and other academic frauds, students are made aware of the consequences of possible speculative behavior. The UNIZA Faculty of Humanities has a disciplinary committee, one of whose tasks is to assess suspected violations of academic ethics and plagiarism on the basis of suggestions. The Commission is composed of representatives of teachers and students.

Currently, UNIZA uses CRZP (Central Register of Theses) for checking all final theses and is preparing the implementation of an anti-plagiarism system, which will be useful not only for final theses, but also for detecting plagiarism in term papers, year papers and assignments, or papers at student conferences, during which students interpret the results of their creative activities.    

When a violation of academic ethics is found, as a precursor to referring the above ethics violations to the Disciplinary Committee, an in-person interview with the student who committed such fraud shall be conducted.

Directive No. 207/2021: Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina in Žilina, which expresses the basic, moral and ethical requirements for the academic community and other employees of the University in compliance with the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education, as amended, the Statute of the University and other regulations, has been approved.

The teacher-student discussion is governed by the rules in force in mutual respect and esteem. The teacher strives to motivate students to achieve learning outcomes while adhering to ethical rules. In case of violation, the matter shall be dealt with by the appropriate disciplinary committee, the composition of which is known and regulated by Directive No. 201/2021 and Directive No. 167/2021. 

The above is elaborated in detail in Directive No. 213/2021, Article 3, point 4. and Directive No. 213/2021, Article 4, point 3.: "UNIZA supports the personal development of students by encouraging their initiative and creativity, by conducting a dialogue to promote the student-teacher relationship, and by providing opportunities and resources for the organisation of events."

Related regulations:

Directive No. 207/2021 UNIZA Code of Ethics, Article 7 - Article 11:

Directive No. 201/2021 Disciplinary Regulations for UNIZA students:

Directive No. 226/2021 - on author's ethics and elimination of plagiarism in the conditions of UNIZA:

Directive No. 167/2021 Rules of Procedure of UNIZA Disciplinary Committees:

The Statute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Žilina regulates the competence of the Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty for Students (Section 10):

The current composition of the Disciplinary Committee FHV UNIZA:

Directive No. 213/2021 of the Quality Assurance Policy of the University of Žilina:


Procedures applicable to students with special needs

At the university level, Directive No.198/2021 - Support for study applicants and students with specific needs at the University of Žilina defines the processes, procedures and structures.

UNIZA Directive No. 198/2021 Support of applicants for studies and students with specific needs at the University of Žilina in Žilina refers to the above (

Information can also be found on the web:

Students with disabilities are provided with information about services for students with specific needs, referral information and information on the use of support services, the procedure and submission of a written application for inclusion in the register of students with specific needs at the Department for Education and Professional Practice FHV UNIZA. The number of students studying at the faculty with disabilities is identified from the conducted depistige. Contact is maintained with students who study with the application of the status of a student with specific needs and favourable conditions are created for their studies. The faculty ensures that these students have seamless architectural accessibility, maintains contact with them and specifies their current needs and limitations. The Inclusion Initiative integrates the ongoing removal of communication, information and educational barriers identified during their studies.

The aim of the activities of the coordinator for students with specific needs at FHV UNIZA is: 

  • provide students with specific needs, parents and faculty staff with the opportunity for individual consultations and, if desired and necessary, group sessions to address specific difficulties and problems,
  • helping to use psychological knowledge in (self-) education and (self-) learning,
  • support the development or recovery of mental health,
  • increase the social competence of students with specific needs through communication competences,
  • identify, remove and prevent the creation of new physical, social, information and human barriers in the academic environment.

Other tasks of the FHV UNIZA coordinator for students with specific needs are:

  • ongoing consultation with study officers to confirm the current conditions of support for students with specific needs and ongoing consultation with the Vice-Dean for Education, particularly at the time of admissions, on applications from applicants with specific needs to modify the form and manner of the entrance examination for studies and to consult on recommendations for the granting of the status of a student with specific needs,
  • cooperation with the Department for Education and Professional Practice in the processing of data for the (central) register of students with special needs (Ministry of Education, Science and Higher Education of the Slovak Republic),
  • in consultation with students with specific needs, submitting a proposal for the use of funds to support the studies of students with specific needs, for the provision of material and technical aids and equipment.

The priorities for ensuring conditions for students with specific needs at the faculty from the position of the coordinator in terms of content are:

  • counselling in solving study problems,
  • counselling in solving personal problems. 

The forms of cooperation are: consultation, individual counselling and online counselling. Consultation, individual counselling and online counselling are not time-limited, they take place during the working hours of the coordinator for students with specific needs, respecting the actual need of the applicant.


The services of the coordinator for students with specific needs are provided on a voluntary basis, based on a verbally formulated agreement on mutual cooperation. The principle of confidentiality of the counselling relationship and the principle of protection of the interests of the student with special needs shall be respected. The services of the faculty coordinator for students with specific needs are divided into:

  • according to the content of the services provided: information, preventive, identification, modification, development and optimisation activities using consultancy and advisory and research forms of activity,
  • according to the method of service provision: one-off or recurrent, both in an individual form and in an online environment.


Procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students

Students at the UNIZA Faculty of Humanities are made aware of the processes and structures available to them to review submissions. Students are instructed, usually in meetings with the Dean, the Vice Dean for Education and Marketing, or in meetings with the Head of Department, on the procedures of who to contact with their complaint. In the first instance it is the course supervisor, then they can approach the Head of Department, and in the case of student dissatisfaction with the handling/resolution of the complaint, the Vice-Dean and Dean of the Faculty. If students do not wish to address their suggestions publicly, there is a box in the Dean's Office near room AD317 for students to place their suggestions, which are then evaluated by the Vice-Dean for Quality and Development, discussed at the Dean's College, and addressed by the Heads of Departments and the Vice-Dean for Quality and Development, respectively. Responses to suggestions are published in the form of a notice/email reply or a reply on the notice board in the Dean's Office - respecting strict compliance with GDPR rules. Students can also point out specific deficiencies in the faculty's non/performance through a questionnaire survey that the faculty organizes every semester and the results are filed with the Vice Dean for Quality and Development and discussed in the Dean's College. A periodic survey of student feedback is always conducted at the end of a given semester. The rights and obligations of students are anchored in the Statutes of the Faculty of Humanities. Students may also rely on the Directive No. 155/2017 on the handling of complaints of natural and legal persons at the University of Žilina - (Article 7 - Submission, receipt and registration of complaints, page 5). Students can also submit complaints through their elected members of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Humanities. There is a box in the FHV student room where students can post questions/suggestions, we answer them via social networks.


5. Course information sheets of the study programme (In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll)
Compulsory courses
Grd. Sem. Course Name Short. Hours End Credits Profile Core Guarantor
1 Z 7D0D503 english 1 AJ1 0 - 2 - 0 K 4 - - doc. PhDr. Rita Rafajlovičová, PhD.
1 Z 7D0D506 academic and scientific publishing AaVP 2 - 0 - 0 K 3 yes yes prof. PhDr. Mária Bátorová, DrSc.
1 Z 7D0D507 scientific work methodology MVP 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes prof. PhDr. Mária Bátorová, DrSc.
1 Z 7D0D508 university pedagogy VP 1 - 1 - 0 K 2 - - doc. PhDr. Zlatica Bakošová, CSc.
1 L 7D0D504 english 2 AJ2 0 - 3 - 0 S 6 - - doc. PhDr. Rita Rafajlovičová, PhD.
1 L 7D0D510 management of institutions operating in the media and communication area MiMKO 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Miloš Dudáš, CSc.
2 L 7D0D501 elaboration and oral defence of the dissertation thesis VOTZP 0 - 0 - 0 S 15 - yes prof. PhDr. Mária Bátorová, DrSc.
3 Z 7D0D505 scientific article in an impact journal with a quartile of at least Q3 in WoS or SCOPUS VCvIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 17 - - prof. PhDr. Mária Bátorová, DrSc.
3 L 7D0D502 oral defence of the dissertation thesis ODP 0 - 0 - 0 T 50 - yes prof. PhDr. Mária Bátorová, DrSc.
Compulsory optional courses
Grd. Sem. Course Name Short. Hours End Credits Profile Core Guarantor
1 Z 7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a doctoral student OVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 Z 7D0D803 scientific papers published in foreign journals VPZC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 Z 7D0D805 scientific papers published in foreign journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 25 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 Z 7D0D806 scientific papers published in domestic journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 15 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 Z 7D0D807 scientific papers in foreign or domestic Current Content journals VPKC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 Z 7D0D808 scientific papers in impact factor journals following WoS JCR VPIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 40 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D602 supervision of bachelor theses VBP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 0 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D603 active participation in investigation of a research project APnVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D604 completion of a foreign internship or study stay lasting at least 2 months AZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D605 completion of a short-term foreign internship or study stay AKZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D606 research for practice VPP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a doctoral student OVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D701 active presentation at a foreign conference – without a published output AVZK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 6 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D701 active presentation at a foreign conference – without a published output AVZK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 6 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D702 active presentation at a domestic conference – without a published output AVDK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 3 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D702 active presentation at a domestic conference – without a published output AVDK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 3 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D703 published papers at foreign scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 20 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D703 published papers at foreign scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 20 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D704 published papers at domestic scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D704 published papers at domestic scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D705 published papers at foreign scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 8 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D706 published papers at domestic scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D706 published papers at domestic scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D801 scientific monograph published by foreign publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 35 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D801 scientific monograph published by foreign publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 35 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D802 scientific monograph published by domestic publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D803 scientific papers published in foreign journals VPZC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D804 scientific papers published in domestic journals VPDC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D804 scientific papers published in domestic journals VPDC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D805 scientific papers published in foreign journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 25 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D806 scientific papers published in domestic journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 15 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D807 scientific papers in foreign or domestic Current Content journals VPKC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D808 scientific papers in impact factor journals following WoS JCR VPIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 40 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
1 L 7D0D903 media philosophy and critical thinking FMaKM 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. JUDr. Ján Štefanica, PhD.
1 L 7D0D908 digital humanities DHV 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes prof. Ing. Matilda Drozdová, CSc.
1 L 7D0D910 information analysis and information survey IAaIP 1 - 1 - 0 K 3 - yes prof. Ing. Matilda Drozdová, CSc.
1 L 7D0D912 literary communication and reading research LKaVČ 1 - 1 - 0 K 3 - yes prof. PhDr. Mária Bátorová, DrSc.
1 L 7D0D913 literacy development trends TVG 1 - 1 - 0 K 3 - yes PhDr. Slavka Pitoňáková, PhD.
2 Z 7D0D602 supervision of bachelor theses VBP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 0 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D603 active participation in investigation of a research project APnVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D604 completion of a foreign internship or study stay lasting at least 2 months AZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D605 completion of a short-term foreign internship or study stay AKZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D605 completion of a short-term foreign internship or study stay AKZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D606 research for practice VPP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D606 research for practice VPP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a doctoral student OVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D701 active presentation at a foreign conference – without a published output AVZK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 6 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D702 active presentation at a domestic conference – without a published output AVDK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 3 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D703 published papers at foreign scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 20 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D704 published papers at domestic scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D705 published papers at foreign scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 8 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D705 published papers at foreign scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 8 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D706 published papers at domestic scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D801 scientific monograph published by foreign publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 35 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D802 scientific monograph published by domestic publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D803 scientific papers published in foreign journals VPZC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D804 scientific papers published in domestic journals VPDC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D805 scientific papers published in foreign journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 25 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D806 scientific papers published in domestic journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 15 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D807 scientific papers in foreign or domestic Current Content journals VPKC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D808 scientific papers in impact factor journals following WoS JCR VPIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 40 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 Z 7D0D901 media and Culture MAK 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes Mgr. Marián Grupač, PhD.
2 Z 7D0D905 cultural history KH 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes - doc. PhDr. Ivan Mrva, CSc.
2 Z 7D0D907 expert systems in the information space ESvIP 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes prof. Ing. Matilda Drozdová, CSc.
2 Z 7D0D911 data curation DK 1 - 1 - 0 K 3 - yes prof. Ing. Matilda Drozdová, CSc.
2 L 7D0D602 supervision of bachelor theses VBP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 0 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D603 active participation in investigation of a research project APnVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D603 active participation in investigation of a research project APnVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D604 completion of a foreign internship or study stay lasting at least 2 months AZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D605 completion of a short-term foreign internship or study stay AKZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D606 research for practice VPP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a doctoral student OVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D701 active presentation at a foreign conference – without a published output AVZK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 6 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D702 active presentation at a domestic conference – without a published output AVDK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 3 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D703 published papers at foreign scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 20 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D704 published papers at domestic scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D705 published papers at foreign scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 8 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D706 published papers at domestic scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D801 scientific monograph published by foreign publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 35 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D802 scientific monograph published by domestic publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D803 scientific papers published in foreign journals VPZC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D804 scientific papers published in domestic journals VPDC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D805 scientific papers published in foreign journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 25 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D806 scientific papers published in domestic journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 15 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D807 scientific papers in foreign or domestic Current Content journals VPKC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D808 scientific papers in impact factor journals following WoS JCR VPIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 40 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
2 L 7D0D903 media philosophy and critical thinking FMaKM 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. JUDr. Ján Štefanica, PhD.
2 L 7D0D904 cultural heritage presentation trends TPKD 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes PhDr. Slavka Pitoňáková, PhD.
2 L 7D0D906 historical geography HG 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes - doc. PhDr. Ivan Mrva, CSc.
2 L 7D0D908 digital humanities DHV 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 - - prof. Ing. Matilda Drozdová, CSc.
2 L 7D0D912 literary communication and reading research LKaVČ 1 - 1 - 0 K 3 - yes prof. PhDr. Mária Bátorová, DrSc.
3 Z 7D0D602 supervision of bachelor theses VBP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 0 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D602 supervision of bachelor theses VBP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 0 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D603 active participation in investigation of a research project APnVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D604 completion of a foreign internship or study stay lasting at least 2 months AZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D605 completion of a short-term foreign internship or study stay AKZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D606 research for practice VPP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a doctoral student OVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D701 active presentation at a foreign conference – without a published output AVZK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 6 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D702 active presentation at a domestic conference – without a published output AVDK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 3 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D703 published papers at foreign scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 20 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D704 published papers at domestic scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D705 published papers at foreign scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 8 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D706 published papers at domestic scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D801 scientific monograph published by foreign publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 35 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D802 scientific monograph published by domestic publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D803 scientific papers published in foreign journals VPZC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D804 scientific papers published in domestic journals VPDC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D805 scientific papers published in foreign journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 25 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D806 scientific papers published in domestic journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 15 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D807 scientific papers in foreign or domestic Current Content journals VPKC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D808 scientific papers in impact factor journals following WoS JCR VPIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 40 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 Z 7D0D901 media and Culture MAK 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes Mgr. Marián Grupač, PhD.
3 Z 7D0D902 cultural heritage KD 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Miloš Dudáš, CSc.
3 Z 7D0D905 cultural history KH 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes - doc. PhDr. Ivan Mrva, CSc.
3 Z 7D0D911 data curation DK 1 - 1 - 0 K 3 - yes prof. Ing. Matilda Drozdová, CSc.
3 L 7D0D602 supervision of bachelor theses VBP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 0 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D603 active participation in investigation of a research project APnVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D604 completion of a foreign internship or study stay lasting at least 2 months AZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D604 completion of a foreign internship or study stay lasting at least 2 months AZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D605 completion of a short-term foreign internship or study stay AKZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D606 research for practice VPP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a doctoral student OVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D701 active presentation at a foreign conference – without a published output AVZK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 6 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D702 active presentation at a domestic conference – without a published output AVDK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 3 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D703 published papers at foreign scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 20 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D704 published papers at domestic scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D705 published papers at foreign scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 8 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D706 published papers at domestic scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D801 scientific monograph published by foreign publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 35 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D802 scientific monograph published by domestic publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D802 scientific monograph published by domestic publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D803 scientific papers published in foreign journals VPZC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D804 scientific papers published in domestic journals VPDC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D805 scientific papers published in foreign journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 25 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D806 scientific papers published in domestic journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 15 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D807 scientific papers in foreign or domestic Current Content journals VPKC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D808 scientific papers in impact factor journals following WoS JCR VPIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 40 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
3 L 7D0D904 cultural heritage presentation trends TPKD 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes PhDr. Slavka Pitoňáková, PhD.
3 L 7D0D906 historical geography HG 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes - doc. PhDr. Ivan Mrva, CSc.
3 L 7D0D910 information analysis and information survey IAaIP 1 - 1 - 0 K 3 - yes prof. Ing. Matilda Drozdová, CSc.
3 L 7D0D913 literacy development trends TVG 1 - 1 - 0 K 3 - yes PhDr. Slavka Pitoňáková, PhD.
4 Z 7D0D602 supervision of bachelor theses VBP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 0 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D603 active participation in investigation of a research project APnVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D604 completion of a foreign internship or study stay lasting at least 2 months AZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D605 completion of a short-term foreign internship or study stay AKZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D606 research for practice VPP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a doctoral student OVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D701 active presentation at a foreign conference – without a published output AVZK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 6 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D702 active presentation at a domestic conference – without a published output AVDK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 3 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D703 published papers at foreign scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 20 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D704 published papers at domestic scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D705 published papers at foreign scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 8 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D706 published papers at domestic scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D801 scientific monograph published by foreign publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 35 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D802 scientific monograph published by domestic publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D803 scientific papers published in foreign journals VPZC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D804 scientific papers published in domestic journals VPDC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D805 scientific papers published in foreign journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 25 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D806 scientific papers published in domestic journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 15 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D807 scientific papers in foreign or domestic Current Content journals VPKC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D808 scientific papers in impact factor journals following WoS JCR VPIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 40 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 Z 7D0D902 cultural heritage KD 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Miloš Dudáš, CSc.
4 Z 7D0D907 expert systems in the information space ESvIP 1 - 1 - 0 S 5 yes yes prof. Ing. Matilda Drozdová, CSc.
4 L 7D0D602 supervision of bachelor theses VBP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 0 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D603 active participation in investigation of a research project APnVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D604 completion of a foreign internship or study stay lasting at least 2 months AZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D605 completion of a short-term foreign internship or study stay AKZS 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D606 research for practice VPP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D607 professional and scientific event organized by a doctoral student OVP 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D701 active presentation at a foreign conference – without a published output AVZK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 6 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D702 active presentation at a domestic conference – without a published output AVDK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 3 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D703 published papers at foreign scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 20 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D704 published papers at domestic scientific conferences included in WoS / Scopus databases PPZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D705 published papers at foreign scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 8 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D706 published papers at domestic scientific conferences PZVK 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D801 scientific monograph published by foreign publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 35 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D802 scientific monograph published by domestic publishers VMZV 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D803 scientific papers published in foreign journals VPZC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 10 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D804 scientific papers published in domestic journals VPDC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 5 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D805 scientific papers published in foreign journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 25 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D806 scientific papers published in domestic journals included in WoS/Scopus VPZCW 0 - 0 - 0 Z 15 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D807 scientific papers in foreign or domestic Current Content journals VPKC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 30 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
4 L 7D0D808 scientific papers in impact factor journals following WoS JCR VPIC 0 - 0 - 0 Z 40 - - školiteľ dizertačnej práce
Optional courses
Grd. Sem. Course Name Short. Hours End Credits Profile Core Guarantor
6. Current academic year plan and current schedule
Current academic year plan


Current schedule


7. Persons responsible for the study programme
a A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details)

Name, Surname, Titles: Mária Bátorová, prof., PhDr., DrSc.

Position: Professor

contact (mail, tel.):


b - c List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme

Contents is generated from Study plans.

Name, surname, titlesCourseName
d List of teachers of the study programme (including doctoral students) with the assignment to the course

Contents is generated from Study plans.

Name, surname, titlesOrg.formCourseName
e - f List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics

For clarity, the information is compiled in a separate shared document: 


Dissertation topics announced for the year 2021/2022:

g Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme

Name, Surname and titles

Contact details

Dominika Chládeková, Mgr.

h Study advisor of the study programme

The agenda of doctoral studies is comprehensively handled by the Department for Education and Professional Practice:

Department for Education and Training:

Mgr. Eva Trúchla

tel.: +42141/513 6107;

i Other supporting staff of the study programme - assigned study officer, career counsellor, administration, accommodation department, etc.

Job classification

Name, Surname


Department for Education and Training:

Mgr. Eva Trúchla

tel.: +42141/513 6107; e-mail:


Secretary of the Faculty

Ing. Pavel Müller

tel.: +421 41 513 6102;  e-mail:


Katarína Ondrúšková


tel.: +421 41 513 6301;  e-mail:


IT support

Ing. Martin Záborský


Department for Scientific Research and Foreign Relations: students' ERASMUS stays


Mgr. Petra Vanáková

tel.: +421 41 513 6113, e-mail:


Anna Ďatková

e-mail:, tel.: 041/513 1430, 0905 476 582

Accommodation facility Veľký Diel  

Jozef Lacek

tel.: +421 41 513 1470, mob.: +421 917 480 794, e-mail:

Accommodation facility Hliny

Ing. Miroslav Stromček


tel.: +421 41 513 1477, mob.: +421 905 309 569, e-mail:


UNIZA Counselling and Career Centre


Dr. Bruncková

Room: AA022

tel.: +421 41 513 5073

mob.: +421 918 513 952

e-mail: /

8. Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centres, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

At the university level, Directive No. 217/2021 - Resources to support the educational, creative and other related activities of the University of Žilina defines the processes, procedures and structures of the University of Žilina.

The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Žilina in Žilina and thus also the Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage have been housed in new premises in the university campus at Veľký Diel since 2009.

The Department has appropriate spatial and material-technical equipment necessary to ensure effective teaching.

All faculty and university classrooms are equipped with computer technology necessary for quality assurance of the teaching process.

The quality of teaching and exercises within the study programme Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage is also conditioned by the spatial potential of the department, the technical equipment of individual rooms, as well as a room designed for students, where they can spend their free time, prepare for teaching, or devote themselves to the implementation of study assignments.

In addition, there are: the Laboratory for Research on Restoration Techniques of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Objects, the Digitization Centre/Laboratory for Bibliographic Research, the Laboratory for Research on Presentation Techniques of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Objects, and the Laboratory for Research on Techniques for the Long-term Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Objects (CEPS):

Departmental library: KMKD employees actively use the library, but the premises are accessible to all employees of the University of Žilina as well as students and the general public. The administration of the sub-library is the responsibility of a designated staff member. Access to the library is possible by mutual agreement with students and staff of the department and faculty. The Department strives to enrich the library collection with new publications in Slovak and English every year by means of multi-source funding (KEGA projects, ERDF, ESF projects, funding from the Department's budget, donations from foreign partners), thus allowing readers access to the latest information in relevant fields:

The department also has a recording studio - a virtual reality laboratory, a VR set, a powerful computer, and recording equipment.

The University of Žilina has a well-equipped University Library with study rooms, on-line access and interlibrary loan service, which can also be visited and used by students and lecturers of the departments.


KMKD PhD students also have their own assigned offices in the KMKD premises (AC3xy corridor), where they also have the necessary equipment at their disposal.

Link to a virtual tour of the premises:

Directive No. 217/2021 - Resources to support educational, creative and other related activities of the University of Žilina


Faculty of Humanities

Original designation

New designation



Seat capacity


Suitability for disabled students/wheelchair users



PC classroom







Doctoral students' office











Doctoral students' office  










Doctoral students' office  










PC classroom

18+1 PCs (core i7 processor, 16 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD, 1 TB HDD, dedicated graphics, Windows 10) +
projector with screen 


Exercises, expert systems in the information space  





PC classroom

18+1 PCs (core i3 processor, 6 GB RAM, 512 GB HDD, dedicated graphics, Windows 10) +
projector with screen  


Exercises, Digital Humanities 





PC classroom

designed for graphic applications, 18+1 PCs (core i5 processor, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, dedicated graphics, Windows 10) +
projector with screen 


Exercises, information analysis and information research, data curation   








Meeting room


Exercises, philosophy of media and culture, trends in the presentation of cultural heritage, cultural history, historical geography  








concert hall (piano, organ) 

without tables for students and without projection equipment   


literary communication and reading research 


unsuitable (stairs) 




Without tables for students



trends in literacy development  






standard + 5 older PCs available for students  

30 seats with tables, 22 seats without tables for students  


Exercises  , methodology of scientific work, media and culture heritage  





AFS08 lab.

virtual reality lab (VR set, powerful computer) 

without projection technology, used as a laboratory  


Trends in the presentation of cultural heritage, Facilities for research activities of PhD students 





recording studio (cameras, lights, TV and other multimedia equipment) 

without projection technology, used as a laboratory  


Trends in the presentation of cultural heritage 




Cultural and Scientific Heritage Preservation Techniques Research Laboratory /CEPS   

without projection technology, used as a laboratory,
colorimeter, digital stereomicroscope, luxmeter (2x), XRF analyzer, 


Facilities for doctoral students' research activities  




Laboratory for Research on Restoration Techniques of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Objects  

without projection technology, used as a laboratory, Survenir  


Facilities for doctoral students' research activities  



University Library

Digitization Centre/Laboratory of Bibliographic Research/
Laboratory of research on techniques of presentation of cultural and scientific heritage objects/Laboratory of research on techniques of long-term preservation of cultural and scientific heritage objects      

Digitisation centre, Treventus automatic scanner, Bookeye 3 large format handheld library scanner, Xino automatic loose leaf library scanner, Flatbed scanners, 6 PCs, digitisation software, digitisation flow management software, colour management and calibration software, 2 ADOBE CS6 production Premium software, ADOBE CS6 master collection graphic software, 4 ADOBE content server software, NAS - intelligent data storage, KOHA - library system, ScanTailor -Image treatment, ScanGate,    


Facilities for doctoral students' research activities  

unsuitable (stairs) 


b Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.)

At the university and faculty levels, Directive No. 217/2021 - Resources to support the educational, creative and other related activities of the University of Žilina defines the processes, procedures and structures

Teaching and overall communication between teacher and students are adequately provided in the departments. Students receive the necessary information immediately, through emails to common email addresses, messages on the FB page of the departments, announcements on the departmental and faculty websites, as well as through participation in departmental meetings. The departmental and faculty websites also have an English version and are continuously updated. Through e-learning of the University of Žilina, information regarding study programmes, curricula, departmental teaching, timetables, the university library, methodological guidelines, as well as permanent interaction between teachers and students in the registration of classification, uploading of final thesis topics, registration for examination is provided. Teachers also provide students with learning materials in electronic form, mainly via email and tools of OneDrive, MS Teams, Sharepoint platforms and also in e-learning. 

The sub-library of the Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage manages 1,567 items (869 titles) in the fields of cultural heritage, library and information studies, social sciences, information and communication technologies, digital humanities, media, management, marketing, law, linguistics, history and other areas. The library's holdings include print and electronic documents and professional journals (Designum, Font, Historical Review, Historical Journal, Kino-ikon, Book Review, Culture of the Word, Cultural History, Newspaper for the Graphic Industry, Questions of Journalism, Monuments and Museums, Strategies). The departmental library provides access to the theses of graduate students studying in the Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage on a full-time basis. The library is an integral part of the University Library of the University of Žilina (borrowing a title is possible only after registration at the University of Žilina), it is established directly in the premises of the Department in room AC 322, which allows students and staff easier access to the study literature.  Searching for a specific title is also possible through the online catalogue available at The departmental library collection is available on the department's website in the section For students - Departmental library    (

The library is actively used by the teachers of the department, but the premises are accessible to all employees of the University of Žilina as well as students. The administration of the sub-library is the responsibility of the authorized employee of the Department of Media and Cultural Heritage, who also ensures the ordering of books and serial publications. Access to the library is by mutual agreement with students and staff of the Department and Faculty. The Department annually enriches the library collection with new publications in Slovak and other foreign languages by means of multi-source funding (APVV, VEGA, KEGA, ESF, ERDF projects, funding from the Department's budget, donations from domestic and foreign partners), thus allowing readers access to the latest information in areas reflecting the content of the study programme in media studies and cultural heritage. A part of the department's library collection - preferably textbooks by the department's teachers - has been digitised, which enables the provision of study literature to a significant number of students.  The university library, with study rooms and a study lounge, has a workstation for students with specific needs and an interlibrary loan service. This service enables students and teachers to obtain literature not available in the University Library. A summary of the primary information needed by students is available at Through the University Library, the student has access to databases of electronic information resources (WoS, Scopus, and many others - the full list is available at: Under the licences granted, users are allowed to view, print or store full-text documents for their own use, including in electronic form. In addition to external databases, students have access to e-journals, e-scripts and e-books, which can be found in the E-Resources section of the UNIZA University Library website. All these resources are made available for the UNIZA Internet network. The student or user has secure and remote access   (

In an effort to promote open access in science and publishing as much as possible, students also have access to open information resources, e.g.:

Faculty staff and students also have access to the academic institutional digital repository, which is hosted separately on the faculty's servers. The repository is available at and contains several dozen freely accessible digital objects. After logging in with a name and password, it is possible to read other, non-public digital objects in the so-called internal network - mainly selected licensed final and seminar papers of students, or other supporting information resources.   

Directive No. 217/2021 - Resources to support educational, creative and other related activities of the University of Žilina

c Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning

The programme of study may be carried out by: full-time, distance, combined and/or block method. The individual methods for a particular subject are defined in the information sheets of all courses.

The full-time study is implemented by the following forms of teaching: lectures, seminars, exercises, laboratory work, consultations, excursions and professional practice. 

Distance learning is based on students' independent study with the possibility to consult with a teacher/trainer (in a dedicated form and time). Distance learning is mainly used in the development of projects..., when the use of an external environment, including field research, is necessary for the fulfilment of the objectives.  

The lectures have the character of explaining the key concepts, theoretical foundations and methodology of the discipline, problems and their solutions. Attendance at the lectures is recommended.  

The seminars are organized in such a way as to allow mainly the presentation of the results of the students' own work and the discussion of the professional issues of the discipline. Attendance at seminars is compulsory and supervised by the lecturer. 

Exercises mainly support practical mastery of knowledge from lectures or assignments for independent study. Exercises require active participation of students. Participation in the exercises is compulsory and supervised by the teacher. 

Laboratory work is carried out as work on computers or in special laboratories of departments and other parts of UNIZA. Participation in laboratory work is compulsory and controlled by the teacher. 

Consultations supplement previous forms of teaching by consultations on assigned topics, usually as an aid in solving tasks assigned for independent processing. Consultations may replace other forms of teaching in individual study plans. Each teacher has published consultation hours - both on the web and directly on the office door. 


In times of emergency, state of emergency, or serious technical obstacles, UNIZA shall ensure, based on the decision of the Rector, that full-time study is conducted online or in another form at a distance that allows to fully replace the full-time method of teaching. These decisions are generally published and communicated (university website:, official UNIZA e-mails, official notice boards of the UNIZA departments concerned).

The Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage provides full-time study in the classrooms listed in point 8., paragraph a. of this document. Didactic and information technology and software equipment are continuously renewed in accordance with the requirements of innovative trends in teaching. 

Each of the classrooms is equipped with multimedia technology necessary for the presentation of interpretation. Other classrooms, which are used for teaching, are also equipped with computer technology, access to the MS TEAMS platform and are also suitable for distance learning of students. Students receive the necessary information immediately, through emails to common email addresses, messages on the FB page of the department and announcements on the department and faculty website. Through e-learning of e-learning of the University of Žilina, information regarding study programmes, curricula, teaching of the department, timetables, university library, methodological guidelines are conveyed, and permanent interaction between lecturers and students is also ensured in this way during registration of classifications and examinations, uploading of final thesis topics, registration for examination, etc. The lecturers also provide students with teaching materials in electronic form, primarily through email communication, the department's website and tools of the MS Teams platform, Sharepoint, One drive. In the case of distance (online) learning, students are notified in advance by email about individual lectures and seminars. Upon students' request, study materials are placed in priority in specific directories of individual teams created in MS Teams, Sharepoint, or through e-learning of the University of Žilina, which is integrated into the Education system. The Faculty has developed a manual for the effective use of this educational application for the purpose of distance delivery of educational activities, while regular service and advice in this area is provided by the person providing IT support at the Faculty   

Students can also use other supporting online or electronic tools, which are managed by the Centre of Information and Communication Technologies of UNIZA, a complete and annotated overview of the services is on the page  (

Among other things, students can also use a form of remote access, which allows access to the latest relevant literature corresponding to the criteria and requirements of the field of study in the form of access to paid electronic databases, or other electronic resources that are accessible exclusively from the UNIZA network. The access manual has been developed by the UNIZA University Library and is published on their website Access to individual e-resources is also provided by the UNIZA University Library (individual links can be found on their website in the E-resources section:

The basic rules and procedures for the transition to distance education are coordinated through the Rector's orders, which are published on the University's website, official notice boards, or the websites and official notice boards of its various instances. This information is also distributed through other information channels, generally by e-mail.

Directive No. 110 - Study Regulations for the 3rd level of university studies at the University of Žilina:

The MS Teams Faculty Guide is available online: 

A Guide to University-Wide Teams:

Softwares used for distance learning:

MS Teams, Sharepoint used in FHV UNIZA environment, e-learning/Moodle system,,


d Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation

Memoranda of Cooperation are signed with: 

  1. M KREO, Ltd., Žilina
  2. Liptov Library Gašpar Fejérpataky-Belopotocký, Liptovský Mikuláš
  3. Monuments Office of the Slovak Republic – Regional Monument Office Žilina
  4. Ľudovít Fulla Gallery in Ružomberok
  5. The Museum of Art in Žilina
  6. Liptov Gallery P. M. Bohúň in Liptovský Mikuláš
  7. Computer Museum at the Centre of Joint Activities of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Computing Centre, Bratislava
  8. Regional Cultural Centre in Žilina
  9. Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
  10. State Scientific Library in Banská Bystrica
  11. Kysuce Museum in Čadca, Čadca
  12. Matej Bel University - University Library, Banská Bystrica
  13. Regional Library in Žilina, Žilina
  14. Kysuce Library in Čadca, Čadca
  15. State Archives in Žilina with seat in Bytča

Characteristics of participation: The cooperation is based on the benefit of practical experience of the cooperating institutions, which in relation to the students of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage study programme (MaKD SP) can provide, in addition to a series of lectures, participation in workshops, conferences, assignment of thesis topics, their guidance as well as the preparation of reviews, the participation of experts in the teaching process through selection lectures, providing feedback on the activities and results of the Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage, in particular feedback in relation to graduates of the MaKD SP in case they are employed, in the cooperation on scientific research projects, as well as in the field of possible practical internships.   

In the framework of the preparation and subsequent regular review of the content of the study program we have contracted cooperating authorities from practice, which the Scientific Council of FHV UNIZA approved on October 28, 2021.

Directive No. 214/2021 Structure of the internal quality assurance system for the creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programmes at the University of Žilina, Article 23 describes the nature and roles of the authority from practice:

The authority from practice is an external structure of VSK (internal quality system) UNIZA involved in the processes of creating, modifying, cancelling and aligning study programmes with the SAAVŠ standards. A practitioner authority is an association, chamber, union, federation, significant organisation or authority with a significant impact on the national economy or society, including significant manufacturing and commercial entities.

Authority from practice is mainly involved in the activities of creating, modifying, cancelling and aligning curricula with the SAAVŠ standards at UNIZA: 
a) comments on proposals for the alignment of existing accredited study programmes with the SAAVŠ standards for the internal quality assurance system for higher education and the SAAVŠ standards for the study programme,
b) comments on the need for a new study programme, 
c) comments on the intention to create a new study programme, 
d) comments on the proposal to create a new study programme, 
e) comments on the proposal to modify the study programme, 
f) comments on a petition for the cancellation of a study programme, 
g) comments on other matters related to the quality assurance of education at UNIZA on the basis of the requirements of the dean of the faculty in the case of a study programme provided at the faculty or the director of the institute in the case of a university-wide study programme.

On February 7, 2022, the Dean's College, in cooperation with the study programme guarantors, selected the following authorities from practice relevant for the study programme Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage: 

Slovak Syndicate of Journalists  

Vladimír Ješko

Monuments Office of the Slovak Republic  

Radoslav Ragač

State Archives Žilina with seat in Bytča  

Jana Kurucárová

Scientific and Technical Information Centre of the Slovak Republic  

Mgr. Jitka Dobbersteinnová


Brief characteristics of authorities in practice: 

Slovak Syndicate of Journalists  (SSJ)

The Slovak Syndicate of Journalists - an authority from practice is intertwined with the Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage study programme, especially with regard to its assignment to the field of media and communication studies. The SSJ can immediately and competently correct the direction of teaching and the content (updating and new trends) of the study programme, especially taking into account the ethical aspects of media production, journalism and reporting.

Monuments Office of the Slovak Republic – Regional Monuments Office Žilina

The Monuments Office of the Slovak Republic represents an authority from practice, which is closely intertwined with the orientation in the field of cultural heritage and can provide valuable, competent recommendations that will strengthen the design of the study programme in relation to the applicability of graduates in the professional sphere. 

State Archives Žilina with seat in Bytča

The State Archives Žilina, based in Bytča, is an authority in the field of cultural heritage. The State Archives as an important memory institution can make a significant and competent contribution to the improvement of the quality of the training of professionals in the field of their further employment, immediately after graduation. At the same time, it provides a space in which students can undergo a work experience or internship and thus gain personal practical experience (also in the context of research).

Scientific and Technical Information Centre of the Slovak Republic  (CVTI SR)

The Centre for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic (CVTI SR) is a directly managed organisation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. CVTI SR performs the function of a national information centre for the Ministry of Education, for science, technology, innovation and the function of a specialised scientific library of the Slovak Republic. The mission of the institution is to support the development of science, technology and education by building and operating information systems for research and development; building and managing library and information collections and providing library and information services to the general professional public; methodological and analytical activities supporting management and evaluation in the field of research, development and higher education; preparation and implementation of projects to support research, development and education; popularisation of science and technology in society.  CVTI SR is a depository library of OECD, EBRD and WIPO and serves as a PATLIB patent information centre. All these activities are directly related to the content of the study programme Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage.          

As a representative of employers, a representative of this organisation is involved in the study programme approval process as a member of the Study Programme Council.  

The list of cooperating authorities from practice can be continuously supplemented - after approval in the Scientific Council FHV UNIZA and the signing of the relevant framework agreement on cooperation with the authority from practice.  

e Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities

At university and faculty levels, the opportunities for social, sporting, cultural, spiritual and community activities are described in Directive No. 217/2021 - in particular Articles 17, 18 and 19,

Adequate social security: social scholarship according to § 96 of the Higher Education Act; adequate sports, cultural and social activities during studies: fit-clubs, art houses, theatres, galleries, New Synagogue, Žilina Záriečie Station, OMNIA, Stavbár folklore ensemble, Firemen's Club, Radio X, RAPEŠ (student radio), ESN, Boarding Student Television, Gama Club. 

Every year at the beginning of the academic year, students and teachers participate in the solemn Veni Sancte Mass organized by the University Pastoral Center. The Centre also organises fireside talks (with interesting guests), evangelization weekends and systematic catechesis, spiritual counselling and confession, preparation for marriage and family, student Mass, club activities, cultural events, parties and get-togethers, a library, mutual help in studying, making friends, and helping freshmen to overcome their sense of anonymity, creating a background among students that helps one in problems (personal, study, spiritual), developing the cultural and social dimension of the students' personality, spiritual support for the development of expertise in their profession, seeking dialogue with those who base their lives on different values or do not recognise higher values.

Rapeš is a radio and recording studio of the University of Žilina operating within the Hliny dormitories, where about 2000 students are accommodated, as well as within social networks.   

STAVBÁR is a folklore ensemble of the University of Žilina in Žilina, which processes folk customs and traditions from all over Slovakia in dance, music and singing and presents them at home and abroad. í-Téčko is a boarding student television. It produces its own student news and its own programmes (informative, cultural, entertainment).

OMNIA - is a mixed choir that performs choral compositions of various styles and genres in a cappella or with instrumental accompaniment. 

GAMA club is a student club of students of the University of Žilina. Its foundation dates back to 1996, when a group of enthusiasts decided to establish a cultural institution supporting spiritual and cultural education at the University of Žilina. In the beginning, GAMA focused exclusively on theatrical performances, as evidenced by the technology that is still part of the technical equipment of the GAMA club today. Today, the GAMA club concentrates mainly on screening films for students of UNIZA in an effort to relax and recreate. Secondary is the provision of the GAMA Club premises for various conferences, events organized by the University of Žilina, its individual faculties (for training, conferences from external companies and organizations).          

Erasmus Student Network Slovakia (ESN Slovakia) is a non-profit student organisation. Its mission is to represent international students and thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development based on the principle of Students Helping Students. ESN SK represents international students and organises trips, cultural and social activities and events for them.      

Directive No. 217/2021 Resources for the support of educational, creative and other related activities of the University of Žilina

Directive No.108/2021 Scholarship Regulations:



Link to the Pastoral Centre:

Link to Stavbár:

Link to Rapeš:

Link to OMNIA: Omnia | Facebook

Link to í-Téčko:

Link to GAMA klub:

Link to Erasmus Student Network Slovakia:


f Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships, application instructions, rules for recognition of this education

At the university and faculty levels, Directive No. 219/2021 - Mobility of Students and Staff of the University of Žilina Abroad ( ) defines the processes, procedures and structures of the Mobility of Students and Staff of the University of Žilina Abroad. 

Contact person: Erasmus+ faculty administrator

Name and surname: Mgr. Petra Vanáková

Contact (mail):


The possibilities and conditions of participation of students of the study programme in mobility and internships (basic provisions, conditions of mobility, study subjects, plans, credits, student's obligations before and after mobility, recognition of study results and basic conditions of mobility of UNIZA employees) are set out in detail in the Directive No.219/2021 Mobility of students and employees of the University of Žilina in Žilina abroad. Relevant information can also be found on the UNIZA web portal at: Student mobility (placements and internships) is also governed by the Faculty's Erasmus+ Mobility Selection Conditions, which are available at: Contact details of the faculty Erasmus+ coordinator and Erasmus+ faculty administrator are listed on the FHV UNIZA website in the section Foreign relations - contacts: Courses taken at a foreign university are recognised on the basis of a written transcript of the results of studies issued and certified by the foreign university. Courses taken at the receiving institution are recognised by the Faculty's Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations. On the basis of the transcript of study results, the student is issued with a document confirming the recognition of the Erasmus+ study placement by the home faculty. The course grade and the date the grade was awarded are entered in the AIVS. The certificate of recognition and the related documentation become part of the student's personal study file maintained by the Education and Professional Practice Office. The successful completion of a student placement at a foreign partner university or institution will result in the award of 7 credits to the doctoral student. Upon confirmation of completion of the internship, the student will have the internship recorded in the AIVS.


Login Instructions:

Students are regularly informed through information brochures, email communication, as well as the faculty social network about opportunities and news to take part in study stays and internships abroad. Erasmus+ recruitment takes place 2 times a year, a faculty round of Erasmus+ selection takes place until 15 March of the respective year, additional selection of students takes place until 15 October of the respective year, if all places for Erasmus+ mobility have not been filled.  Students can apply for Erasmus+ mobility throughout the year. The application is then included in the next Erasmus+ recruitment round. 

Conditions for student participation in mobilities and internships: 

Erasmus+ mobility is intended for students of all levels of higher education (Bc., Mgr., PhD.), who are during the mobility students of the Faculty of Humanities UNIZA and graduates who have completed higher education studies at UNIZA in the academic year preceding the academic year in question. A student may undertake Erasmus+ mobility of a total duration of 12 months, including a graduate traineeship, at each level of study (The graduate traineeship must start and be completed within one year from the date of the state final examination at the UNIZA Faculty of Humanities at the respective level of higher education studies). The student may study at a partner foreign university or undertake a practical internship at an eligible institution within the Erasmus+ countries.


9. Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a Required abilities and necessary admission requirements

At the university level, Directive No. 206/2021 - Principles and rules of admission to study at the University of Žilina defines the processes, procedures and structures.  (

At the faculty level there is a document: the Principles and rules of admission to study at the Faculty of Humanities (FHV) at the University of Žilina in Žilina (UNIZA) in the academic year 2021/2022 (for the academic year 2022/2023). For more information see the document:

The Faculty of Humanities guarantees, also by respecting and applying the principles and rules of the admission procedure, that the admission procedure is reliable, fair and transparent; the conditions of the admission procedure are inclusive and guarantee equal opportunities to every applicant who demonstrates the necessary prerequisites for graduation; the selection of applicants is based on appropriate methods of assessing eligibility for studies; and the criteria and requirements for applicants are published in advance and are easily accessible. 

The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies (third degree study programme) is the acquisition of a second-degree university degree (Act on Higher Education No. 131/2002 Coll., as amended) in the same field of study or in a study programme related in content to the study programme in mediamatics and cultural heritage. In the case of a foreign applicant or a student who has completed his/her studies abroad, he/she shall submit with his/her application for university studies, no later than at the time of enrolment, a decision on the recognition of a document on the completion of second-level higher education by a competent institution in the Slovak Republic.

Admission procedure

The requirements for the admission procedure and the method of selection of applicants are published in advance on the websites of UNIZA and FHV UNIZA and in the periodical press.


b Admission procedures

At the level of the University, Directive No. 206/2021 - Principles and rules of the admission procedure for studies at the University of Žilina defines the processes, procedures and structures.



At the faculty level there is a document: the Principles and rules of admission to study at the Faculty of Humanities (FHV) at the University of Žilina in Žilina (UNIZA) in the academic year 2021/2022 (for the academic year 2022/2023).  For more information see the document:

Requirements for the admission procedure and the method of selection of applicants are published in advance on the portal of universities, the website of UNIZA and FHV UNIZA and in the periodical press. 

The admission procedure will be carried out in the form of a selection procedure in order to ensure that applicants with the necessary abilities and aptitudes are admitted to the studies.  

Selection procedure rules:

- the candidate applies for a specific dissertation topic. Dissertation topics will be published together with the announcement of the PhD admission procedure on the official notice board of the faculty and at at least 2 months before the end of the application process,
- the evaluation of the admission procedure and the proposal of applicants for admission to doctoral studies in the relevant study programme shall be carried out by an admissions committee appointed by the Dean of the Faculty,
- the dean of the faculty decides on the applicant's admission no later than 30 days from the date of the admission examination,
- only those applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examination may be admitted to study.

Framework content of the entrance examination:
- presentation of own project on the chosen topic of the dissertation,
- a professional debate in which the applicant must demonstrate the prerequisites for independent scientific research activity and a good orientation in the chosen field of study. 

Foreign applicants are subject to the same admission requirements as applicants from the Slovak Republic. Foreign students studying in the Slovak language do not pay tuition fees. Applicants from the Czech Republic may use the form valid in the Czech Republic to apply for studies. For foreign applicants admitted on the basis of interstate agreements, bilateral agreements or for scholarship holders of the Government of the Slovak Republic, the conditions specified in the relevant documents apply.

An applicant with specific needs shall, at his/her request and on the basis of an assessment of his/her specific needs, in consultation with the faculty coordinator for students with specific needs, be determined the form of the entrance examination and the manner of its conduct, taking into account his/her specific needs, in accordance with Directive No. 198/2021 Support for applicants for studies and students with specific needs at the University of Žilina in Žilina   ( ).

The fulfilment of the conditions for admission to study is evaluated by an admissions committee appointed by the dean of the faculty. 


c Results of the admission process over the last period

The results of the admissions procedures are reported in the Faculty's annual report. 

Planned number of students for AR 2022/2023 

MaKD-daily form – PhD.

1st grade


2nd grade


3rd grade


The actual number of first year applicants over the last 6 years, or the years in which the programme of study was undertaken (if less than 6 years):

Year of study








Ist grade








Background to the statistics:

Statistics on the number of applicants - Admission procedure 


Number of applications by degree level:


Number of applications by form of study:


10. Feedback on the quality of provided education
a Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality

At the university level, Directive No. 223/2021 - Monitoring and Continuous Evaluation of Study Programmes defines the processes, procedures and structures (


In the environment of FHV UNIZA we implement (Vice-Dean for Quality and Development) the following regular questionnaire surveys (via the platform MS Office365, MS Forms): 

  • Survey of student satisfaction in all levels and forms of study (min. 1x per year, during the COVID-19 pandemic conducted every semester) to identify, discuss and address (take concrete measures) problems that may arise during the educational process. Students also evaluate (among others) access to study literature (distribution of e-resources) and material and technical aspects of the educational process. They can always leave a verbal comment, suggestion or remark. 
  • Questionnaire of doctoral graduates - the aim is to provide a space for graduates to objectively evaluate their entire studies, to point out which courses they consider the most beneficial, what is the level of their satisfaction with the acquired education, material and technical equipment, as well as the provision of the educational process throughout their studies. 
  • E-mail communication with doctoral graduates regarding their employment on the labour market (where they have been employed in practice, in what position, at what type of full-time job, etc.). We are interested in whether their current position is related to the graduated study programme and to what extent.
  • Identified employers are approached and asked to express their level of satisfaction with the graduate of the programme. 
  • From the position of the UNIZA management, a regular university-wide survey is conducted, directed at both students and UNIZA employees. 

Data related to quality surveys at the faculty are collected, archived and evaluated by the Vice Dean for Quality and Development. At the Dean's Colleges, the Dean regularly informs the members of the College of the results of the individual surveys, and the results are discussed and acted upon on an ad hoc basis. Specific measures are always included in the written minutes of the Dean's College and are implemented through the heads of departments and curriculum supervisors, departmental meetings, interviews with faculty staff, etc.  


b Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality

Feedback from students is collected on an ongoing basis - usually at the end of each semester. 

On November 14, 2021 was completed the collection of data from the survey of satisfaction of students of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Humanities of UNIZA within the study programme mediamatics and cultural heritage. The results are as follows: 

The return rate of the questionnaire was high. 8 out of 9 PhD students contacted across all years of study participated in the survey. 7 of the 8 students said that they were actively taking online classes at least once a week during the current semester. All respondents actively use MS Teams, rating the level of difficulty of its use at an average of 3.25 out of 10 (less is better). The overall level of satisfaction regarding communication with the dissertation advisor averages 5.88/10b (more is better). Satisfaction with the availability of study materials is rated by doctoral students at 6/10b. Doctoral students also left verbal comments regarding current issues that were bothering them at the time. Doctoral students request more space for their own research activities as well as the introduction of a course focused explicitly on methodology and the proper writing of creative outputs/articles. 

Actions taken:

Communicate issues and assignments more intensively and effectively, increase transparency in communication. Improve communication with DT supervisors. Within the framework of the modification of the study programme MaKD - 3rd level, create a separate course focused on publishing and methodology. Introduce regular meetings of dissertation supervisors with their PhD students. Discuss more at departmental meetings the problems currently faced by PhD students. It can be stated that the above comments are directly reflected in the proposed modification of the study programme MaKD - 3rd level, which takes the above into account.  

All student suggestions and proposals are always discussed in the Dean's College, of which there is a written record mentioning the specific actions taken. 

The above data is also available to the relevant Study Programme Council and the Faculty Guarantors' Council. 

The aforementioned is further regulated and specified in the forthcoming Directive No. 218 /2021 Directive on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programmes

In December 2021, the SAAVŠ survey yielded valuable feedback through the implementation of a survey called "Academic Quarterly". A large amount of data was sent to the UNIZA faculties, which was processed by the Vice Dean for Quality and Development and the conclusions were presented at the Dean's College meeting held on December 13, 2021. Very important conclusions and actions emerged from the session, which are publicly available at: Responsibilities for the implementation of individual actions have also been identified. 

Specific actions taken also in the past years have been mentioned in the annual Reports on the evaluation of the functionality of the internal quality assurance system for education.   (


c Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality

Data on the employability of graduates of the study programme are recorded and evaluated by the Vice-Dean for Quality and Development in his/her agenda. Graduates were involved in a survey of their satisfaction with their studies with the passage of time, in which feedback was obtained on the pedagogical process, material and technical provision of teaching, and on the acquired knowledge and skills applicable in practice. The problem areas of the educational process and the overall training were also mapped, which may be the cause of their possible dissatisfaction and a space for Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage to improve. 

The most recent survey of former PhD students was conducted in early 2022 using pre-prepared forms. We surveyed alumni for the entire period of eligibility for doctoral studies. The return rate of completed forms was reasonable in the circumstances. Of the former students, up to 6 are working at Department of Mediamatics and Cultural Heritage, so we did not include them in the analysis of study satisfaction to maintain objectivity (and possible conflict of interest). Some alumni did not respond, some we no longer have current contact with, and 7 are currently on maternity leave, so they have limited opportunities to secure feedback from employers. In order to gain a more comprehensive view of the quality of Level 3 undergraduate study, we contacted employers (results above, point 3) . 

Two forms were created, one as a feedback form for the graduates and the other as a reference sheet for their immediate supervisors at their current workplace. Eight graduates (successfully completed PhD students) were involved in the evaluation of their PhD studies. The results showed that they were satisfied with the education they had received. In their feedback they were asked to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the study and had the opportunity to give suggestions for its improvement and enhancement in the future. The results can be summarised as follows: 

  • They consider the strengths of the study programme to be its diversity, versatility and support of creativity, high professionalism of the teachers, well-provided and beneficial teaching, highly positive appreciation of the human approach and personal contact of the trainers, their communication, close relationships and the atmosphere in the department, which is multidisciplinary, which they perceive as very stimulating and, thanks to the possibility of participation in projects, also enriching with regard to the possibility of personal growth. They also positively evaluated the space created for the development of soft skills. From the side of the management of the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences they highlighted the creation of appropriate conditions for research and education and also the space for voluntary activities, which, although not related to studies, offered the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in other areas (e.g. organizing conferences, participating in marketing activities for the department and the faculty).
  • The weak points of doctoral studies are considered to be the lack of mentoring at the beginning of the studies regarding the preparation of scientific articles and preparatory research activities. A course on academic and scientific publishing has been added to the curriculum and a course on methodology in the preparation of PhD students has been updated. 
  • Graduates perceive room for improvement in an even closer connection of research with practice and its better application to specific problems in the scientific or business field, in greater involvement in project activities, in more frequent replenishment of the departmental book fund with current publications and in the modernization of information and communication technology, as well as involvement in research in a cooperating professional or scientific institution in the Slovak Republic or abroad... 

All suggestions were addressed at several Dean's Colleges. The findings were also discussed by the Curriculum Council in the framework of the draft modifications of the study programme MaKD and the changes were implemented within the current possibilities. Also, the range of collaborating institutions was expanded and research for practice was included in the curriculum (except for courses focused on methodology and academic publishing). Both Hungarian and Latin are in the pipeline as elective/additional courses. 

All the results of the aforementioned survey are available for consultation with the Vice-Dean for Quality and Development. 

The aforementioned types of data collection and evaluation are further regulated and specified in the forthcoming Directive No. 218 /2021 on the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programmes


11. References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student (e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.)
Internal regulations and information / Link

Internal regulations and information


D 106_2012 Statutes of UNIZA as amended by Appendices 1 to 5

D 110_2013 Study Regulations for the 3rd Degree of Higher Education at UNIZA as amended by Appendices 1 to 3

D 114_2014 Principles for the disposal of property as amended by Appendix No 1 

Not related to the study programme

D 118_2014 Regulations for additional pedagogical studies at the University of Žilina

Not related to the study programme

D132_2015 on free access to information

D 149_2016 Organisational Regulations as amended by Appendices Nos 1 to 17

Not related to the study programme

D152_2017 Principles of Editorial Activities of UNIZA as amended by Appendix No. 1

Link to Appendix No. 1

D159_2017 Working Regulations

Not related to the study programme

D 167_2018 Rules of Procedure of UNIZA Disciplinary Committees as amended by Appendix No. 1

D 178_2018 Principles of the Rigorous Examination and Defence of the Rigorous Thesis at VÚVB UNIZA as amended by Appendix No. 1

Not related to the study programme

D 180_2019 Grant system of the University of Žilina in Žilina in the D1 to D2 version


D 189_2019 Rules for allocation of accommodation and price discounts for members of student organizations at UNIZA


D 197_2021 Creation, commenting, approval and issuing of the UNIZA VP


D 200_2021 Principles of the selection procedure

Not related to the study programme

D 202_2021 Criteria for filling the posts of professors and associate professors and principles for filling the posts of visiting professors

Not related to the study programme

D 207_2021 Code of Ethics of UNIZA

D 208_2021 Rules for the acquisition and reconciliation, modification and cancellation of habilitation and inauguration rights

Not related to the study programme

D 210_2021 Statute of the Accreditation Council of UNIZA

D 211_2021 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical titles and artistic-pedagogical titles

D 213_2021 Quality Assurance Policies at UNIZA

D 214_2021 Internal quality system structures

D 215_2021 DIRECTIVE on final, rigorous and habilitation theses in the conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina

D 216_2021 Quality assurance of doctoral studies at UNIZA

D 220_2021 Evaluation of the creative activity of employees in relation to the quality of education at UNIZA

D 221_2021 Cooperation of UNIZA with external partners from practice

D 222_2021 Internal Quality Assurance System at UNIZA

D 223_2021 Monitoring and periodic evaluation of study programmes

D 225_2021 Statute of the UNIZA Counselling and Career Centre

D 226_2021 Directive on Copyright Ethics and Elimination of Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina

D 163_2019 Accommodation Regulations of UNIZA Accommodation Facilities

Appendix 4 to Directive No. 108_2013 Scholarship Regulations + Annex 2 + Full text of Directive No. 108_2013 Scholarship Regulations as amended by Appendices 1 to 4

Other directives on UNIZA internal quality system

Freshman guide

Student ID card

Tuition fees and charges

Psychological Support Centre

Electronic wallet



ICT services and guides


UNIZA Counselling and Career Centre