1. | Basic data on the field of the habilitation proceeding and the inauguration proceeding (hereinafter referred to as the "HPaIP field") | ||
Name of the University | University of Žilina | ||
Name of the Faculty/Workplace | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ||
Name of the HPaIP field | Civil Engineering and Transport Structures | ||
Awarded title | Associated profesor and professor | ||
University Authority for Approval of the HPaIP field | Accreditation board of University of Žilina | ||
Number of the decision on granting the right to carry out HPaIP (from the old accreditation) | 2015-18768/47303:7-15A0 | ||
Reference to the result of the last periodic review of the HPaIP field by the University | https://www.portalvs.sk/sk/hai/zobrazit/1404 |
2. | Definition of the HPaIP field |
a | Name and definition of the content of the HPaIP field (draw the content definition from the description of the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned – state the main topics of the core knowledge of the field of study from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic) |
HPaIP field of Civil Engineering Structures is assigned to the field of study 35. Civil Engineering. The field of study encompasses knowledge related to a wide range of knowledge in the field of mechanics (elasticity and plasticity), construction of engineering structures and transport structures, production technologies, engineering and quality management, information technologies in construction as well as material engineering, environmental influences on the design of buildings and other areas of construction production. The main topics of the core knowledge of the study programme are tied to the acquisition of knowledge and abilities to solve problems in the field of civil engineering structures, including knowledge in the field of building materials and products. These topics are based on the knowledge of architectural, technical, natural, environmental, economic and management disciplines, including knowledge from the field of information technology. The main topics of the core of knowledge take into account complex architectural, structural, material, spatial, technical, technological and operational solutions of civil engineering structures, their locations in the rock environment and the specific localities, including qualitative, environmental, economic, social, safety, energy, legal, cultural and social context. The study programme is focused on the practical acquisition of knowledge, methodologies and the application of advanced IT design tools in the entire life cycle of a building, from its preparation, through implementation, operation, maintenance, and renewal to its disposal taking into account the principles of sustainability, as well as the knowledge necessary for independent task solving. |
b | Name of the field of study (1 or 2) to which the HPaIP field is assigned (description of the field of study (1 or 2) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic) |
Study field 35. Civil Engineering |
c | The content definition of the HPaIP field must be as close as possible to the field of study (1 or 2) to which it is assigned (indicate here the area and scope of knowledge for the third level (point 4) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic) |
The applicants can evaluate and appropriately choose specific scientific methods of basic and applied research in the chosen field of construction. The applicants know how to scientifically research and produce their own theoretically and experimentally justified original solutions, especially to technical and technological problems in the broad field of construction in the form of tangible or intangible outputs. When it comes to scientific problems solved by the applicants, they are able to present the results of their research and introduce them to construction projects and production practices. The applicants will acquire specialised knowledge in the field of research and development, and knowledge of the priorities necessary for the development of science and society with an emphasis on the innovation potential of various areas of the field. The applicants are able to identify and formulate new scientific problems and hypotheses, to solve them with adequate means, they know in detail the development in the field of investigation of the problem solved by them, as well as the broader context of research activities and strategies of research and development, focused on the problems of the construction industry. They understand the selected research methods and use them in the search for new procedures, detailed solutions or important interactive system links. Part of their skills is also a scientific experiment - computational, laboratory or "in situ" experiment and methods of its evaluation. Based on their outputs and findings, they can design, verify and implement new research and work procedures. They understand the internal links of the research – development – production – use chain. They have the ability to cooperate with foreign scientists and present the results of their scientific work at the international level, even in a foreign language, and work in multidisciplinary teams. The applicants are characterised by independent, critical and analytical thinking, which can be applied in the dynamically changing conditions of the development of civilisation. They can independently present the results of research and development before the professional community in the Slovak Republic and abroad. They take social, scientific and ethical aspects into account when formulating research objectives and interpreting research results. They can determine the focus of research and coordinate a team in solving research problems in the construction industry. They can apply these competencies as a leader of a creative research team as an independent researcher at universities, in the academy of sciences, in research and development workplaces, in state and local government bodies, in consulting firms and the like. |
3. | Level of education in the HPaIP field |
a | The fact confirming that UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify third-level study programmes in the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned.
(If it is assigned to 2 fields of study, the University must have the above-mentioned rights in both fields of study). (https://www.portalvs.sk/sk/) for relevant field(s) of study in a form of a link |
(https://www.portalvs.sk/sk/) for the relevant field(s) of study in a form of a link Theory and Structures of Engineering Constructions (Full-time, PhD): https://www.portalvs.sk/sk/morho/zobrazit/100733 Theory and Structures of Engineering Constructions (Part-time, PhD): |
b | The fact confirming that UNIZA delivers a third-level study programme, a second-level study programme or a study program combining the first degree and the second degree in the field of study or fields of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned Provide a list of delivered relevant study programmes for the given field of study from the University Portal (Portal VS) |
Theory and Construction of Engineering Structures (Full-time, PhD): https://www.portalvs.sk/sk/morho/zobrazit/100733 Theory and Construction of Engineering Structures (Part-time, PhD): https://www.portalvs.sk/sk/morho/zobrazit/100734
Civil Engineering Structures (Full-time, Ing.) https://www.portalvs.sk/sk/morho/zobrazit/103641 Civil Engineering Structures (Part-time, Ing.) https://www.portalvs.sk/sk/morho/zobrazit/103640 Civil Engineering Structures (Full-time, Ing. – taught in English) |
4. | Persons responsible for the field of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings | ||
a | HPaIP guarantors who are responsible for the development and quality assurance of the HPaIP field | ||
1. Name, surname, titles (the main guarantor appointed by the Dean / Rector): Marián Drusa, prof. Ing. PhD. – professor of the study programme Civil Engineering Structures Contact (e-mail, telephone): marian.drusa@uniza.sk, +421 917 925 044, Link to employee register: https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/9834 Link to VUPCH: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40022 Link to VTC: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40022 Link to CV: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/file.php?id=4357 Link to the sworn statement that they are responsible for the development of only one HPaIP field at only one university: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/file.php?id=4354 |
Name and surname of other guarantors of the HPaIP field |
Position (Assoc. prof. / prof.) in the field of activity |
Additional information | |
2. Josef Vičan |
professor of the study programme Civil Engineering and Transport Structures |
Contact (e-mail, telephone): josef.vican@uniza.sk, +421 908 263 764 Link to employee register: https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/9859 Link to VUPCH: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40126 Link to VTC: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40126 Link to CV: Link to the sworn statement that they are responsible for the development of only one HPaIP field at only one university:
3. Libor Ižvolt |
professor of the study programme Civil Engineering and Transport Structures |
Contact (e-mail, telephone): libor.izvolt@uniza.sk, +421 41 513 5800 Link to employee register: https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/9839 Link to VUPCH: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40042 Link to VTC: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40042 Link to CV: Link to the sworn statement that they are responsible for the development of only one HPaIP field at only one university:
4. Peter Koteš |
Associated professor of the study programme Civil Engineering and Transport Structures |
Contact (e-mail, telephone): peter.kotes@uniza.sk, +421 41 513 5663 Link to employee register: https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/10199 Link to VUPCH: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40246 Link to VTC: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40246 Link to CV: Link to the sworn statement that they are responsible for the development of only one HPaIP field at only one university:
5. Matúš Kováč |
Associated professor of the study programme Civil Engineering and Transport Structures |
Contact (e-mail, telephone): matus.kovac@uniza.sk, +421 41 513 5910 Link to employee register: https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/9884 Link to VUPCH: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40236 Link to VTC: https://akreditacia.uniza.sk/formview.php?id=40236 Link to CV: Link to the sworn statement that they are responsible for the development of only one HPaIP field at only one university:
b | Composition of the Scientific Council of the Faculty with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation (If the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings take place at a Faculty, the Scientific Council of the relevant Faculty shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.) |
Composition of the UNIZA Scientific Council with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation (The UNIZA Scientific Council shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.) |
5. | Level of research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field and level of quality culture of UNIZA | ||
a | List of the most significant 25 outputs of a group of 5 persons
documenting the implementation of long-term and continuous research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field, the intensity and extend of which correspond to the nature of these proceedings and whose results are on an internationally significant level. (for each person there must be at least 2 outputs from the period of the last 6 years prior to the year in which the relevant accreditation application was submitted, ensuring the availability of records of the submitted outputs in databases and registers and compliance with other provisions of the standards). The output is presented in the form of a bibliographic record and must correspond to the outputs that are listed in the Research/Art/Teacher Profile (in Slovak VUPCH) and Research/Artistic/Other Output (in Slovak VTC). |
1. prof. Ing. Marián Drusa, PhD. |
1.output DRUSA, M.: Introduction to Earth Structures, p. 77-112, [3,10 AH]. In: Earth Structures of Transport Constructions. London: Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex, 2013. p. 180, ISBN 978-1-78399-925-5 100% 2.output MARSCHALKO, M., YILMAZ, I., LAMICH, D., DRUSA, M., KUBEČKOVÁ, D., PEŇAZ, T., BURKOTOVÁ, T., SLIVKA, V., BEDNÁRIK, M., KRČMÁŘ, D., DURAJ, M., SOCHORKOVÁ, A. Unique documentation, analysis of origin and development of an undrained depression in a subsidence basin caused by underground coal mining (Kozinec, Czech Republic), Environmental Earth Sciences, (WoS Q2, IF 2012-1,445) p 1-10, ISSN: 1866-6299, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014, 30% 3.output YILMAZ I, MARSCHALKO M, LAMICH D., DRUSA M, MACHAČÍK J., HEVIÁNKOVÁ S, KYNCL M, LACKOVÁ E, BESTOVÁ E, KRČMÁŘ D, STUTZ E, BEDNÁRIK M. Monitoring of heat transmission from buildings into geological environment and evaluation of soil deformation consequences in foundation engineering, Environmental Earth Sciences, (WoS Q2) March 2014, ISSN-Online 1866-6299, Print ISSN 1866-6280, DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3200-2, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 (IF 2010-18 1.435), 25% 4.output VLCEK, J.; DRUSA, M.; SCHERFEL, W., SEDLAR B.: Experimental Investigation of Properties of Foam Concrete for Industrial Floors in Testing Field, WORLD MULTIDISCIPLINARY EARTH SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM (WMESS 2017) Book Series: IOP Conference Series-Earth and Environmental Science, Volume: 95, 2017, 49% 5.output DRUSA M., KAIS L., DUBOVAN J, MARKOVIC M, BAHLEDA F, MECAR M.: Measurement of Axial Strain of Geogrid by Optical Sensors, Sensors Vol. 21, Issue 19, 2021, (WoS Q1), DOI10.3390/s21196404, 45% | ||
2. prof. Ing, Josef Vičan, CSc. |
1.output Agocs, Z. at all: Assessment and refurbishment of steel structures. London : Spon Press, (Francis&Taylor), 2005 2.output Koteš, P. – Vičan, J.: Recommended reliability levels for the evaluation of existing bridges according to Eurocodes. In: Structural Engineering International. - ISSN 1016-8664. - Vol. 23, Iss. 4 (2013), s. 411-417. (50%-50%) (WoS: IF 0.342; Q4; SCOPUS: SJR 0.391, Q2 v roku 2013) Citačný ohlas WoS =15. 3.output Prokop, J., Vičan, J., Jošt, J.: Numerical Analysis of the Beam-Column Resistance Compared to Methods by European Standards. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 3269. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11073269, WoS, Scopus, JCR Q2. 4.output Kurčík, F., Bouchair, A., Vičan, J.: A probabilistic approach for a T-stub ultimate strength assessment using response-surface approximation. In: Periodica Polytechnica: Civil Engineering. ISSN 0553-6626. Vol. 52, No. 1(2008), JCR Q3 , citačný ohlas WoS 6 5.output Vičan, J., Odrobiňák, J., Gocál, J.: Determination of road bridge load - carrying capacity. In: Civil and Environmentral Engineering: scientific-technical journal. ISSN 1336-5835. Vol. 17, No.1 (2021), Jpp. 286-297, JCR Q4 | ||
3. prof. Ing. Libor Ižvolt, CSc. |
1.output Ižvolt L., Dobeš P., Navikas D., 2019: Comparison of the dimensions design methodologies of the railway track bed structure according to frost effect in Slovakia and Lithuania. In: Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Vilnius Gediminas technical university and Lithuanian academy of sciences. ISSN 1392-3730. Roč. 25, č. 7, s. 646-653, 2019, WoS Q2, Scopus Q1, IF = 3,014 2.output Ižvolt, L., Dobeš, P., Holešová, M., Navikas, D. 2021: Numerical modeling of thermal regime of railway track - structure with thermal insulation (extruded polystyrene). In: Journal of civil engineering and management [print]: journal of Vilnius Gediminas technical university and Lithuanian academy of sciences. Vol. 27, Issue7, ISSN 1392-3730/eISSN 1822-3605, WoS Q2, Scopus Q1, IF = 3,014, https://doi.org/10.3846/jcem.2021.14903, pp. 525-538 3.output Ižvolt, L., Dobeš, P., Mečár, M., 2020: Testing the suitability of the extruded polystyrene (styrodur) application in the track substructure. In: Acta Polytechnica, 60 (3), s. 243-241, 2020, Scopus Q2 4.output Ižvolt, L., Šestaková, J., Šmalo, M., 2016: Analysis of results of monitoring and prediction of quality development of ballasted and ballastless track superstructure and its transition areas. In: Communications : scientific letters of the University of Žilina. ISSN 1335-4205. Vol. 18, no. 4 , s. 19-29, SCOPUS Q3 5.output Ižvol, L,, Harušinec, J., Šmalo, M. 2018: Optimisation of transition areas between ballastless track and ballasted track in the area of the tunnel turecky vrch. In: Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina, 2018, 20(3), pp. 67–76, SCOPUS Q2 | ||
4. Assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Koteš, PhD. |
1.output Koteš, P. – Vavruš, M. – Jošt, J. – Prokop, J.: Strengthening of concrete column by using the wrapper layer of fibre reinforced concrete /Zosilnenie betónových stĺpov použitím obetónovania vrstvou drátkobetónu/. In: Materials [electronic]. - ISSN 1996-1944 (online). - Roč. 13, č. 13 (2020), Article number 5432, s. [1-21] [online]. - Spôsob prístupu: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/13/23/5432 (25%-25%-25%-25%) WOS: IF 3.057; Q2; SCOPUS: SJR 0.647, Q2 2.output Koteš, P. – Strieška, M. – Bahleda, F. – Bujňáková, P.: Prediction of RC bridge member resistance decreasing in time under various conditions in Slovakia /Predikcia poklesu odolnosti mostného železobetónového prvku v čase v rôznych podmienkach na Slovensku/. In: Materials [electronic]. - ISSN 1996-1944 (online). - Roč. 13, č. 5 (2020), s. [1-20] [online]. - Spôsob prístupu: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/13/5/1125 (25%-25%-25%-25%) WOS: IF 3.057; Q2; SCOPUS: SJR 0.647, Q2 3.output Bahleda, F. – Bujňáková, P. – Koteš, P. – Hasajová, L. – Nový, F.: Mechanical properties of cast-in anchor bolts manufactured of reinforcing Tempcore steel /Mechanické vlastnosti zabetónovaných kotiev vyrobených z betonárskej výstuže Tempcore/. In: Materials [electronic]. - ISSN 1996-1944 (online). - Roč. 12, č. 13 (2019), s. [1-12] [online]. - Spôsob prístupu: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6651416/pdf/materials-12-02075.pdf. (45%-30%-20%-2,5%-2,5%) WOS: IF 3.057; Q2; SCOPUS: SJR 0.647, Q2 4.output Koteš, P. – Brodňan, M. – Bahleda, F.: Diagnostics of corrosion on a real bridge structure /Diagnostika korózie na reálnej mostnej konštrukcii/. In: Advances in materials science and engineering. - ISSN 1687-8434. - (2016), s. 25604 [6]. (40%-40%-20%) WOS: IF 1.299; Q3; SCOPUS: SJR 0.308, Q2 5.output Raczkiewicz, W. – Koteš, P. – Konečný, P.: Influence of the type of cement and the addition of an air-entraining agent on the effectiveness of concrete cover in the protection of reinforcement against corrosion /Vplyv druhu cementu a prídavku prevzdušňovača na účinnosť krycej vrstvy pri ochrane výstuže proti korózii/. In: Materials [electronic]. - ISSN 1996-1944 (online). - Roč. 14, č. 16 (2021), s. [1-17] [online]. (34%-36%-30%) WOS: IF 3.623; Q2 2020; SCOPUS: SJR 0.604, Q2 | ||
5. Assoc. prof. Ing. Matúš Kováč, PhD. |
1.output KOVAC, M.; BRNA M.; DECKY, M. Pavement Friction Prediction Using 3D Texture Parameters. Coatings 2021, 11, 1180. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings11101180 2.output CELKO, J., DECKY, M., KOVAC, M. (2009): An analysis of vehicle – road surface interaction for classification of IRI in frame of Slovak PMS, ID: ŽU.Žilina.PC026229. In Eksploatacja i niezawodnosc-Maintenace and reliability. Iss. 1, published 2009, p.15-21. (citations WOS/SCOPUS... 11/11 - Q2 WOS, 5YIF 1,691) 3.output LEITNER, B., DECKY, M., KOVAC, M. (2019): Road pavement longitudinal evenness quantification as stationary stochastic process, ID: 121984. In TRANSPORT, Taylor & Francis Group, Londýn (Veľká Británia), vol. 34, iss. 2, 2019, p. 195-203, ISSN 1648-4142. https://doi.org/10.3846/transport.2019.8577. (citations WOS/SCOPUS..6/9 - Q4 WOS, 5YIF 1,761) 4.output CELKO, J ; KOVAC, M; KOTEK, P. (2016): Analysis of the pavement surface texture by 3D scanner. TRANSPORT RESEARCH ARENA TRA2016Book SeriesTransportation Research Procedia, Volume14, Page 2994-3003, DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.434. Warsaw, POLAND. 2016. (citations WOS/SCOPUS..11/16) 5.output REMISOVA, E., DECKY, M., KOVAC, M. (2014): The influence of the asphalt mixture composition on the pavement surface texture and noise emissions production. 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM, GEOCONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES, VOL II, Page 583-590, Albena, BULGARIA, JUN 17-26, 2014. (citations WOS/SCOPUS..9/14) | ||
b | UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify the third-level study programmes in at least half of the fields of study in which it provides higher education (Note: this is common for all descriptions of the HPaIP fields – inserted by the R&D Rectorate) | ||
Name of the field of study | Level of study (1st, 2nd, 3rd) | ||
Ecological and Environmental Sciences | 1., 2. | ||
Mechanical Engineering | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Informatics | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Cybernetics | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Electrical Engineering | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Geodesy and Cartography | 1. | ||
Civil Engineering | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Transport | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Economics and Management | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Media and Communication Studies | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences | 1., 2. | ||
Security Sciences | 1., 2., 3. | ||
Of the 12 fields of study, 9 are third-level fields of study, which represents 75% of the total number of harmonised fields of study. | |||
c | Periodic review of research, development, artistic and other creative activities: | ||
Link to the evaluation report of the complex accreditation of UNIZA activities, year 2015: http://www.akredkom.sk/zapis/884fo/prku88612.pdf |
8. | Rules and procedures of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings |
a | Currently established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings |
UNIZA Directive No. 211 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical and artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at UNIZA https://www.uniza.sk/images/pdf/kvalita/EN/smernica-UNIZA-c-211-en.pdf | |
Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Scientific Council and the UNIZA Scientific Council https://uniza.sk/images/pdf/graduacny-rast/2022/rokovaci-poriadok-VR-UNIZA-v-zneni-dodatkov-1-9.pdf | |
Previously established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings with indication of validity | |
Methodological guideline No. 8/2016 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical titles or artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at the University of Žilina in Žilina https://www.uniza.sk/images/pdf/graduacny-rast/2022/postup-ziskavania-doc-prof-metodicke-usmernenie-8-2016.pdf | |
b | |
Habilitation procedure of Ing. Dušan Jandačka, PhD. Habilitation procedure of Ing. Miroslav Brodňan, PhD. https://www.uniza.sk/index.php/habilitacie-a-inauguracie-stavebna-fakulta/2423-habilitacne-konanie-ing-miroslav-brodnan-phd Habilitation procedure of Ing. Jaroslav Odrobiňák, PhD. https://www.uniza.sk/index.php/habilitacie-a-inauguracie-stavebna-fakulta/2424-habilitacne-konanie-ing-jaroslav-odrobinak-phd Habilitation procedure of Ing. Juraj Mužík, PhD. https://www.uniza.sk/index.php/habilitacie-a-inauguracie-stavebna-fakulta/1302-uniza-habilita-110 Habilitation procedure of Ing. Eva Remišová, PhD. https://www.uniza.sk/index.php/habilitacie-a-inauguracie-stavebna-fakulta/1222-uniza-habilita-30 | |
Appointment procedure for the professor – doc. Ing. Martin Moravčík, PhD. Appointment procedure for the professor – doc. Ing. Marián Drusa, PhD. |