Description of the Field of Habilitation Proceedings and Inauguration Proceedings

1. Basic data on the field of the habilitation proceeding and the inauguration proceeding (hereinafter referred to as the "HPaIP field")
Name of the University University of Žilina
Name of the Faculty/Workplace Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications
Name of the HPaIP field Economics and management
Awarded title Associate Professor (abbreviation doc.), Full Professor (abbreviation prof.)
University Authority for Approval of the HPaIP field Accreditation Council of the University of Žilina in Žilina
Number of the decision on granting the right to carry out HPaIP (from the old accreditation) 2017-7372/20270:17-15A0
Reference to the result of the last periodic review of the HPaIP field by the University
2. Definition of the HPaIP field
a Name and definition of the content of the HPaIP field
(draw the content definition from the description of the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned – state the main topics of the core knowledge of the field of study from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

The name of the HPaIP branch: Economics and Business Management 
Content definition of the HPaIP: supporting topics
The content definition of the HKaIK Economics and Business Management department includes incorporated interdisciplinary knowledge, multiplying the range of knowledge, skills and competences with a clear synergistic effect, which reflects not only the current state of the range of knowledge in the studied area at home and abroad, but also the current requirements of practice. In strict compliance with the basic postulates of causality and coherence, so that there is no conscious or unconscious confusion, or issuing a description for phenomenology in economic scientific disciplines. The main topics of the core knowledge of the study field are mainly: management, managerial finance, quantitative methods in economic research, financial modelling and decision-making, economic information systems of the company, marketing management of the company, business intelligence, statistical and econometric induction, management and evaluation of the performance of the company, digital and SMART economics, human resource management, transport economics and sustainable business.

b Name of the field of study (1 or 2) to which the HPaIP field is assigned
(description of the field of study (1 or 2) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

Study field 8. Economics and management

c The content definition of the HPaIP field must be as close as possible to the field of study (1 or 2) to which it is assigned
(indicate here the area and scope of knowledge for the third level (point 4) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

The field of study includes knowledge related to the basic economic regularities of the movement and exchange of economic values; the behaviour of individual elements of economic systems; the organisation of the creation, distribution, and consumption of economic goods; and with the effective use of qualitative and quantitative methods, solutions are proposed for national economic and specific economic and managerial situations in which the interaction of the use of intangible and tangible components in the process of economic decision-making and rational behaviour is manifested, while respecting the regional and national peculiarities of economic systems and in the context of the international economic environment. 
Based on targeted, ideologically diverse, but critical research, the graduate is able to formulate challenges for scientific knowledge, identify scientific problems, formulate research questions, and derive a research design. He masters the basic approaches of scientific work, can identify information sources and appropriately apply available information systems when using them. Depending on the nature of the research problem and the research area, he can formulate and scientifically evaluate research theses, formulate and verify research hypotheses, and at the same time apply qualitative or quantitative research methods in an appropriate manner. Based on his findings, he can design, verify, and implement innovative research procedures. 
Other supporting topics of the knowledge core of the HPaIP economics and management department are tied to the graduate's pedagogical and research profile, which are given by the applicant's scientific school, i.e., the applicant's individual research focus. In addition, they reflect current trends in individual areas of the field of study, the requirements of economic practice, knowledge about social responsibility, sustainability, ethics, and ecological behavior, and support the development of critical and entrepreneurial thinking. An important part of the content definition is cooperation with practice, participation in the solution of research and business projects, opposing studies, etc., which fall under the field of HPaIP. 

3. Level of education in the HPaIP field
a The fact confirming that UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify third-level study programmes in the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned. (If it is assigned to 2 fields of study, the University must have the above-mentioned rights in both fields of study).
( for relevant field(s) of study in a form of a link

Economics and business management study program - full-time form

Economics and business management study program - part-time form

Study program economics of transport, connections and services - full-time form

Study program economics of transport, connections and services - part-time form

Management study program - full-time form

Management study program – part-time form

b The fact confirming that UNIZA delivers a third-level study programme, a second-level study programme or a study program combining the first degree and the second degree in the field of study or fields of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned
Provide a list of delivered relevant study programmes for the given field of study from the University Portal (Portal VS)

Title: Economics and business management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 1

Number: 21518

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Economics and business management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 1

Number: 103515

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Economics and business management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 2

Number: 4234

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Economics and business management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 2

Number: 103509

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Economics and business management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 3

Number: 21196

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Economics and business management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 3

Number: 103503

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Economics of transport, connections and services

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 3

Number: 21195

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Economics of transport, connections and services

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 3

Number: 103501

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Electronic commerce and management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 1

Number: 11887

Link to the register of study programs:





Title: Electronic commerce and management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 1

Number: 103511

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Electronic commerce and management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 2

Number: 4063

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Electronic commerce and management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 2

Number: 103505

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Financial management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 1

Number: 103514

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Financial management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 1

Number: 103513

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Financial management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 2

Number: 103508

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Financial management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 2

Number: 103507

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Information management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 2

Number: 103461

Link to the register of study programs:




Title: Information management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 2

Number: 103460

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Information management (conversion)

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 2

Number: 103681

Link to the register of study programs:


Title: Information management (conversion)

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 2

Number: 103680

Link to the register of study programs:


Name: Management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 1

Number: 100712

Link to the register of study programs:


Name: Management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 1

Number: 21469

Link to the register of study programs:


Name: Management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 1

Number: 103462

Link to the register of study programs:


Name: Management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 1

Number: 103464

Link to the register of study programs:


Name: Management

Form of study: full-time

Degree: 3

Number: 21184

Link to the register of study programs:



 Name: Management

Form of study: part-time form

Degree: 3

Number: 103458 


Link to the register of study programs:

4. Persons responsible for the field of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings
a HPaIP guarantors who are responsible for the development and quality assurance of the HPaIP field
1. Name, surname, titles (the main guarantor appointed by the Dean / Rector):

Ing. Tomáš Klieštik, PhD.

position: professor in the field of economics and management, tel. +421-41-5133200

Name and surname
of other guarantors of the HPaIP field
Position (Assoc. prof. / prof.)
in the field of activity
Additional information

prof. Ing. Pavol Kráľ, PhD.

the position of professor in the field of economics and management


doc. Ing. Katarína Valášková, PhD.

in the position of associate professor in the field of economics and management


doc. RNDr. Lucia Švábová, PhD.

in the position of associate professor in the field of economics and management


doc. Ing. Mária Kováčová, PhD.

in the position of associate professor in the field of economics and management

b Composition of the Scientific Council of the Faculty with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation
(If the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings take place at a Faculty, the Scientific Council of the relevant Faculty shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.)

•         prof. Ing. Miloš Poliak, PhD., study field of transport services

•         prof. Ing. Jozef Gašparík, PhD., study field of transport

•         prof. RNDr. Ing. Karol Achimský, CSc., study field of transport

•         Assoc. Ing. Martin Bugaj, PhD., study field of transport

•         Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Tatiana Čorejová, PhD., study field  of sectoral and cross-sectional economics

•         prof. Ing. Anna Dolinayová, PhD., study field  of sectoral and cross-sectional economics

•         prof. Ing. Jozef Gnap, PhD., study field  of transport services

•         prof. Ing. Alica Kalašová, CSc., study field  of transport

•         prof. Ing. Antonín Kazda, CSc., study field  of transport

•         prof. Ing. Tomáš Kliestik, PhD. , study field  of economics and business management

•         Assoc. Ing. Vladimír Konečný, PhD. , study field  of transport services

•         prof. Ing. Pavol Kráľ, PhD., Study field  of Economics and Business Management

•         prof. Ing. Anna Križanová, CSc., study field  of economics and business management

•         prof. Ing. Radovan Madleňák, PhD., study field  of transport services

•         prof. Ing. Jozef Majerčák, PhD., study field  of transport

•         prof. Ing. Andrej Novák, PhD., study field  of transport

•         Assoc. JUDr. Ing. Alena Novák Sedláčková, PhD., study field  of transport services

•         prof. Ing. Jana Štofková, PhD., study field  of sectoral and cross-sectional economics

•         dr hab. etc. Paweł Droźdiel, prof. PL. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – study field  of transport

•         prof. Ing. Michal Fendek, CSc. EU Bratislava, Faculty of Business Informatics - study field  of Economics and Management

•         Assoc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D. CTU in Prague, Faculty of Transport - study field  of transport

•         dr hab. etc. Marek Jaśkiewicz, prof. PŚk. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering – study field  of transport

•         Ing. Zdeněk Jelínek Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic - study field  of transport

•         Assoc. Ing. Rudolf Kampf, Ph.D. University of Technology and Economics in České Budějovice - study field  of transport services

•         prof. Ing. Mária Rostášová, PhD. expert in the field of sectoral and cross-sectional economy - branch of sectoral and cross-sectional economy

•         prof. Ing. Miloš Tumpach, PhD. EU Bratislava, Faculty of Business Informatics - Study field  of Economics and Management

•         Ing. Ján Žačko Union of Transport, Post and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic – study field  of transport


Composition of the UNIZA Scientific Council with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation
(The UNIZA Scientific Council shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.)

5. Level of research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field and level of quality culture of UNIZA
a List of the most significant 25 outputs of a group of 5 persons documenting the implementation of long-term and continuous research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field, the intensity and extend of which correspond to the nature of these proceedings and whose results are on an internationally significant level.
(for each person there must be at least 2 outputs from the period of the last 6 years prior to the year in which the relevant accreditation application was submitted, ensuring the availability of records of the submitted outputs in databases and registers and compliance with other provisions of the standards). The output is presented in the form of a bibliographic record and must correspond to the outputs that are listed in the Research/Art/Teacher Profile (in Slovak VUPCH) and Research/Artistic/Other Output (in Slovak VTC).

prof. Ing. Tomáš Klieštik, PhD.

ORCID 0000-0002-3815-5409

ID WoS 0-8070-215

ID SCOPUS 26323322300

1.output Kliestik, T., Misankova, M., Valaskova, K., & Svabova, L. (2018). Bankruptcy Prevention: New Effort to Reflect on Legal and Social Changes. Science and Engineering Ethics, Springer Publisher 24(2), 791-803. doi: 10.1007/s11948-017-9912-4 (Q2, WoS IF = 2,275, Q2 AIS = 0,598, JCR Category MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES, autorský podiel 40%). cit. 173 WoS, 209 Scopus
2.output Kliestik, T., Valaskova, K., Lazaroiu, G., Kovacova, M., & Vrbka, J. (2020). Remaining Financially Healthy and Competitive: The Role of Financial Predictors. Journal of Competitiveness, 12(1), 74–92. doi: 10.7441/joc.2020.01.05 (Q1, WoS, IF= 4,725, JIF RANK = 41/377, Q3 AIS = 0, 502, JCR Category ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 30% ). cit 21 WoS, 55 Scopus
3.output Kliestik, T., Valaskova, K., Nica, E., Kovacova, M., & Lazaroiu, G. (2020). Advanced methods of earnings management: monotonic trends and change-points under spotlight in the Visegrad countries. Oeconomia Copernicana, 11(2), 371-400. doi: 10.24136/oc.2020.016 (Q1, WoS, IF = 4, 274, JIF RANK = 54/377, Q4 AIS = 0, 305, JCR Category ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 30% ). cit. 42 WoS, 87 Scopus
4.output Kliestik, T., Belas, J., Valaskova, K., Nica, E., and Durana, P. (2020). Earnings management in V4 countries: the evidence of earnings smoothing and inflating, Economic Research,, Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis, 34(1), 1452-1470. doi: 10.1080/1331677X.2020.1831944 (Q2, WoS, IF = 3, 034, JIF RANK = 97/377, Q3 AIS = 0, 432, JCR Category ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 30% ). cit. 16 WoS, 35 Scopus
5.output Ginevicius, R., Kliestik, T., Stasiukynas, A., Suhajda, K. (2021). The Impact of National Economic Development on the Shadow Economy, Journal of Competitiveness 12(4), 39-55. doi: 10.7441/joc.2020.04.03 (Q1, WoS, IF= 4.725, JIF RANK = 41/377, Q3 AIS = 0.502, JCR Category ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 30% ). cit. 6 WoS, 22 Scopus

prof. Ing. Pavol Kráľ, PhD.

ORCID 0000-0001-6970-563X

ID WoS, P-3291-2015

ID SCOPUS 57193930251

1.output Janoskova, K., Kral, P. (2019). An in-depth analysis of the summary innovation index in the V4 countries. Journal of competitiveness. 11(2). 68-83. doi: 10.7441/joc.2019.02.05 (Q1, WoS, IF= 3,649, JIF RANK = 38/373, JCR Category ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 50%). cit. 22 WoS
2.output Kral, P., Valjaskova, V., Janoskova, K. (2019). Quantitative approach to project portfolio management proposal for Slovak companies, Oeconomia Copernicana, 10(4), 797-814. doi: 10.24136/oc.2019.036 (Q2, WoS, IF= 2,128, JIF RANK = 104/373, JCR Category ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 40%). cit.11 WoS, 23 Scopus
3.output Kral, P., Podhorska, I., Kotaskova, A., Siekelova, A. (2021). Searching for goodwill indicators: Emphasis on emerging market. Transformation in Business & Economic, 20(3), 204-222. IF (2020) = 1,725/Q3; autorský podiel 30 %. cit. 0 WoS, 0 Scopus
4.output Kral, P., Janoskova, K., KLiestik, T. (2018). Key determinants of the public transport user’s satisfaction. Administratie si Management Public, 31, 36-51. doi: 10.24818/amp/2018.31-03 (Q1, SCOPUS CiteScore 2018 = 4.5, SJR 2018 = 0.535, Category Public Administration #12/144, autorský podiel 34%). cit. 15 Scopus
5.output Valaskova, K., Throne, O., Kral, P., Michalkova, L. (2020). Deep learning-enabled smart process planning in cyber-physical system-based manufacturing. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics, 8(1), 121-127. doi: 10.22381/JSME8120205 SJR(2020): 0,851; CiteScore(2020): 5,3; SNIP(2020): 1,597, quartile: Q1; autorský podiel 30 %). cit. 39 Scopus

doc. Ing. Katarína Valášková, PhD.

ORCID 0000-0003-4223-7519

ID WoS O-9250-2015

ID SCOPUS 56925561400

1.output Valaskova, K., Adamko, P.,Frajtova Michalikova, K., Macek, J. (2021). Quo Vadis earnings management? Analysis of manipulation determinants in Central European environment. Oeconomia Copernicana, 12(3), 631-669. doi: 10.24136/oc.2021.021 (Q1; WoS; IF = 4.274; JIF RANK = 54/376; Q3 AIS =0.432; JCR Category = ECONOMICS; autorský podiel: 50%). cit. 2 WoS, 3 Scopus
2.output Valaskova, K., Androniceanu, A.M., Zvarikova, K., Olah, J. (2021). Bonds between earnings management and corporate financial stability in the context of competitive ability of enterprises. Journal of Competitiveness, 13(4), 167-184. doi: 10.7441/joc.2021.04.10. (Q1; WoS; IF= 4.725; JIF RANK = 41/377; Q3 AIS = 0.502; JCR Category = ECONOMICS; autorský podiel 60%). cit. 1 WoS, 2 Scopus
3.output Valaskova, K., Durana, P., Adamko, P. (2021). Changes in consumers´ purchase patterns as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mathematics, 9(15). doi: 10.3390/math9151788. (Q1; WoS; IF = 2.258; JIF Rank = 24/330; Q3 AIS = 0.354 ; JCR Category = MATHEMATICS; autorský podiel 50%). cit. 19 WoS, 38 Scopus
4.output Gavurova, B., Belas, J., Valaskova, K., Rigelsky, M., Ivankova, V. (2021). Relations between infrastructure innovations and tourism spending in developed countries: A macroeconomic perspective. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 27(5), 1072-1094. doi: 10.3846/tede.2021.15361 (Q1; WoS; IF = 3.97; JIF RANK = 65/376, JCR Category = ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 25%). cit. 8 WoS, 5 Scopus
5.output Valaskova, K., Gavurova, B., Durana, P., Kovacova, M. (2020). Alter ego only four times? The case study of business profits in the Visegrad group. E & M Ekonomie a Management, 23(3), 101-119. doi: 10.15240/tul/001/2020-3-007 (Q3, WoS; IF = 1.446; JIF RANK = 251/376; Q4 AIS = 0,164; JCR Category: Economics; autorský podiel: 30%). cit. 8 WoS, 6 Scopus

doc. RNDr. Lucia Švábová, PhD.

ORCID 0000-0002-4722-4103

ID WoS, P-7174-2015

ID SCOPUS 57193866755

1.output Svabova, L., Kvamarova, K. (2021). An analysis of participation factors and effects of the active labour market measure Graduate practice in Slovakia - Counterfactual approach. Evaluation and Program Planning, 86, 101917. (WoS kvartil 2020 = Q3, JCR Category: Social Sciences Interdisciplinary; WoS IF 2020 = 1.849 ; JIF rank 2020 = 60/110; AIS 2020 = 0.555; Eigenfactor Score 2020 = 0.0031; JCI 2020 = 1.29; JCI rank 2020 = 55/254 Q1; autorský podiel 50%). cit. 6 WoS, 5 Scopus
2.output Svabova, L., Kramarova, K., Chutka, J., Strakova, L. (2020). Detecting earnings manipulation and fraudulent financial reporting in Slovakia. Oeconomia Copernicana, 11(3), 485-508. (WoS kvartil 2020 = Q1, JCR Category: Economics; WoS IF 2020 = 4,274 ; JIF rank 2020 = 54/377; AIS 2020 = 0.305; Eigenfactor Score 2020 = 0.00058; JCI 2020 = 1.80; JCI rank 2020 = 39/549 Q1; autorský podiel 40%). cit. 8 WoS, 8 Scopus
3.output Svabova, L., Durica, M., Kliestik, T. (2019). Modelling the Costs of Unemployment for Young Graduates in Slovakia: A Counterfactual Approach. Politicka ekonomie, 67(5), 552-566. (WoS kvartil 2019 = Q4, JCR Category: Economics; WoS IF 2019 = 0,351; JIF rank 2019 = 357/373; AIS 2019 = 0,035 Q4; Eigenfactor Score 2019 = 0.00009; JCI 2019 = 0.30; JCI rank 2019 = 164/178 Q4; autorský podiel 34%). cit. 4 WoS
4.output Gregova, E., Smrcka, L., Michalkova, L., Svabova, L. (2021). Impact of tax benefits and earnings management on capital structures across V4 countries. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 18(3), 221-244. (WoS kvartil 2020 = Q3, JCR Category: Engineering, Multidisciplinary; WoS IF 2020 = 1,806 ; JIF rank 2020 = 55/90; AIS 2020 = 0.162; Eigenfactor Score 2020 = 0.00084; JCI 2020 = 0,82; JCI rank 2020 = 40/170 = Q1; autorský podiel 30%). cit. 2 WoS, 3 Scopus
5.output Poliak, M., Svabova, L., Konecny, V., Zhuravleva, N. A., Culik, K. (2021). New paradigms of quantification of economic efficiency in the transport sector. Oeconomia Copernicana, 12(1), 193-212. (WoS kvartil 2020 = Q1, JCR Category: Economics; WoS IF 2020 = 4,274 ; JIF rank 2020 = 54/377; AIS 2020 = 0.305; Eigenfactor Score 2020 = 0.00058; JCI 2020 = 1.80; JCI rank 2020 = 39/549 Q1; autorský podiel 40%). cit. 7 WoS, 24 Scopus

doc. Ing. Mária Kováčová, PhD.

ORCID 0000-0003-2081-6835

ID WoS, O-8095-2015

ID SCOPUS 57203121841

1.output Kovacova, M., Segers, C., Tumpach, M., Michalkova, L. (2020). Big data-driven smart manufacturing: Sustainable production processes, real-time sensor networks, and industrial value creation. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 15(1), 54-60. doi: 10.22381/EMFM15120205 (Q1, SCOPUS CiteScore 2020 = 5,1; SJR 2020 = 0,631, Category Economics, Econometrics and Finance #7/159, autorský podiel 30%). cit. 22 Scopus
2.output Kovacova, M., Kliestik, T., Kubala, P., Valaskova, K., Radišić, M. M., & Borocki, J. (2018). Bankruptcy models: Verifying their validity as a predictor of corporate failure. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 18(1), 167-179. doi: 10.17512/pjms.2018.18.1.13 (Q2, SCOPUS CiteScore 2018 = 2,1, SJR 2018 = 0,353, Category Business, Management and Accounting #109/383, autorský podiel 31%). cit. 13 WoS, 21 Scopus
3.output Kovacova, M., Lewis, E. (2021). Smart factory performance, cognitive automation, and industrial big data analytics in sustainable manufacturing internet of things. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics, 9(3), pp. 9-21. doi: 10.22381/jsme9320211 (Q1, SCOPUS CiteScore 2020 = 5,3, SJR 2020 = 0,851, Category Economics, Econometrics and Finance #9/243, autorský podiel 70%). cit. 19 Scopus
4.output Lu, J., Ren, L., Zhang, Ch., Qiao, J., Kováčová, M., Streimikis, J. (2020). Assessment of corporate social responsibility and its impacts on corporate reputation of companies in selected Balkan countries former Yugoslavia states. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26(2), 504-524. doi: 10.3846/tede.2020.12069 (Q1, WoS, IF= 3,97, JIF RANK = 65/376, AIS = 0.498, JCR Category ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 40%). cit. 6 WoS, 14 Scopus
5.output Kovacova, M., Kliestik, T., Valaskova, K., Durana, P., & Juhaszova, Z. (2019). Systematic review of variables applied in bankruptcy prediction models of Visegrad group countries. Oeconomia Copernicana, 10(4), 743-772. doi: 10.24136/oc.2019.034 (Q2, WoS, IF = 2.128, JIF RANK = 104/373, JCR Category ECONOMICS, autorský podiel 25% ). cit. 69 WoS, 99 Scopus
b UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify the third-level study programmes in at least half of the fields of study in which it provides higher education
(Note: this is common for all descriptions of the HPaIP fields – inserted by the R&D Rectorate)
Name of the field of study Level of study
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Ecological and Environmental Sciences 1., 2.
Mechanical Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Informatics 1., 2., 3.
Cybernetics 1., 2., 3.
Electrical Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Geodesy and Cartography 1.
Civil Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Transport 1., 2., 3.
Economics and Management 1., 2., 3.
Media and Communication Studies 1., 2., 3.
Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences 1., 2.
Security Sciences 1., 2., 3.
Of the 12 fields of study, 9 are third-level fields of study, which represents 75% of the total number of harmonised fields of study.
c Periodic review of research, development, artistic and other creative activities:
Link to the evaluation report of the complex accreditation of UNIZA activities, year 2015:
6. Criteria for reviewing compliance of conditions for obtaining the title associate professor
Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria for evaluating the compliance with the conditions for obtaining the title of associate professor, which are in accordance with generally binding regulations, and a link to previous versions of the criteria with indication of their validity
  1. Link to the current criteria on the website of the Faculty of Operations and Economics of Transport and Communications:


Criteria for obtaining the title of associate professor and criteria for obtaining the title of professor at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications of the University of Žilina in Žilina, approved by the UNIZA Board of Directors on 17 February 2022, available online at


  1. Link to the previous versions of the criteria with an indication of their validity:

Kritériá na vyhodnotenie splnenia podmienok získania vedecko-pedagogického titulu „docent“ a kritérií na vyhodnotenie splnenia podmienok získania vedecko-pedagogického titulu „profesor“ na FPEDAS UNIZA v oblasti výskumu 8. ekonómia a manažment
(valid from 19/11/2020 to 16/02/2022)


Kritériá na vyhodnotenie splnenia podmienok získania vedecko-pedagogického titulu „docent“ a kritérií na vyhodnotenie splnenia podmienok získania vedecko-pedagogického titulu „profesor“ na FPEDAS UNIZA v oblasti výskumu 22. dopravné služby
(valid from 19/11/2020 to 16/02/2022)

7. Criteria for reviewing compliance of conditions for obtaining the title professor
Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria for evaluating the compliance with the conditions for obtaining the title of professor, which are in accordance with generally binding regulations, and a link to previous versions of the criteria with indication of their validity
  1. Link to the current criteria on the website of the Faculty of Operations and Economics of Transport and Communications:


Criteria for obtaining the title of associate professor and criteria for obtaining the title of professor at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications of the University of Žilina in Žilina, approved by the UNIZA Board of Directors on 17 February 2022, available online at


  1. Link to the previous versions of the criteria with an indication of their validity:

Kritériá na vyhodnotenie splnenia podmienok získania vedecko-pedagogického titulu „docent“ a kritérií na vyhodnotenie splnenia podmienok získania vedecko-pedagogického titulu „profesor“ na FPEDAS UNIZA v oblasti výskumu 8. ekonómia a manažment
(valid from 19/11/2020 to 16/02/2022)


Kritériá na vyhodnotenie splnenia podmienok získania vedecko-pedagogického titulu „docent“ a kritérií na vyhodnotenie splnenia podmienok získania vedecko-pedagogického titulu „profesor“ na FPEDAS UNIZA v oblasti výskumu 22. dopravné služby
(valid from 19/11/2020 to 16/02/2022)

8. Rules and procedures of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings
a Currently established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings
UNIZA Directive No. 211 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical and artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at UNIZA
Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Scientific Council and the UNIZA Scientific Council
Previously established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings with indication of validity
Methodological guideline No. 8/2016 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical titles or artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at the University of Žilina in Žilina

Link to completed habilitation and inauguration procedures in the relevant HPaIP department and their results:


Successful habilitation and inauguration procedures are listed in the annual reports of the Faculty of Transport and Communications.


The list of successful habilitation students and inaugural students is available on the faculty's website: 

Link to existing habilitation and inaugural procedures in the field of HPaIP Economics and management: