Description of the study programme

Name of the faculty: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Name of the study programme: Railway Vehicles
Degree of higher education: 3.
Institution body for approving the study programme: Acreditation Board
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification: 2015-18768/47299:3-15A0
Date of the latest change in the study programme description: not applicable
Reference to the results of the latest periodic review of the study programme by the institution: not applicable
1. Basic information about the study programme
a Name of the study programme Railway Vehicles Number according to the register of study programmes 103598
b Degree of higher education 3 ISCED-F education degree code 864
c Place(s) of delivery of the study programme Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic
d Name of the field /
Combination of two fields of study
Mechanical Engineering Number of the field of study 2381V00
ISCED-F codes of the field/fields 071 Engineering/engineering and engineering trades 0716 Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft
e Type of the study programme doctoral
f Awarded academic degree PhD.
g Form of study part-time form
h Cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfils at each of the given institutions We do not cooperate with another university in this study program.
i Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered Slovak, English
j Standard length of the study expressed in academic years 4 years rok(y)
k Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students) 1.grade: 4
2.grade: 4
3.grade: 4
4.grade: 4
Actual number of applicants
Year of study 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
Actual number of students
Year of study 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
3.grade 1
2. Graduate profile and learning objectives
a Learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes

The graduate of the doctoral study program Railway Vehicles in the field of Mechanical Engineering has professional and methodological knowledge in the field, which serves as a basis for innovations and original procedures in railway vehicles construction, research of their properties and development of modern solutions taking into account current requirements and future trends.

The graduate masters the scientific methods of research and development of vehicles with a focus on railway vehicles, is able to apply their own findings, which result from theoretical analysis and the results of their own scientific research, taking into account the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the field.

By completing a doctoral study in the railway vehicles study program, he / she will acquire deep professional knowledge and practical skills necessary for independent activity in designing and implementing progressive research and work procedures, such as research of dynamic railway vehicles and its subsystems, research of railway vehicles brake components and other phenomena. related.

The graduate of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles is characterized by critical and analytical thinking necessary for research and development of railway vehicles, rationalization and improvement of railway vehicles quality, taking into 

account social and scientific aspects, also has knowledge necessary to increase efficiency of railway vehicles while respecting strict environmental requirements.

The graduate is able to present the results of their independent research activities to the professional and scientific public, is ready to creatively and planned to develop and deepen knowledge in the field in the context of scientific and technical progress.

Learning objectives:

Acquired knowledge at the level of scientific research in the field of railway vehicles theory, railway vehicles dynamics, control and regulation of railway vehicles systems, interaction of railway wheelset and track, railway vehicles safety and passenger comfort, as well as in the field of railway vehicles system parameters and efficient and effective methods railway vehicles maintenance. The graduate will also gain advanced knowledge of modelling complex mechanical systems of railway vehicles using sophisticated simulation tools, he also has knowledge of the application of experimental methods for performing tests and trials specific to the field of railway vehicles.

The graduate will acquire the skills and competencies necessary for the application of the concepts, principles and practices of the department for effective decision-making in connection with the selection and use of the most appropriate methods, techniques and means.

The connection of knowledge and expertise in the field of railway vehicles with knowledge from other key areas of the department is guaranteed.

Learning outcomes:

During the study, the graduate of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles (3rd degree - PhD.) Will acquire a complex of professional and scientific knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for the performance of the profession of expert in the field of development, construction and testing of railway vehicles. The graduate understands and knows how to use and apply the acquired knowledge to specific challenging tasks with a high degree of creativity, acquires the ability to actively and proactively solve problems in new or unknown environments and in broader contexts beyond the field of study. Gain the competence to integrate knowledge, manage complexity and formulate decisions, especially in the field of:

  • Theory of railway vehicles.
  • Control and regulation systems in railway vehicles.
  • Railway vehicles drives.
  • Dynamics of railway vehicles.
  • Railway vehicles testing.
  • Railway vehicles maintenance.
  • Creation of simulation models for research of railway vehicles properties.
  • Evaluation of railway vehicles characteristics in terms of operational safety and passenger comfort.
  • Advanced calculation methods implemented for the field of railway vehicles.


Graduate of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles (3rd degree - PhD.):

  • He/she knows the methods for creating advanced models of bound mechanical systems of railway vehicles designed to investigate their dynamic properties (Subjects: Selected papers on the theory of railway vehicles, Dynamics of railway vehicles, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she can independently assess the mechanical system of a railway vehicles in terms of its dynamic properties (Subjects: Selected papers from the theory of railway vehicles, Dynamics of railway vehicles, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she has knowledge of mathematical modelling of bound mechanical systems of railway vehicles in a commercial simulation program (Subjects: Selected papers on the theory of railway vehicles, Dynamics of railway vehicles, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she can analyse the characteristics of railway vehicles at a high level, knows the modern construction of railway vehicles 4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she has knowledge of methods, principles and procedures used in the theory of regulation and propulsion of railway vehicles (Subjects: Drives and regulation of railway vehicles, System parameters of railway vehicles, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation).
  • He/she has deep knowledge in the field of modern conceptual solutions of railway vehicles and their subsystems (Subjects: Selected papers from the theory of railway vehicles, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she knows and can explain effective ways of efficient operation and maintenance of railway vehicles (Subjects: Railway vehicles maintenance, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she can justify the nature and necessity of testing railway vehicles in development and research testing laboratories, can interpret the data obtained from specific tests of railway vehicles (Subjects: Experimental methods in the field, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she understands a scientific problem in the field (specific to the field of railway vehicles), can formulate a scientific hypothesis and scientific questions. Masters the methods of theoretical and empirical research with a focus on the field of railway vehicles and related specialization (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she knows the specifics of academic language from vocabulary, grammar through reading, listening to speaking and written expression, both in the native language and in English (Subjects: English for PhD students 1-2, Dissertation project 1-4, Scientific work 1-4).


Graduate of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles (3rd degree, PhD.):

  • He/she can apply theoretical knowledge of mechanics of coupled systems of bodies to complex and demanding problems of railway vehicles in terms of their dynamic properties and oscillations work).
  • He/she can independently perform analyses of mechanical systems of railway vehicles in terms of their dynamic properties, is able to create complex mathematical models and perform analysis (or synthesis) (Subjects: Railway vehicles dynamics, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation).
  • He/she is able to work on complex department tasks independently as well as in a team.
  • He/she can apply the theory of specific facts characteristic of the construction of railway vehicles and their track running on a practical problem (Subjects: Selected topics in the theory of railway vehicles, Dynamics of railway vehicles, System parameters of railway vehicles, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation).
  • He/she can analyse the properties of railway vehicles, can develop design and calculation projects (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).
  • He/she can create a presentation of the results of the solution of creative activity in Slovak and English (Subjects: English for Doctoral Students 1-2, Dissertation Exam, Scientific Thesis 1-4, Dissertation).
  • He/she is able to design and evaluate innovative construction of railway vehicles meeting the requirements of safety and comfort (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she can design advanced virtual models of railway vehicles, respectively. their subsystems based on the application of theoretical knowledge (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she can apply model analysis methods in practice by performing computer simulation, can evaluate calculations using specialized computer software and is able to design model optimization (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she can design effective ways of efficient operation and maintenance of railway vehicles, is able to apply the theoretical basis of maintenance and diagnostics of railway vehicles to problems occurring in practice (Subjects: Railway vehicles maintenance).
  • He/she can apply advanced tools and methods for practical experimental measurements and determination of operating characteristics of railway vehicles (Courses: Experimental methods in the field, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she is able to apply in practice the methods of special testing of railway vehicles to a specific case, he can design procedures for the approval of railway vehicles that correspond to international standards and regulations (Subjects: Experimental methods in the field, Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she can formulate, process and present his / her own research results to the professional public at conferences and scientific events and in the form of publishing articles in scientific journals, also in English (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, English for PhD students 1-2, Dissertation exam).
  • He/she is able to apply methods of theoretical (induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.) and empirical (e.g. measurement, experiment, interview, brainstorming, etc.) research in the field of railway vehicles in order to increase theoretical and practical knowledge (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she can apply exact methods in order to increase theoretical knowledge in the field of railway vehicles (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she can apply state-of-the-art software tools to support research and development (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she is able to educate at universities where study programs of the Department of Mechanical Engineering are held.
  • He/she can develop and design new methodological procedures and tools within the scope of railway vehicles.


Graduate of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles (3rd degree, PhD.):

  • He/she is competent to coordinate and solve extensive and specific problems in the field of design and analysis of railway vehicles, optimization of their properties and parameters, has competencies for the implementation of known methods and procedures in practical problems related to railway vehicles (Subjects: vehicles, Drives and regulation of railway vehicles, System parameters of railway vehicles).
  • He/she is competent to search, select and process information from various information sources and apply it to solve complex problems in practice for the field of railway vehicles (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation).
  • He/she is competent to apply the principles of teamwork in design and development offices, he is competent to work in a team and as a team leader in solving complex problems in the field of railway vehicles.
  • He/she is competent to present the results of individual and team work and to defend the results of the work in a critical discussion, also in English (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, English language for doctoral students 1-2).
  • He/she is competent to present his professional opinions in international forums (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, English language for doctoral students 1-2).
  • He/she has the competence of analytical thinking and synergy of knowledge leading to innovation (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she has the competence to support educational processes and apply his knowledge.
  • He/she is competent to analyse selected problems in the field of railway vehicles using methods and tools of construction and virtual modelling, to develop alternative designs and alternative solutions to the problem (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4).
  • He/she is competent to integrate the acquired knowledge and formulate decisions in the form of an original and creative solution (Subjects: Scientific work 1-4, Dissertation project 1-4, Dissertation work).



b Indicated professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability

The graduate finds application in practice mainly as:

Engineering Specialist Designer, Designer:

Engineering specialist in research and development:

Furthermore, a graduate of the doctoral school of Railway vehicles can work in practice as:

  • Head of technical or production department in the manufacturing plant.
  • Employee and manager in a research and development centre (e.g. Railway Research Institute, Research, development and testing of railway vehicles, Transport Research Institute and others), in the department of a manufacturing company or company in the field of railway vehicles and means of transport.
  • Manager in a manufacturing company.
  • An engineer at a research institute.

An employee in a company with a requirement for higher education.



c Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favourable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession

The study program does not prepare for a profession requiring an opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession.



3. Employability
a Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability

A graduate of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles (3rd degree - PhD.) can:

  • Apply deep theoretical knowledge of the mechanics of railway vehicles to the complex problems of practice focused on the study of dynamic properties and oscillations.
  • Independently analyse the mechanical system of the railway vehicles in terms of its dynamic properties, formulate a specific problem, decide on an adequate physical model, create a mathematical model, perform analysis (or synthesis) of the task.
  • Solve the mathematical model of the railway vehicles using modern simulation tools, analyse it and evaluate the achieved results.
  • Work independently and in a team.
  • Apply a specific theory characterizing the area of ??vehicle construction and their driving on the track to the problem.
  • Analyse the properties of railway vehicles, can develop design and calculation projects and develop modern approaches in railway vehicles construction.
  • Explain the basic methods, principles and procedures from the theory of drives and control of railway vehicles systems.
  • Apply the acquired deep knowledge in the field of railway vehicles for the field of modern conceptual solutions for railway vehicles and their systems.
  • Actively analyse opportunities to improve railway vehicles design in order to design and present a railway vehicles concept that meets safety and comfort requirements.
  • Construct virtual models based on the application of theoretical knowledge acquired in theoretical and professional subjects of the study program.
  • Analyse models by performing computer simulations and evaluate calculations using specialized calculation software.
  • Distinguish and explain effective ways of effective maintenance of railway vehicles using appropriate methods and procedures, apply the theoretical basis of maintenance and diagnostics of railway vehicles.
  • Assess the properties of selected groups of railway vehicles.
  • Apply methods and procedures of special tests of railway vehicles, analyse and evaluate the obtained data in accordance with international standards and regulations.
  • Explain information about modern technologies and technical means of rail transport.
  • To justify the need and essence of testing of railway vehicles in development and research centres, to assess the data obtained from specialized tests.

A graduate of the PhD study programme Railway vehicles will be employed in research and development of railway vehicles, in the construction, operation and maintenance of railway vehicles.

A questionnaire survey was conducted (the form is available at: among the graduates of the study program, the results of which are shown in the graphs:



b Successful graduates of the study programme

Graduates of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles for the last 6 years:

Ing. Lukáš Leštinský, PhD. (2021):
Ďungel J., Zvolenský P., Grenčík J., Leštinský L., Krivda J.: Localization of increased noise at operating speed of a passenger wagon [electronic]. In: Sustainability [electronic]. - ISSN 2071-1050 (online). - Vol. 13, No. 2 (2021), pp. [1-16] [online]. Available at:
Indexed in: Current Content Connect ; SCOPUS ; Web of Science Core Collection

Ing. Pavol Kurčík, PhD. (2020):
Gerlici J., Lack T., Harušinec J., Šťastniak P., Kravchenko K., Strážovec P., Suchánek A., Kravčenko O.P., Pribilinec F., Fomina J.V., Čajkovič L., Kuba E., Pavelčík V., Kurčík P., Pavlík A., Leštinský L.: No.: u202001849, Date of publication of the application: 20200316: Prystrij dľa zahystu vid zapovzanňa vahoniv pry zitknenni [Device with climbing protection for rail vehicles]: Utility model No. UA 143478 (27072020). Kyjev: Ukrajinskyj instytut promyslovoji vlasnosti, 2020. - 5 s.
Note: Utility model published on 27.07.2020 in the Gazette UKRPATENT No. 14.

Ing. Alfréd Pavlík, PhD. (2020):
Gerlici J., Lack T., Harušinec J., Šťastniak P., Kravchenko K., Strážovec P., Suchánek A., Kravčenko O.P., Pribilinec F., Fomina J.V., Čajkovič L., Kuba E., Pavelčík V., Kurčík P., Pavlík A., Leštinský L.: No.: u202001810, Date of publication of the application: 20200316: Prystrij dľa zahystu vid zapovzanňa vahoniv pry zitknenni [Device with climbing protection for rail vehicles]: Utility model No. UA 143189 (10072020). Kyjev: Ukrajinskyj instytut promyslovoji vlasnosti, 2020. - 8 s.
Note: Utility model published on 10.07.2020 in the Gazette UKRPATENT No. 13.

Ing. Peter Strážovec, PhD. (2019):
Gerlici J., Lack T., Kravchenko K., Harušinec J., Gorbunov M.I., Strážovec P., Kravčenko O.P.: No.: u201902485, Date of publication of the application: 20190313, Date made available to the public: 20190925 bult. no. 18: Stend dľa doslidženňa haľmivnych elementiv rejkovoho ruchomoho skladu i vzajemodiji kolisnoji pary z rejkovoju kolijeju [Stav na výskum brzdových elementov koľajového vozidla a interakcie dvojkolesia s koľajou]: Úžitkový vzor č. UA 136994 (20190925). Kijiv : Ukrajinskyj instytut promyslovoji vlasnosti, 2019. - 7 s.

Ing. Ľubomír Kašiar, PhD. (2018):
Zvolenský P., Barta D., Grenčík J., Droździel P., Kašiar Ľ.: Improved method of processing the output parameters of the diesel locomotive engine for more efficient maintenance [electronic]. In: Eksploatacja i niezawodność [print] = Maintenance and reliability : biuletyn informacyjny. - ISSN 1507-2711. - Vol. 23, No. 2 (2021), pp. 315-323 [print]. Available at:
Indexed in: SCOPUS ; Web of Science Core Collection

Ing. Peter Volna, PhD. (2018):
Grenčík J., Galliková J., Volna P.: A novel methodology of risk assessment for railway freight wagons [electronic, print]. In: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin [print, electronic] = Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie. - ISSN 1733-8670. – Vol. 63, No. 135 (2020), pp. 17-22 [print, online]. Available at:
Indexed in: Web of Science Core Collection

Ing. Vladimír Hauser, PhD. (2017):
Hauser V., Gerlici J., Gorbunov M.I., Lack T., Kravchenko K., Loulová M., Noženko O.S., Kravčenko O.P., Noženko V.S.: No.: a201708423, Date of publication of the application: 20180810, Date made available to the public: 20191025 bult. no. 20: Kolija kryvolinijnoji diľanky = Zakrivený úsek koľaje: Patent č. 120198 (20191025). Kyjiv: Ukrajinskyj instytut promyslovoji vlasnosti, 2018. - [11] s.
Note: Utility model published on 10.08.2018 in the Gazette UKRPATENT No. 15.

Ing. Lukáš Smetanka, PhD. (2017):
Hauser V., Kravčenko K.O., Loulová M., Gerlici J., Lack T., Noženko O.S., Kravčenko O.P., Smetanka L.: No.: a201703241, Date of publication of the application 20180810. Pidšypnyk = Ložisko. Kyjiv: Ukrajinskyj instytut promyslovoji vlasnosti, 2018. - [7] s.
Poznámka: Utility model published on 10.08.2018 in the Gazette UKRPATENT No. 15.

Ing. Mária Loulová (r. Maňurová), PhD. (2016):
Hauser V., Gerlici J., Lack T., Loulová M., Noženko O.S., Kravčenko K.O., Prosvirova O.V.: No.: a201701589, Date of publication of the application: 20180810: Kolisna para vizka rejkovoho transportnoho zasobu ta kolija kryvolinijnoji diľanky = Dvojkolesie podvozka koľajového vozidla a úsek zakrivenej koľaje : Patent No. UA 121313 (12052020). Kyjiv: Ukrajinskyj instytut promyslovoji vlasnosti, 2018. - 11 s.
Poznámka: The application published on 10.08.2018 in the Gazette UKRPATENT No. 15., Poznámka: Utility model published on 12.05.2020 in the Gazette UKRPATENT No. 9.

Ing. Martin Mikolajčík, PhD. (2016):
Kašiar Ľ., Zvolenský P., Barta D., Bavlna L., Mikolajčík M., Drożdziel P.: Diagnostics of electric motor of locomotive series 757. In: Diagnostyka. - ISSN 1641-6414. - Vol 17, no. 3 (2016), s. 95-101.
Note: The journal is also published online with e-ISSN 2449-5220.

Ing. Lukáš Bavlna, PhD. (2016):
Kašiar Ľ., Zvolenský P., Barta D., Bavlna L., Mikolajčík M., Drożdziel P.: Diagnostics of electric motor of locomotive series 757. In: Diagnostyka. - ISSN 1641-6414. - Vol 17, no. 3 (2016), s. 95-101.
Note: The journal is also published online with e-ISSN 2449-5220.


Other successful graduates of the study programme:

prof. Ing. Oldřich Polách, PhD. (1979) – head of the department of the dynamics in the Bombardier Transportation Company(Switzerland), profesor at the ETH Zurich, TU Berlin.

Ing. Ivo Malina, CSc. (1961) - director Railway Research Institute.

Ing. František Palík, CSc. (1958) – general director of the Research, development and testing of railway rolling stock Praha;

prof. Ing. Jaroslav Šíba, DrSc. (1952) - ŠKODA Plzeň, head of department of cars, combustion engines and rail vehicles, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

prof. Ing. Jaroslav Čáp, DrSc., - dekan SET VŠDS, dean of the Faculty of Transport of Jan Perner, University of Pardubice

prof. Ing. Anton Puškár, DrSc., - rector of the University of Žilina;

prof. Ing. Stanislav Antonický, DrSc., - vice-rector of the TU VŠB Ostrava

doc. Ing. Dušan Habarda, CSc. (1956) – head of department PÚKV (VŠDS);

prof. Ing. Jiří Izer, CSc. (1961) – head of department KKV VŠDS, head of department of Transport means, DFJP UP Pardubice;

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Janda, CSc. (1963) – vice-rector of the Univerzity of Pardubice;

prof. Ing. Ladislav Rus, DrSc. (1966) – head of Research Institute of engine locomotives ČKD, technical director of the ČKD Praha -Holding, Inc. Copmpany, professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague;

prof. Ing. Otakar Bokůvka, PhD. (1968) – vice-rector of the University of Žilina;

Ing. Rudolf John, CSc. (1970) – technical director of the DPMB, Inc. Company, Brno;

prof. Ing. Peter Palček, PhD. (1974) – dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Žilina;

prof. Ing. Bohumil Culek, CSc. (1975) – dean of the Faculty of Transport, Univerzity of Pardubice;


Further relevant data are provided in the Internal Assessment Report of the study program.

This data was obtained from publicly available sources UKZU, Linkedln and Facebook.



c Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback)

DAKO-CZ, Inc.:


DHJ Engineering Center SK:

Association of the Engineering Industry of the Slovak Republic:

Schaeffler Kysuce, Ltd.:

A questionnaire survey was conducted (the form is available at: among employers of graduates of the study program, the results of which are shown in the graphs:



4. Structure and content of the study programme
a Rules for the design of study plans within the study programme

The doctoral study program Railway vehicles takes into account the mission, but also the goals set by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina in the field of science and research (from page 17 in the long-term plan of FME UNIZA) and especially in the field of education (from page 11 in the long-term plan of FME UNIZA: ).

Those interested in studying are expected to have knowledge from the study field of Mechanical Engineering at the level of the 2nd level of higher education.

The study program was created, resp. innovated in the intentions of the development trends of such focused study programs in Europe and in the world, taking into account the attractiveness for graduates of engineering study programs. At the same time, it was created in accordance with the needs of practice and therefore one of the main aspects in the design of profile subjects was the aspect of the applicability of knowledge and competencies in real practice. In terms of goals (page 11 of the Long-term plan of FME UNIZA - ) the doctoral study program Railway vehicles and its study plan was compiled so that students could also be involved in solving science and research tasks at FME UNIZA (KEGA, VEGA, APVV, etc.) in order to promote independence, autonomy and responsibility of students for their education while respecting the diversity of students and their needs, and at the same time that students during Studies in this study program could also complete part of their studies abroad (e.g. within the ERAZMUS +, NŠP, etc. programs), in which the ensuring SP (Department of Transport and Handling Machines) and the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have extensive experience and a wide network of partner universities.

The securing workplaces of the university carry out continuous research activities in the field of study at the national and international level. From the point of view of the transformation of outputs into both pedagogical and scientific research, the cooperating and professionally related workplaces KTH Stockolm (Sweden), TU Berlin (Germany), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw can be mentioned in this context. (Poland), Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, Łomża (Poland), Slaska Katowice University of Technology (PL), Lublin University of Technology, Lublin (Poland), Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk (Ukraine), State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kiev (Ukraine), Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomyr (Ukraine), Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Kharkov (Ukraine), University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic), J.E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic), Technical University of Liberec, Liberec (Czech Republic), VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), CTU Prague (Czech Republic), from Slovak mainly STU Bratislava, TU Košice, professional cooperation with companies in which graduates of university studies in the field also find employment, especially domestic TATRAVAGÓNKA Poprad, a.s., ŽOS-Vrútky, ŽOS-Trnava, ŽOS-Zvolen, operation of ZSSK, ŽSR, CARGO vehicles, design offices e.g. AstraRail, Continental Zvolen, Adient, Yanfeng or foreign: SIEMENS (Ostrava, Prague, Vienna), ŠKODA Transportation, ŠKODA Vagonka, DAKO Třemošnice, CZ LOKO, Inc., research institutes: VÚD (Transport Research Institute) VÚKV (Research, development and testing of railway rolling stock) , VÚŽ (Railway Research Institute) and others, which create for graduates of the department access to the positions of mechanical engineers, who will be excellently applied in industry, especially in the field of transport technology. At the same time, these organizations provide a strong link with industry, students' internship opportunities during their studies and the ability to identify and adapt to changing industry requirements very quickly. Within the framework of the cooperation, joint book publications, scientific and professional articles are published, and other joint activities are also carried out.

The profile subjects of the study program are determined so that the student acquires the knowledge or skills that are essential for the completion of the doctoral study program Rail Vehicles. Profile subjects represent a theoretical and methodological basis in the relevant field of research and education – i.e. in the field of railway vehicles.

In accordance with the Dublin descriptors and at the same time in accordance with the national qualifications framework, the graduates of the doctoral school railway vehicles will obtain the 8th level of qualification (SKKR 8).

Detailed rules for the creation of study plans in the study program are described in the UNIZA Directive no. 203 Rules for the creation of recommended study plans of ŠP at the University of Žilina:

At the university level, it further defines processes, procedures and structures:

Directive no. 204 Rules for creation, modification, approval and cancellation of study programs at UNIZA:

Directive no. 205 Rules for assigning teachers to provide study programs at UNIZA:

Directive no. 212 Rules for defining the workload of UNIZA creative employees:



b Recommended study plans for individual study paths

Detailed rules for the creation of study plans in the doctoral study program Railway vehicles are described in Directive no. 203 Rules for the creation of recommended study plans of the SP at the University of Žilina:

Doctoral study program Railway vehicles: the recommended study plan and the standard length of study are regulated according to the Higher Education Act. In accordance with the study regulations of the faculty, the study program follows the rules of the European system of transfer and accumulation of credits and the student's workload for the academic year. It adheres to the specified workload expressed by the number of hours of contact teaching together with all activities necessary for the preparation and completion of the course. The number of credits was determined for individual subjects so as to take into account the difficulty of the subject in terms of the specific subject area and the method of completing the subject. The subjects within the recommended study plan enable to achieve the set learning outcomes.

A map of subjects of the study program Railway vehicles (the part-time form of study):


The structure of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles from the point of view of the content as well as from the point of view of the number of obtained credits meets the requirements arising from the description of the study field of Mechanical Engineering. The representation and structure of the proposed compulsory and optional subjects creates conditions for a deeper profiling of doctoral graduates, t. j. 3rd degree study.

Subjects of the doctoral study plan Railway vehicles can be divided into two basic groups:

  • Courses that form the theoretical scientific basis of the field (Selected Papers on Theory of Railway vehicles, Modelling and Simulation in Railway vehicles 1, Dynamics of Railway vehicles, Maintenance of Railway vehicles, Forensic Engineering - Mechanical Engineering 1, System Parameters of Railway vehicles, Drives and Regulation of Railway vehicles, Experimental methods in the field, Modelling and simulation in railway vehicles 2, Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 2, Dissertation exam, Dissertation work) - study part.
  • Curses project-oriented research of the current scientific problem in the field of construction, analysis and testing of railway vehicles with an emphasis on a specific area depending on the topic addressed in the dissertation, in connection with research-development-production-use (Dissertation project 1, Dissertation project 2, Dissertation project 3, dissertation project 4, scientific work 1, scientific work 2, scientific work 3 and scientific work 4) - scientific part.

In order to improve language knowledge and skills and support foreign mobility, the subjects English for Doctoral Students 1 and English for Doctoral Students 2 were also included in the study plan.

The ratio between the study and scientific part is 60 credits (study part) and 110 credits (scientific part). Both groups of subjects are represented in the core of knowledge, which specifies the description of the field of study MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. In the case of the submitted study program, the core subjects make up 180 credits out of 180, which represents a 100% share.



c The study programme, in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses
Profile courses of the relevant study path (specialization) within the study programme - Appendix 1
d Number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies
Other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study

Conditions during the study:

The structure of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles from the point of view of the content as well as from the point of view of the number of obtained credits meets the requirements arising from the description of the study field of Mechanical Engineering. The number of credits assigned to the subjects forming the core of the field of study is 180 out of 180 credits, t. j. the proposed composition of compulsory and optional subjects of the study program fulfills 100% compliance with the core knowledge of the department.

The conditions for the proper completion of studies and other conditions that the student must meet within the control stages are set out in Directive no. 110 - Study regulations for the 3rd level of university studies at the University of Žilina:

Study according to the doctoral study program (hereinafter referred to as "doctoral study") is carried out according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor. The doctoral study consists of a study part and a scientific part.

To properly complete the third degree study, it is necessary to achieve 180 credits for the entire study. The condition for the proper completion of doctoral studies is the completion of a dissertation examination, which is one of the state examinations, and the defence of the dissertation. The dissertation is a final work.

An evidence of completion of the doctoral study program in the field of study is a university diploma, a state examination certificate and a diploma supplement.

Basic means of control during the study in accordance with Directive no. 110 include:

  • Annual evaluation of the doctoral student (Article 8 of Directive No. 110): No later than 31 August for the relevant academic year, the supervisor submits to the dean an annual evaluation of the doctoral student's study program stating whether or not he / she recommends continuing his / her studies. The supervisor evaluates the status and level of fulfilment of the doctoral student's study program, adherence to deadlines, awards credits and, if necessary, submits a proposal to modify his / her individual study program. Based on the doctoral student's annual evaluation, the dean decides whether the doctoral student can continue his / her studies, as well as any changes in his / her study program.
  • Dissertation examination (Article 8 of Directive No. 110): The dissertation examination belongs to the state examinations and is public. A full-time doctoral student registers for the dissertation examination within 12 months, but no later than 18 months from the date of enrolment for doctoral studies, and an external doctoral student no later than 36 months from the date of enrolment for doctoral studies. The doctoral student is obliged to submit a written work prepared for the dissertation examination together with the application for the dissertation examination. Failure to meet the conditions of a doctoral student to register for the dissertation exam, or failure to submit a written work for the dissertation exam within the set deadline without the prior consent of the head of the training institution, is a reason for his / her exclusion from the study. The written work for the dissertation exam consists of the dissertation project, containing an overview of the current state of knowledge on the topic, an outline of the theoretical foundations of its future solution and an analysis of the methodological approach to solving the issue. One opponent will prepare a report for the written work for the dissertation exam.
  • Defence of the dissertation: The dissertation together with its defence forms one subject. The defence of the dissertation is a state examination and in the standard length of study the doctoral student must complete it no later than in the last month of the last academic year of his / her standard length of study. The defence of the dissertation in the above-standard length of study must take place no later than two years after the expiration of the standard length of study. During this period, the full-time doctoral student is not entitled to a scholarship, he / she continues to fulfil his / her duties at the place of his / her work and pays tuition fees for the above-standard length of study. The rules for the submission, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses are defined by Directive no. 110 - Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina (Articles 10 to 15) and Directive no. 215 - On final, rigorous and habilitation theses in the conditions of the University of Žilina (

Interruption and termination of doctoral studies:

A doctoral student may, in both standard and non-standard lengths of study, request an interruption of doctoral studies (even repeatedly) due to maternity leave, medical reasons, due to his / her study stay abroad, which is not part of his / her individual study plan or other serious reasons. During the interruption of studies, the doctoral student loses the rights and obligations of the student. The supervisor comments on the doctoral student's request to interrupt his / her studies.

The dean allows the study to be interrupted. In the case of a doctoral student who has applied for a dissertation written by an external educational institution, he / she will do so only after a positive statement from the statutory representative of the external educational institution.

The total period of interruption of doctoral studies generally does not exceed 18 months. In special, justified cases, e.g. during the next maternity leave, the dean may decide to suspend his doctoral studies for a longer period, up to a maximum of 36 months.

The doctoral study ends with the defence of the dissertation, or withholding the study, failure to complete the study within the set deadline, expulsion from the study, cancellation of the study program in the field of study, death of the student.



e For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure
number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies 1st year: 30.0, 2nd year: 30.0, 3rd year: 45.0, 4th year: 45.0,
number of credits for compulsory optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies 1st year: 15.0, 2nd year: 5.0, 3rd year: 0.0, 4th year: 0.0,
number of credits for optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies
number of credits required for the completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for the common foundations and for the relevant specialization, in the case of a teaching combination study programme or a translation combination study programme
number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of studies 15.0
number of credits for professional practice required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for project work with the indication of relevant courses in engineering study programmes
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for artistic performances in addition to the final thesis in art study programmes
f Rules for the verification of learning outcomes, students’ assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment

At the UNIZA level, it defines the processes, procedures and structures for the verification of educational outcomes and the evaluation of students and the possibilities of corrective procedures against the evaluation. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina:

The rules for verifying learning outcomes are described in Directive no. 110 Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at the University of Žilina:, In Part II Study Part of the Doctoral Study.

Rules for verifying learning outcomes and student assessment

Credit system of doctoral studies and evaluation of study results:

(1) The credit system is applied in both forms of doctoral study in accordance with the approved credit system of the faculty / university-wide workplace.

(2) Credits are numerical values ??assigned to subjects, expressing the amount of work required to obtain the prescribed learning outcomes. The standard student workload for the entire academic year in the full-time form of study is expressed by the number of 60 credits, for the semester 30 credits and for the trimester 20 credits. The standard student workload for the entire academic year in the external form of study is expressed by a maximum of 48 credits, depending on the standard length of study of the relevant study program and the number of credits required for its proper completion.

(3) During his / her studies, the doctoral student usually obtains credits for the following activities:

  1. a) completion of specialized doctoral lectures and seminars according to the doctoral student's study plan,
  2. b) successful completion of the dissertation examination,
  3. c) pedagogical activity in the full-time form of study for a maximum of 4 hours per week; in the external form of study, the obligation to give selected lectures and other professional activities,
  4. d) independent activity in the field of scientific research and pedagogy (publishing with emphasis on outputs in impacted journals, included in international indexed databases, active co-solution of scientific tasks, etc., supervision of ŠVOČ theses, final theses of bachelor's studies, etc.),
  5. e) acceptance of the dissertation for the defence.

(4) The activities referred to in 3rd paragraph are irreplaceable with each other.

(5) Credit system and number of credits for individual activities according to para. 3 is approved by the scientific council of the faculty / in the case of university-wide study programs by the Scientific Council of UNIZA.

(6) The credit system of the faculty / university-wide workplace determines the number of credits that the doctoral student is obliged to obtain for:

  1. a) progression to the next year of study,
  2. b) registration for the dissertation exam,
  3. c) submission of an application for a dissertation defence permit,
  4. d) recognition of other activities according to the individual study plan of the doctoral student.

(7) If a doctoral student has completed a part of his / her studies at a training institution other than the one designated (e.g. abroad), credits obtained at this workplace shall be credited in full if he / she was sent to this workplace within the fulfilment of his / her study plan and systems of the sending and receiving workplace are compatible, or determined in advance (credit transfer).

(8) If there is a change in the study program in the field of study, the doctoral student may be granted the credits obtained so far, if this is in accordance with his / her new study plan.

(9) The Dean / in the case of university-wide study programs, the Rector decides on the transfer or granting of credits (according to paragraph 7).

(10) The supervisor shall enter the obtained credits in the study report and in the UNIZA electronic information system no later than the end of the relevant academic year and shall also state them in the annual evaluation of the doctoral student.

Forms of verification of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies during the study are determined by the doctoral student's study plan and the doctoral student's annual evaluation. information sheet of the course (conditions for passing the course). Verification of the acquired knowledge, skills and competencies of the study part is usually verified by an oral exam. Methods and forms are given in the information sheets of subjects.

The evaluation of the doctoral student's study results from the evaluation of the fulfilment of the doctoral student's study plan:

  1. The doctoral student's study plan is developed as an individual study plan.
  2. The doctoral student's study plan consists of a study part, which ends with a dissertation examination, a scientific part and the defence of the dissertation. In the case of a doctoral student who is registered on the topic of a dissertation announced by an external educational institution, the agreement of the faculty / university department with this institution also includes where and how the study part of the plan, pedagogical and other professional activities of the doctoral student will take place.
  3. The study part of the doctoral student's study plan consists mainly of participation in lectures, seminars and individual study of professional literature in individual years of study according to the focus of the dissertation, for which the supervisor allocates credits in accordance with the study credit system.
  4. The individual study plan of the doctoral student contains a list of subjects, including a professional foreign language in the scope of two semesters, which the doctoral student is to complete, a list of dissertation examination subjects selected from a list approved by the union commission, resp. working group or SOK and a list of mandatory and recommended literature to be studied by the doctoral student in his / her individual preparation for the dissertation exam. The individual study plan of the doctoral student also contains the dates in which the doctoral student is to pass the individual subjects and the dissertation examination.
  5. The scientific part of the doctoral student's study plan consists of individual or team scientific work of the doctoral student, which is related to the topic of the dissertation. The scientific part of the doctoral student's study plan is professionally guaranteed by the supervisor.
  6. An integral part of the doctoral student's activities, prescribed in the study plan, is the active participation of the doctoral student in international conferences, especially indexed in international databases (WOS, SCOPUS) and publication in scientific journals. It is recommended to include in the doctoral student's study plan the obligation to publish in at least one impact journal that has an assigned quartile in WOS.
  7. As a rule, an integral part of the doctoral student's activities in the full-time form of study, prescribed in the study plan, is the active participation of the doctoral student during the stay abroad at the partner workplace of the doctoral student's training workplace. It is recommended to include in the doctoral student's study plan the completion of a stay abroad lasting at least two months, resp. one semester.

If a doctoral student in full-time or part-time doctoral studies during the academic year grossly neglects the obligations arising from the individual study plan, the dean of the faculty / in the case of a university-wide department may rector on the basis of the supervisor's proposal. working group or SOK to exclude a doctoral student from doctoral studies (§ 66 paragraph 1 letter c) Z o VŠ), while the decision on exclusion from studies will take effect on the day of delivery, resp. on the day of returning the consignment by post (§ 66 para. 2 Z o VŠ).

Grading (subjects ending with an examination or assessment) is carried out according to a classification scale consisting of six grades:

Grade (classification level)

Word classification

Scope of knowledge (%)

Numeric value


Excellent (excellent results)




Very good (above average results)




Good (average results)




Satisfactory (acceptable results)




Sufficient (results meet the minimum





Insufficient (further work required)

Less than 61


Annual evaluation of the doctoral student:

The supervisor submits to the dean (in the case of university-wide study programs to the Rector) an annual evaluation of the doctoral student's study program by 31 August for the relevant academic year, stating whether or not he / she recommends continuing his / her studies. The supervisor evaluates the status and level of fulfilment of the doctoral student's study program, adherence to deadlines, awards credits and, if necessary, submits a proposal to modify his / her individual study program. The Dean (in the case of university-wide study programs, the Rector) decides, on the basis of the doctoral student's annual evaluation, whether the doctoral student can continue his / her studies, as well as any changes in his / her study program.

Dissertation exam:

(1) A doctoral student in the full-time form of doctoral studies usually applies for the dissertation examination within 12 months, but no later than 18 months from the date of enrolment for doctoral studies, doctoral student in external form no later than 36 months from the date of enrolment for doctoral studies. The doctoral student is obliged to submit a written work prepared for the dissertation examination together with the application for the dissertation examination. Failure to meet the conditions of a doctoral student to register for the dissertation exam, or failure to submit a written work for the dissertation exam within the set deadline without the prior consent of the head of the training institution, is a reason for his / her exclusion from the study.

(2) The written work for the dissertation exam consists of the dissertation project, containing an overview of the current state of knowledge on the topic, an outline of the theoretical foundations of its future solution and an analysis of the methodological approach to solving the issue. One opponent will prepare a report for the written work for the dissertation exam.

(3) The opponent of the written work for the dissertation examination on the proposal of the supervisor is appointed by the dean of the faculty / in the case of university-wide study programs, the rector. Only an expert with an academic PhD degree can be an opponent. (or its older equivalent) or a DrSc. degree who does not work at the same faculty / university-wide workplace or the same external educational institution as the doctoral student and does not have publications in common with him / her.

(4) The dissertation examination consists of a part consisting of a discussion of the written work for the dissertation examination and a part in which the doctoral student has to demonstrate theoretical knowledge in the specified subjects of the dissertation examination. Examinations from individual subjects can also be taken by the doctoral student during the study part of the doctoral study before the discussion of the written work for the dissertation examination on the proposal of the supervisor with the consent of the chairman of the OK, resp. chairman of the working group or SOK. In such a case, the examination is held in front of the committee with the participation of the subject teacher, the instructor (in justified cases by a person authorized by him) and two other members without the presence of the opponent. Completion of individual subjects is assessed with a grade, while the evaluation is carried out according to a classification scale consisting of six classification levels. The examiner shall enter the mark without undue delay in the examination report, in the study report and in the UNIZA electronic information system.

(5) The dissertation examination takes place before an examination commission, the chairman and members of which are appointed by the dean / in the case of university-wide study programs by the rector, on the basis of a proposal by the chairman of the trade union commission, resp. chairman of the working group or SOK. The commission has at least four members, at least one of whom is not from the place where the doctoral student works. At least one member of the panel must have a scientific-pedagogical degree as a professor or must have a scientific-pedagogical degree as an associate professor and act as a visiting professor, or must hold the position of visiting professor, or hold a scientific degree, or be a researcher with a scientific degree of I. or IIa. Other members of the commission must have an academic degree PhD., Or its older equivalent. The supervisor of the doctoral student is a member of the commission and participates in the dissertation examination without the right to vote on the result of the examination. The opponent is a member of the examination commission and has the right to vote when deciding on the result of the dissertation examination. If the opponent has submitted a negative opinion, his / her participation is a condition for conducting the dissertation examination. If the topic was announced by an external educational institution, one member of the commission is from this external educational institution.

(6) The presence of an absolute majority of the members of the examination commission is required for a valid decision on the result of the dissertation examination, while examiners of subjects that were not performed during the study must be present. If one of the examiners is unable to take the exam for serious reasons, the dean will decide on his / her representation / in the case of university-wide study programs, the rector. The examination commission decides on the result of the examination in a closed session. To successfully complete the dissertation examination, the doctoral student must obtain an absolute majority of the positive votes of the present members of the examination commission.

(7) The overall result of the dissertation examination is evaluated by the examination commission in a comprehensive manner by the statement "passed" or "failed".

(8) Minutes of the dissertation examination shall be prepared, where in the end the commission shall state its recommendation, or proposal for editing the thesis and the title of the dissertation. The minutes also include the opinion of the opponent of the written work. The minutes are signed by the chairman and the present members of the examination commission.

(9) The dissertation examination belongs to the state examinations and is public. The faculty / university department will prepare a doctoral certificate for the doctoral student, which will then be issued by UNIZA.

(10) If, for serious reasons, the doctoral student is unable to participate in the dissertation examination within the specified period and apologizes in writing to the chairman of the examination commission in advance, the chairman of the commission may set an alternative date. Withdrawal from the exam or the unjustified absence of a doctoral student at the exam is assessed by the statement "failed".

(11) A doctoral student who has failed the examination may repeat the examination only once, at the earliest three months after the date of the unsuccessful dissertation examination within the deadline set by the chairman of the examination commission. Repeated failure in the dissertation exam is a reason for exclusion from doctoral studies.

(12) The public part of the dissertation examination is considered to be public even if the faculty / university department ensures its public live transmission, resp. in the event of a crisis situation, make its audio recording available to the public for hearing on the premises of the faculty / university-wide workplace for a period of three months from the end of the crisis situation.

(13) In times of crisis, a dissertation test may be conducted by videoconference or other means of information and communication technology without physical presence.



g Conditions for the recognition of studies or a part of studies

At the university level, it defines processes, procedures and structures - Directive no. 110 Study regulations for the 3rd level of university studies at the University of Žilina:  and Directive no. 216 Quality Assurance of Doctoral Studies at the University of Žilina:

The supervisor submits to the dean an annual evaluation of the fulfilment of the doctoral student's study program no later than 31 August for the relevant academic year, stating whether or not he / she recommends continuing his / her studies. The supervisor evaluates the status and level of fulfilment of the doctoral student's study program, adherence to deadlines, awards credits and, if necessary, submits a proposal to modify his / her individual study program. Based on the doctoral student's annual evaluation, the dean decides whether the doctoral student can continue his / her studies, as well as any changes in his / her study program.

As a rule, an integral part of the doctoral student's activities in the full-time form of study, prescribed in the study plan, is the active participation of the doctoral student during the stay abroad at the partner workplace of the doctoral student's training workplace. It is recommended to include in the doctoral student's study plan the completion of a stay abroad lasting at least two months, resp. one semester. Completion of part of the study at another university is conditioned by the application for exchange study and confirmation of acceptance by the partner institution (foreign mobility or internship), agreement between individual partner institutions on study (in case of UNIZA cooperation with another partner institution that has an accredited study program in the given study field at a partner institution or a similar study field at a foreign partner institution and which has a certified / accredited internal quality system for higher education or in accordance with ESG 2015), an agreement between individual partner institutions on a joint study program which is also jointly accredited as a joint study program in accordance with the internal quality assurance system of higher education at UNIZA, extract of study results. Credits obtained at this workplace are credited in full on the basis of the confirmation of the partner training workplace about the completion of the study stay. For completing the course, the student can obtain credits only once during the study. If there is a change in the study program in the field of study, the doctoral student may be granted the credits obtained so far, if this is in accordance with his / her new study plan. The dean decides on the transfer or granting of credits / in the case of university-wide study programs. The supervisor enters the obtained credits in the study report and in the UNIZA electronic information system no later than the end of the relevant academic year and also states them in the doctoral student's annual evaluation.

To ensure student mobility as well as study in accordance with the conditions defined in the study regulations of the faculty study program, the main coordinator is the faculty coordinator, who is usually the vice-dean, who is responsible for foreign relations (at FME UNIZA, Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivan Kuric, PhD.). The role of the coordinator is to organize partnership, mostly international cooperation in the field of education. At the FME, Mgr. Renáta Janovčíková.

In the case of foreign mobility and internships, Directive 219 - Mobility of UNIZA students and staff abroad defines the processes, procedures and structures of the conditions for the recognition of studies.

The rules for extending the study are set out in the study regulations. A doctoral student may, in both standard and non-standard lengths of study, request an interruption of doctoral studies (even repeatedly) due to maternity leave, medical reasons, due to his / her study stay abroad, which is not part of his / her individual study plan or other serious reasons. The dean allows the study to be interrupted. The total period of interruption of doctoral studies generally does not exceed 18 months. In special, justified cases, e.g. during the next maternity leave, the doctoral study should be extended for a longer period, but not longer than 36 months.

The basic university document Directive 110 of the Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Studies at UNIZA defines, among other things, the procedures and means of redress against the evaluation results that the student obtained in the examination process:


  • If the student does not pass the exam in the subject, he / she is entitled to 1 correction term (Article 8 / paragraph 4).

Dissertation exam:

  • A doctoral student who has failed the examination may repeat the examination only once, at the earliest three months after the date of the unsuccessful dissertation examination within the deadline set by the chairman of the examination commission. Repeated failure in the dissertation examination is a reason for exclusion from doctoral studies (Article 9 / paragraph 11).


  • The Dean / in the case of university-wide study programs, the Rector will determine in writing the alternate date of the dissertation defence in the same study program on the basis of the result of the dissertation defence or due to his / her unjustified non-participation in the defence. The defence of the dissertation can be repeated only once, no later than within two years from the end of the standard length of study (Article 15 / para. 13, 14).



h Topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list)

The list of dissertation topics is available at:


Topic of the dissertation thesis


Year of defence

Ing. Lukáš Čajkovič

Improving the mechanical properties of the UIC brake condition.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Yuliia Fomina

Simulation of air flow during disc brake.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Erki Kuba (externé štúdium)

Influence of the environment on the properties of the friction elements of the brake system.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Vladimír Pavelčík

Simulation of air flow during UIC braking tests.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. František Pribilinec

Improving UIC brake condition lubrication chain parameters.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Lukáš Leštinský

New approaches in reducing railway vehicles noise

prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.


Ing. Pavol Kurčík

Innovative test equipment solution for experimental research of friction properties of brake components of brake systems

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Alfréd Pavlík

Analysis of temperature properties of a brake disc of a railway vehicle

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Peter Strážovec

Innovative solution of test equipment for experimental research of phenomena arising during rolling of wheelsets in the track

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Ľubomír Kašiar

Proposal of methodology for evaluation of diagnostic files from HDV series 757 control system

prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.


Ing. Peter Volna

Reliability and risks in the operation and maintenance of railway vehicles

doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.


Ing. Vladimír Hauser

Design of the tram chassis with reduced force effects on the track

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Lukáš Smetanka

Wheel and rail contact pair profile change by wear

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Lukáš Bavlna

Research of internal noise in vehicles depending on the floor construction of the passenger car

prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.


Ing. Mária Maňurová

Comfort analysis for rail vehicle passengers when passing the vehicle on track curves

doc. Ing. Tomáš Lack, PhD.


Ing. Martin Mikolajčík

Analysis of the possibility of optimizing fuel consumption on HKV independent traction

prof. Ing. Daniel Kalinčák, PhD.


Ing. František Ruman

A railway vehicle in terms of life cycle costs and revenues

doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.


Ing. Veronika Štefaňaková

Design of a set of two-wheel loads on a RAILBCOT test rig

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Lenka Valčáková

Determination of dynamic properties of the RAILBCOT test state

doc. Ing. Tomáš Lack, PhD.




i Rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses in the study programme; list of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details)

Rules for submission, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses Directive no. 110 Study regulations for the 3rd level of university studies at the University of Žilina ( and Directive no. 215 On final, rigorous and habilitation theses in the conditions of the University of Žilina

The final work verifies the knowledge, skills and competencies that the student has acquired during the study and his ability to use them in solving tasks and specific problems related to the field of study. The final work in the third degree of university study is a dissertation. The dissertation and its defense form the subject of the state exam and are evaluated by credit.

With the dissertation, the third-level university student demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent scientific and creative activity in the field of research or development or for independent theoretical and creative artistic activity. The work presents the results of scientific research and the application of research results in practice. The result of the dissertation should be the acquisition of new knowledge in the field. Scientific research is the process of acquiring new scientific knowledge and expanding the boundaries of human knowledge. The student must demonstrate a deep systematic understanding of the field of study, must demonstrate skills in research work and correctly apply the methods of scientific research. The student has to prove that within the dissertation he / she carried out a substantial part of the research himself, that he sketched it, constructed it, realized it, optimized it, and all this in an ethically clean way.

Dissertation assignment:

The Dean of the relevant faculty will announce the topic of the dissertation, which can be applied for within the admission procedure, no later than two months before the last day set for the submission of applications for doctoral studies. Topics of dissertations on the proposal of supervisors with the prior consent of the chairman of the trade union commission, resp. the chairman of the working group or the SOK is approved by the dean. If it is a topic offered by an external educational institution, it will also state the name of this institution. For each topic, the name of the study program, the name of the supervisor, the form of study (full-time, part-time), the deadline for submission of applications and the date of the admission procedure are given. The topics of the dissertations, together with the above-mentioned requisites, are published on the official notice board and in bulk according to a special regulation. The applicant for doctoral studies applies for the selected topic of the dissertation within the process of submitting an application for doctoral studies.

Supervision and elaboration of the dissertation:

The supervisor leads the doctoral student during the doctoral study, manages and professionally guarantees the doctoral student's study and scientific program, determines the focus of the dissertation project and specifies its content together with the doctoral student, guides the doctoral student in dissertation work and prepares an opinion The position of supervisor for a given field of study at the faculty where the doctoral study is carried out may be performed by a university teacher (professor, associate professor) and another specialist from outside the university after approval by the scientific council of the faculty. The function of a supervisor for dissertation topics offered by an external educational institution may be performed by supervisors approved by this institution.

The procedure and details of the dissertation are set out in Directive no. 215 On final, rigorous and habilitation theses in the conditions of the University of Žilina. The principles of elaboration of final theses, formal requirements and the method of checking originality are based on the valid Methodical Guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the requisites of final theses, their bibliographic registration, storage and access.

In accordance with the provisions of the University Act, the student must enter the final thesis in electronic form in the Central Register of Final, Rigorous and Habilitation Theses (CRZP) and based on the information from the CRZP the degree of originality of the submitted work will be verified. The details are regulated by the Final, Rigorous and Habilitation Theses Directive. The student submits the final thesis no later than the deadline set by the faculty university academic calendar.

Application for permission of the dissertation defence:

The doctoral student submits to the dean an application for permission to defend the dissertation in accordance with the study schedule, if he / she has obtained the prescribed number of credits. In an exceptional case, the dean shall determine in writing to the doctoral student an alternative date for submitting an application for permission to defend the dissertation so that the study does not exceed its standard length determined by the accredited study program in the field of study by more than 2 years. The rules and procedures for submitting an application for a dissertation defence are defined in Article 10 of Directive No. 110.

The doctoral student submits a dissertation for defence in the Slovak language. With the written consent of the dean, he may submit his dissertation in a language other than Slovak. The doctoral student can also submit as a dissertation his / her own published work or a set of his / her own published works, the content of which deals with the topic of the dissertation and corresponds to the thesis (project) of the dissertation. If the doctoral student submits a set of his / her own publications, he / she will supplement it with a detailed introduction in which he / she will clarify the current state of the issue, the goals of the dissertation and the conclusions that arose from solving the topic of the dissertation. If the attached publications are the work of several authors, the doctoral student will also enclose a statement by the co-authors about his / her author's contribution. The requirements of the dissertation are defined by Article 11 of Directive no. 110 and Articles 7 and 8 of Directive no. 215.

Opposition of the dissertation:

Opponents of the dissertation are appointed by the dean on the proposal of the chairman of the trade union commission, resp. chairman of the working group or SOK. Opponents are selected from among experts in the field. Each of the opponents must be from a different organization. There can be one opponent from the faculty / university-wide department where the doctoral student is studying.

The dissertation is assessed by at least two opponents. At least one opponent must have the scientific-pedagogical title of professor, or must have the scientific-pedagogical title of associate professor and perform the function of professor, or must have the scientific degree of doctor of science, or must be a researcher with a scientific degree I. or IIa. Other opponents must have the scientific-pedagogical title of associate professor or perform the function of associate professor, they can be important experts in the position of visiting professor, employees with the academic title of PhD. (or its older equivalent), prominent experts from practice with an academic degree PhD. (or its older equivalent). The opponent may not be a family member of the doctoral student, his / her immediate superior or subordinate in an employment relationship or similar employment relationship, nor a supervisor. The rules and procedures for opposing the dissertation are defined in Article 14 of Directive no. 110.

The opponent's opinion contains an objective and critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the submitted dissertation, is brief and does not repeat the content. The opponent comments in particular on the following:

  • to the topicality of the chosen topic,
  • to meet the set goals of the dissertation,
  • to the selected processing methods,
  • to the achieved results with an indication of what new findings the dissertation brings and where they were published,
  • to contribute to the further development of science, technology or the arts and to practice.

In the conclusion, it will be clearly stated whether or not it proposes the award of a PhD academic degree on the basis of the submitted dissertation. in the relevant study program in the field of study.

Defence and evaluation of the dissertation:

The dissertation together with its defence forms one subject. The defence of the dissertation is a state examination and in the standard length of study the doctoral student must complete it no later than in the last month of the last academic year of his / her standard length of study. The defence of the dissertation in the above-standard length of study must take place no later than two years after the expiration of the standard length of study. During this period, the full-time doctoral student is not entitled to a scholarship, he / she continues to fulfil his / her duties at the place of his / her work and pays tuition fees for the above-standard length of study.

The defence of the dissertation is public, in exceptional cases the dean may declare it non-public; if its public defence would jeopardize a secret protected by a special law. The defence of the dissertation takes place in the form of a scientific debate. The doctoral student will present the content of his dissertation, results and benefits. Opponents will present their opinions, on which the doctoral student will give an opinion. The discussion verifies the accuracy, justification and scientific origin of the knowledge contained in the dissertation.

The rules and procedures of the dissertation defence are defined in Article 15 of Directive no. 110.

Minutes of the defence are signed and signed by the chairman of the defence commission, the present members of the commission and opponents. The chairman of the defence committee will announce the result of the voting with justification to the doctoral student and other participants present at its public meeting. A proposal for the award or non-award of an academic degree to a doctoral student, together with the minutes and file material of the doctoral student, shall be submitted by the chairman of the defence commission to the dean.

The dean will determine in writing the alternative date of the dissertation defence in the same study program to the doctoral student who, on the basis of the result of the dissertation defence or for his / her unjustified non-participation in the defence, proposed not to award an academic degree. The dissertation defence can be repeated only once, no later than two years after the end of the standard length of study.

After a positive assessment of the proposal of the dissertation defence committee for the award or non-awarding of the academic title of "doctor" or "doctor of art" to a doctoral graduate, the Dean will submit evidence of graduation to the Rector.



Opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility

Students of FME UNIZA can participate in international mobility programs of the European Union such as CEEPUS and Erasmus +, where registration and rules of recognition of this education are governed by the rules of the respective programs. The list of participating institutions is regularly updated. The instructions are published on the faculty website. As part of their scientific work on their own projects, or on the projects of the trainer, they are sent to partner universities and research institutions not only within Europe but also elsewhere in the world. They can also benefit from bilateral international mobility projects, e.g. through the Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAAIA) and the National Scholarship Fund (NSF).

Binding contractual partnerships allow for the participation of stakeholders and their representatives in the design, approval, implementation and evaluation of the study program. The agreements with the partners specify the conditions of participation of the partner's employees in the implementation of the study program and the conditions of providing spatial, material and information resources and quality assurance of the study carried out at the partner's premises, including final theses.

UNIZA has the opportunity to send students abroad for study or internships in its partnerships at 56 foreign universities. Even wider possibilities covering practically the whole world exist within other schemes, especially within the Erasmus + program and activities covered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic, implemented through SAIA. These are in particular: the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS), the National Scholarship Program (NSP), the Austria-Slovakia Action, the Visegrad Fund, etc. In addition to Erasmus +, the faculty has further contractual cooperation with AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków, Poland), Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria), International Visegrad Fund.

The processes, procedures and structures of student participation in mobility are defined by Directive no. 219 Mobility of students and staff of the University of Žilina abroad: .

The possibilities of participating in the student mobilities are published at the UNIZA web site in section possibilities of study: ,

Procedures for participation in student mobility are described in the UNIZA guideline no. 219 “Mobility of Students and Employees of the University of Žilina Abroad” - PART 2: MOBILITIES OF UNIZA STUDENTS ABROAD AND CONDITIONS OF GRADUATION OF STUDY STAYS AND INTERNSHIPS ABROAD. - .

Basic conditions for UNIZA student mobility abroad:

Completion of part of the study at another university abroad is conditional on:

  • By applying for an exchange study and confirming acceptance by a partner institution (foreign mobility or internship).
  • A study agreement between individual partner institutions (in the case of UNIZA cooperation with another partner institution that has an accredited study program in a given field of study at the partner institution or a similar field of study at a foreign partner institution and that has a certified / accredited internal quality system of higher education, or ESG 2015).
  • An agreement between the individual partner institutions on a joint study program, which is also jointly accredited as a joint study program in accordance with the internal quality system of higher education at UNIZA.

When studying at another university abroad, a contract is concluded between the student, the relevant Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UNIZA and the partner institution that provides the study. Details are set out in the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic on the study credit system. The contract is concluded before the student starts attending the university.

Procedure for participating in mobilities:

The basic obligations of a student sent on a study stay / internship are regulated by Articles 6 and 7 of Directive no. 219. Student approved by the selection board:

  • He / she submits proof of approval for a study stay abroad, resp. contractual basis for completing part of his studies at a foreign university.
  • They will compile a study plan from the offer of subjects at a foreign university within the scope of the standard student workload (the conditions for compiling the study plan are specified in Articles 3 to 5 of Directive No. 219).
  • Before being sent on a study visit, he / she will fill in the Learning agreement and the Information on the planned study stay.
  • He / she reports his / her study stay / internship to the head of the department, which guarantees the relevant study program, resp. guarantor of the study program.
  • Informs the relevant teacher, the subject of which will study at a foreign university, respectively. whose subject will not be studied at UNIZA in the given semester due to the study stay / internship.
  • No later than 30 days (in justified cases within 45 days) from the date of the end of the study stay / internship abroad, the UNECA will submit to the vice-dean with competence for international cooperation all documents confirming the completion of the study stay / internship abroad.

Courses completed at the host university are recognized by the guarantor of the study program in cooperation with the vice-dean for education or, in the case of completing courses abroad with a vice-dean who has international cooperation, to the student on the basis of an application the host university at the end of its studies as well as information sheets or syllabi of completed subjects. The evaluation of the subject on the basis of recognition will enrol the study unit in AIS. The application and related documentation become part of the student's personal study documentation kept by the department of education.

Note: Support for student mobility is primarily aimed at full-time students.



Rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences

Rules for Observance the Academic Ethics and Concluding Consequences are stated by the Disciplinary Order for the Students of the University of Žilina inŽilina, Disciplinary Commission of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ethical Code, Ethical Commission of UNIZA:

Directive No. 226 - On Copyright Ethics and the Elimination of Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina:

Directive No. 215 - On Final, Rigorous and Habilitation Theses in the Conditions of the University of Žilina:

Directive No. 201 - Disciplinary Order for UNIZA Students

Ethical Code of UNIZA:

Ethical code of the university employees:

Ethical commissison of UNIZA -

Directive No. 226 - On Copyright Ethics and the Elimination of Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina:

Directive No. 215 - On Final, Rigorous and Habilitation Theses in the Conditions of the University of Žilina:

The Ethical Code of the University of Žilina in Žilina defines the ethical principles in the following areas:

The general ethical principles valid for all persons employed or studying at the university (Directive No. 207, article 2)

The relation to the university and general public (Directive No. 207, article 3)

The principles for the pedagogical activities (Directive No. 207, article)

The principles of the scientific and research activities (Directive No. 207, article 5)

The principles of the research practice at UNIZA and unacceptable practices of the research (Directive No. 207, article 6)   

The principles for the university students (Directive No. 207, article 7)

The Ethical Code binds all employees and students of the university to behave in compliance with its requirements. Any breach and subsequent measure is solved by the Ethical Commission of the university appointed by the Rector (the current members of the commission:

In connection with observing the Ethical Code every academia member and university employee has the right to initiate a procedure of the Ethical Commission. Such an incentive can be submitted by any UNIZA employee, Faculty employee UNIZA student or any other person that learned about the behaviour of an UNIZA student or employee having the signs of breaching the Ethical Code through submitting it to Chairman of the Ethical Commission in writing and own signature or in the electronic form with an authorised electronic signature. If the document sent electronically is not authorised and is sent from an unidentifiable address, the submitting person has to complete the letter by his/her own signature or authorised electronic signature within three days, otherwise the document is not accepted. The initiation has to contain minimally the name and surname of the submitting person, his/her signature, a brief description of the situation, the provision of the Ethical Code that was breached or was not applied. If the document is anonymous, it is registered; however, it will not be taken into account.            

The Ethical Commission is obliged to discuss an appropriately submitted initiation at the latest within one month from its receipt or to pass it to the chief of the section according to the articles 6, section 7 of this Directive. When the initiation is solved there is a necessity to emphasise the coaction of all participating parties and maintaining the highest possible privacy.

In the case of detecting a breach the statement of the Ethical Commission will contain recommendations or suggestion of corrective measures for the further steps of the bodies authorised to make decisions – the Rector, the Dean, Chief of the UNIZA department in compliance with the Organisational Order of UNIZA. All participating parties have to be informed about the Commission recommendations in writing. The employee touched by the statement of the Ethical Commission has the right (within 7 days) from the receipt of the statement to ask for correction against the statement of the Ethical Commission in the form of an application for correction and explanation to the Rector, the Dean or another leading UNIZA employees in compliance with the Organisational Order of UNIZA and the asked person will consider the situation for defining the corrective measures. 

The result of the discussion of the Ethical Commission can be also a recommendation for the next procedure according to the paragraph 108f of the law 131/2002 Coll. about universities as amended.

If a disciplinary offense was detected, it is passed to the Disciplinary Commission of UNIZA or the Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty. The procedure is defined by the Directive No.  201 - Disciplinary Order for UNIZA Students.

The basic rules of the author ethics as an unwritten law involving the moral principles that the author, employee or student are to respect during writing the professional and university publications and the stance of UNIZA to respecting the legal and moral requirements of the authors and the principles of a correct publication practice are defined in the Directive No.  226 - On Copyright Ethics and the Elimination of Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina:    

The rules of the author ethics are closely connected with the framework principles of good behaviour in research, the European Code of Ethics and Integrity of Research and support improving the scientific and research standards of the UNIZA academia according to the Directive No.  207 - Ethical Code of UNIZA. In the long term UNIZA aims at increasing the consciousness about the importance of fulfilling the rules of the author ethics of its employees and students and principally refuses any unauthorised takeover of the author texts and ideas without any reference to its author and in this way it tries to eliminate the possible plagiarism. It carefully checks the originality of the outputs of the intellectual or industrial ownership of the students and employees and in the case of any doubt about the authorship of the presented work or breaching the rights of the intellectual or industrial ownership, it principally rejects them, see articles 1 section2 of the Directive No. 209 – Study Order for the First and Second Degree of the University Study; the Directive No.  110 – Study Order for the Third Degree of the University Study at the University of Žilina in Žilina as well as the article 6, section 2 and article 11 section 11 of the Ethical Code of UNIZA. 

To eliminate plagiarism, UNIZA has begun to check the originality of not only the final, PhD and habilitation works in the conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina through the Central Register of Final Works but also to check the originality of all types of scientific and professional outputs (publications) of the employees and students, the semester works of the students or outputs of a similar character.

The failure to observe the author ethics and behaviour according to the article 3 of this Directive is considered a breach of the working duties of the UNIZA employees and if the students breach it, these facts are qualified as a breach of the Directive No.  209 -  Study Order for the First and Second Degree of the University Study; the Directive No.  110 - STUDY ORDER FOR 3RD DEGREE OF UNIVERSITY STUDY AT UNIZA of the Directive No.  201 - Disciplinary Order for UNIZA Students. In the case of detecting a breach of the Disciplinary Order of the University of Žilina in Žilina it will be handed over to the Disciplinary Commission of UNIZA or Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty.



Procedures applicable to students with special needs

The procedures applicable for the students with special needs are described at UNIZA web site -

The Centre of Support for Students with Special Needs is working at UNIZA. The centre provides information, consultancy, supporting services and educational activities for applicants and students with special needs, teachers and general public. At the Faculty there is a coordinator for supporting the students with specific needs who assesses the possibilities/restrictions and the risk rate of studying the given study programme for the students with specific needs. He/she suggests adequate adaptations and supporting services determined for a student with specific needs and realises the consultancy and mediatory activity. He/she participates in creating a system of hybrid education and support for the students with special needs.

The conditions for the applicants for study with special needs during the admission procedure and during the study at UNIZA are described by the Directive No.  198 - Support of Applicant for Study and Students with Specific Needs at UNIZA and the Directive No. 209 - Study Order for the First and Second Degree of the University Study.

UNIZA also provides services of the Consultancy and Career Centre UNIZA:,

The workplace was established by joining the consultancy services in the Centre of the Psychological Support, Social Consultancy and the newly created career consultancy. The advisory centre with complex services will ensure that the students will have a simple access to the consultancy and other services corresponding with their needs. Its mission is to help the students cope with their study, prepare their entrance to the labour market, support their relationship with the university and create links between the university ground and employers.

The CCC UNIZA provides a complex advisory service to the students and employees of the university (further only “clients”). The main objective of the CCC UNIZA is to provide the psychological, career, social consultancy and intervention oriented on the development of the clients´ personality and support for solving the problems of the intrapersonal character (the problems connected with the university study, the area of the social problems, the orientation in the area of personal and career targets) and the interpersonal character (the adaptation to the study and working group and also the group of people of the same age, starting and maintaining full-fledged personal and working relations). The task of the CCC UNIZA is a) to provide the clients with the possibility of individual consultations in the framework of solving their difficulties and problems and developing the personality potential; b) to provide the clients with the possibility of the group sessions of the educational and advisory character; c) to help utilise the knowledge from the area of psychology, career advisory, pedagogical and social work for self-education and self-control; d) to support the development or recovery of the psychical health, to orient on other healthcare institutions to ensure the adequate professional aid and therapy; e) to participate in implementing the inclusive approach to education with the goal to ensure the equality of opportunities, respect to individual educational needs and the active involvement to the educational process of each student.     



Procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students

The procedures of submitting initiations and appeals of the student:

The student freely expresses his/her professional opinions, respects freedom of speech and critical thinking, free exchange of opinions and information. He/she turns with confidence to his/her teachers, academic officials and the members of the Academic Senate in the case of solving the problems concerning the teaching process and organisation of their life at UNIZA.

At the Faculty the students can (except for the aforementioned possibilities) address their initiations to the study advisor (the study advisors are appointed by the Dean at the beginning of the school year), they can turn to the representatives of the students´ support (a group created for the purposes of communication and advisory activities), the Head of Department, the SP guarantor or the Chairman of the Trade Union Council or directly to the Dean.

In dependence on the essence of such an initiation it is solved by a person responsible for the given area (the Dean, Vice-Deans, guarantors, Heads of Department) or an established commission (disciplinary, ethical).

At the university level the processes, procedures and structures are defined by the Directive No.  110 - STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA.

At the same time all student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have the possibility to ask the Dean freely and anonymously at the platform – Questions for the Dean of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering:



5. Course information sheets of the study programme (In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll)
Compulsory courses
Grd. Sem. Course Name Short. Hours End Credits Profile Core Guarantor
1 Z 2D03102 Selected clauses from theory of rail vehicles VSTKV 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes yes prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.
1 Z 2DJC101 English Language for Doctoral Students 1 ELD1 0 - 2 - 0 S 5 - yes Mgr. Daniela Sršníková, Ph.D.
1 L 2D03101 Scientific Work 1 VP1 0 - 2 - 0 H 10 yes yes doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.
1 L 2D03108 System parameters of rail vehicles SPKV 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes yes prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.
1 L 2DJC102 English Language for Doctoral Students 2 ELD2 0 - 2 - 0 S 5 - yes Mgr. Daniela Sršníková, Ph.D.
2 Z 2D03113 Dissertation Project 1 DP1 0 - 1 - 1 H 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.
2 L 2D03107 Scientific Work 2 VP2 0 - 2 - 0 H 10 yes yes doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.
2 L 2D03114 Disertation Exam DS 0 - 0 - 0 T 15 yes yes prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.
3 Z 2D03115 Dissertation project 2 DP2 0 - 1 - 1 S 15 yes yes doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.
3 Z 2D03116 Scientific Work 3 VP3 0 - 2 - 0 H 15 yes yes doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.
3 L 2D03117 Dissertation project 3 DP3 0 - 1 - 1 H 15 yes yes doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.
4 Z 2D03118 Scientific work 4 VP4 0 - 2 - 0 H 15 yes yes prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.
4 Z 2D03119 Dissertation project 4 DP4 0 - 1 - 1 H 15 yes yes doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.
4 L 2D03120 Dissertation Thesis DzPr 0 - 2 - 0 T 15 yes yes prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.
Compulsory optional courses
Grd. Sem. Course Name Short. Hours End Credits Profile Core Guarantor
1 Z 2D03103 Modelling and simulation in rail vehicles 1 MSKV1 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.
1 Z 2D03104 Dynamics of rail vehicles DKV 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.
1 Z 2D03105 Maintenance of rail vehicles UKV 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.
1 Z 9D03106 Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 1 SI1 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes - prof. Ing. Gustáv Kasanický, CSc.
1 L 2D03110 Experimental methods in the study field EMO 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.
1 L 2D03111 Modelling and simulation in rail vehicles 2 MSKV2 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.
2 Z 2D03109 Drives and regulation of rail vehicles PRKV 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes yes doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.
2 Z 9D03112 Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 2 SI2 2 - 0 - 0 S 5 yes - prof. Ing. Gustáv Kasanický, CSc.
Optional courses
Grd. Sem. Course Name Short. Hours End Credits Profile Core Guarantor
6. Current academic year plan and current schedule
Current academic year plan

The schedule of the current academic year is available on the faculty's website:



Current schedule

The study in the third level of university study takes place according to an individual study plan.



7. Persons responsible for the study programme
a A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details)

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici
professor (
The head of Department of Transport and Handling Machines, The head of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UNIZA.
Tel.: 041/513 2550.



b - c List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme

Contents is generated from Study plans.

Name, surname, titlesCourseName
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.2D03113Dissertation Project 1
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.2D03115Dissertation project 2
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.2D03101Scientific Work 1
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.2D03107Scientific Work 2
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.2D03109Drives and regulation of rail vehicles
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.2D03116Scientific Work 3
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.2D03103Modelling and simulation in rail vehicles 1
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.2D03104Dynamics of rail vehicles
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.2D03111Modelling and simulation in rail vehicles 2
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.2D03117Dissertation project 3
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.2D03119Dissertation project 4
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.2D03102Selected clauses from theory of rail vehicles
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.2D03108System parameters of rail vehicles
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.2D03114Disertation Exam
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.2D03118Scientific work 4
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.2D03120Dissertation Thesis
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.2D03105Maintenance of rail vehicles
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.2D03110Experimental methods in the study field
prof. Ing. Gustáv Kasanický, CSc.9D03106Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 1
prof. Ing. Gustáv Kasanický, CSc.9D03112Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 2
d List of teachers of the study programme (including doctoral students) with the assignment to the course

Contents is generated from Study plans.

Name, surname, titlesOrg.formCourseName
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03101Scientific Work 1
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03107Scientific Work 2
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03113Dissertation Project 1
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03114Disertation Exam
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03115Dissertation project 2
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03116Scientific Work 3
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03117Dissertation project 3
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03118Scientific work 4
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03119Dissertation project 4
doc. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.Seminar2D03120Dissertation Thesis
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03101Scientific Work 1
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03107Scientific Work 2
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Lecture2D03109Drives and regulation of rail vehicles
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03113Dissertation Project 1
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03114Disertation Exam
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03115Dissertation project 2
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03116Scientific Work 3
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03117Dissertation project 3
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03118Scientific work 4
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03119Dissertation project 4
doc. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.Seminar2D03120Dissertation Thesis
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03101Scientific Work 1
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Lecture2D03102Selected clauses from theory of rail vehicles
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Lecture2D03103Modelling and simulation in rail vehicles 1
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Lecture2D03104Dynamics of rail vehicles
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03107Scientific Work 2
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Lecture2D03111Modelling and simulation in rail vehicles 2
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03113Dissertation Project 1
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03114Disertation Exam
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03115Dissertation project 2
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03116Scientific Work 3
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03117Dissertation project 3
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03118Scientific work 4
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03119Dissertation project 4
doc. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.Seminar2D03120Dissertation Thesis
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03101Scientific Work 1
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Lecture2D03102Selected clauses from theory of rail vehicles
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Lecture2D03104Dynamics of rail vehicles
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03107Scientific Work 2
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Lecture2D03108System parameters of rail vehicles
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03113Dissertation Project 1
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03114Disertation Exam
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03115Dissertation project 2
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03116Scientific Work 3
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03117Dissertation project 3
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03118Scientific work 4
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03119Dissertation project 4
prof. Ing. Juraj Gerlici, Dr.Seminar2D03120Dissertation Thesis
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03101Scientific Work 1
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Lecture2D03105Maintenance of rail vehicles
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03107Scientific Work 2
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Lecture2D03110Experimental methods in the study field
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03113Dissertation Project 1
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03114Disertation Exam
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03115Dissertation project 2
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03116Scientific Work 3
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03117Dissertation project 3
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03118Scientific work 4
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03119Dissertation project 4
doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.Seminar2D03120Dissertation Thesis
prof. Ing. Daniel Kalinčák, PhD.Lecture2D03109Drives and regulation of rail vehicles
prof. Ing. Gustáv Kasanický, CSc.Lecture9D03106Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 1
prof. Ing. Gustáv Kasanický, CSc.Lecture9D03112Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 2
Mgr. Albert Kulla, PhD.Seminar2DJC102English Language for Doctoral Students 2
doc. Ing. Ján Podhorský, PhD.Lecture9D03106Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 1
doc. Ing. Ján Podhorský, PhD.Lecture9D03112Forensic engineering - mechanical engineering 2
Mgr. Daniela Sršníková, Ph.D.Seminar2DJC101English Language for Doctoral Students 1
Mgr. Daniela Sršníková, Ph.D.Seminar2DJC102English Language for Doctoral Students 2
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03101Scientific Work 1
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03107Scientific Work 2
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Lecture2D03110Experimental methods in the study field
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03113Dissertation Project 1
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03114Disertation Exam
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03115Dissertation project 2
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03116Scientific Work 3
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03117Dissertation project 3
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03118Scientific work 4
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03119Dissertation project 4
prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.Seminar2D03120Dissertation Thesis
e - f List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics

Supervisors of dissertation theses in the study program Railway Vehicles:

Assoc. prof. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD.

Assoc. prof. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.

Assoc. prof. Ing. Ján Dižo, PhD.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici

Assoc. prof. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.

prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.

List of supervisors in the doctoral study program Railway Vehicles with a transfer to the topics:


Topic of the dissertation thesis


Year of defence

Ing. Lukáš Čajkovič

Improving the mechanical properties of the UIC brake condition.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Yuliia Fomina

Simulation of air flow during disc brake.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Erki Kuba (externé štúdium)

Influence of the environment on the properties of the friction elements of the brake system.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Vladimír Pavelčík

Simulation of air flow during UIC braking tests.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. František Pribilinec

Improving UIC brake condition lubrication chain parameters.

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Lukáš Leštinský

New approaches in reducing railway vehicles noise

prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.


Ing. Pavol Kurčík

Innovative test equipment solution for experimental research of friction properties of brake components of brake systems

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Alfréd Pavlík

Analysis of temperature properties of a brake disc of a railway vehicle

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Peter Strážovec

Innovative solution of test equipment for experimental research of phenomena arising during rolling of wheelsets in the track

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Ľubomír Kašiar

Proposal of methodology for evaluation of diagnostic files from HDV series 757 control system

prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.


Ing. Peter Volna

Reliability and risks in the operation and maintenance of railway vehicles

doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.


Ing. Vladimír Hauser

Design of the tram chassis with reduced force effects on the track

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Lukáš Smetanka

Wheel and rail contact pair profile change by wear

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Lukáš Bavlna

Research of internal noise in vehicles depending on the floor construction of the passenger car

prof. Ing. Peter Zvolenský, CSc.


Ing. Mária Maňurová

Comfort analysis for rail vehicle passengers when passing the vehicle on track curves

doc. Ing. Tomáš Lack, PhD.


Ing. Martin Mikolajčík

Analysis of the possibility of optimizing fuel consumption on HKV independent traction

prof. Ing. Daniel Kalinčák, PhD.


Ing. František Ruman

A railway vehicle in terms of life cycle costs and revenues

doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.


Ing. Veronika Štefaňaková

Design of a set of two-wheel loads on a RAILBCOT test rig

prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici


Ing. Lenka Valčáková

Determination of dynamic properties of the RAILBCOT test state

doc. Ing. Tomáš Lack, PhD.


The dissertations were prepared and doctoral students participated in solving the projects listed below.

  • Supervisors of doctoral students (as well as securing persons) carry out continuous scientific research activities:

VEGA research projects:

1/0558/18: Investigation of the interaction of braked railway wheelset and track in simulated operating conditions of running the vehicle on the track on a test bench.

1/0786/17: Research of phenomena occurring in the contact of a railway wheel and a brake block during braking in simulated operating conditions of running a vehicle on a track on a test bench.

1/0927/15: Research into the possibilities of using alternative fuels and hybrid propulsion on traction vehicles in order to reduce fuel consumption and exhaust production.

1/0347/12: Research of wear of the running profile of a railway wheel by simulating the operating conditions of the vehicle running on the track on a test stand.

1/0383/12: Research of railway vehicles running characteristics using computer simulation

1/1098/11: Research on voltage distribution in a braked railway wheel.

1/0763/11: Stirling engine with unconventional FIK mechanism.

1/0362/10: Research of wear of the running profile of a railway wheel by simulating the operating conditions of the vehicle running on the track on a test stand.

1/0376/10: Research on the change of the geometry of the running profile of railway wheels due to operating loads using computer simulation.

1/4129/07: New maintenance concepts in mechanical engineering with computer support and the use of technical diagnostics.

1/4119/07: Research of dynamic properties of a road wheeled vehicle.

1/3169/06: Investigation of the properties of railway vehicles in motion with a focus on solving the contact of the wheel and rail when rolling the wheelset on the track using computer simulation.

1/2116/05: Interdisciplinary solution of modern means of rail transport using virtual models and experimental methods.

1/1078/04: Interdisciplinary solution to the problem of optimization of unconventional elements of internal combustion engines.

1/8061/01: Interdisciplinary solution of unconventional mechanisms of internal combustion engines.

1/5269/98: Research of the concept and interdisciplinary solution of dual propulsion of mobile energy means from the initial base wheel arrangement 2k2 intended for mountain conditions.

UIC research projects:

S-102-0033 / 20: Research to perform tests on railway brake pads according to program UIC541-3, 8th ed., According to procedures C.3 S.1 1 + C.4 S.2 1.

S-102-0030 / 20: Research activity to perform tests of COFREN C850 and JURID 816 M composite railway brake blocks in a 2 Bg arrangement according to UIC548, 3rd edition, May 2018, according to procedure G.1 and G.2.

S-102-0001 / 20: Project for experimental research of railway brake pad properties according to program UIC541 - 3, Annexes according to procedures C.3 S.1 1 + C.4 S.2 1.

S-102-0021 / 20: Research on the properties of BREMSKERL sintered railway brake pads according to program UIC541-3, Annexes, according to procedures C.6 T1 + C.7 T2.

S-102-0031 / 20: Investigation of the properties of LL18 type brake blocks in 2xBg configuration in accordance with program UIC541-4 according to procedure A6.

S-102-0027 / 20: Research activities to perform tests on railway brake pads according to program UIC541-3, 8th ed., According to procedures C.3 S.1 1 + C.4 S.2 1.

S-102-0026 / 20: Research activities intended to perform tests on railway brake pads according to program UIC541-3, Annexes according to procedures C.3 S.1 1 + C.4 S.2 1.

S-102-0020 / 20: Research for performance testing of railway composite block COFREN COFREN C850 in 2 Bgu according to UIC program s4l - 4, fourth edition, November 2018, within test program A4.

S-102-0022 / 20: Research activity in testing the properties of railway brake blocks according to program UIC541 - 3rd edition, 8th edition, under B.7 - Test program: Brake pads on discs of energy class E1. Program E1 - high-speed trains with a maximum speed of 300km / h.

S-102-0016 / 20: Investigation of the properties of LL18 type brake blocks in the 2xBg configuration in accordance with the UIC541-4 program according to the 2xA6 procedure.

S-102-0018 / 20: Research aimed at testing the properties of FLERTEX GT10-03 and GT8-03 railway brake pads according to program UIC541-3, Annex C, under C.1 Test programs R1B + C.7 T2.

S-102-0019 / 20: Research to perform tests on FLERTEX GT10-3 railway brake pads according to program UIC541-3 ver.8, Annex C, according to the procedure for wet tests C.4 S2.1.

S-102-0039 / 20: Research for testing the performance of railway brake blocks K in a 2xBg configuration according to the procedure of the PURAN K-Block Filter Program.

S-102-0003 / 20: Research for testing the performance of railway brake blocks K in a 2xBg configuration according to the procedure of the PURAN K-Block Filter Program.

S-102-0018 / 19: Research of K brake blocks in 2xBg configuration in accordance with the PURAN K-Block filter program.

APVV project:

APVV-0842-11: Simulator of equivalent railway operating load on a test bench.

APVV-20-037105: Liquid fuels based on vegetable oils and animal fats for transport and energy.

APVT 20 - 014702: Research and development of biogenic ecological fuels and lubricants from domestic renewable sources.

APVT-20-018404: Unconventional power unit with cooling internal combustion engine.

APVT - 20- 010302: More efficient use of primary fuel energy by the unconventional progressive principle of heat to cold thermocompression in a reciprocating internal combustion engine.

Project H2020:


SF projects:

Research and innovation: 26220220011: RAILBCOT - test condition of brake components of railway vehicles.

Cross-border: 22410320046: Other ways and forms of increasing the education, qualifications and skills of students and employees of companies with the aim of higher employment.

Operational Program Research and Innovation:

313011V334: Innovative solutions for propulsion, energy and safety components of vehicles.

313010P922: New generation of freight rail vehicles.

Education Operational Program:

    26110230107: Modern methods of teaching control and diagnostic systems of motor vehicles.

    26110230004: Systematization of the transfer of advanced technologies and knowledge between the industrial sphere and the university environment.

    26110230052: Increasing the competitiveness of technical study programs reflecting the current needs of business practice.

Foreign research project:

    265610: Versatile, Efficient and Longer Wagon for European Transportation.

    Aware project:

    6.FP EU Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge (TOK). Industry-Academia Partnership Scheme, CONTRACT No MTKI-CT-2006-042358. The project was implemented in cooperation with ALSTOM France (F) - ALSTOM Ferroviaria Savigliano (I), University of Sheffield (GB).


    FP7-SST-2007-RTD-1 Small or medium-scale focused research project, No .: 217856. Co_Modality - Encouraging modal shift and decongesting transport corridors. The project was implemented in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University (D), Ewals Cargo Care B.V. (NL), Wecon GmbH (D), Wesob Sp.z.o.o. (PL), HRD Trailer-Engineering GmbH (D), University of Žilina (SK), CTL Express Sp.z.o.o. (PL), WincantonGmbH (D), European Intermodal Association (B), Intermodal Concepts & Management AG (CH).

    International scientific projects of DP EU: RA.N.E .: Railway Network of Excellence - Project with the support of the European Social Fund. Countries represented in the consortium: Italy (coordinator - K-Lab), Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia.

    INTERGAUGE - Interoperability, Security and Safety of Goods Movement with 1435 and 1520 (1524) mm Track Gauge Railways: New Technology in Freight Transport including hazardous Products (Interoperability, Reliability and Safety of Goods Movement with 1435 and 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways: new technology in the transport of dangerous goods) Contract No TST4-2005-516205. Coordinator - Warsaw Technical University) + Finland, Ukraine, Slovakia.


KEGA educational project:

    036ŽU-4/2021: Implementation of modern methods of computer and experimental analysis of vehicle components properties in the education of future vehicle designers.

    023ŽU-4/2020: Development of advanced virtual models for the study and investigation of the operational characteristics of vehicles.

    044ŽU-4/2019: Implementation of innovative elements into the educational process within the study program Maintenance of Vehicles.

    077ŽU-4/2017: Modernization of the study program Vehicles and Engines.

    022ŽU-4/2017: Implementation of online education in the field of precision technologies with emphasis on the educational process to increase the skills and flexibility of engineering students.

UNIZA grate projects:

    12826: Examination of air resistance when moving brake discs.

    12725: Modelling and experimental verification of the properties of unconventional types of vehicle mechanisms and their implementation in real designs.

    The results of their creative scientific research were awarded:


prof. Dr. Ing. Juraj Gerlici (the head of the department, the head of the research teams):

  • KDMT staff award for scientific research (2017).
  • Awards Fair Price, International Engineering Fair Nitra 2017, RAILBCOT - Test condition of brake components of rail vehicles.
  • Award Honorable Mention, International Engineering Fair Nitra 2018, E3-kolka.


Assoc. prof. Ing. Dalibor Barta, PhD .:

  • Gold Medal of the Faculty of Transport of the Technical University of Sofia for the development of cooperation in the field of Erasmus.


Assoc. prof. Ing. Ján Dižo, Ph.D.

  • UNIZA Scientist Award, 2020.
  • Award in the competition for the best contribution of the EVM 2014 conference, Ústí nad Labem, UJEP.




g Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme

Ing. Denis Molnár
The student is a member of the Board of the Railway vehicles (PhD.) Study program.
He is a student of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles in the full-time form of study.



h Study advisor of the study programme

Study advisor:
Assoc. prof. Ing. Miroslav Blatnický, PhD.
The study advisor is available in person at room BB308a on Wednesdays from 08:30 to 09:30 (or at other times as agreed), via e-mail communication, telephone conversation (+421 41 513 2668) or via MS TEAMS.



i Other supporting staff of the study programme - assigned study officer, career counsellor, administration, accommodation department, etc.

FME UNIZA has support staff, and its current state fully meets the needs of students and teachers and other creative staff of the faculty. Contacts on them are listed on the websites of the faculty and departments.

Science and Research Department:

Ing. Eva Carmen Gavlas, PhD.
Tel .: +421 41 513 2705.
e-mail: .

The department is adequately staffed, professionally and financially secured. Supporting professional staff in this department, which in terms of competence and number meets the needs of students and teachers of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles in connection with educational goals and outputs, provide tutoring, counselling, administrative and other support services and related activities for students of FME UNIZA. The responsibilities and competencies of these departments are regulated in the organizational rules of the faculty.

Faculty Secretary, Ing. Ivana Remišová, (e-mail:, ensures the economic and administrative operation of the faculty and its components, performs professional work in analytical and conceptual activities, secures and processes the faculty budget, monitors and evaluates the management of allocated funds at the faculty and individual departments, provides and prepares background materials for faculty bodies, methodically manages the economic activities of departments.

Administrative support for foreign mobilities is provided at the faculty to students and academic staff by the Department of Foreign Relations, which provides advice on exchange stays and student internships and the promotion of international mobility.

Mgr. Renáta Janovčíková
e-mail: .

For relations activities of the Erasmus + program, the Department for International Relations and Marketing - Mgr. Lenka Kuzmová (e-mail: ), who manages all activities of the program at UNIZA.

If necessary, students also have access to a support apparatus at the level of departments / departments providing education, e.g. head of department, study advisors, secretariat (eg departmental libraries, travel PhD.).

SP students use UNIZA accommodation facilities with supporting administrative and technical staff,,



8. Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centres, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

Classroom designation

Classroom equipment


Laboratory of Transport and Handling Machines


Research and training centre for the study of phenomena arising during running and braking of a rail vehicle in contact with a railway wheel in a simulated railway operation

  • Test Stand Control Centre.
  • Railway vehicles brake components test stand (RAILBCOT).
  • Equivalent railway operating load simulator on a test bench.
  • Test equipment for measuring the power of internal combustion engines.
  • Selected sections of the theory of railway vehicles.
  • Dissertation project 1.
  • Scientific work 1.
  • Dissertation project 2.
  • Scientific work 2.
  • Experimental methods in the field.
  • Dissertation project 3.
  • Scientific work 3.
  • Dissertation project 4.
  • Scientific work 4.
  • Dissertation work.

Heavy laboratory of railway vehicles

  • The UIC flywheel braking test stand
  • Dynamics of railway vehicles.
  • Dissertation project 1.
  • Scientific work 1.
  • Dissertation project 2.
  • Scientific work 2.
  • Experimental methods in the field.
  • Dissertation project 3.
  • Scientific work 3.
  • Dissertation project 4.
  • Scientific work 4.
  • Dissertation work.

Laboratory of measuring technology, technical diagnostics and project preparation and implementation

  • B&K 2236 precision sound level tester.
  • Ono Sokki FFT analyser.
  • Measuring system Pulse B&K 3560 B-X01.
  • B&K acoustic calibrator.
  • Sound level meter B&K 2218, 1/3 oct. filter B & K1616.
  • B&K 1261 bandpass filter.
  • Model of the pneumatic part of the DAKO brake system of a freight wagon.
  • Training panels for vehicle fault diagnosis.
  • Dissertation project 1.
  • Scientific work 1.
  • Dissertation project 2.
  • Scientific work 2.
  • Experimental methods in the field.
  • Dissertation project 3.
  • Scientific work 3.
  • Dissertation project 4.
  • Scientific work 4.
  • Dissertation work.

Railway vehicles laboratory

CAx technology workplace

  • Computer (10pcs).
  • Software equipment (Catia V6, ANSYS, SIMPACK).
  • Data projector.
  • Dissertation project 1.
  • Scientific work 1.
  • Dissertation project 2.
  • Scientific work 2.
  • Dissertation project 3.
  • Scientific work 3.
  • Dissertation project 4.
  • Scientific work 4.
  • Dissertation work.

Railway vehicles mini-laboratory

  • A model of a railway and an infrastructure.
  • Dissertation project 1.
  • Scientific work 1.
  • Dissertation project 2.
  • Scientific work 2.
  • Dissertation project 3.
  • Scientific work 3.
  • Dissertation project 4.
  • Scientific work 4.
  • Dissertation work

For individual study programs, there is also a 3D photo gallery of premises - classrooms, laboratories, where the teaching of subjects is carried out: 

The students of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles mainly use the classrooms and laboratories of the Department of Transport and Handling Machines, or other premises of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, as well as the university-wide premises of UNIZA. These spaces are located in several buildings within the university campus. Doctoral students have a personal computer with the appropriate hardware and software and Internet access. Doctoral students usually perform their activities in the assigned room of the training workplace - department.

The operation and availability of material, technical and information resources is ensured from subsidy funds, funds from business activities and funds from publicly available grant schemes.

The Institute of Physical Education provides physical education and sports activities for UNIZA students. The Institute of Physical Education offers UNIZA students a wide range of sports specializations: .

  • In the fit-club in Hliny there is a fitness centre, aerobic hall, squash court, multi-purpose playground, regeneration complex, gym for martial arts, climbing wall, sauna.
  • In the fitness club Veľký Diel there is a fitness centre, multi-purpose hall, ricochet playground, gym T1 Veľký Diel, gym Májová street, Tennis courts, football grass field, athletic track available for those interested.

For those interested in performance sports, there are sections of the ACADEMIC UNIZA sports club. The Institute of Physical Education regularly organizes one-day and multi-day rafting sports courses (Soča, Salza, Váh, Hron, Belá), cycling stays connected with tourism, as well as winter skiing courses (Nízke Tatry, Alps, etc.).



b Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.)

At the university level, Directive 217 Resources for the Support of Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina defines processes, procedures and structures: .

Internet access:

Classrooms and laboratories at the workplace providing the doctoral study program Rail Vehicles (KDMT SjF UNIZA) are connected to the university network, which allows students unrestricted access to the Internet. UNIZA operates its own Wi-Fi network. Through the connection to the university Wi-Fi network (accessible in all UNIZA premises), students gain free access to the UNIZA website and unlimited internet access after activating the account. The university WiFi network supports EDUROAM.

UNIZA students also have the Microsoft Office 365 software package at their disposal. Https:// . A student license allows them to use Office 365 web and desktop applications throughout their studies.

The University of Žilina also owns the Total Academic Headcount (TAH) license for MATLAB & Simulink: . Under the Matlab TAH license for UNIZA, students will gain access to e.g. to: Matlab, Simulink, all major toolboxes - Matlab Online, Matlab Drive and Matlab Mobile. In addition to these services, they have the opportunity to take online Matlab Online Training Suite courses. The license allows Matlab to be used by all teachers and students for teaching, research and education purposes. Matlab can be installed on all university facilities and private computers.

The University of Žilina owns a license for engineering and simulation software from Ansys: . Individual software from the ANSYS software package enables the solution of physical problems for the following types of fields: deformation fields in flexible bodies, fluid flow, temperature fields, high-frequency electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic fields, optics. It is also possible to solve mixed field problems and many other technical problems in the field of: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, construction, safety engineering, medicine, transport, optics, 3D printing, etc. Algorithms and computational models are based mainly on the finite element method, which is the most versatile method for solving partial differential equations and variation finding problems.

Electronic information system:

The basic information system for the process of education and teaching at UNIZA is the Academic Information and Education System (AIVS). AIVS is available to students from the university domain and from the Internet. It also covers the detached workplaces of the university. At present, the AIVS covers the entire life cycle of a university student with its services, from the submission of the application to the final examination and activities related to the completion of studies at the university. AIVS UNIZA consists of subsystems:

  • Subsystem "Admission procedure", which provides processing of the application (electronic / classical), results and their evaluation, communication with the applicant and processing of statistics for kindergartens.
  • Subsystem "Education" - , which consists of modules: student register, study administration, study enrolment, processing of teaching schedule and resource management, administration of exams, course of study, registration of study results, continuous evaluation of study results, study stays (mobility),
  • Subsystem "Conclusion of studies", which consists of modules "final theses" and "state exams".

AIVS is integrated with other information systems that are part of the university intranet, such as - University Library, student card issuance and student card administration, access system, user management (identity management), attendance system (doctoral student attendance). AIVS is connected to the system of university e-mail addresses of students and to applications for digital certificate and electronic signature in selected AIVS services. The UniApps application allows you to access AIVS data and services from Android mobile devices, in accordance with the university's concept of introducing mobile technologies. UniApps allows access to information regardless of place and time using a mobile device for full-time students in 1st to 3rd grade.

The FME UNIZA is also connected to the AIVS, which uses more than 700 computers in the pedagogical and scientific research process (of which 363 PCs are directly available to students at the 1st - 3rd level of university studies) and software such as: MatLab® & Simulink® under the university license Total Academic Headcount (TAH), LabVIEW, ME´scopeVES 5.0 (Vibrant Technology), ANSYS, ADINA, MSC.MARC, MSC.AUTOFORGE, MSC.FATIGUE, MSC.ADAMS, Mathematica, SYSWELD, ABAQUS, Axio Vision 4 with Materials package, phase analysis module, cast iron analysis and topography module, Witness Horizon 21 - software for modeling and optimization of production and maintenance processes, TechOptimizer 2.5 - for innovations, IQ-RM PRO 6.5 - FMEA and FMECA, Catia, Simpack, AMR-WinControl, Pro / ENGINEER, AutoCAD, VisiLogic, CodeVision AVR Evaluation, simulation programs for industrial robots (TriVariant v9.exe, HEXAPOD prototype simulation v1.0.exe, RoboSim.exe) and mobile robots (MobilnyRobot. exe), DELMIA Dasault Systemes, Siemes Tecnom atix for PLM including Tecnomatix Jack, Tecnomatix Process Simulate, Tecnomatix Plant Simulation, Tecnomatix Robcad, Tecnomatix Facory Cad and Factory Flow, the comprehensive Siemes Teamcenter data management software package, etc.

The University of Žilina is a member of the Slovak Infrastructure for High Performance Computing (SIVVP) project, which was approved in March 2009. The project was implemented in 2012. High performance computing (HPC) or high performance computing (VVP) means the use of (super) computers and computer clusters. to solve numerically or data demanding tasks from various branches of science and technology such as medicine, physics, chemistry, economics. Students can use ANSYS software, COMSOL, COMSOL - cluster computing, Genome Trax, Mathematica 11.1, MATLAB - GRID license, MATLAB - TAH license and SIMPACK.

Access to study literature:

The University Library of the University of Žilina (UK UNIZA is a central workplace providing comprehensive library and information activities within the profiling of UNIZA, its individual fields of study and study subjects, relevant according to current needs and changed requirements in the form acquisition, professional processing and access to professional monographs, textbooks, scripts, standards, journals, legislative documents, periodicals, statistical reviews and yearbooks, language and professional dictionaries, encyclopedias, electronic information carriers, electronic information sources, electronic books. The library makes information about the acquired study and other professional literature available to UNIZA users as a priority, as well as to the general public via an electronic online catalog. It provides all provided services automatically, including lending activities, interlibrary and international interlibrary lending services, search activities, address information disclosure, provision of DDS-type services and electronic reference services.

Students have access to a number of subscription full-text and search databases, such as WOS, SCOPUS, Science Direct, Springer Online, Wileys, Oxford Publishing, etc.

UK UNIZA has 3 study rooms available for users (92 study places ). Their total area accessible to users is 540 m2. The study rooms and the rental shop are equipped with computer technology with direct internet access (46 PCs). 11,292 library units (basic study literature, electronic and audio-visual documents, final and qualification theses, standards) and periodical literature are freely available for full-time study in the study rooms. In the study rooms (also through other UNIZA IP addresses) there are accessible electronic databases corresponding to the subject profile of the university - (35 databases mostly accessing full-text resources). There is a study and relaxation zone, a quiet box and the so-called brain.

In addition to the library fund accessible directly on the premises of the Charles University, partial libraries (in the number of 109 partial libraries) have been set up at the departments with the possibility of borrowing. FME UNIZA tries to make as much information as possible available to students, which is why part of the study literature - scripts, is published in electronic form. State of the scripts, presentations from lectures, exercise aids and others are published by the authors for students on the websites of the relevant departments and in the university e-learning system. FME UNIZA publishes its own teaching texts (monographs, university textbooks, scripts) mostly in the EDIS publishing house, which is part of UNIZA. Scientific journals are also published at UNIZA - .



c Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning

The study is on-site, but teachers are ready to move to a distance form of teaching if problems similar to the current situation with the pandemic disease COVID-19 arise. In this case, the training will be implemented using Moodle or MS Teams.

Thanks to the MS Office 365 package: , which is used by UNIZA, it is possible to share large files, online teaching and testing in a very reliable mode with smooth transmission large volumes of data at a time. Online teaching and testing within the components of this package, such as Teams and Forms can be used. The Dean of FME UNIZA informs students about the transition of FME UNIZA from full-time study to distance education by mass e-mail. In the case of a short-term transition within a certain subject, students are informed in advance by the responsible teacher of the subject. Students are informed at the beginning of the semester about the conditions for completing the course during the transition from full-time to distance form.

The provision of study materials to students is a standard part of the teaching process. Several approaches are used for this purpose. Basic information about the content of the course is published in the information sheet of the course, which is also a description of relevant sources of literature necessary to acquire knowledge determined by the content of the course. The faculty strives to provide the necessary study literature through the university library and departmental libraries. Another way is to publish presentations and other study materials on the faculty's website for relevant subjects within individual departments in accordance with copyright law. A more sophisticated approach is the publication of study materials through Moodle and various e-learning tools, which allow students to use study material in the form of presentations, videos, tests based on university staff approaches and allow direct communication with teachers in the form of lectures, seminars, exercises and consultations. subject.

The individual subjects of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles are provided with the necessary teaching texts (textbooks, scripts), which are regularly updated within the plan of publishing activities at UNIZA and beyond. In addition to the library, UNIZA has an EDIS literature shop  and an EDIS shop: .

Coverage of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles with basic study literature (selected book publications and scripts) issued by teachers providing subjects):

  • KALINČÁK, D., GRENČÍK, J .: Transport systems (In Slovak). Scripts. ŽU in Žilina, 2006. ISBN 80-8070-530-5.
  • HLAVNA, V., GERLICI, J., LABUDA, R., LANG, A. et al .: Theory of Transport Means (In Slovak). University textbook. ISBN 80-8070-498-8. EDIS - publishing house ŽU Žilina 2006.
  • KALINČÁK, D., GERLICI, J., KUKUČA, P., LÁBAJ, J., LACK, T., POLÁCH, O., SÁGA, M .: Means of transport - calculation methods (In Slovak), 402 pages, ŽU v Žiline 2005, ISBN 80-8070-476-7.
  • DIŽO, J., BLATNICKÝ, M .: Mechanics of Vehicles and Machines, Part I (In Slovak). EDIS - University of Žilina, Žilina, ISBN 978-80-554-1625-0.
  • GERLICI, J., LACK, T .: Contact of railway wheelset and track (In Slovak). 1st ed., V Žiline: Žilinská univerzita, 2004. - 200 pp., Fotograf., Grafy, sch., Tab. - ISBN 80-8070-317-5.
  • GERLICI, J. et al .: Transport means properties analysis. Vol. 1, 2005, 1st ed. - Žilina: University of Žilina, 2005. - 214 s. - ISBN 80-8070-408-2.
  • GRENČÍK, J. et al .: Maintenance Management II: Synergy of Theory and Practice (In Slovak). 2. revised and supplemented ed. - Kosice: Slovenska spolocnost sluzba vo vydavateľstva BEKI design, s.r.o., 2020. - 697 s., Fotografie, grafy, ilustrace, schemati. - ISBN 978-80-553-3539-1.
  • GRENČÍK, J. et al .: Maintenance management: synergy of theory and practice (In Slovak). 1st ed., Košice: Slovak company maintenance in publishing house BEKI design, s.r.o., 2013. - 629 pp., Ilustr. - ISBN 978-80-89522-03-3.
  • HABARDA, D., GRENČÍK, J .: Bogies of urban railway vehicles (In Slovak). Vyd. 1., Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, Strojnícka fakulta, 2005. - 125 s. - ISBN 80-8070-511-9.
  • HLAVŇA, V., KUKUČA, P., STUCHLÝ, V., ZVOLENSKÝ, P .: Means of transport and environment (In Slovak), VŠDS Žilina 1996.



d Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation

The doctoral study program Railway vehicles is a modern study program enabling the acquisition of knowledge based on the current state of scientific knowledge in the field of Railway vehicles, as well as other related types of vehicles. Mobility for the 21st century with sub-areas intelligent means of transport, technologies and materials, greening of transport and industry to achieve carbon, neutrality, energy and the environment, energy resources of the future with a focus on "Green Energy", electromobility and the environmental impact of transport, construction of vehicles of the future and green energy is one of the main pillars of the FME: .

The securing workplace - Department of Transport and Handling Machines (FME UNIZA) - performs continuous research activities in the field of study program at the national and international level. The transformation of outputs into the pedagogical and scientific research area takes place thanks to cooperation with professionally related workplaces KTH Stockolm (Sweden), TU Berlin (Germany), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw (Poland), Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, Łomża (Poland), Slaska Katowice University of Technology (PL), Lublin University of Technology, Lublin (Poland), Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk (Ukraine), State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kiev (Ukraine), Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomyr (Ukraine), Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Kharkov (Ukraine), University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic), J.E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic), Technical University of Liberec, Liberec (Czech Republic), Jan Perner Faculty of Transport - University of Pardubice, Pardubice (Czech Republic), VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), CTU Prague (Czech Republic), from Slovak mainly STU Bratislava, TU Košice and also thanks to cooperation with companies in which university graduates find employment in the field, especially domestic TATRAVAGÓNKA Poprad, a.s., ŽOS-Vrútky, ŽOS-Trnava, ŽOS-Zvolen, operation of ZSSK, ŽSR, CARGO vehicles, design offices e.g. AstraRail, Continental Zvolen, Adient, Yanfeng or foreign: SIEMENS (Ostrava, Prague, Vienna), ŠKODA Transportation, ŠKODA Vagonka, DAKO Třemošnice, CZ LOKO, Inc., research institutes: VÚD (Transport Research Institute) VÚKV (Railway vehicles Research Institute) , VÚŽ (Railway Research Institute).

These organizations are also major employers of graduates who have chosen a research focus, etc.

Within the cooperation, exchange internships of employees, students and doctoral students are also carried out, scientific and professional articles are published, joint applications for patents and utility models are implemented and projects are prepared, international projects are solved within bilateral scientific research cooperation (e.g. in cooperation with VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava and others).

In cooperation with the Jan Perner Faculty of Transport - University of Pardubice, an international scientific conference Current Problems in Rail Vehicles is organized.

In cooperation with the Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of Technology, an international scientific conference DynRail is organized.



e Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities

The possibilities of social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities of students are listed on the website of the University of Žilina: ( ).

Students are catered for by the UNIZA Catering Facility - New Canteen: .

Accommodation of UNIZA students is provided by accommodation facilities in Veľký Diel: and Hliny: .

Sports activities at UNIZA are provided by the Institute of Physical Education UNIZA: , which offers basic sports activities:

  • Fit-club accommodation Hliny V: In the fit-club in Hlyny there is a fitness centre, aerobic hall, squash court, multipurpose playground, regeneration complex, gym for martial arts, climbing wall, sauna.
  • Fit-club accommodation Veľký Diel: In the fitness club Veľký Diel there is a fitness centre, multipurpose hall, ricochet playground, gym T1 Veľký Diel, gym Májová street, tennis courts, football field, athletic track.
  • Performance sports: The sections of the ACADEMIC UNIZA sports club are available for those interested in performance sports. The Institute of Physical Education regularly organizes one-day and multi-day rafting sports courses (Soča, Salza, Váh, Hron, Belá), cycling stays connected with tourism, as well as winter skiing courses (Low Tatras, Alps).

Cultural and artistic activities within the city of Žilina are offered, for example:

The spiritual enjoyment of students is provided by the University Pastoral Centre, Žilina: .

The social enjoyment of students is enabled by several student organizations operating at UNIZA (see the freshman's guide: ), for example:



f Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships, application instructions, rules for recognition of this education

The students of the SP Industrial Engineering can participate in the international mobility programmes of the EU e.g. CEEPUS and Erasmus+ - the application and rules of acknowledging of this education are managed by the rules of the given programmes. The list of the participating institutions is updated regularly. The instructions are published at the Faculty web site. In the framework of the scientific activities on their own projects or the supervisor´s projects, the students are sent to the partner universities and research institutions not only in Europe but also worldwide. They can also utilise the bilateral international mobility projects, e.g. through the Slovak Academic Information Agency – SAAIA and the National Scholarship Fund.

The binding contractual partnerships enable participating of the interested parties and their representatives on designing, approving, realising and assessing the study programme. The agreements with the partners concretise the conditions for participation of the partner´s employees to realise the study programme and conditions for providing the premises and material and information resources and ensuring the quality of the study realised in the partner´s premises including the final works. 

UNIZA has the possibility to send the students to the foreign countries for the study stays in the framework of the partnerships to 56 universities abroad. Other schemes covering practically the whole world offer even broader possibilities, especially in the framework of Erasmus+ and activities of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic realised through SAIA. They are: CEEPUS, National Scholarship Fund, the action Austria – Slovakia, Visegrad Fund, etc. Except fot Erasmus+ the Faculty has further contractual cooperation with AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków, Poland), Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria), International Visegrad Fund.

The Erasmus+ coordinators at the Faculty help create a precise study plan for the applicants for studying at a university abroad that is a condition for acknowledging the study abroad at the Faculty. The annual reports of the Faculty provide thorough information about participation of the students in the mobilities abroad during the individual years:

Directive No.  219 - Mobility Programmes of UNIZA Students and Staff Abroad ( PART 2: UNIZA STUDENTS´ MOBILITY ABROAD AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATING IN STUDY STAYS ABROAD,  describes the possibilities and conditions of the students´ participation in the mobilities and stays, the application instructions, the rules for acknowledging this education.

The basic information to the Erasmus+ mobilites:

The basic information to the CEEPUS mibilities:

Contact persons at faculty level: 

Name, surname, titles: prof. Dr. Ing. Ivan Kuric, Dr.
Area of responsibility/competence: vice-dean for foreign relations, faculty Erasmus+ coordinator
Contact (e-mail, tel.):, +421415132800

Name, surname, titles: Mgr. Renáta Janovčíková
Area of responsibility/competence: Erasmus+ programme officer at the faculty
Contact (e-mail, tel.): ,   +421415132518

Contact persons at university level:
Name, surname, titles: prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD.
Area of responsibility/competence: vice-rector for international relations and marketing, institutional Erasmus+ coordinator
Contact (e-mail, tel.): , +421415135130

Name, surname, titles: Mgr. Lenka Kuzmová
Area of responsibility/competence: coordination of activities of Erasmus+ projects, Erasmus+ cooperation agreements, coordination of study stays and internships of students
Contact (e-mail, tel.): ,  +421415135132

Name, surname, titles: Anna Súkeníková
Area of responsibility/competence: coordination of Erasmus+ mobility of teachers
Contact (e-mail, tel.): ,  +421415135133 

Name, surname, titles: Ing. Jana Andrlová
Area of responsibility/competence: coordination of Erasmus mobility of staff and teachers
Contact (e-mail, tel.): , +421415135139 

Name, surname, titles: Ing. Jana Stranianková
Area of responsibility/competence: coordination of Erasmus+ incoming students, accommodation of students
Contact (e-mail, tel.): , +421415135149



9. Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a Required abilities and necessary admission requirements

The document Principles and Rules of the Admission Procedure for the 3rd Degree of University Studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina: procedures for the study of doctoral study programs (third level of university education) provided by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina. The rules are processed in accordance with Directive no. 206 Principles and rules of the admission procedure for studies at the University of Žilina  and approved annually by the Academic Senate of the Faculty. Within the set deadline, all information concerning the admission procedure / admission conditions, dates, accredited study programs and planned numbers of admitted students / are published on the faculty website and the University Portal:,,,

It is assumed that the applicant has the skills for independent creative activity in the field of mechanical engineering and a high level of professional knowledge, knowledge and insights from the subjects of the second degree study program related to the chosen doctoral study program and the selected topic of the dissertation. An admission procedure is implemented for studies in all accredited study programs at FME UNIZA. By respecting and applying the principles and rules of the admission procedure, the UNIZA FME guarantees that:

  • The admission procedure is fair, transparent and reliable.
  • The conditions of the admission procedure are inclusive and guarantee equal opportunities for every applicant who demonstrates the necessary prerequisites for graduation.
  • The selection of applicants is based on appropriate methods for assessing their eligibility for study.
  • The criteria and requirements for candidates are published in advance and easily accessible.

Basic admission condition:

The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies (third-degree study program) is the acquisition of an academic degree at the second level of university studies (Act No. 131/2002 Coll. On Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the “Act “).

An applicant who does not submit a document of completion of the second degree study at the time of the meeting of the admissions committee may be admitted to the study conditionally, if he / she submits this document no later than on the day determined for enrolment.

For applicants who have received the education necessary to meet the basic condition of admission to study at a recognized educational institution located outside the territory of the Slovak Republic (does not apply to the Czech Republic), it is necessary that the diploma is recognized as equivalent to the diploma issued by a recognized educational institution. institution in the Slovak Republic (recognition of certificates of education for the purpose of continuing studies according to Act No. 422/2015 Coll. on the recognition of documents on education and on the recognition of professional qualifications and on the amendment of certain acts).

Written and oral command of the Slovak or Czech language at an appropriate level (equivalent to at least level B1) is required for the study of study programs implemented by the UNIZA FME; language training can also be completed at UNIZA. Knowledge of at least one world language (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian) at an appropriate level is also required. Written and oral proficiency in the English language at least at the B1 level is required for the study of study programs implemented by the UNIZA FME in English.

Admission of foreign students:

Admission conditions apply to foreign applicants as to applicants from the Slovak Republic. Foreign students who study in a language other than the state language pay tuition fees according to the conditions specified in § 92 par. 8 of the Higher Education Act. Tuition fees are set by the UNIZA guideline and published for the relevant academic year on the university's website. Foreign students who study in the Slovak language do not pay tuition fees. Applicants from the Czech Republic can use the form valid in the Czech Republic to submit their application for study. Applicants who do not actively speak Slovak or Czech are required to successfully complete language training (possibility to complete at UNIZA). The conditions specified in the relevant documents apply to foreign applicants accepted on the basis of interstate agreements, bilateral agreements or scholarship holders of the Government of the Slovak Republic.



b Admission procedures

At UNIZA level, processes, procedures and structures are defined by Directive no. 206 Principles and Rules of the Admission Procedure for Studies at the University of Žilina .

Further conditions for admitting applicants to study doctoral study programs at the UNIZA FME are set out in Section 57 of the Act. The admission procedure will take the form of a selection procedure in order to ensure that applicants with the necessary skills and prerequisites enter the study. All applicants go through the selection process.

The selection procedure for doctoral studies is carried out in the form of an interview with each applicant separately before the admissions committee. One of the main activities of the doctoral study program is the scientific research or artistic creative activity of the doctoral student, which forms a substantial part of the doctoral study (see business cards of current doctoral students - 

The aim of the entrance examination for doctoral studies at the Technical Materials School is to verify the professional ability of the applicant to study in the chosen study program and to find out the applicant's preconditions for independent creative activity. In order to verify these facts in order to ensure a high level of education and the achievement of internationally acceptable results in science and research, the following in particular shall be examined in the admission process:

  • Prerequisites of the applicant for independent creative activity in the field of materials engineering (e.g. by participating in the solution of UNIZA Grant System projects for 2nd level university students according to Directive No. 180 Grant System of the University of Žilina).
  • The level of professional knowledge, knowledge and insights from the subjects of the second degree study program related to the chosen doctoral study program and the selected topic of the dissertation.
  • Ability to create publication outputs of the results of their creative work and their publication in the form of contributions in journals or proceedings.
  • Ability to present the results of their work by participating in conferences and competitions at home and abroad.
  • Ability to use available scientific and professional resources mainly from international indexed databases.
  • Knowledge of at least one foreign language at an appropriate level.

The doctoral student is expected and verified his motivation for study, professional competence, prerequisites for creative and independent work, active approach to fulfilling tasks and personal responsibility. The entrance examination shall take place before an admissions committee consisting of at least four members. The Admissions Committee shall be composed of its chairman and at least two members. Another member of the commission is a trainer for the listed topic. Candidates will be compiled according to the following:

  • Entrance exam results.
  • Results achieved in the 2nd level of university studies.
  • Evaluation of diploma thesis defence.
  • Participation in student scientific conferences.
  • Applicant's previous publishing activities.

Minutes shall be taken of the result of the entrance examination. Applicants will be admitted to the study based on the order of the results of the entrance exam. The final decision on the outcome of the admission procedure will be taken by the Dean of the FME UNIZA on the basis of the recommendation of the FME UNIZA Admissions Committee. If the conditions for admission are met by a larger number of applicants than the planned number of accepted applicants, the dean of the faculty may decide to accept a higher number of these applicants. Decisions on admission / non-admission to the study will be delivered to the applicants by registered mail in their own hands within the legal deadline. The decision on admission to study delivered to the applicant also states the procedure for enrolling the applicant for study.

At the request of an applicant with special needs, the form of the entrance examination and the method of its examination will be determined taking into account his / her specific needs in accordance with the "Support for Applicants and Students with Special Needs at the University of Žilina".

Topics of dissertations, which the applicant can apply for in the study of doctoral study programs, are published, together with the names of supervisors on the faculty's website: 

Topics of dissertation theses in SP Railway Vehicles are:

Topics must be published no later than two months before the last application deadline. The applicant applies for one or more of the listed topics, states the name of the study program and the form of study in which he is interested in studying. Applicants fill in the application form for university studies - 3rd degree or use the electronic form. The electronic application can be filled in through the UNIZA information system: , which allows the applicant to verify its registration in the information system from the date of its submission until the end of the admission procedure. They can also use the university portal: . All required attachments can be inserted electronically as scanned documents. Even in the case of an electronic application, it is necessary to print the application, sign it, document the required attachments and proof of payment of the fee and send it by post to the address of FME UNIZA by 31 May 2022 (inclusive). Incomplete application for study, resp. study applications sent after the deadline will not be accepted. In case of non-participation, resp. unsuccessful in the admission procedure, the faculty does not return the handling fee for the admission procedure. If the applicant wants to participate in the admission procedure at several UNIZA faculties, the application must be submitted separately to each faculty with the payment of the relevant fee.

The applicant for the study program of the third degree attaches the following documents and requisites to the application:

  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Confirmation of payment of the fee for the admission procedure.
  • Scan of the application signed by the applicant (in case of electronic submission).
  • Copies of documents on education, while the accepted candidate is obliged to submit certified copies of documents on education no later than on the day designated for enrolment (for UNIZA graduates, a certified copy of documents is not a condition).
  • A brief idea of the solution of the chosen topic of the dissertation (motivation letter).

If the candidate has at his / her disposal, he / she may also attach the following documents to the application, which he / she will deliver to the faculty no later than on the day of the entrance examination:

  • List of their published and unpublished works, articles, or. expert opinions of these works.
  • Overview of awards received.
  • Copies of documents on participation and placements in student scientific conferences.
  • Copies of documents on other significant results of their professional and scientific activities.



c Results of the admission process over the last period

UNIZA archives the documentation of the admission procedure, enrolment in the study and enrolment in the next part of the study, extract of study results, copies of study documents and other documentation for at least 25 years from the date of completion of the study.

Doctoral study program Railway vehicles:

Year of study








Number of applications

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of admitted students

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of enrolled students




0 0 0




10. Feedback on the quality of provided education
a Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality

Rules, procedures and responsibilities concerning the systematic collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information for the management of educational activities and for the management of creative activities are laid down in Directive no. About the collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information to support the management of study programs: .

Feedback is obtained at various stages and stages of the student's life cycle, from the applicant, through the bachelor's, engineering and doctoral students, to the graduates of the second or third degree. Gaining feedback is carried out through a regular survey, which is conducted annually by applicants and students, and is conducted regularly every three years by graduates. Surveys are conducted in electronic form in a predetermined time interval and the answers obtained are evaluated by statistical methods (average, trend, net promode score, etc.) in numerical and graphical form.

At the third level, a survey is conducted among graduates in the form of a questionnaire in each of the study programs:

On the basis of the conducted surveys and the analysis of the findings, measures are taken at the UNIZA FME, which are applied to the educational process and all areas affected and which affect it. The application of the findings is followed by monitoring the effectiveness of the measures taken, which monitors the change in satisfaction of students in the various stages of the student's life cycle.

Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' views on the quality of the study program are also in place at the faculty level. Modified by SjF_SM02 Directive Customer satisfaction assessment directive, which is listed in the register of documentation and records of SjF:

Measurement and evaluation of customer satisfaction - doctoral students (MHSZ) is provided by the Department of Science and Research. MHSZ is performed once per relevant academic year in the summer semester.



b Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality

Feedback of doctoral students at FME UNIZA in order to increase the quality of the study program was realized through the form via MS TEAMS:

The anonymous survey was attended by 46 full-time doctoral students out of 55 doctoral students enrolled in the academic year 2021/2022, i.e. 83% of students. The results are documented at:

The results show that:

  • 84% of students are satisfied with the content of the study.
  • 82% of students are satisfied with the scientific level of study.
  • 65% of students had the opportunity for consultations, resp. implementation of experiments abroad (note: mobility up to 2 or 3 years of study usually participates in mobility abroad).
  • 73% of students are satisfied with the approach of the tutor and 76% with the approach of other teachers in the training workplace.
  • 84% of students expressed satisfaction with the possibility of foreign mobility.
  • 15% of students would welcome more help, training in providing pedagogical activities.
  • 84% of students are satisfied with the access and availability of information at the relevant study department for the 3rd level of university (Department of Science and Research).
  • 78% of students are satisfied with the provision of the training workplace with literature, resp. access to scientific databases.
  • 73% of students are generally satisfied with the study program and at the same time would certainly recommend it to other students (8% of students are dissatisfied).

The guarantors of the study programs and the management of the FME (Dean's College) analyse the data from the feedback obtained, identify opportunities and suggestions for strengthening strengths, use potential opportunities to improve and eliminate identified weaknesses and potential threats.

The results of the feedback on the implemented education and the identified opportunities for improvement will be subsequently analysed, evaluated by the Study Program Board and are the basis for the preparation of the Study Program Evaluation Report within the periodic evaluation of the study program by the Study Program Board.



c Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality

Feedback from graduates of the doctoral study program Railway vehicles was provided through the online questionnaire MS FORMS (

The results of the questionnaire survey are shown in the graphs:

The guarantor of the study program analyses the data from the feedback, identifies possibilities and suggestions for strengthening the strengths, eliminating the identified weaknesses and possible threats.

The results of the feedback on the implemented education and identified opportunities for improvement are subsequently analysed, evaluated by the Railway Vehicles Study Program Board and will be the basis for the preparation of the Study Program Evaluation Report within the periodic evaluation of the study program by the Railway Vehicles Study Program Board.



11. References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student (e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.)
Internal regulations and information / Link

List of the valid directives (Slovak language):

List of the valid directives (English language): 

Directive No. 106 - Statute of UNIZA:

Directive No.  110 - Study order for 3rd degree of university study at uniza:

Directive No. 132 about Free Access to Information:

Directive No. 149 - Organisational Order:

Directive No. 152 - Principles of Editorial Activity of  UNIZA:

Directive No. 159 - Working Order:

Directive No. 163 - Accommodation Order of UNIZA dormitories:

Directive No. 167 - Rules of Procedure of Disciplinary Commissions:

Directive No. 180 - Grant System of University of Žilina:

Directive No.  200 - Principles of Selection Procedure for Filling the Working Positions of University Teachers, Research Workers, the Positions of Associate Professors and Professors:

Directive No.  201 - Disciplinary Order for UNIZA Students:

Directive No.  202 - Criterions for appointing the posts of professors and associate professors and rules for appointing to hosting professors:

Directive No.  203 - Rules for the Creation of Recommended Study Plans for UNIZA Study Programmes:

Directive No.   204 - Rules for creating, adapting, approving and cancelling the SPs of UNIZA:

Directive No.  205 - Rules for assigning teachers for ensuring the SPs at UNIZA:

Directive No.  206 - Principles and Rules of Admission Procedure for Study at UNIZA:

Directive No.  207 - Ethical Code of UNIZA:

Directive No. 208 - Rules for the Acquisition of Rights, Harmonization of Rights, Regulation and Cancellation of Rights to Habilitation and Inauguration Proceedings at the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  210 - Statute of the Accreditation Board of the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  211 - Procedure for Obtaining the Scientific-Pedagogical Titles and Artistic-Pedagogical Titles Associate Professor and Professor at the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  212 - Rules for the Definition of the Workload of Creative Employees of the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  213 - Quality Assurance Policies at the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  214 - Structures of the Internal Quality Assurance System for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  215 - On Final, Rigorous and Habilitation Theses in the Conditions of the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  216 - Quality Assurance of the Doctoral Degree Studies at the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  217 - Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  218 -  On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes:

Directive No.  219 - Mobility Programmes of UNIZA Students and Staff Abroad:

Directive No.  220 - Evaluation of the Creative Activity of Employees in Relation to Quality Assurance of Education at the University of Žilina:

Directive No. 221 - Cooperation of the University of Žilina in Žilina with External Partners from Practice:

Directive No.  222 - Internal system of quality assurance at UNIZA:

Directive No.  223 - Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes:

Directive No.  226 - On Copyright Ethics and the Elimination of Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina:

Directive No. 227 - Rules for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of the Joint Study Programmes at the University of Žilina:

Directive No.  228 - Professional Development of the UNIZA University Teachers:

Directive No. 229 - Procedures for the Recognition of Learning Outcomes, Issuing and Recognition of Diplomas and Certificates of Study:

Web Sites of UNIZA:

Web Sites of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UNIZA:

Web Sites of Department of Industrial Engineering:

Internal System of Quality Assurance at UNIZA:

Internal System of Quality Assurance Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UNIZA:

Long-Term Objective of  UNIZA:

Long-Term Objective of  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UNIZA:

Study Guide:,,

List of PhD Students at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UNIZA:

Information about Study - brochure:

Guide of First Year Student:

Reports about Assessing Educational Activity:

Orders of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UNIZA:

Students´ Accommodation:

Current Guideline for Fees:,


Centre of Psychological Support:

University Religious Centre at UNIZA:


Student Scientific Conference TRANSCOM:

Student part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Academic Senate:

Student Council:

Student Organisations at UNIZA (GAMA klub; Council of Accommodated Students, Internet klub, Í-tečko, Club of Friend of Railways of UNIZA, RAPEŠ, Rádio X, Erasmus Student Network, University Club of Fire Protection Sport UNIZA):

Student ID:

Students´ Questionnaire - satisfaction - assessment:

Awarding Students – in the Report about Activity of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:

Academic Information System AIS – manuals and instructions for  students:

University e-mail and Office 365:


Magazine Spravodajca: