Description of the Field of Habilitation Proceedings and Inauguration Proceedings

1. Basic data on the field of the habilitation proceeding and the inauguration proceeding (hereinafter referred to as the "HPaIP field")
Name of the University University of Žilina
Name of the Faculty/Workplace Faculty of Management Science and Informatics
Name of the HPaIP field Applied Informatics
Awarded title Associated Professor (abb. "doc."), Professor (abb. "prof.")
University Authority for Approval of the HPaIP field UNIZA Accreditation Board
Number of the decision on granting the right to carry out HPaIP (from the old accreditation) 2019/8655:19-A1110
Reference to the result of the last periodic review of the HPaIP field by the University
2. Definition of the HPaIP field
a Name and definition of the content of the HPaIP field
(draw the content definition from the description of the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned – state the main topics of the core knowledge of the field of study from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

HPaIP fiels Applied Informatics is assigned to the study field 18. Informatics 

Content definition of the HPaIP field:

The study field of informatics includes knowledge related to data processing, information and knowledge, their storage and retrieval. It deals with the acquisition, search, transmission, collection, organization, storage, interpretation, presentation, dissemination and use of information and knowledge in various forms (especially text, image, sound). The main topics of the core knowledge of the study field also include mathematical foundations of computer science, theoretical foundations of computer science, programming, programming and systems, creation of models and systems of computer science and information and communication technologies for various application domains, economic, social, moral and legal contexts of the profession. In the case of study programs focused on specific application domains, the basics of these application domains are part of the core. Advanced methods of recognized computer science areas developed on the basis of specialization are also included in the core of knowledge.

b Name of the field of study (1 or 2) to which the HPaIP field is assigned
(description of the field of study (1 or 2) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

HPaIP fiels Applied Informatics is assigned to the study field 18. Informatics

c The content definition of the HPaIP field must be as close as possible to the field of study (1 or 2) to which it is assigned
(indicate here the area and scope of knowledge for the third level (point 4) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

Scope of knowledge:

The HPaIP applicant knows how to choose specific methods of basic and applied research in the field of study. He/she has extensive professional knowledge from several specific areas of the field of study, which serve as a basis for carrying out research and development and creating new knowledge in the field of informatics. The graduate can formulate new hypotheses and strategies for further research and development of the field of study. He/she applies his own findings of his theoretical analysis and his comprehensive scientific research to solve problems in the field of computer science. Practically controls the chosen methods of scientific research and uses them in the search for new knowledge, technologies and important system links. He/she is able to formulate research results and achieves international recognition. Based on his outputs and findings, he can design, verify and implement new research and work procedures. The applicant for HPaIP is characterized by independent, critical and analytical thinking, which he/she applies in changing conditions. He/she independently finds solutions to even complex problems and presents independently the results of research and development before the scientific community and professional community in the Slovak Republic and abroad. Applicant can coordinate a team in the relevant field. It takes social, scientific and ethical aspects into account when formulating research objectives and interpreting research results.

3. Level of education in the HPaIP field
a The fact confirming that UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify third-level study programmes in the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned. (If it is assigned to 2 fields of study, the University must have the above-mentioned rights in both fields of study).
( for relevant field(s) of study in a form of a link

b The fact confirming that UNIZA delivers a third-level study programme, a second-level study programme or a study program combining the first degree and the second degree in the field of study or fields of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned
Provide a list of delivered relevant study programmes for the given field of study from the University Portal (Portal VS)

2511V00 Applied Informatics - parttime form of study


2511V00 Applied Informatics - fulltime form of study

4. Persons responsible for the field of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings
a HPaIP guarantors who are responsible for the development and quality assurance of the HPaIP field
1. Name, surname, titles (the main guarantor appointed by the Dean / Rector):

Ivan Cimrák, prof., Mgr., Dr.

full professor in Applied Informatics

contact (mail, phone):, +421 41 513 4126

Link to the university employee register: 

Name and surname
of other guarantors of the HPaIP field
Position (Assoc. prof. / prof.)
in the field of activity
Additional information

Elena Zaitseva, prof., Ing. PhD.

full professor in Applied Informatics


Contact (mail, phone):+421 41 513 4189 

Link to the university employee register: 


Vitaly Levashenko, prof. Ing., PhD.

full professor in Applied Informatics

contact (mail, phone): +421 41 513 4150

Link to the university employee register: 


Ľuboš Buzna, prof., Ing., PhD.

full professor in Applied Informatics

contact (mail, phone): +421 41 513 4203

Link to the university employee register: 


Miroslav Kvaššay, doc., Ing., PhD.

associate professor in Applied Informatics

contact (mail, phone): +421 41 513 4176

Link to the university employee register: 

b Composition of the Scientific Council of the Faculty with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation
(If the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings take place at a Faculty, the Scientific Council of the relevant Faculty shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.)

doc. Ing. Emil Kršák, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

prof. Mgr. Ivan Cimrák, Dr., informatics, FRI UNIZA

doc. Ing. Mária Ďurišová, PhD., economics and management, FRI UNIZA

prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Janáček, CSc., information systems, FRI UNIZA

prof. Ing. Ľudmila Jánošíková, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

doc. Ing. Ondrej Karpiš, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

prof. Ing. Martin Klimo, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

doc. Ing. Michal Koháni, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

prof. Ing. Milan Kubina, PhD., economics and management, FRI UNIZA

prof. Ing. Alžbeta Kucharčíková, PhD., economics and management, FRI UNIZA

doc. Ing. Viliam Lendel, PhD., economics and management, FRI UNIZA

prof. Ing. Vitaly Levashenko, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

doc. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD., applied informatics, FRI UNIZA

prof. Ing. Karol Matiaško, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

prof. Ing. Miloš Poliak, PhD., transportation science, FPEDAS UNIZA

prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD. EMBA, security science, FBI UNIZA

doc. Ing. Pavel Segeč, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

doc. Ing. Peter Ševčík, PhD., informatics, FRI UNIZA

prof. Ing. Pavol Špánik, PhD., electrotechnics, FEIT UNIZA

prof. Ing. Ivan Brezina, CSc., economics and management, FHI EUBA Bratislava

prof. Ing. Pavel Čičák, PhD., informatics, FIIT STU, Bratislava

doc. RNDr. Ing. Marcel Jiřina, Ph.D., technical cybernetics, FIT ČVUT Praha

prof. Ing. Ivan Kotuliak, PhD., informatics, FIIT STU Bratislava

doc. Ing. et Ing. Renáta Myšková, Ph.D., economics and management, FES UPCE Pardubice

prof. Ing. Jaroslav Porubän, PhD., informatics, FEI TUKE Košice

prof. Ing. Karel Šotek, CSc., transportation technic and technology, FEI UPCE Pardubice

prof. Ing. Liberios Vokorokos, PhD., informatics, FEI TUKE Košice

Composition of the UNIZA Scientific Council with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation
(The UNIZA Scientific Council shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.)

prof. Ing. Jozef Jandačka, PhD.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

prof. Ing. Pavol Rafajdus, PhD.

Faculty of electrotechnics and information technologies

prof. Ing. Ján Čelko, PhD.

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Tatiana Čorejová, PhD.

Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport

prof. Ing. Milan Dado, PhD.

Faculty of electrotechnics and information technologies

prof. Ing. Marián Drusa, PhD.

Faculty of Civil Engineering

doc. Ing. Eva Sventeková, PhD.

Faculty of Security Engineering

prof. Ing. Milan Gregor, PhD.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

prof. Ing. Branislav Hadzima, PhD.

UNIZA Research Centre

prof. Ing. Ľudmila Jánošiková, PhD.

Faculty of Management Science and Informatics

prof. Ing. Gustáv Kasanický, CSc.

Institute of expert research and education UNIZA

doc. Ing. Vladimír Konečný, PhD.

Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport

prof. Ing. Emil Kršák, PhD.

Faculty of Management Science and Informatics

prof. Ing. Tomáš Loveček, PhD.

Faculty of Security Engineering

prof. Ing. Karol Matiaško, PhD.

Faculty of Management Science and Informatics

prof. PaedDr. Jaroslav Mazůrek, CSc.

Faculty of Humanities

prof. Ing. Miloš Poliak, PhD.

Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport

prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD.

Faculty of Security Engineering

prof. Dr. Ing. Milan Sága,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

prof. Ing. Dušan Pudiš, PhD.

Faculty of electrotechnics and information technologies

prof. Ing. Pavol Špánik, PhD.

Faculty of electrotechnics and information technologies

prof. Ing. Eva Tillová, PhD.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

prof. Ing. Josef Vičan, CSc.

Faculty of Civil Engineering

PhDr. Slavka Pitoňáková, PhD.

Faculty of Humanities

Dr. h. c. prof. dr. hab. inž. Stanislaw Adamczak, DrSc.

Politechnika Świetokrzyska

prof. Ing. Ivan Brezina, CSc.

University of Economics Bratislava

Ing. Peter Fodrek, PhD.

Prvá zváračská, a.s. Bratislava

prof. Ing. Stanislav Kmeť, CSc.

TU Košice

Ing. František Komora,

president of the Association of Logistics and Shipping of the SR Bratislava

Ing. Igor Kováč, PhD.

Kinex Bearings Bytča

Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Miroslav Líška, CSc.

AOS Liptovský Mikuláš

JUDr. Anton Ondrej, PhD.

Jaguar Land Rover, Nitra

prof. Ing. Miroslav Fikar, DrSc.

STU Bratislava

Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc.

TU Košice

prof. RNDr. Václav Snášel, CSc.

VŠB -TU Ostrava

Dr. h. c., Prof. h. c., Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Moravčík,

STU Bratislava

5. Level of research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field and level of quality culture of UNIZA
a List of the most significant 25 outputs of a group of 5 persons documenting the implementation of long-term and continuous research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field, the intensity and extend of which correspond to the nature of these proceedings and whose results are on an internationally significant level.
(for each person there must be at least 2 outputs from the period of the last 6 years prior to the year in which the relevant accreditation application was submitted, ensuring the availability of records of the submitted outputs in databases and registers and compliance with other provisions of the standards). The output is presented in the form of a bibliographic record and must correspond to the outputs that are listed in the Research/Art/Teacher Profile (in Slovak VUPCH) and Research/Artistic/Other Output (in Slovak VTC).

Ivan Cimrák, prof., Mgr., Dr.


ID SCOPUS: 7801457095

1.output ADC : An ESPResSo implementation of elastic objects immersed in a fluid / Cimrák Ivan, Gusenbauer M., Jančigová Iveta, 2014. In: Computer physics communications. - ISSN 0010-4655. - Vol. 185, no. 3 (2014), s. 900-907.
2.output ADM: PyOIF: Computational tool for modelling of multi-cell flows in complex geometries Jančigová, Iveta, Kovalčíková, Kristína, Weeber, Rudolf, Cimrák, Ivan, PLOS Computational Biology 2020, 16 (10) 1-21 p.
3.output ADC : Modelling and simulation of processes in microfluidic devices for biomedical applications / Cimrák Ivan, Gusenbauer Markus, Schrefl Thomas, 2012. In: Computers & mathematics with applications. - ISSN 0898-1221. - Vol. 64, no. 3 (2012), s. 278-288
4.output ADC : Simulation study of rare cell trajectories and capture rate in periodic obstacle arrays / Bušík Martin, Jančigová Iveta, Tóthová Renáta, Cimrák Ivan, 2016. - Spôsob prístupu: ttp:// In: Journal of Computational Science - ISSN 1877-7503. - Vol. 17, special issue, part 2 (2016), online, s. 370-376
5.output Spring-network model of red blood cell from membrane mechanics to validation Jančigová, Iveta, Kovalčíková, Kristína, Bohiniková, Alžbeta, Cimrák, Ivan, International journal for numerical methods in fluids 2020, 1-26 p.

Elena Zaitseva, prof., Ing. PhD.


ID SCOPUS: 16481714700

1.output ADE : Healthcare system representation and estimation based on viewpoint of reliability analysis / Zaitseva Elena, Rusin Miroslav, 2012.In: Journal of medical imaging and health informatics. - ISSN 2156-7018. - Vol. 2, no. 1 (2012), s. 80-86.
2.output ADC : Multiple-Valued Logic mathematical approaches for multi-state system reliability analysis / Zaitseva Elena, Levashenko Vitaly, 2013. In: Journal of applied logic. - ISSN 1018-4864. - Vol. 11, iss. 3 (2013), s. 350-362.
3.output ADC : Importance analysis by logical differential calculus / Zaitseva Elena, Levashenko Vitaly, 2013. In: Automation and remote control. - ISSN 0005-1179. - Vol. 74, No. 2 (2013), s. 171-182.
4.output ADC: Application of fuzzy decision tree for signal classification Rabčan, Ján, Levashenko, Vitaly, Zaitseva, Elena, Kvaššay, Miroslav, Subbotin, Sergey IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 2019,15 (10), pp.5425-5434
5.output ADC Review of methods for EEG signal classification and development of new fuzzy classification-based approach Rabčan, Ján, Levashenko, Vitaly, Zaitseva, Elena, Kvaššay, Miroslav, IEEE Access 2020 (8), pp.189720-189734

Vitaly Levashenko, prof. Ing., PhD.


ID SCOPUS: 16480244600

1.output Development of programmable logic array for multiple-valued logic functions Levashenko, Vitaly, Lukyanchuk, Igor, Zaitseva, Elena, Kvaššay, Miroslav, Rabčan, Ján, Rusnák, Patrik IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020, Vol. 39 (12), pp. 4854-4866
2.output ADC : Construction of a reliability structure function based on uncertain data / Zaitseva Elena, Levashenko Vitaly, 2016. In: IEEE Transactions on Reliability. - ISSN 0018-9529. - Vol. 65, no. 4 (2016), s. 1710-1723.
3.output ADC: Reliability evaluation of the factors that influenced COVID-19 patients ´ condition Levashenko, Vitaly, Rabčan, Ján, Zaitseva, Elena, Applied sciences 2021, Vol.11 (6), pp. 1-19
4.output ADC : An empirical study on green practices of mobile phone users / Androulidakis Iosif, Levashenko Vitaly, Zaitseva Elena, 2016. - In: Wireless Networks. - ISSN 1022-0038. - Vol. 22, iss. 7 (2016), s. 2203-2220.
5.output ADC: Application of the structure function in the evaluation of the human factor in healthcare Zaitseva, Elena, Levashenko, Vitaly, Rabčan, Ján, Kršák, Emil, Symmetry 2020, Roč. 12 (1), pp.1-23

Ľuboš Buzna, prof., Ing., PhD.


ID SCOPUS: 8305180800

1.output ADC: Predicting popularity of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in urban context Straka, Milan, De Falco, Pasquale, Ferruzzi, Gabriella, Proto, Danielavan der Poel, Gijs Khormali, Shahab, Buzna, Ľuboš, IEEE Access 2020, 8, pp. 11315-11327
2.output ADC: Geometric correlations mitigate the extreme vulnerability of multiplex networks against targeted attacks / Kleineberg Kaj-Kolja, Buzna Ľuboš, Papadopoulos Fragkiskos, Boguná Marián, Serrano M. Ángeles, 2017. In: Physical review letters - ISSN 0031-9007. - Vol. 118, iss. 21 (2017), online, [6] s.
3.output ADC: A versatile adaptive aggregation framework for spatially large discrete location-allocation problems [Univerzálny a adaptívny agregačný prístup k riešeniu priestorovo rozsiahlych lokačno-alokačných problémov] / Matej Cebecauer, Ľuboš Buzna. In: Computers & industrial engineering. - ISSN 0360-8352. - Vol. 111 (2017), online, pp. 364-380
4.output ADC : Controlling congestion on complex networks : fairness, efficiency and network structure / Buzna Ľuboš, Carvalho Rui, 2017. - Spôsob prístupu: In: Scientific Reports - ISSN 2045-2322. - Vol. 7 (2017), online [15] p.
5.output ADC: An ensemble methodology for hierarchical probabilistic electric vehicle load forecasting at regular charging stations Buzna, Ľuboš, De Falco, Pasquale, Ferruzzi, Gabriella, Khormali, Shahab, Proto, DanielaRefa, Nazir, Straka, Milan, van der Poel, Gijs, Applied Energy 2021, č. 283, pp.[1-18]

Miroslav Kvaššay, doc., Ing., PhD.


ID SCOPUS: 55843362700 

1.output ADC : Analysis of minimal cut and path sets based on direct partial Boolean derivatives / Kvaššay Miroslav, Levashenko Vitaly, Zaitseva Elena, 2016. In: Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers : Part O - Journal of risk and reliability. - ISSN 1748-006X. - Vol. 230, no. 2 (2016), s. 147-161.
2.output ADC : Reliability analysis of multiple-outputs logic circuits based on structure function approach / Kvaššay Miroslav, Zaitseva Elena, Levashenko Vitaly, Kostolný Jozef, 2017. In: IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems : a publication of the IEEE council on electronic design automation. - ISSN 0278-0070. - Vol. 36, iss. 3 (2017), s. 398-411.
3.output ADC: Importance analysis of multi-state systems based on tools of logical differential calculus Kvaššay, Miroslav, Zaitseva, Elena, Levashenko, Vitaly, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2017, Vol. 165, pp.302-316
4.output ADC: Application of generalized Reed–Muller expression for development of non-binary circuits Zaitseva, Elena, Levashenko, Vitaly, Lukyanchuk, Igor, Rabčan, Ján, Kvaššay, Miroslav, Rusnák, Patrik, Electronics, 2020, Vol. 9(1), pp.1-14
5.output ADC: Ferroelectric multiple-valued logic units Lukyanchuk, Igor, Zaitseva, Elena, Levashenko, Vitaly, Kvaššay, Miroslav, Kondovych, Svitlana, Tikhonov, Yuri, Baudry, Laurent, Razumnaya, Anna, Ferroelectrics, 2019, Vol. 543 (1), pp. 213-221
b UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify the third-level study programmes in at least half of the fields of study in which it provides higher education
(Note: this is common for all descriptions of the HPaIP fields – inserted by the R&D Rectorate)
Name of the field of study Level of study
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Ecological and Environmental Sciences 1., 2.
Mechanical Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Informatics 1., 2., 3.
Cybernetics 1., 2., 3.
Electrical Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Geodesy and Cartography 1.
Civil Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Transport 1., 2., 3.
Economics and Management 1., 2., 3.
Media and Communication Studies 1., 2., 3.
Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences 1., 2.
Security Sciences 1., 2., 3.
Of the 12 fields of study, 9 are third-level fields of study, which represents 75% of the total number of harmonised fields of study.
c Periodic review of research, development, artistic and other creative activities:
Link to the evaluation report of the complex accreditation of UNIZA activities, year 2015:
6. Criteria for reviewing compliance of conditions for obtaining the title associate professor
Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria for evaluating the compliance with the conditions for obtaining the title of associate professor, which are in accordance with generally binding regulations, and a link to previous versions of the criteria with indication of their validity
  1. Link to the current criteria on the website of the faculty/UNIZA: -  effective from May 5, 2022
  2. Link to the previous versions of the criteria with an indication of their validity:  - effective from May 22, 2014 till May 4, 2022
7. Criteria for reviewing compliance of conditions for obtaining the title professor
Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria for evaluating the compliance with the conditions for obtaining the title of professor, which are in accordance with generally binding regulations, and a link to previous versions of the criteria with indication of their validity
  1. Link to the current criteria on the website of the faculty/UNIZA: -  effective from May 5, 2022
  2. Link to the previous versions of the criteria with an indication of their validity:  - effective from May 22, 2014 till May 4, 2022 
8. Rules and procedures of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings
a Currently established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings
UNIZA Directive No. 211 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical and artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at UNIZA
Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Scientific Council and the UNIZA Scientific Council
Previously established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings with indication of validity
Methodological guideline No. 8/2016 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical titles or artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at the University of Žilina in Žilina