Description of the Field of Habilitation Proceedings and Inauguration Proceedings

1. Basic data on the field of the habilitation proceeding and the inauguration proceeding (hereinafter referred to as the "HPaIP field")
Name of the University University of Zilina
Name of the Faculty/Workplace Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Name of the HPaIP field Industrial Engineering
Awarded title associate professor, professor
University Authority for Approval of the HPaIP field Accreditation Board
Number of the decision on granting the right to carry out HPaIP (from the old accreditation)
Reference to the result of the last periodic review of the HPaIP field by the University 2015-18768/47303:7-15A0 - recognition without time limit
2. Definition of the HPaIP field
a Name and definition of the content of the HPaIP field
(draw the content definition from the description of the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned – state the main topics of the core knowledge of the field of study from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

The HPaIP of the specialisation Industrial Engineering is involved in the Study Subject 36 - Mechanical Engineering.

The study specialisation MECHANICAL ENGINEERING includes a broad spectrum of knowledge in the area of the theory of mechanics and machine design of various determination, mechanical engineering and manufacturing technologies and quality management, automation technique, information technologies in technique as well the process and industrial engineering, material engineering of the energy, environmental, security technique and other areas of the machinery production. The following subjects are the core of knowledge of this study specialisation: applied mechanics, parts and mechanism of machines, mechanical engineering and production technologies, materials ultimate states of materials as a theoretical basis for designing machines, Industrial Engineering and production quality. The acquired knowledge can be implemented e.g. in all types of the manufacturing, transportation and power-producing machines and equipment, e.g. the motor vehicles, rail vehicles, ships or airplanes, also the manufacturing, agricultural and forestry technique, then also the mechanical engineering technology, material and ultimate states of materials, micro- and nano-technologies, design of machine tools and instruments, environmental technique, automatic and robotic lines and equipment, process technique, manufacturing technologies, industrial engineering,  measurement operations, metrology, security of technical systems, quality assurance of the processes, products and services, etc.

b Name of the field of study (1 or 2) to which the HPaIP field is assigned
(description of the field of study (1 or 2) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

36. Mechanical engineering

c The content definition of the HPaIP field must be as close as possible to the field of study (1 or 2) to which it is assigned
(indicate here the area and scope of knowledge for the third level (point 4) from the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the system of fields of study in the Slovak Republic)

The applicant for the title Associate Professor / Professor in HPaIP Industrial Engineering should possess broad professional knowledge of several areas of the MECHANICAL ENGINEERING that serve him/her as a basis for realising research and development and creating new knowledge in the area of Industrial Engineering:

  • He/she understands the scientific problems of the specialisation and is able to formulate scientific hypotheses and scientific issues; he/she knows the exact methods (both stochastic and determinist) and methods of the empirical and theoretical research aimed at the mechanical engineering and advanced Industrial Engineering areas.
  • He/she is able to work practically with the investigation methods and utilise them for developing progressive manufacturing and logistic concepts, for developing the enterprises of future, for humanisation of work, application of the most advanced procedures and information and communication technologies in specialisation, in the development and implementation of specific methods of advanced Industrial Engineering.
  • He/she has the ability to analyse and synthesise the knowledge and achieved experimental results independently and is able to assess and consider the new methods, approaches and relevant technologies independently regarding to ensuring the sustainable development.
  • He/she has sufficient management knowledge for leading the creative teams and is able to control research and development in the framework of the common ethical and legal regulations and standards.
  • He/she is able to assess and revise the existing scientific approaches in the given area and design and derive suitable approaches for solving the scientific problems.
  • He/she is able to present the outputs of the independent scientific work; to present his/her professional views at international forums and to defend the results of his/her scientific and research work in the framework of a critical discussion about results.
  • He/she has a critical, independent and analytical way of thinking in unforeseeable and changing conditions and a synergy of the knowledge leading to an innovative way of thinking.
  • He/she is able to support educational processes and to implement his/her knowledge during further development of the study specialisation.
  • He/she possesses the ability to plan his/her development and the development of the society in the context of the scientific and technical progress.
  • He/she has the strategic and conceptual way of thinking.
3. Level of education in the HPaIP field
a The fact confirming that UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify third-level study programmes in the field of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned. (If it is assigned to 2 fields of study, the University must have the above-mentioned rights in both fields of study).
( for relevant field(s) of study in a form of a link

Industrial Engineering (full-time form of study)


Industrial Engineering (external form of study) 

b The fact confirming that UNIZA delivers a third-level study programme, a second-level study programme or a study program combining the first degree and the second degree in the field of study or fields of study to which the HPaIP field is assigned
Provide a list of delivered relevant study programmes for the given field of study from the University Portal (Portal VS)

Industrial Engineering (full-time form of study)   - 3rd degree


Industrial Engineering (external form of study) – 3rd degree


Industrial Engineering (full-time form of study) – 2nd degree 

4. Persons responsible for the field of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings
a HPaIP guarantors who are responsible for the development and quality assurance of the HPaIP field
1. Name, surname, titles (the main guarantor appointed by the Dean / Rector):

1. prof. Ing. Martin Krajčovič, PhD. (the main guarantor appointed by the Dean / Rector):

Position ( In the field of operation: industrial engineering

contact (mail, tel.):    tel.: 00421 41 513 2718

link to portal (register of employees):

Name and surname
of other guarantors of the HPaIP field
Position (Assoc. prof. / prof.)
in the field of activity
Additional information

2. prof. Ing. Branislav Mičieta, PhD.

industrial engineering

contact (mail, tel.):

+421 41 513 2702

link to portal (register of employees)


3. prof. Ing. Anna Mičietová, PhD.

mechanical engineering

contact (mail, tel.):

+421 41 513 2781

link to portal (register of employees)


4. doc. Ing. Ľuboslav Dulina, PhD.

industrial engineering

contact (mail, tel.):

+421 41 513 2709

link to portal (register of employees)


5. doc. Ing. Patrik Grznár, PhD.

industrial engineering

contact (mail, tel.):

+421 41 513 2733

link to portal (register of employees)

b Composition of the Scientific Council of the Faculty with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation
(If the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings take place at a Faculty, the Scientific Council of the relevant Faculty shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.)

The Scientific Board of the Faculty Mechanical Engineering, consists of significant experts, including at least one expert with the professional capacity to assess HPaIP in the relevant field of habilitation and inauguration proceedings and in the field of study (s) to which this assigned. Their division is into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and indicating their field of activity.

Composition of the UNIZA Scientific Council with indication of the field of activity according to the valid legislation
(The UNIZA Scientific Council shall consist of significant experts, at least one of whom has the professional capacity to evaluate the habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings in the relevant HPaIP field or in the field of study (fields of study) to which it is assigned and their division into domestic and external members in the prescribed ratio of at least one quarter and at most one third of the external members and with indication of their field of activity.) 

5. Level of research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field and level of quality culture of UNIZA
a List of the most significant 25 outputs of a group of 5 persons documenting the implementation of long-term and continuous research, artistic and other activities in the HPaIP field, the intensity and extend of which correspond to the nature of these proceedings and whose results are on an internationally significant level.
(for each person there must be at least 2 outputs from the period of the last 6 years prior to the year in which the relevant accreditation application was submitted, ensuring the availability of records of the submitted outputs in databases and registers and compliance with other provisions of the standards). The output is presented in the form of a bibliographic record and must correspond to the outputs that are listed in the Research/Art/Teacher Profile (in Slovak VUPCH) and Research/Artistic/Other Output (in Slovak VTC).

prof. Ing. Martin Krajčovič, PhD.





1.output ID: 123132 | ADC Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 25%] ; Hančinský, Viktor [Autor, 5%] ; Dulina, Ľuboslav [Autor, 20%] ; Grznár, Patrik [Autor, 15%] ; Gašo, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Vaculík, Juraj [Autor, 15%]. Parameter setting for a genetic algorithm layout planner as a toll of sustainable manufacturing. In: Sustainability [electronic docement] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. Roč. 11, č. 8 (2019), s. [1-2] [online]. DOI 10.3390/su11072083. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 10 citations; SCOPUS - 10 citations)
2.output ID: 178424 | ADC Gabajová, Gabriela [Autor, 20%] ; Furmannová, Beáta [Autor, 15%] ; Medvecká, Iveta [Autor, 15%] ; Grznár, Patrik [Autor, 15%] ; Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Furmann, Radovan [Autor, 15%]. Virtual training application by use of augmented and virtual reality under university technology enhanced learning in Slovakia. In: Sustainability [electronic docement] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2071-1050. – Roč. 11, č. 23 (2019), s. [1-16] [online], DOI 10.3390/su11236677. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 7 citations; SCOPUS - 10 citations)
3.output ID: 318254 | ADC Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Gabajová, Gabriela [Korešpondenčný autor, 25%] ; Matys, Marián [Autor, 10%] ; Grznár, Patrik [Autor, 20%] ; Dulina, Ľuboslav [Autor, 20%] ; Kohár, Róbert [Autor, 5%]. 3D interactive learning environment as a tool for knowledge transfer and retention. In: Sustainability [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. Roč. 13, č. 14 (2021), s. [1-22] [online], DOI 10.3390/su13147916. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 3 citations; SCOPUS - 4 citations)
4.output ID: ŽU.Žilina.PC052895 | ADM Bajana, J.; Francia, D.; Liverani, A.; Krajcovic, M. Mobile tracking system and optical tracking integration for mobile mixed reality. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN TECHNOLOGY, Volume: 53, Issue: 1, Pages: 13-2, ISSN 0952-8091, WOS CC ; SCOPUS (WoS - 15 citations; SCOPUS - 18 citations)
5.output ID: 428987 | ADC Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 25%] ; Furmannová, Beáta [Autor, 25%] ; Grznár, Patrik [Korešpondenčný autor, 25%] ; Furmann, Radovan [Autor, 10%] ; Plinta, Dariusz [Autor, 5%] ; Svitek, Radovan [Autor, 5%] ; Antoniuk, Ivan [Autor, 5%]. System of parametric modelling and assessing the production staff utilisation as a basis for aggregate production planning. In: Applied sciences [electronic docement] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2076-3417. – Roč. 11, č. 19 (2021), s. [1-19] [online], DOI 10.3390/app11199347. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 0 citations; SCOPUS - 0 citations)

prof. Ing. Branislav Mičieta, PhD.




1.output ID: ŽU.Žilina.PC046678 | ADC Neslušan, M., Mičieta, B., Mičietová, A., Čilliková, M., Mrkvica, I. Detection of tool breakage during hard turning through acoustic emission at low removal rates. In: Measurement : journal of the International Measurement Confederation. ISSN 0263-2241. Vol. 70, no. 6 (2015), s. 1-13, DOI 10.1016/j.measurement.2015.03.035. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 37 citations; SCOPUS - 42 citations)
2.output ID: 422461 | ADC Mičieta, Branislav [Autor, 30%] ; Staszewska, Jolanta [Autor, 5%] ; Kovalský, Matej [Autor, 5%] ; Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 25%] ; Biňasová, Vladimíra [Korešpondenčný autor, 20%] ; Papánek, Ladislav [Autor, 5%] ; Antoniuk, Ivan [Autor, 10%]. Innovative system for scheduling production using a combination of parametric simulation models. In: Sustainability [electronic docement] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. Roč. 13, č. 17 (2021), s. [1-20] [online], DOI 10.3390/su13179518. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 1 citation; SCOPUS - 1 citation)
3.output ID: ŽU.Žilina.PC051919 | ADM Mičieta Branislav, Herčko Jozef, Botka Milan, Zrnić Nenad. Concept of intelligent logistic for automotive industry. In: Journal of applied engineering science. ISSN 1451-4117. Vol. 14, no. 2 (2016), s. 233-238. DOI 10.5937/jaes14-10907. SCOPUS (SCOPUS - 15 citations)
4.output ID: 59205 | ADM Mičieta, Branislav [Autor, 34%] ; Ďurica, Lukáš [Autor, 33%] ; Biňasová, Vladimíra [Autor, 33%]. New solution of abstract architecture for control and coordination decentralized systems. In: Tehnički Vjesnik [textový dokument (print)] [electronic docement] . – Slavonski Brod (Chorvátsko) : Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Strojarski fakultet. – ISSN 1330-3651. – ISSN (online) 1848-6339. – Roč. 25, č. 1 (2018), s. 135-143. DOI 10.17559/TV-20160117100949, WOS CC ; SCOPUS (WoS - 4 citations; SCOPUS - 4 citations)
5.output ID: 166548 | ADC Mičieta, Branislav [Autor, 20%] ; Biňasová, Vladimíra [Autor, 20%] ; Lieskovský, Radovan [Autor, 20%] ; Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Dulina, Ľuboslav [Autor, 20%]. Product segmentation and sustainability in customized assembly with respect to the basic elements of Industry 4.0. In: Sustainability [electronic docement] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. Roč. 11, č. 21 (2019), s. 4107-4126 [online]. DOI 10.3390/su11216057. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 5 citations; SCOPUS - 9 citations)

prof. Ing. Anna Mičietová, PhD.




1.output ID: 114745 | ADC Neslušan, Miroslav [Autor, 20%] ; Mičietová, Anna [Autor, 15%] ; Hadzima, Branislav [Autor, 15%] ; Mičieta, Branislav [Autor, 10%] ; Kejzlar, Pavel [Autor, 10%] ; Čapek, Jiří [Autor, 10%] ; Uríček, Juraj [Autor, 10%] ; Pastorek, Filip [Autor, 10%]. Barkhausen noise emission in hard-milled surfaces. In: Materials [electronic docement] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 1996-1944. – Roč. 12, č. 4 (2019), s. [1-17] [online]. DOI 10.3390/ma12040660. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 0 citations; SCOPUS - 3 citations)
2.output ID: ŽU.Žilina.PC045378 | ADC Čížek J., Neslušan M., Čilliková M., Mičietová A., Melikhová O. Modification of steel surfaces induced by turning: Non-destructive characterization using Barkhausen noise and positron annihilation. In: Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics. ISSN 0022-3727. Vol. 47, iss. 44 (5 November 2014), article number 445301, [17 s.]. DOI 10.1088/0022-3727/47/44/445301. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 10 citations; SCOPUS - 7 citations)
3.output ID: 255752 | ADC Čilliková, Mária [Korešpondenčný autor, 25%] ; Mičietová, Anna [Autor, 25%] ; Čep, Robert [Autor, 10%] ; Mičieta, Branislav [Autor, 25%] ; Neslušan, Miroslav [Autor, 10%] ; Kejzlar, Pavel [Autor, 5%]. Asymmetrical Barkhausen noise of a hard milled surface. In: Materials [electronic docement] . – Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 1996-1944. – Roč. 14, č. 5 (2021), s. [1-12] [online]. DOI 10.3390/ma14051293. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 1 citation; SCOPUS - 3 citations)
4.output ID: ŽU.Žilina.PC053683 | ADM Mičietová Anna, Neslušan Miroslav, Čep Robert, Ochodek Vladislav, Mičieta Branislav, Pagáč Marek. Detection of grinding burn through the high and low frequency Barkhausen noise. In: Technički vjesnik = Technical gazette. ISSN 1330-3651. Vol. 24, suppl. 1 (2017), s. 71-77. DOI 10.17559/TV-20140203083223. WOS CC ; SCOPUS (WoS - 1 citation; SCOPUS - 2 citations)
5.output ID: ŽU.Žilina.PC043247 | AFC Mičietová Anna, Neslušan Miroslav, Mrkvica Ivan. Study of elastic deformations in hard turning. In: Key Engineering Materials. ISSN 1013-9826. Vol. 581 (2014), s. 194-201. DOI 10.4028/ WOS CC ; SCOPUS (WoS - 2 citations; SCOPUS - 7 citations)

doc. Ing. Ľuboslav Dulina, PhD.




1.output ID: 123122 | ADC Gašo, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Dulina, Ľuboslav [Autor, 20%] ; Grznár, Patrik [Autor, 20%] ; Vaculík, Juraj [Autor, 20%]. Methodology of creating and sustainable applying of stereoscopic recording in the industrial engineering sector. In: Sustainability [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. Roč. 11, č. 8 (2019), s. [1-22] [online]. DOI 10.3390/su11082194. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 1 citation; SCOPUS - 1 citation)
2.output ID: 148653 | ADC Grznár, Patrik [Autor, 25%] ; Gregor, Milan [Autor, 10%] ; Mozol, Štefan [Autor, 10%] ; Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 15%] ; Dulina, Ľuboslav [Autor, 20%] ; Gašo, Martin [Autor, 15%] ; Major, Michal [Autor, 5%]. A system to determine the optimal work-in-progress inventory stored in interoperation manufacturing buffers. In: Sustainability [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. Roč. 11, č. 14 (2019), s. [1-36] [online]. DOI 10.3390/su11143949. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 4 citations; SCOPUS - 6 citations)
3.output ID: 179492 | ADC Fusko, Miroslav [Autor, 17%] ; Bučková, Monika [Autor, 17%] ; Gašo, Martin [Autor, 17%] ; Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 17%] ; Dulina, Ľuboslav [Autor, 17%] ; Skokan, Radovan [Autor, 15%]. Concept of long-term sustainable intralogistics in plastic recycling factory. In: Sustainability [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2071-1050. Roč. 11, č. 23 (2019), s. [1-27] [online]. DOI 10.3390/su11236750. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 7 citations; SCOPUS - 9 citations)
4.output ID: 315747 | ADC Dulina, Ľuboslav [Autor, 40%] ; Gola, Arkadiusz [Korešpondenčný autor, 20%] ; Gašo, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Horváthová, Blanka [Autor, 4%] ; Bigošová, Eleonóra [Autor, 4%] ; Barbušová, Miroslava [Autor, 4%] ; Plinta, Dariusz [Autor, 4%] ; Kyncl, Jiří [Autor, 4%]. Influence of various types of office desk chair for dynamizing the operation assessed by raster stereography. In: Applied sciences [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. – ISSN (online) 2076-3417. Roč. 11, č. 1 (2021), s. [1-12] [online]. DOI 10.3390/app11114910. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 0 citations; SCOPUS - 0 citations)
5.output ID: 421779 | ADC Grznár, Patrik [Autor, 35%] ; Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Gola, Arkadiusz [Korešpondenčný autor, 8%] ; Dulina, Ľuboslav [Autor, 20%] ; Furmannová, Beáta [Autor, 6%] ; Mozol, Štefan [Autor, 6%] ; Plinta, Dariusz [Autor, 2%] ; Burganová, Natália [Autor, 1%] ; Danilczuk, Wojciech [Autor, 1%] ; Svitek, Radovan [Autor, 1%]. The use of a genetic algorithm for sorting warehouse optimisation. In: Processes [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2227-9717. Roč. 9, č. 7 (2021), s. [1-13] [online]. DOI 10.3390/pr9071197. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 5 citations; SCOPUS - 3 citations)

doc. Ing. Patrik Grznár, PhD.




1.output ID: 210408 | ADC Vavrík, Vladimír [Autor, 30%] ; Gregor, Milan [Autor, 10%] ; Grznár, Patrik [Korešpondenčný autor, 25%] ; Mozol, Štefan [Autor, 10%] ; Schickerle, Marek [Autor, 5%] ; Ďurica, Lukáš [Autor, 10%] ; Marschall, Martin [Autor, 5%] ; Bielik, Tomáš [Autor, 5%]. Design of manufacturing lines using the reconfigurability principle. In: Mathematics [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2227-7390. Roč. 8, č. 8 (2020), s. [1-24] [online]. DOI 10.3390/math8081227. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 5 citations; SCOPUS - 4 citations)
2.output ID: 167678 | ADC Ďurica, Lukáš [Autor, 42%] ; Gregor, Michal [Autor, 26%] ; Vavrík, Vladimír [Autor, 5%] ; Marschall, Martin [Autor, 7%] ; Grznár, Patrik [Autor, 15%] ; Mozol, Štefan [Autor, 5%]. A route planner using a delegate multi-agent system for a modular manufacturing line : proof concept. In: Applied sciences [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2076-3417. Roč. 9, č. 21 (2019), s. [1-20] [online]. DOI 10.3390/app9214515. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 2 citations; SCOPUS - 5 citations)
3.output ID: 210977 | ADC Grznár, Patrik [Korešpondenčný autor, 25%] ; Gregor, Milan [Autor, 10%] ; Krajčovič, Martin [Autor, 25%] ; Mozol, Štefan [Autor, 10%] ; Schickerle, Marek [Autor, 5%] ; Vavrík, Vladimír [Autor, 10%] ; Ďurica, Lukáš [Autor, 5%] ; Marschall, Martin [Autor, 5%] ; Bielik, Tomáš [Autor, 5%]. Modeling and simulation of processes in a factory of the future. In: Applied sciences [electronic docement] . Bazilej (Švajčiarsko) : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. ISSN (online) 2076-3417. Roč. 10, č. 13 (2020), s. [1-24] [online]. DOI 10.3390/app10134503. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 13 citations; SCOPUS - 17 citations)
4.output ID: 422474 | ADC Grznár, Patrik [Autor, 30%] ; Gregor, Milan [Autor, 15%] ; Gašo, Martin [Autor, 20%] ; Gabajová, Gabriela [Autor, 25%] ; Schickerle, Marek [Autor, 5%] ; Burganová, Natália [Autor, 5%]. Dynamic simulation tool for planning and optimisation of supply process. In: International Journal of Simulation Modelling [textový dokument (print)] . – Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel (Rakúsko) : DAAAM International Vienna. – ISSN 1726-4529. – Roč. 20, č. 3 (2021), s. 441-452 [tlačená forma]. DOI 10.2507/IJSIMM20-3-552. WOS CC ; SCOPUS ; CCC (WoS - 1 citation; SCOPUS - 2 citations)
5.output ID: ŽU.Žilina.PC048705 | AFC Gregor Milan, Herčko Jozef, Grznár Patrik. The factory of the future production system research. In: ICAC2015 [elektronický zdroj] : proceedings of the 21st International conference on automation and computing : Glasgow, UK, September 11-12, 2015. - [S.l.] : IEEE, 2015. ISBN 978-0-9926801-0-7. USB kľúč, [6] s. DOI10.1109/IConAC.2015.7313998. WOS CC ; SCOPUS (WoS - 17 citations; SCOPUS - 19 citations)
b UNIZA is entitled to design, deliver and modify the third-level study programmes in at least half of the fields of study in which it provides higher education
(Note: this is common for all descriptions of the HPaIP fields – inserted by the R&D Rectorate)
Name of the field of study Level of study
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Ecological and Environmental Sciences 1., 2.
Mechanical Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Informatics 1., 2., 3.
Cybernetics 1., 2., 3.
Electrical Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Geodesy and Cartography 1.
Civil Engineering 1., 2., 3.
Transport 1., 2., 3.
Economics and Management 1., 2., 3.
Media and Communication Studies 1., 2., 3.
Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences 1., 2.
Security Sciences 1., 2., 3.
Of the 12 fields of study, 9 are third-level fields of study, which represents 75% of the total number of harmonised fields of study.
c Periodic review of research, development, artistic and other creative activities:
Link to the evaluation report of the complex accreditation of UNIZA activities, year 2015:
6. Criteria for reviewing compliance of conditions for obtaining the title associate professor
Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria for evaluating the compliance with the conditions for obtaining the title of associate professor, which are in accordance with generally binding regulations, and a link to previous versions of the criteria with indication of their validity

Criteria for habilitation and inauguration proceedings at the Faculty of mechanical Engineering 

Criteria valid from 21/04/2022

Criteria valid until 21/04/2022


GENERAL CRITERIA for the appointment of professors and associate professors and SPECIFIC CONDITIONS for the appointment of professors at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina

Criteria valid from 21/04/2022

Criteria valid until 21/04/2022

7. Criteria for reviewing compliance of conditions for obtaining the title professor
Link to currently accepted and publicly available criteria for evaluating the compliance with the conditions for obtaining the title of professor, which are in accordance with generally binding regulations, and a link to previous versions of the criteria with indication of their validity

Criteria for habilitation and inauguration proceedings at the Faculty of mechanical Engineering 

Criteria valid from 21/04/2022

Criteria valid until 21/04/2022


GENERAL CRITERIA for the appointment of professors and associate professors and SPECIFIC CONDITIONS for the appointment of professors at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina

Criteria valid from 21/04/2022

Criteria valid until 21/04/2022

8. Rules and procedures of habilitation proceedings and inauguration proceedings
a Currently established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings
UNIZA Directive No. 211 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical and artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at UNIZA
Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Scientific Council and the UNIZA Scientific Council
Previously established and publicly available rules and procedures of the habilitation proceedings and the inauguration proceedings with indication of validity
Methodological guideline No. 8/2016 Procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical titles or artistic-pedagogical titles associate professor and professor at the University of Žilina in Žilina

Inaugural proceedings in the field of HPaIP industrial engineering:

prof. Ing. Martin Krajčovič, PhD. (year of awarding the title: 2020)


Habilitation proceedings in the field of HPaIP industrial engineering:

doc. Ing. Patrik Grznár, PhD. (year of awarding the title: 2020)

dr hab. inż. Janusz MLECZKO, prof. ATH (year of awarding the title: 2014)

At present, there are an inauguration proceedings in the field of HPaIP industrial engineering:

doc. Ing. Ľuboslav Dulina, PhD. (unfinished process - awaiting appointment by the president and awarding the title of "prof.")