Name of the faculty: | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Name of the study programme: | Parts and mechanisms of machines |
Degree of higher education: | 3. |
Institution body for approving the study programme: | |
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification: | |
Date of the latest change in the study programme description: | |
Reference to the results of the latest periodic review of the study programme by the institution: |
1. | Basic information about the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | Name of the study programme | Parts and mechanisms of machines | Number according to the register of study programmes | 103588 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b | Degree of higher education | 3 | ISCED-F education degree code | 864 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c | Place(s) of delivery of the study programme | Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d | Name of the field / Combination of two fields of study |
Mechanical Engineering | Number of the field of study | 2381V00 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ISCED-F codes of the field/fields | 0715 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
e | Type of the study programme | Doctoral | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
f | Awarded academic degree | „philosophiae doctor“ (PhD.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
g | Form of study | External | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h | Cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfils at each of the given institutions | We do not cooperate with another higher education institution in this study programme. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i | Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered | Slovak | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
j | Standard length of the study expressed in academic years | 4 years rok(y) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
k | Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students) | 1.grade: 8 2.grade: 8 3.grade: 8 4.grade: 8 |
Actual number of applicants |
Actual number of students |
2. | Graduate profile and learning objectives |
a | Learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes |
Graduate´s Profile and Goals of Education The graduate of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines possesses a broad range of knowledge from several specialisation areas that serves him/her as a basis for realising research and development as well as creating new knowledge in the area of machinery. They are especially the modern methods of designing the mechanical engineering equipment, operation with modern software tools, mechanics of the rigid and formable bodies, mechanics of the fluids and thermomechanics, the implementation of advanced design materials, manufacturing technologies, etc. Thanks to the professional orientation in the corresponding research area the graduate is able to select suitable scientific methods of the basic and applied research connected especially with the design and mechanics of the machines. He/she utilises advanced methods of calculating, simulating and verifying the model solutions of the design and assessment of the mechanical systems and structures. He/she is able to create a complex technical documentation for new innovative solutions with a subsequent preparation for the patent procedure, dimensioning procedures, controlling and optimising the basic parts of the machines and knot equipment, creating sophisticated models of the designed technical systems by the CAD software. From a complex point of view, the graduate is able to formulate new hypotheses and strategies of design through non-standard knowledge in the area of design and mechanics of machines and in this way to create an assumption for further research and development of the study specialisation. He/she implements his/her findings of the theoretical analysis and complex scientific research during solving the problems in the mechanical engineering area. On the basis of his/her outputs and findings he/she is able to design, verify and implement new research and working procedures. He/she is prepared from both theoretical and practical point of view to work by selected research methods and to utilise the synergy of the achieved knowledge with information from the area of developing new materials and technologies, computer supprt for modelling, measurement, collecting and processing data. The development of the ability to advance independently and utilise practically the scientific approaches during solving problems in the area of the advanced design regarding to the solution originality, methodology principles and technological level, the linear or non-linear response during simulating the operational conditions is especially emphasised. The graduate is able to realise a complete design of an original technical system, the static, kinematic and also dynamic analysis, to assess the life span and reliability of the investigated object, to solve the technical tasks of the flows, thermodynamics and heat transmission. He/she is able to work with the CAE systems, to manage a team and administer the created data through the PDM / PLM systems. He/she possesses adequate knowledge in the area of the IT, foreign languages and economic and legal aspects of the specialisation, the experimental mechanics, building and designing machines and equipment, the management of their operation and maintenance, the theory of designing and building transportation and handling equipment also of the transport vehicles. Of course, the graduate can work with the latest CAD/CAE systems, the current trends of designing the machines and equipment, he/she is familiar with the modern numerical methods of the computational mechanics to identify and analyse the fields, as well as Finite Element Method and Infinite Element Method and belts, boundary elements, networkless methods of the continuum mechanics, etc. He/she possesses knowledge in the area of the optimal machine design and industrial products, technological units and equipment. The software tools utilised in the graduate´s practice: Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, PTC / Creo Parametric, Dassault Systemes / Catia, Mathworks / MATLAB, Mathematica, MathCAD, Maple, ANSYS Workbench, ADINA, MSC / Marc, MSC.Adams, Nexis, SysWeld and others. He/she is able to utilise this means in the individual process phases of designing the machine parts and equipment. He/ she is able to model, simulate and analyse various types of fields separately or in an interaction as a bound problems – both in the macro-mechanic systems and in the micro- and nano-structures. He/she is able to describe the formulated technical problem mathematically, to set the algorithms and programmes for the solutions and to transform the results to a design. He/she is able to create the 3D models of the designed technical systems, to adapt them to the needs of further numerical analyses and to generate the necessary technical documentation. In general the graduate is typical by an independent, critical and analytical way of thinking that is implemented not only in the conditions of the society but especially in the mechanical engineering specialisation. He/she presents the results of the research and development independently for professional community in Slovakia and abroad. He/she takes into account the social, scientific and ethical spects for formulating the research aims and interpretation of the research results. He/she will achieve the capability to define the research orientation and coordinate the team in the specialisation. The graduates´ employment rate of the SP Parts and Mechanics of Machines in the industrial practice is 100 %. (source: Rozpis dotácií zo štátneho rozpočtu VVŠ na r. 2021 - List of Funding Public University Education for 2021 ( - Table 2 – graduate´s employment rate). GOALS OF EDUCATION The goals in the study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines are achieved through measurable educational outputs in individual subjects of the study programme and correspond with the level of the Qualification Framework in the European university education, i.e. the implementation of the acquired knowledge about the design and usage of the complete original design technical system and its analysis, synthesis from the point of view of the design and mechanical properties of the formable bodies and about solving the mechanical properties of the progressive design materials, the assessment of the life span and reliability with the possibility of solving the tasks in the area of the flows, thermodynamics, heat transmission and material to the ability to realise the research and development in a complex way and to solve the problems from practice independently. OUTPUTS OF EDUCATION The graduates of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines will acquire the following knowledge, skills and competences (in connection with the profile subjects): KNOWLEDGE A graduate of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines:
SKILLS A graduate of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines:
COMPETENCIES A graduate of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines is typical by:
b | Indicated professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability |
The graduates of the PhD study of SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines can be utilised in practice in the following positions:
According to SK ISCO-08_2020: ŠTATISTICKÁ KLASIFIKÁCIA ZAMESTNANÍ – STATISTICAL EMPLOYMENT QUALIFICATION - the jobs for the SP graduates were identified as follows:
The potential of the SP from the point of view of finding a job – the currently free positions at in 01-03/2022 (the required education – the third university degree):
c | Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favourable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession |
The study programme does not prepare the students for jobs requiring the standpoint to compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector- specific requirements on the occupation. |
3. | Employability |
a | Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability |
The web site CVTI presents the unemployment rate of the university graduates in 2020 as follows: The unemployment rate of the technical university graduates is 5.2 % (summarisingly) – it is the second lowest unemployment rate (the lowest one is in the area of healthcare). The graduates´ employment rate of the SP Parts and Mechanics of Machines in the industrial practice is 100 %. (source: Rozpis dotácií zo štátneho rozpočtu VVŠ na r. 2021 - List of Funding Public University Education for 2021 ( - Table 2 – graduate´s employment rate). The results of the questionnaire research realised in 2022 with the PhD study graduates show that 75 % of the graduates work directly in the area of the SP specialisation and 25 % in an area partially connected with the SP (20 graduates took part in the research). The questionaore form can be found at: The names and positions of the selected questionnaire participants:
b | Successful graduates of the study programme |
This data was achieved from the publicly available sources: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. |
c | Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback) |
During their study the students may take part to an appropriate extent in short- and long-term stays in the framework of the programmes Erasmus+, Národný štipendijný program (National Scholarship Programme), International Visegrad Fund (e.g. at Politechnico di Milano; UP Porto; Universida de Vigo). After finishing this stay the responsible employee of the host organisation works out a written assessment of the student including the achieved knowledge, skills and competences resulting from the student´s profile. The employees´ representatives also take part in the final state exams as the members of the state examination commission or external examiners of the final theses. Selected employers´ statements (feedback):
4. | Structure and content of the study programme | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | Rules for the design of study plans within the study programme | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The description of the study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines was created as part of the proposal for harmonising the current accredited study programme with the SAAVŠ (Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education) and the standards of the internal system of the quality management at the University of Žilina in Žilina (further only VSK UNIZA). This is not a draft of a new study programme. In the framework of harmonisation with the VSK UNIZA formalised processes this programme was worked out and submitted in compliance with the Guideline 222, article 16, items 4, 5 and 9. According to the Guideline UNIZA 204 it is subordinated to the SAAVŠ standards from the study programme (part 4) – articles 10 and 11. In the whole process the persons assessing and approving the study programme (an authority from practice, Scientific Council of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and UNIZA Accreditation Council) are not the same as those preparing the study programme proposal for harmonisation. The nomination of the members to individual structures is recorded in the minutes from meetings from the Dean´s Collegium a individual members were appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The lists of the members of the individual structures are known and accessible at: At the university level the Guideline UNIZA 222 defines the policies, structures and processes connected with the complex internal quality management system regarding to the fulfilment of the missions and aims of UNIZA and the achievement of the missions and aims of UNIZA and creating harmony with the VSK UNIZA with the SAAVŠ standards. The internal quality management system at UNIZA - is as follows: The policies: Guideline 222, article 7; The structures: Guideline 222, article 10; Guideline 210 – Statute of INIZA Accreditation Council; Guideeline 214 – Structures of Internal Quality Management; The processes: Guideline 222, article 16. Except for the aforementioned Guideline 222 the following guidelines define further procedures connected with the proposal of the new study programme or proposal of adaptation of the study programme: Guideline 203 – Rules for Creating recommended Study Plans of the Study Programmes at UNIZA: Guideline 204 – Rules for Creating, Adapting, Approving and Cancelling Sudy Programmes at UNIZA: Guideline 205 – Rules for Assigning Teachers for Ensuring the Study Programmes at UNIZA: Guideline 212 – Rules for Defining the Workload of the UNIZA Creative Employees: Guideline 217 – Sources for Support of Educational, Creative and Other Activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina: Guideline 218 – Collecting, Processing, Analysing and Assessing Information for Support of Managing the Study Programmes: Guideline 220 – Assessing the Creative Activities of Employees in Relation to Improving Quality of Education at UNIZA: Guideline 221 – Cooperation of UNIZA with External Partners from Practice: The study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines takes into account the mission but also the goals defined by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina in Žilina in the area of science and research (from page 17 of the Long-Term Aim of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) and especially in the field of education (from page 11 of the Long-Term Aim of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering). The study programme was created/innovated in compliance with the trends at the universities in Europe and worldwide with similar orientation – e.g. the Auburn University (USA), University of Georgia (USA), University of Calgary (Canada); University of Alberta (Canada); in Europe: ZČU Plzeň, VŠB Ostrava; ČVUT Praha; VUT Brno; TU Liberec; Kaunas University of Technology; University of degli study Parma, etc. But at the same time, it was created in compliance with the requirements of practice and therefore one of the main aspects during forming the profile subjects was how the knowledge and competences can be implemented in the real practice. According to the goals (page 11 of the Long-Term Aim of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) the study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines and its study plan was created for the students to be involved actively to the problem solving of the science and research at the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (e.g. the projects VEGA, APVV, UNIZA Grant System, etc.) for the independence, autonomy and responsibility of the students for their education to be supported. It was also important to respect the diversity of the students and their needs and to give the students a chance to spend part of their study abroad during their study in this study programme to an appropriate extent (e.g. in the framework of the programmes ERAZMUS+, National Study Programme, International Visegrad Fund, etc.). The department ensuring the study programme and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have rich experience in this area and a broad network of the partner universities. The study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines is a modern study programme enabling to acquire knowledge based on the current state of the scientific cognition in the area of design and mechanics of the machines, i.e. the advanced optimal design, modelling, simulations and innovations of the technical systems with assessing the life and reliability of the investigated object. The research of new materials and technologies, designing and dimensioning the structural elements determined for implementation with the goal to utilise the boundary properties of the materials in all areas of their applications, modelling technological processes (welding, etc.), dynamic activities in the movable systems, the fatigue properties of the construction materials, etc. is one of the most important orientations of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The following departments are the scientific centre of both the basic and applied research and international scientific cooperation for the submitted programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines: The Department of Design and Machine Elements and the Department of Applied Mechanics have achieved a lot of significant successes during their activities at the Faculty. The Department of Design and Machine Elements aims at development of progressive trends of the design and innovations of the technical systems in its scientific and research activity. It emphasises the advanced methods used in the design process (TRIZ, optimisation methods), the research in the area of construction of the gear systems and special transmissions and also research in the area of the rolling bearings, elctro-mobility and means of transport. The experimental capacities of the Department of Design and Machine Elements are mainly concentrated on measuring and detecting the parameters of the driving transmissions and rolling bearings, the diagnostics of vibration of the technical systems and research of the tribological materials and coatings. The Department of Applied Mechanics aims its scientific and research activities at development of progressive trends in the area of implementing optimisation algorithms to the experimental and numerical analysis of the boundary states, multi-software solutions into the optimal mechanism design, it realises the research in the area of modelling and simulation of the micro-plastic zones by cyclic load. It solves the area of degrading the composite structures reinforced by the fibres at the cyclic load, etc. The awards the departments have achieved confirm the purposeful activity of their employees in the area of science and research:
The responsible institutions carry out an uninterrupted activity in the area of the study specialisation at the national and international level. From the point of view of the output transformation both the pedagogical and scientific and research area it is necessary to mention here also the cooperating institutions –e.g. Universitet Zielonogórski, Politechnika Czestochowska, Politechnika Slaska, UK Praha, VUT Brno, TU VŠB Ostrava, UJEP Ústí nad Labem, ZČU Plzeň, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego Bydgoszcz, University of Stuttgart, Vienna University of Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Kielce University of Technology, University of Zagreb, Bieloruská štátna dopravná univerzita – Belarussian State University of Transport, Schaeffler Slovensko, spol. s r. o., Authorized Training Center for MSC.ADAMS - STU Bratislava, University of Kragujevac, Tripple D Bending Calgary Kanada, Asseco CEIT, a. s. - Žilina, Continental Matador Rubber Púchov, MTS spol., Tatravagónka Poprad, s.r.o., Volkswagen Slovakia, a.s. - Bratislava, OMNIA KLF, a.s. - Kysucké Nové Mesto and others. In the framework of the aforementioned institutions abroad we realise to an appropriate extent not only the exchange stays of the employees and PhD students but also publish common book publications, scientific and professional articles, realise and prepare international projects, solve projects in the framework of bilateral scientific and research collaboration. Together with the Akademioa Techniczno-Humanistyczna in Bielsko-Biała, Warsaw University, University of Stuttgart, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Politechnika Czestochowska, TU VŠB Ostrava, STU Bratislava and TUKE Košice the Department of Applied Mechanics organises the International Slovak-Polish Scientific Conference on Machine Modelling and Simulations (MMS) every year. Every year (since 1995) we organise an international seminar of the PhD students – SEMDOK where the PhD students ranked according to their scientific specialisation present (in English) their knowledge, experience and experimental works. SEMDOK is a meeting of the PhD students, supervisors of the PhD study and other university employees, research institutes and industry not only from Slovakia but also from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The goal of the seminar is to extend the mutual scientific and professional contacts of the young talented people from universities, research institutes and industry. The students take part in and present the results of their scientific work at the following conferences: International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (Singapur), Výpočtová mechanika – Computational Mechanics (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni), Dynamika tuhých a deformovatelných těles Dynamics of Rigid and Deformable Bodies – DTDT (Ústí nad Labem), Konferencia Experimentální a výpočtové metody v inženýrství – Experimental and Computational Methods in Engineering - EVM (Ústí nad Labem), Machine Modelling and Simulations (MMS), the international conference Mechatronics (Warsaw), Modelovanie mechanických a mechatronických sústav – Modelling Mechanic and Mechatronic Systems (TUKE), NovusScientia (international scientific conference - TUKE). In compliance with the goals (page 11 of the Long-Term Aim of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) the study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines is created in such a way the student can participate also in solving to an appropriate extent the tasks of science and research at the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (e.g. the projects VEGA, APVV, Grant System UNIZA, KEGA, etc.). We support independence, autonomy and responsibility of the students for their education respecting the diversity of the students and their needs and also give to an appropriate extent the students a chance to spend part of their study abroad (e.g. in the framework of the ERAZMUS+, NŠP – National Study Programme, etc.) – in these fields the department ensuring the SP and the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have rich experience and a broad network of the partner universities. The students of the external study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines are the authors of important publications issued in the indexed and current magazines, authors of utility models and patents. We introduce some of them:
The education in the PhD study programmes is realised on the basis of a PhD student´s individual study plan led by a supervisor (the list of the supervisors in the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines - The education is based on acquiring knowledge at the level of the current knowledge and the PhD student´s contribution to his knowledge. It is the result of the scientific investigation and the creative activity of the student. The quality of the 3rd degree of the university study depends on the quality of the scientific and research work and therefore it is inevitable for the individual study plans of the PhD students to be bound with the scientific and research activities of the supervisors and the educational institutions realised especially through solving the research projects. The SP is created in the framework of the defined rules and in compliance with the study order for the 3rd degree of the university study at UNIZA (Guideline 110) by the supervisor in cooperation with the student. The PhD study plan is worked out as an individual study plan. The content and structure of the individual study plans reflect the activities, knowledge and skills formulated in the accreditation document of the study programme. To ensure their fulfilment, the study plan defines the requirements and criteria that are regularly checked. The PhD student´s study plan consists of the study part that is completed by the dissertation exam and the scientific part and defence of the dissertation thesis.
In compliance with the Dublin Descriptors and according to the national qualification framework of the graduates of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines, the graduates will achieve the 8th qualification level (SKKR 8). |
b | Recommended study plans for individual study paths | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The rules for creating the study plans of the SP are thoroughly desribed in the Guideline UNIZA 203 – Rules for Creating Recommended SPs at the University of Žilina: The study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines: The recommended study plan and standard duration of the study are defined according to the law about universities. The study programme - in compliance with the Faculty study programme – fulfils the rules of the European transfer system and collecting the credits and workload of the student per the academic year. It fulfils the defined workload of the student expressed by the amount of lessons of the contact lectures together with all activities necessary for preparing and passing any subject. The amount of the credits for individual subjects were stated for them to take into account the demandingness of the subject from the point of view of the specific area of the teaching material and the way how the subject is completed. The subjects in the framework of the recommended SP enable to achieve the defined outputs of education. |
c | The study programme, in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses Profile courses of the relevant study path (specialization) within the study programme - Appendix 1 |
d | Number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
180 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The regular completion of the study is defined by the Guideline 110 – STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA - The regular completion of the study requires achieving 180 credits for the whole study. A condition for a regular completion of the PhD study is the passing of the dissertation exam that belongs to the state exams and the defence of the dissertation thesis. The dissertation thesis is the final work. The university certificate, certificate about the state exam and appendix to the diploma are the documents about graduating from the PhD study. The basic means of inspection during the study according to Guideline 110 includes:
Interruption and finishing the PhD study The PhD student can (both during the standard and extra duration) ask for an interruption of the PhD study (also repeatedly) due to the maternity leave, the health reasons, the study stay abroad that is not part of the individual study plan or other serious reasons. During the interruption the PhD student loses the rights and duties of the student. The supervisor gives his/her attitude to the application of the PhD student for interrupting the study. The interruption of the study is approved by the Dean. The PhD student who registered with a topic of the dissertation thesis announced by an external educational institution will do it only after a positive declaration of the statutory of the external educational institution. The total time of interrupting the PhD study usually does not exceed 18 months. In specific and justified cases, e.g. in the case of a longer maternity leave the Dean can decide about interrupting the study for a longer time, however, the upper limit is 36 months. The PhD study is completed by the defence of the dissertation thesis or leaving the study, failing to complete the study in the stated deadline, exclusion from the study, cancelling the study programme in the study specialisation, death of then student. |
e | For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | 1 y.: 20.0, 2 y.: 40.0, 3 y.: 45.0, 4 y.: 45.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of credits for compulsory optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | 1 y.: 25.0, 2 y.: 5.0, 3 y.: 0.0, 4 y.: 0.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of credits for optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of credits required for the completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for the common foundations and for the relevant specialization, in the case of a teaching combination study programme or a translation combination study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of studies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of credits for professional practice required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for project work with the indication of relevant courses in engineering study programmes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for artistic performances in addition to the final thesis in art study programmes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
f | Rules for the verification of learning outcomes, students’ assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
At the university level they define the processes, procedures and structures for verifying the outputs of education and assessment of the students and the possibility of corrective procedures against this assessment: Guideline 110 - STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA: Guideline 216 – Quality Assurance of PhD Study at the University of Žilina: PhD Study Credit System and Assessment of Study Results The credit system is valid in both forms of the PhD study in compliance with the approved Faculty credit system. The credits are numerical values assigned to the subjects expressing the amount of work necessary for achieving the defined education results. The standard workload of the student for the whole academic year in the daily form of the study is expressed by 60 credits, for one semester 30 credits and for one trimester 20 credits. The standard workload of the student for the whole academic year in the external form of the study is expressed by maximally 48 credits in dependence on the standard duration of the corresponding study programme and the number of the credits necessary for regular completion of the study. The PhD student during his/her study acquires the credit for the following activities
The Faculty credit system determines the amount of the credits the PhD student is obliged to achieve for:
If the PhD student realised part of his/her study somewhere else than at the determined educational institution (e.g. abroad), the credits achieved at this institution are valid in full extent if he/she had been sent to this institution in the framework of fulfilling his/her study plan and if the credit system of the sending organisation and the other institution are compatible or they are defined in advance (the transfer credits). If the study programme of the study specialisation is changed, the until that time achieved credits can be acknowledged if it is in compliance with his/her new study plan. The Dean decides about the transfer or acknowledgement of the credits. The supervisor includes/writes the achieved credits to the student transcript and the electronic UNIZA information system at the latest until the end of the corresponding academic year and includes them also to the annual assessment of the PhD student. Individual study plan: The PhD student´s study plan is worked out as an individual study plan in compliance with ensuring the required quality of the scientific work and education of the PhD students. The PhD student´s supervisor is responsible for the quality and level of the study and the individual study plan and the PhD student actively participates in its creation. The expert team or working group and the guarantor of the study programme approve the individual study plan. The content and structure of the individual study plans reflect the activities, knowledge and skills formulated in the accreditation document of the study programme. To ensure their fulfilment the study plan defines the requirements and criteria whose fulfilment is regularly checked. The study consists of the study, educational and scientific parts whose contents and mutual ratio from the point of view of the credits are defined by the UNIZA internal regulations. The organisation of realising the PhD study programmes at UNIZA is managed by the provisions of the Guideline 110 - STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA. The PhD student is assigned credits for individual activities and it is necessary to acquire 180 credits for a successful completion of this study. The credits are acquired for the dissertation exam subjects,, the foreign language, dissertation exam and defence of the dissertation thesis. From the point of view of the scientific and research activity the PhD students gets points for the dissertation projects, publication outputs, utility patterns, citations, active presentations at the conferences and seminars, see Appendix 2 of the Guideline 216. In the case of the study programmes that assign credits for the individual and team scientific work, the points are calculated, see Appendix 2, according to the study plans for the given PhD study programme. The points /credits are assigned only for publications connected with the topic of the dissertation thesis and the number of the points/credits is calculated according to the percentage share of the PhD student. The study of a foreign language is an inseparable part of the PhD study – the duration is two semesters and the goal is to learn the technical vocabulary of the given specialisation in the foreign language. The creation and writing the scientific works and outputs in the form of articles for magazines and papers at conferences in the foreign language, preparation of presentations and active presentations at the conferences are parts of this activity. Every individual study plan involves the subjects of the dissertation exam with a defined amount of the credits. Assessing the quality of the study and outputs of the PhD student: The PhD study is assessed according to the principles of the credit system in compliance with the regulation of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic 614/2002 Coll., about the credit system of the study as amended, paragraph 54, section 2 of the Law about Universities and the principles presented in this article. The quality of the PhD study is assessed during its whole duration and then after its completion. A successfully completed study is when all the required criteria are fulfilled and the PhD student published the results of his/her work in the form of the defined outputs that are involved in the individual study plan. The facts connected with fulfilling the content of the individual study plan of the PhD student are assessed during realising the study plan. The assessment is carried out once a year at the end of the academic year by the supervisor and is approved by the guarantor of the given study programme and subsequently by the Dean, in the case of the university-wide study programmes by the Rector. The decisive activities are the dissertation exam and defence of the dissertation thesis. The PhD student who did not fulfil all the duties and lacks the credits cannot register for the dissertation exam and ask for the defence of the dissertation thesis. The quality of the PhD study is assessed by the Scientific Council of the Faculty or the UNIZA Scientific Council once a year in the framework of assessing the level of the public university in the area of the educational activity and science, technique or art. A high-quality publication and artistic activity is part of the PhD study. The fulfilment of the defined requirements in the area of the publication outputs of the PhD student in the individual study plan and the minimal criteria of the PhD study outputs in individual study specialisations and UNIZA programmes necessary for a successful completion of the PhD study are required for a successful finish of the PhD study and create the Appendix 1 of the Guideline 216. The supervisor (in the framework of the annual assessment) regularly assesses the quality of the outputs of the PhD student and his/her presentations at the conferences, seminars or in magazines, the supervisors then submits the results to the guarantor, Dean or Rector. The commission and external examiners assess the quality of all publication outputs, patents, utility patterns or other achieved results in the framework of the dissertation thesis defence. They check their international level and contribution for the development of the study specialisation and the originality of the achieved results also in connection with the plagiarism checker. The Rector´s Collegium deals with and assesses the output quality especially of the last year PhD students. |
g | Conditions for the recognition of studies or a part of studies | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Guideline 110 - STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA: and the Guideline 216 - Quality Assurance of PhD Study at the University of Žilina: define the processes, procedures and structures at the university level. The supervisor (at the latest until 31st August of the given year) submits the annual assessment of the PhD student to the Dean and defines if he/she recommends if the student is/is not to continue the study. The supervisor evaluates the state and level of fulfilling the study programme, fulfilling the deadlines, he/she assigns the credits and if necessary, he/she submits a proposal to adapt the individual study plan of the student. Based on the PhD student´s annual assessment the Dean decides if the PhD student can continue his/her study and also about the changes of his/her study programme, if necessary. As a rule, an inseparable part of the PhD student´s activities in the external form defined in the study plan is the participation of the PhD student in a study abroad at a partner institution (Head or mother company) of the PhD student´s department. The credits achieved at this institution are included in full extent on the basis of the partner´s confirmation about passing the study stay. The student can acquire credits for passing a particular subject only once during the study. If the study programme of the study specialisation is changed, it is possible to acknowledge the credits acquired until that time if it complies with the PhD student´s study plan. The Dean decides about transferring or acknowledging the credits – in the case of the university-wide study programmes the Rector. The supervisor writes in the acquired credits to the statement of studies and to the UNIZA information system at the latest until the end of the given academic year and he/she also presents them in the annual assessment of the PhD student. The Faculty coordinator who is usually the Vice-dean with the competence of the international relations (at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UNIZA it is Dr. Ing. Ivan Kuric PhD) is appointed the chief coordinator for ensuring the mobility of the students as well as the study in compliance with the conditions defined in the study order. The task of the coordinator is to organise the partner (usually international) cooperation in the educational area. The solution of the tasks connected with sending a accepting the students and providing the advisory services are ensured at the Faculty by Mgr. Renáta Janovčíková. In the case of the mobilities and stays abroad the Guideline 219 – Mobilities of the Students and Employees of UNIZA Abroad: defines the processes, procedures and structures of the conditions for acknowledging the study. Rules for prolonging the study are included in the study order. The PhD student can (both during the standard and extra duration) ask for an interruption of the PhD study (also repeatedly) due to the maternity leave, the health reasons, the study stay abroad that is not part of the individual study plan or other serious reasons. The interruption of the study is approved by the Dean. The total time of interrupting the PhD study usually does not exceed 18 months. In specific and justified cases, e.g. in the case of a longer maternity leave the Dean can decide about interrupting the study for a longer time, however, the upper limit is 36 months. The basic university document – Guideline 110 - STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA also defines the procedures and corrective means against the results of the assessment given to the student duting his/her examination: Subjects:
Dissertation exam: The PhD student who fails to pass the exam can repeat it only once more, at the latest after three months from the day of unsuccessful dissertation exam – the date is given by the chairman of the examination commission. A repeated failure is the reason for exclusion from the PhD study (article 9/section 11) Dissertation thesis: If the commission for defence suggests not to award the academic title to the PhD student on the basis of the results of the defence or for his/her unexcused absence at the procedure, the Dean/in the case of the university-wide study programmes the Rector determines the resit for the dissertation thesis defence in the same study programme. The defence of the dissertation thesis can be repeated only once, at the latest within two years from ending the standard study duration (article 15/sections 13, 14) |
h | Topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i | Rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses in the study programme; list of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The rules for assigning, working out, defending and assessing the final theses are in the Guideline 110 - STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA: and the Guideline 215 - FINAL, PHD ORAL EXAMINATIONS AND HABILITATION THESES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA. ( The final work verifies the knowledge, skills and competences the student acquired during the study and his/her capability to use them for solving tasks and particular problems connected with the study specialisation. The final work at the third university degree is understood the dissertation thesis. The student´s dissertation thesis of the third degree demonstrates the capability and preparedness of the student for an independent scientific and creative activity in the area of research or development or an independent theoretical and creative artistic activity. The thesis presents the results of the scientific investigation and implementation of the research results to practice. The result of the dissertation thesis should bring an achievement of new knowledge in the given area. The scientific research is a process of acquiring new scientific knowledge and extending the cognitive boundaries of the mankind. The student has to prove deep systematic understanding of the study specialisation, he/she has to show skills in the research work and implement the methods of the scientific research. The student is to prove that he/she realised a substantial part of the research by himself/herself, that he/she outlined, designed, realised and optimised it in an ethically clear way. Assigning the dissertation theses The Faculty Dean announces the topics of the dissertation theses the students can apply for in the framework of the admission procedure at the latest two months before the last day determined for submitting the applications. The Dean approves the topics of the dissertation theses according to the proposal of the supervisor and after the previous consent of the chairman of the expert commission or the chief of the working team. If it is a topic announced by an external educational institution, the name of this institution has to be presented. Each announced topic involves the name of the study programme, the name of the supervisor, the form of study (daily, external), the deadline for submitting the applications and the date of the admission procedure. The topics of the dissertation theses together with all prerequisites are published on an official board and are presented massively according to a special guideline. The applicants register for the selected topic of the dissertation thesis in the framework of submitting the application for the PhD study. Leading and working out the dissertation thesis The supervisor leads the PhD student during the study, manages and professionally guarantees the PhD student´s study and scientific programme, determines the aim of the project of the dissertation thesis and specifies (with the PhD student) its content, leads the PhD student during solving the dissertation thesis and works out the assessment of the dissertation thesis and the working characteristics of the given PhD student. The function of the supervisor for the given study specialisation at the Faculty where the PhD study takes place can be carried on by a university teacher and another expert from an institution outside the university after the Scientific Council approves it. The supervisor function for the dissertation theses issued by an external educational institution can realise the supervisors approved by this institution. The guideline 215 - FINAL, PHD ORAL EXAMINATIONS AND HABILITATION THESES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA defines the procedure and details of working out the dissertation thesis. The principles of working out the final theses, formal prerequisites and the method of plagiarism check are based on the valid Methodological Guideline of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic about prerequisites of the final theses, their bibliographical registration, storing and making accessible. In compliance with the provisions of the Law about Universities the student has to send the final work in electronic form to the Central Register of Final, PhD and Habilitation Theses and based on the information from this institution the rate of originality of the PhD and habilitation theses will be verified. The student submits the final work at the latest on the day determined by the Faculty universal academic calendar. Application for permission to defend the dissertation thesis The PhD student submits an application for permission to defend the dissertation thesis to the Dean in compliance with the study schedule if he/she acquired the determined amount of the credits. In a special case the Dean determines (in a written form) a supplementary date for submitting the application for permission to defend the dissertation thesis but the duration of the study is not to exceed the standard duration determined by the accredited study programme in the study specialisation by more than 2 years. The PhD student submits the dissertation thesis in Slovak. With a written consent of the Dean he/she can submit it in a foreign language. The PhD student can submit as a dissertation thesis also his/her own publications or published works that deal with the area of the dissertation thesis topic and correspond with the theses of the project. If the PhD student submits a file of his/her own publications, he/she completes it by a detail introduction that will clarify the current state of the given area, the goals of the dissertation thesis and conclusions arisen after solving the topic of the dissertation thesis. If the attached publications are from several authors, the PhD student encloses declaration of the authors about his/her author share. The dissertation thesis prerequisites are defined by the article 11 of the Guideline 110 and articles 7 and 8 of the Guideline 215. External examination of the dissertation thesis The Dean appoints the external examiners on the basis of the proposal of the chairman of the expert commission or the chairman of the working team. The external examiners are chosen from the experts in the framework of the solved area. Each external examiner has to be from a different organisation. One external examiner can come from the Faculty/university-wide institution the PhD student works for. The dissertation thesis is assessed at least by two external examiners. At least one external examiner has to have the university degree Professor or Associate Professor and has to carry out the professor function or he/she has to possess the degree Doctor of Sciences or he/she has to be a research worker with an acknowledged qualification degree I. or IIa. The other external examiners have to be scientific and pedagogical experts at the function of visiting professors, employees with the academic title PhD (or its older equivalent), foremost experts from practice with the academic title PhD (or its older equivalent). The external examiner must not belong to the PhD student´s family, must not be his/her chief or subordinate at work or a similar working relation and also the supervisor. The rules and procedures for external examination of the dissertation thesis are defined in the article 14 of the Guideline 110. The external examiner´s assessment contains an objective and critical analysis of pluses and minuses of the submitted dissertation thesis; it is brief and does not repeat the content. The external examiner expresses his opinion especially to:
In the conclusion he/she unambiguously states if he/she based on the submitted dissertation thesis suggests or does not suggest awarding the title PhD in the corresponding study programme of the study specialisation. Defence and assessment of the dissertation thesis The dissertation thesis and its defence create one subject. The defence of the dissertation thesis is a state exam and in the standard duration of the study the PhD student has to pass it during the last month of the last academic year of his/her standard duration of the study. The defence of the dissertation thesis of an above standard duration of the study has to be realised at the latest within two years from ending of the standard duration of the study. During this time period the PhD student of the daily form of the PhD study has no right for a scholarship and he/she fulfils the duties of his/her job and pays fees for the above standard duration of the study. The defence of the dissertation thesis is public, in exceptional cases the Dean can announce it as non-public – in such a case when the public defence could threaten a secret protected by a special law. The defence of the dissertation thesis is realised in the form of a scientific discussion. The PhD student presents the content of his/her dissertation thesis, results and benefits. The external examiners present their assessments and the PhD student expresses his/her point of view to them. The discussion verifies the correctness, feasibility and scientific originality of the knowledge included in the dissertation thesis. The rules and procedures of the defence of the dissertation thesis are defined in article 15 of the Guideline 110. The defence procedure is documented by the minutes. This document is then signed by the Commission Chairman for the defence, the commission members who are at the procedure and external examiners. The Commission Chairman for the defence announces the result of the vote to the PhD student and other participants who are present at the defence during a public meeting. The Commission Chairman for the defence submits the proposal for awarding/rejecting the academic title to the PhD student together with minutes and documentation material of the PhD student. The Dean determines (in writing) the date of the second examination for the defence of the dissertation thesis in the same study programme to that PhD student who failed to obtain the academic title due to the result of the defence of the dissertation thesis or for his/her unexcused absence at the procedure. The defence procedure can be repeated only once, at the latest within two years from ending the standard duration of the study. The Dean after the positive assessment of the proposal of the Commission for Defence of the dissertation thesis to award the PhD student the academic title “doctor” or “doctor of art” submits the Rector the documents about graduating from the study Working group in the study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines: List of supervisors in the study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines: List of examiners in the study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines: |
Opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
he students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of UNIZA can take part in the international mobility programmes of the EU – CEEPUS and Erasmus+ where the applications and rules for acknowledging of this education are managed by the rules of the given programmes. The list of the participating institutions is regularly updated. The instructions are published in the Faculty web site. In the framework of the scientific activities or the supervisor´s projects, the students are sent to the partner universities and research institutions not only in Europe but also worldwide. They can utilise also the bilateral international mobility projects, e.g. through the Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA) and the National Scholarship Fund (NSP). The binding contractual partnerships enable the participation of the interested parties and their representatives in the procedure of designing, approving, realising and assessing the study programme. The agreements with the partners concretise the conditions for participation of the the partner´s employees in realising the study programme and conditions for providing the premises, material and information sources and ensuring the study quality realised in the partner´s premises including the final works. The UNIZA has the possibility to send the students abroad in the framework of its partnerships to 56 universities. There are even broader possibilities covering practically the whole world and are involved in other schemes especially in the framework of Erasmus+ and activities of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic realised through SAIA. They are especially CEEPUS, NSP, the Action Austria – Slovakia, Visegrad Fund, etc. Except for the Erasmus+ the Faculty has a contractual cooperation with the AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków, Poland), Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria), International Visegrad Fund. The processes, procedures and structures of the students´ participation in the mobilities are defined by the Guideline 219 - Mobilities of the Students and Employees of UNIZA Abroad: The possibilities of participating in the student mobilities are published at the UNIZA web site in section possibilities of study: and in the section – study abroad: at the Faculty web site in the section international cooperation: and on the section general information – study abroad: The procedures of the students´ participation in the mobilities are defined by the Guideline 219 - Mobilities of the Students and Employees of UNIZA Abroad – PART 2: UNIZA STUDENTS´ MOBILITY ABROAD AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATING IN STUDY STAYS ABROAD, The basic conditions for the UNIZA students´ mobilities abroad: The attendance of part of the study at a university abroad is specified by:
For studying at a university abroad we conclude an agreement between the student, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UNIZA and the partner institution providing the study. The agreement is concluded before the student starts studying at the university abroad. Participation in mobilities – procedure: The basic obligations of the student sent for a study stay are defined by the articles 6 and 7 of the Guideline 219. The student who was approved by the Selection Commission:
The subjects the student passed at the university abroad are acknowledged by the guarantor of the study programme and at the Faculty by the Vice-Dean for education or the Vice-Dean whose competence is the international cooperation. The student submits an application that contains the statement of the study results from the foreign university at the end of his/her study as well as the information sheets or syllabi of the subjects passed. The office for education includes the assessment of the subject to the AIS. The application and the whole documentation becomes part of the study documentation of the student at the Office for Education. |
Rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rules for Observance the Academic Ethics and Concluding Consequences are stated by the Disciplinary Order for the Students of the University of Žilina inŽilina, Disciplinary Commission of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ethical Code, Ethical Commission of UNIZA. The guideline 226 – Author Ethics and Eliminating Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina and the Guideline 215 - FINAL, PHD ORAL EXAMINATIONS AND HABILITATION THESES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA: Guideline 215 - FINAL, PHD ORAL EXAMINATIONS AND HABILITATION THESES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA The Ethical Code of the University of Žilina in Žilina defines the ethical principles in the following areas:
The Ethical Code binds all employees and students of the university to behave in compliance with its requirements. Any breach and subsequent measure is solved by the Ethical Commission of the university appointed by the Rector (the current members of the commission: In connection with observing the Ethical Code every academia member and university employee has the right to initiate a procedure of the Ethical Commission. Such an incentive can be submitted by any UNIZA employee, Faculty employee UNIZA student or any other person that learned about the behaviour of an UNIZA student or employee having the signs of breaching the Ethical Code through submitting it to Chairman of the Ethical Commission in writing and own signature or in the electronic form with an authorised electronic signature. If the document sent electronically is not authorised and is sent from an unidentifiable address, the submitting person has to complete the letter by his/her own signature or authorised electronic signature within three days, otherwise the document is not accepted. The initiation has to contain minimally the name and surname of the submitting person, his/her signature, a brief description of the situation, the provision of the Ethical Code that was breached or was not applied. If the document is anonymous, it is registered; however, it will not be taken into account. The Ethical Commission is obliged to discuss an appropriately submitted initiation at the latest within one month from its receipt or to pass it to the chief of the section according to the articles 6, section 7 of this Guideline. When the initiation is solved there is a necessity to emphasise the coaction of all participating parties and maintaining the highest possible privacy. In the case of detecting a breach the statement of the Ethical Commission will contain recommendations or suggestion of corrective measures for the further steps of the bodies authorised to make decisions – the Rector, the Dean, Chief of the UNIZA department in compliance with the Organisational Order of UNIZA. All participating parties have to be informed about the Commission recommendations in writing. The employee touched by the statement of the Ethical Commission has the right (within 7 days) from the receipt of the statement to ask for correction against the statement of the Ethical Commission in the form of an application for correction and explanation to the Rector, the Dean or another leading UNIZA employees in compliance with the Organisational Order of UNIZA and the asked person will consider the situation for defining the corrective measures. The result of the discussion of the Ethical Commission can be also a recommendation for the next procedure according to the paragraph 108f of the law 131/2002 Coll. about universities as amended. If a disciplinary offense was detected, it is passed to the Disciplinary Commission of UNIZA or the Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty. The procedure is defined by the Guideline 201 – Disciplinary Order for Students of the University of Žilina in Žilina - The basic rules of the author ethics as an unwritten law involving the moral principles that the author, employee or student are to respect during writing the professional and university publications and the stance of UNIZA to respecting the legal and moral requirements of the authors and the principles of a correct publication practice are defined in the Guideline 226 – Author Ethics and Eliminating Plagiarism in the Condition of the University of Žilina in Žilina - The rules of the author ethics are closely connected with the framework principles of good behaviour in research, the European Code of Ethics and Integrity of Research and support improving the scientific and research standards of the UNIZA academia according to the Guideline 207 – Ethical Code of the University of Žilina in Žilina. In the long term UNIZA aims at increasing the consciousness about the importance of fulfilling the rules of the author ethics of its employees and students and principally refuses any unauthorised takeover of the author texts and ideas without any reference to its author and in this way it tries to eliminate the possible plagiarism. It carefully checks the originality of the outputs of the intellectual or industrial ownership of the students and employees and in the case of any doubt about the authorship of the presented work or breaching the rights of the intellectual or industrial ownership, it principally rejects them, see articles 1 section2 of the Guideline 209 – Study Order for the First and Second Degree of the University Study; the Guideline 110 – Study Order for the Third Degree of the University Study at the University of Žilina in Žilina as well as the article 6, section 2 and article 11 section 11 of the Ethical Code of UNIZA. To eliminate plagiarism, UNIZA has begun to check the originality of not only the final, PhD and habilitation works in the conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina through the Central Register of Final Works but also to check the originality of all types of scientific and professional outputs (publications) of the employees and students, the semester works of the students or outputs of a similar character. The failure to observe the author ethics and behaviour according to the article 3 of this Guideline is considered a breach of the working duties of the UNIZA employees and if the students breach it, these facts are qualified as a breach of the Guideline 209 - Study Order for the First and Second Degree of the University Study; the Guideline 110 - STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA of the Guideline 201 – Disciplinary Order. In the case of detecting a breach of the Disciplinary Order of the University of Žilina in Žilina it will be handed over to the Disciplinary Commission of UNIZA or Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty. |
Procedures applicable to students with special needs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The procedures applicable for the students with special needs are described at UNIZA web site - The Centre of Support for Students with Special Needs is working at UNIZA. The centre provides information, consultancy, supporting services and educational activities for applicants and students with special needs, teachers and general public. At the Faculty there is a coordinator for supporting the students with specific needs who assesses the possibilities/restrictions and the risk rate of studying the given study programme for the students with specific needs. He/she suggests adequate adaptations and supporting services determined for a student with specific needs and realises the consultancy and mediatory activity. He/she participates in creating a system of hybrid education and support for the students with special needs. The conditions for the applicants for study with special needs during the admission procedure and during the study at UNIZA are described by the Guideline 198 – Support for Applicants for Study and Students with Specific Needs ar the Iniversity of Žilina in Žilina: UNIZA also provides services of the Consultancy and Career Centre UNIZA: The Consultancy and Career Centre UNIZA was established by the Guideline 149 – Organisational Order of the University of Žilina in Žilina (by amendment 13) as to 1st September 2021. The statue of the centre is defined in the Guideline 225 - The workplace was established by joining the consultancy services in the Centre of the Psychological Support, Social Consultancy and the newly created career consultancy. The advisory centre with complex services will ensure that the students will have a simple access to the consultancy and other services corresponding with their needs. Its mission is to help the students cope with their study, prepare their entrance to the labour market, support their relationship with the university and create links between the university ground and employers. The CCC UNIZA provides a complex advisory service to the students and employees of the university (further only “clients”). The main objective of the CCC UNIZA is to provide the psychological, career, social consultancy and intervention oriented on the development of the clients´ personality and support for solving the problems of the intrapersonal character (the problems connected with the university study, the area of the social problems, the orientation in the area of personal and career targets) and the interpersonal character (the adaptation to the study and working group and also the group of people of the same age, starting and maintaining full-fledged personal and working relations). The task of the CCC UNIZA is a) to provide the clients with the possibility of individual consultations in the framework of solving their difficulties and problems and developing the personality potential; b) to provide the clients with the possibility of the group sessions of the educational and advisory character; c) to help utilise the knowledge from the area of psychology, career advisory, pedagogical and social work for self-education and self-control; d) to support the development or recovery of the psychical health, to orient on other healthcare institutions to ensure the adequate professional aid and therapy; e) to participate in implementing the inclusive approach to education with the goal to ensure the equality of opportunities, respect to individual educational needs and the active involvement to the educational process of each student. |
Procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The procedures of submitting initiations and appeals of the student: The student freely expresses his/her professional opinions, respects freedom of speech and critical thinking, free exchange of opinions and information. He/she turns with confidence to his/her teachers, academic officials and the members of the Academic Senate in the case of solving the problems concerning the teaching process and organisation of their life at UNIZA. At the Faculty the students can (except for the aforementioned possibilities) address their initiations to the study advisor (the study advisors are appointed by the Dean at the beginning of the school year), they can turn to the representatives of the students´ support (a group created for the purposes of communication and advisory activities), the Head of Department, the SP guarantor or the Chairman of the Trade Union Council or directly to the Dean. In dependence on the essence of such an initiation it is solved by a person responsible for the given area (the Dean, Vice-Deans, guarantors, Heads of Department) or an established commission (disciplinary, ethical). At the university level the processes, procedures and structures are defined by the Guideline 110 - STUDY ORDER FOR THE THIRD DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA IN ŽILINA. At the same time all student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have the possibility to ask the Dean freely and anonymously at the platform – Questions for the Dean of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering: |
5. | Course information sheets of the study programme (In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compulsory courses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compulsory optional courses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optional courses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. | Current academic year plan and current schedule |
Current academic year plan | |
The schedule of the current academic year is available on the faculty's website: |
Current schedule | |
7. | Persons responsible for the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
prof. Dr. Ing. Milan Sága functional position - Professor: dean of FME UNIZA e-mail: |
b - c | List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contents is generated from Study plans.
d | List of teachers of the study programme (including doctoral students) with the assignment to the course | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contents is generated from Study plans.
e - f | List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
g | Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h | Study advisor of the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Study Advisor: Ing. Lenka Jakubovičová, PhD.;, Tel: 041/513 2978 She provides the consultancy activities in the room BB007 on Tuesdays from 9,00 – 11,00 (or at another time according to the agreement) or through the e-mail communication or MS TEAMS.
Study Advisor: Associate Professor Ing. Róbert Kohár, PhD.;, Tel: 041/513 2925 He provides consultancies in the room BB007 on Monday and Wednesdays from 8,00 to 11,00 (or at another time according to the agreement) or through the e-mail communication or MS TEAMS. |
i | Other supporting staff of the study programme - assigned study officer, career counsellor, administration, accommodation department, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Study Official for the 3rd Degree: Ing. Eva-Carmen Gavlas tel.: 041/513 27 05 e-mail: At the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering the Department of Science and Research is in charge of the PhD study that provides adequate activities in the area of HR, technical and financial activities. It is methodologically managed by the Vice-Dean for Scientific and Research Activities: prof. Ing. Eva Tillová, PhD. The supporting staff of the department and their competence and number corresponds with the needs and number of the students at the 3rd degree in connection with the educational goals and outputs, it ensures the tutorial, consultancy, administrative and other supporting services and activities for the PhD students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The responsibility and competences of the Department of Science and Research are introduced in the Organisational Order of the Faculty:
The Department for Foreign Relations provides the administrative support of the mobilities abroad at the Faculty – Mgr. Renáta Janovčíková, e-mail: ( ). This department also deals with advisory activities in the area of the exchange stays of the students and with promotion of the mobilities abroad.
The Department for International Relations and Marketing working at the UNIZA Rector´s Office is in charge of the Erasmus+ activities – the responsible person is Mgr. Lenka Kuzmová - who manages all activities of the programme at UNIZA.
Peter Malacký, Information about e-education: The students of the SP utilise the dormitory of UNIZA with supporting and administrative staff-
The Consultancy and Career Centre of UNIZA helps the students solve the problems of the study, partner and family problems, emotional problems, communication problems, identification of a job for the career,...
The Coordinator of the Psychological Consukltancy of CCC - PhDr. Miroslava Bruncková, PhD. (room: AA022, tel.: +421 41 513 5073, mob.: +421 918 513 952, e-mail: / is also available for the students. The students can also make use of the consultancy of the university team of psychological support:
Consultancy psychologist, psychoterapist, professional coach: Mgr. Peter Seemann, PhD. (room: BF339, tel.: +421 41 513 3226, e-mail:
Consultancy psychologist: Mgr. PhDr. Eva Škorvagová, PhD. (room: AC211, tel.: +421 41 513 6398, e-mail:
Professional consultant of the first contact: PhDr. Katarína Gažová (room: AA016, tel.: +421 41 513 5038, e-mail: Psychological consultant: PhDr. Miroslava Bruncková, PhD. (room: AA022; tel.: +421 41 513 5073; mob.: +421 918 513 952; e-mail: /
Professional advisor: Mgr. Valéria Moricová, PhD. (room: MA412; tel.: +421 41 513 6731; e-mail:
Information for students:
Coordinator for fees: Jana Závodská, Information about fees:
Staff of the University Library:
Advisors for e-education: Ing. Peter Fraňo, Ing. Peter Malacký,; |
8. | Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centres, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The premises of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are in the compound of the University of Žilina in Žilina (UNIZA) with a good access by the city means of transport. The list and characteristics of the classrooms at the UNIZA Faculty of MechanicaL Engineering, the classroom of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines and their technical outfit with attached educational outputs can be found at
For individual study programs, a 3D photo gallery of the premises - classrooms, laboratories, where the teaching of SP subjects is carried out is also available: Photo gallery of the department's laboratories used to ensure the study program: BA 003 BB 003 BJ 003 Except for the aforementioned classrooms and labs of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering the students of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines utilise also the university premises for their lectures and exercises according to an agreed schedule. All classrooms have the whiteboards and the most modern audio- and video-technique (data projector, etc.) with connections to PC for managing the processes. The university classrooms (determined for the students of all UNIZA study programmes):
The list of the university seminar rooms (capacity 24 – 80 places: AA108, AA105, AC119, AC203, AC103, AC014, AC104, AC204, AC305, AD112, AF106, AF208, AFS09, AF104, AF110, AF014, AF108, AF204, AF210, AFS12, AF206, AS030, AS117, AS120, AS127, AS219, AS224, AS031, AS118, AS123, AS217, AS220, AS227, AS032, AS119, AS124, AS218, AS223. The list of the university lecture rooms (150 – 266 places): BG01(Auditorium DATALAN), AR1(Auditorium Siemens), AR2, AR3, PA0A1, PA0A2, Auditorium 1, Auditorium 2, Auditorium 3, Auditorium 4, Auditorium 5, Auditorium 6. The operation and accessibility of the material, technical and information resources is ensured from the subsidies, means from the entrepreneurial activity and the means of the publicly available grant schemes. The Institute of Physical Training ensures the sports activity for the UNIZA students. The subject physical training takes place in the extent of 2 lessons a week as an optional subject. After the student successfully passes the lessons of the selected type of sport, he/she can get 2 credits in each semester. Further credits can be obtained at the BA and MA degree for the summer and winter training camps. The goal of the Institute of Physical Training is to offer the student possibilities to choose from a wide range of the sport specialisations. The specialisation is to strengthen the attitude to a certain type of sport, to improve it and actively improve the physical conditions and performance of the student. The current level of mastering the given sport is not important but the interest in this sport. The UNIZA Institute of Physical Training offers the UNIZA student a broad range of the sport specialisations:
For those who are interested in the high performance sport the teams of the sports club ACADEMIC UNIZA are available. The Institute of Physical Training regularly organises the sport courses of rafting lasting one or several days (Soča, Salza, Váh, Hron, Belá), biking stays connected with hiking but also winter ski courses (the Low Tartras, the Alps, etc.) |
b | Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Guideline 217 – Resources for Supporting Educational, Creative and Other Activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina defines the processes, procedures and structures - Access to Internet: The IT classrooms and labs of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines (KAME and KKČS of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) are connected to the university network that enables the students to have an unlimited access to the Internet (total of 84 PC). Seven terminals placed in front of the the Study Department of the Faculty offer the possibilities to connect to the network. UNIZA operates its own wi-fi network. The students can connect to the university wi-fi network (available in all university premises) and have a free access to the UNIZA web sites and an unlimited access to Internet after activating the student account. The university wi-fi network supports EDUROAM. The software packet Microsoft Office 365 is available for the students. The student licence enables utilising the web and desktop applications of the packet Office 365 during their whole study. The University of Žilina is the owner of the licence Total Academic Headcount (TAH) for MATLAB & Simulink - . In the framework of the TAH licence at UNIZA the students obtain the access e.g. to Matlab, Simulink, all main toolboxes - Matlab Online, Matlab Drive and Matlab Mobile. Except for these services the students can take part in the courses Matlab Online Training Suite. The licence enables to utilise Matlab for all teachers and students for the purposes of teaching, research and educations. Matlab can be installed on all university equipment and private computers. The University of Žilina in Žilina is the owner of the licence for the engineering and simulation software from the company Ansys - . The individual software from the programme package ANSYS enables to solve the physical problems for the following types of the fields: deformation fields in flexible bodies, flow of fluids, temperature fields, high-frequency electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic fields, optics. It is possible to solve also tasks from the area of the mixed fields and a lot of other technical problems in the areas of mechanical engineering, electrotechnical engineering, building industry, security engineering, medicine, transport, optics, 3D print, etc. The algorithms and computational models are based mainly on the FEM that is the most universal method for solving the partial differential equations and variation tasks for searching for extreme. Electronic information system: The Academic Information and Educational System (in Slovak the abbreviation AIVS) is the basic information system for the educational and teaching process. AIVS is available for the students at the university domain and also on Internet. It also covers the detached university workplaces. Currently AIVS covers by its services the whole life cycle of the university student from submitting the application to the final exams and activities connected with completing the study at the university. The system AIVS is created by the following subsystems: The subsystem “Admission Procedure” provides the processing of the application (electronic/classical), results and their assessment, communication with the applicant and processing statistics for the Ministry of Education. The subsystem “Education” - - created by the modules: students´ register, enrolment, schedule of lectures and administration of resources, development of the study, registering the study results, preliminary assessment of the study results, study stays (mobilities. The subsystem “Completion of Study” created by the modules “Final Work” and “State Exams”. AIVS is integrated with other information systems that belong to the university intranet – the university library, emitting the student ID and administration of the student IDs, the access system, the list of users (identity management), the time and attendance system of the PhD students. AIVS is linked with the system of the university e-mail addresses of the students and with the application for the digital certificate and electronic signature in the selected services of AIVS. The application UniApps enables to access the data and AIVS services from the mobiles with OS Android in compliance with the university concept of implementing the mobile technologies. UniApps enables access to information independently of the place and time with the usage of the mobile device for the daily students of the 1st to 3rd degree. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UNIZA that utilises more than 700 PCs in the pedagogical and scientific and research process is connected with AIVS (the students of the 1st to 3rd degree of study utilise 363 PCs) and with the programmes MatLab® & Simulink® in the framework of the university licence Total Academic Headcount (TAH), LabVIEW, ME´scopeVES 5.0 (Vibrant Technology), ANSYS, ADINA, MSC.MARC, MSC.AUTOFORGE, MSC.FATIGUE, MSC.ADAMS, Mathematica, SYSWELD, ABAQUS, Axio Vision 4 with the package Materials Package, , the module for analysing the phases, analysing alloys and module for topography, Witness Horizon 21 – software for modelling and optimising the manufacturing and maintenance processes, TechOptimizer 2.5 – for innovations, IQ-RM PRO 6.5 - FMEA a FMECA, Catia, Simpack, AMR-WinControl, Pro/ENGINEER, AutoCAD, VisiLogic, CodeVision AVR Evaluation, simulation programmes for industrial robots (TriVariant v9.exe, HEXAPOD prototype simulation v1.0.exe, RoboSim.exe ) and mobile robots (MobilnyRobot.exe), DELMIA Dasault Systemes, Siemes Tecnomatix for PLM containing Tecnomatix Jack, Tecnomatix Process Simulate, Tecnomatix Plant Simulation, Tecnomatix Robcad, Tecnomatix Facory Cad a Factory Flow, a complex software package Siemes Teamcenter for data administration, etc. UNIZA is the member of the project SIVVP – Slovak Infrastructure for High-Performance Computers – approved in March 2009. The project was realised in 2012. The high-performance computing (HPC) or High-Performance Computers (VVP) means using supercomputers and computer clusters for solving the numerically or data demanding tasks in various branches of the science and technique, e.g. medicine, physics, chemistry and economics. The students can utilise the software ANSYS, COMSOL, COMSOL – cluster computing, Genome Trax, Mathematica 11.1, Matlab – licence for GRID, Matlab – TAH licence and SIMPACK. Access to the study literature: The University Library of the University of Žilina in Žilina (UK UNIZA ) is a central workplace ensuring the complex library and information activities in the framework of the UNIZA activities, its individual study specialisations and subjects, relevantly according the current needs and changed requirements in the form of acquisition, professional processing and making the monographs, textbooks, standards, journals, legislative documents, periodical literature, statistical overviews and almanacs, language and professional dictionaries, encyclopaedias, electronic carriers of information, electronic information sources, electronic books available. The information about acquiring the study and other professional literature are published first of all for the UNIZA users but also the general public through the electronic online catalogue. All provided services are ensured automatically including the book loan, the inter-library and international book loan, the research activity, providing the DDS services and the electronic reference services. The students have an access to a lot of paid fulltexts and databases - WOS, SCOPUS, Science Direct, Springer Online, Wileys, Oxford Publishing, etc. The UNIZA Library has three study rooms for its users (92 places - – its area is 540 m2. The studies and workplaces for borrowing books are equipped with PCs with a direct Internet connection (46 PCs). In the study rooms there are available 11,292 books for the reference study (the basic study literature, electronic and audio-visual documents, final and qualification works, standards, etc.) and periodicals. At the study rooms (and also through other UNIZA IP addresses) there are available electronic databases complying with the subject specialisation of the university – 35 databases making mostly fulltext sources available. A study and relax zone, a silent box and the so called “brain relaxation room” are also available. Except for the library collection accessible directly in the Library premises, the departments have their own “partial libraries” (109 partial libraries) where the students can also borrow publications. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is doing its best to bring the students as much information as possible and therefore part of the study literature (the textbooks, articles, presentations, aids for exercises, etc.) is issued electronically. They are published by their authors at the Internet sites of the departments and in the university system of e-learning. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering issues its own study texts (monographs, university textbooks) mostly in the publishing house EDIS that is part of UNIZA. UNIZA issues also scientific magazines - |
c | Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The study is realised in the face-to-face form but the teachers are able to transfer immediately to the distance form of teaching if a situation similar to the current COVID-19 pandemic occurs. In this case the teaching process will be realised through the systems Moodle and MS Teams. Thanks to the package MS Office 365 - used by UNIZA it is possible to share large files, carry out online classes as well as testing in a reliable regime with a continuous transfer of data files at the same time. The on-line classes and testing in the framework of this package are realised through Teams and Forms. The Dean of the Faculty informs the students about the transfer from the face-to-face study to the distance one by a mass electronic e-mail. If there is only a short-term transfer in the framework of a certain subject the students are informed in advance by the responsible teacher. The students are informed about the conditions of passing a subject during the transfer from the face-to-face form to the distance one at the beginning of the semester. The standard part of the teaching process is to provide the study materials to the students. There are several approaches how to do it. The basic information about the subject´s content is published in the information sheet of the subject that also contains the description of the relevant sources of literature inevitable for gaining knowledge determined by the subject content. The Faculty is doing its best to ensure the necessary study literature through the university library and department libraries. The next method is to publish the presentations and other study materials at the Faculty web site for the given subjects in the framework of individual departments in compliance with the copy right. A new and more sophisticated method is to publish the study materials through the system Moodle and various e-learning tools that enable the students to use the study materials in the form of presentations, videos, tests and enable a direct communication with the teacher in the form of lectures, seminars, exercises and consultations. The individual subjects of the study programme are ensured by the necessary teaching texts (textbooks, etc.) that are regularly innovated in the framework of the plan of the editorial activity at UNIZA. Except for the University Library UNIZA has also a shop for selling the literature – EDIS and EDIS shop: An important part of the study literature within the third stage of university studies are the latest publications from the respective field, which have been published in domestic and foreign journals and at international scientific conferences. Students can access these publications through prepaid full-text and search databases such as WOS, SCOPUS, Science Direct, Springer Online, Wileys, Oxford Publishing, etc. |
d | Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The PhD study programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines is a modern study programme enabling to acquire knowledge based on the current state of the scientific knowledge in the area of computer modelling, design and analysis; research of new materials and technologies; designing and dimensioning the design elements determined for application not only in the automotive industry with the goal to make use of the boundary properties of the materials in all areas of their applications; modelling the technological processes (welding, etc.), the dynamic processes in the moveable systems, the fatigue properties of the construction materials, etc. is one of the carrying directions of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - The responsible workplaces – KAME, KKČS – carry out an uninterrupted research activities in the SP area at both the national and international level. From the point of view of the output transformation – both in the pedagogical and scientific areas we can mention the following cooperation institutions - Universitet Zielonogórski, Politechnika Czestochowska, Politechnika Slaska, UK Praha, VUT Brno, TU VŠB Ostrava, UJEP Ústí nad Labem, ZČU Plzeň, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego Bydgoszcz, Poznan University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Schaeffler Slovensko, spol. s r. o., Authorized Training Center for MSC.ADAMS - STU Bratislava, Asseco CEIT, a. s. - Žilina, Continental Matador Rubber Púchov, MTS spol., s.r.o., Volkswagen Slovakia, a.s. - Bratislava, OMNIA KLF, a.s. - Kysucké Nové Mesto, etc. The employees of these partner workplaces participate in realising the final works; they are external examiners and external commission members during the state exams. These organisations are also important employers of the graduates who aimed at research, etc. In the cooperation network we realise the exchange stays of the employees, students and PhD students, publish common publications, scientific and professional articles, realise and prepare international projects, solve projects in the framework of the bilateral scientific and research cooperation (e.g. Visegrad Fund). Together with Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna in Bielsko-Biała, Warsaw University, Politechnika Czestochowska, TU VŠB Ostrava, STU Bratislava and TUKE Košice the Department of Applied Mechanics organises the international Slovak-Polish and Polish-Slovak scientific conference Machine Modelling and Simulations (MMS). |
e | Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The web site of the University of Žilina in Žilina presents the possibilities of the social, sports, cultural and intellectual activities - The catering services for the students are ensured by the UNIZA Catering Facilities – Nová menza - The accommodation of the UNIZA students is ensured by the dormitories Veľký Diel - and Hliny The Institute of Physical Training ensures the sports activities for the UNIZA students -, that offers the basic possibilities of the sports activities:
The following institutions offer the cultural and artistic activities in Žilina: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie ( Dom umenia Fatra ( Považská galéria umenia ( Nová synagóga ( Mestské divadlo Žilina ( Bábkové divadlo (
The University Pastoral Centre ensures the religious activities for the students - Several organisations at the university offer common activities for the students (see the Guide for the First Year Student - ), e.g.: GAMA klub - I-TÉČKO - Internet klub - RÁDIO X - RAPEŠ - Rádio Rapeš | - slovenský éter online Folklore ensemble STAVBÁR Club of Friends of Railways - |
f | Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships, application instructions, rules for recognition of this education | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The students of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines can participate in the international mobility programmes of the EU e.g. CEEPUS and Erasmus+ - the application and rules of acknowledging of this education are managed by the rules of the given programmes. The list of the participating institutions is updated regularly. The instructions are published at the Faculty web site. In the framework of the scientific activities on their own projects or the supervisor´s projects, the students are sent to the partner universities and research institutions not only in Europe but also worldwide. They can also utilise the bilateral international mobility projects, e.g. through the Slovak Academic Information Agency – SAAIA and the National Scholarship Fund. The binding contractual partnerships enable participating of the interested parties and their representatives on designing, approving, realising and assessing the study programme. The agreements with the partners concretise the conditions for participation of the partner´s employees to realise the study programme and conditions for providing the premises and material and information resources and ensuring the quality of the study realised in the partner´s premises including the final works. UNIZA has the possibility to send the students to the foreign countries for the study stays in the framework of the partnerships to 56 universities abroad. Other schemes covering practically the whole world offer even broader possibilities, especially in the framework of Erasmus+ and activities of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic realised through SAIA. They are: CEEPUS, National Scholarship Fund, the action Austria – Slovakia, Visegrad Fund, etc. Except fot Erasmus+ the Faculty has further contractual cooperation with AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków, Poland), Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria), International Visegrad Fund. The Erasmus+ coordinators at the Faculty help create a precise study plan for the applicants for studying at a university abroad that is a condition for acknowledging the study abroad at the Faculty. The annual reports of the Faculty provide thorough information about participation of the students in the mobilities abroad during the individual years - The Guideline 219 - Mobilities of the Students and Employees of UNIZA Abroad – PART 2: UNIZA STUDENTS´ MOBILITY ABROAD AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATING IN STUDY STAYS ABROAD, describes the possibilities and conditions of the students´ participation in the mobilities and stays, the application instructions, the rules for acknowledging this education. The basic information to the Erasmus+ mobilites” Criteria for selecting for the mobility: Erasmus+ link:
Basic information on CEEPUS mobility:
Contact persons: prof. Ing. Ivan Kuric, Dr. (vice dean, faculty Erasmus + coordinator, CEEPUS coordinator) E-mail: Tel.: +421 41 513 2800
Mgr. Renáta Janovčíková (Erasmus+ Mobility of FME Coordinator) E-mail: Phone number: +421 41 513 2518
Contact persons at UNIZA level: prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD. Area of responsibility / competences: Vice-Rector for International Relations and Marketing, Institutional Erasmus + Coordinator E-mail: Phone number: +421 41 513 5130
Mgr. Lenka Kuzmová Area of responsibility / competences: coordination of Erasmus + activities KA103 projects, Erasmus + cooperation agreements, coordination of study stays and student internships E-mail: Phone number: +421 41 513 5133
Anna Súkeníková Area of responsibility / competences: coordination of Erasmus + teacher mobility E-mail: Phone number: +421 41 513 5132
Ing. Jana Andrlová Area of responsibility / competences: coordination of Erasmus mobility of KA103 employees and KA107 teachers E-mail: Phone number: +421 41 513 5139
Ing. Jana Stranianková Area of responsibility / competences: Erasmus+ coordination - incoming students, student accommodation E-mail: Phone number: +421 41 513 5149 |
9. | Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | Required abilities and necessary admission requirements | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The document Principles and Rules for Admission Procedure for the Third Degree of University Study at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina in Žilina defines the principles and rules for the admission procedure for the study of the PhD study programmes (the third degree of the university study) ensured by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina in Žilina. The rules are worked out according to the Guideline 206 – Principles and Rules of Admission Procedure for Study at Unibersity of Žilina in Žilina - annually approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty. All information concerning the admission procedure (admission conditions, deadlines, accredited study programmes and the planned numbers of the accepted students) are published on the Faculty web site and the portal of the universities on the determined day: The admission procedures take place for all accredited programmes of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering that respects and implements these principles and guarantees that:
It is assumed that the applicant has abilities for an independent creative activity in the specialisation Mechanical Engineering and a high level of professional knowledge from the SP subjects for the second degree connected with the selected PhD SP and selected topic of the dissertation thesis. Basic conditions for admission: The basic condition for admission for the PhD study (the study programme of the third degree) is to acquire the academic title at the second degree of the university study (Law 131/2002 Coll., about universities as amended - further only “law”). The applicant who does not submit the confirmation about completing the second degree at the time of the admission commission meeting, can be accepted conditionally; but at the latest on the date determined for enrolment he/she will submit this document. For those applicants who acquired the education necessary for fulfilling the basic admission condition at an acknowledged educational institution outside Slovakia (it does not concern the Czech Republic) it is necessary that the document about the acquired education is equal with the document about education issued by an acknowledged educational institution in Slovakia (acknowledging the documents about education for the purpose of continuing the study according to the law 422/2015 Coll., about acknowledging the documents about education and about acknowledging professional qualifications, as amended). Thorough information see - The study of the SPs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering requires the knowledge of the Slovak or Czech language orally and in writing at an adequate level (minimally the level B1), the UNIZA offers the language courses. The knowledge of at least one world language at an adequate level is also necessary (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian). The study programmes taught in English require the knowledge of English minimally at the B1 level. Admission of foreign students: The foreign students have the same admission conditions as the applicants from the Slovak Republic. The foreign students who study in another language than Slovak, pay the fees according to § 92 section 8 of the law about universities. The fee is stated by the UNIZA guideline and published at the university web site for the given year. The foreign students studying in Slovak do not pay the fees. The applicants from the Czech Republic can use the application form valid in the Czech Republic. The applicants who do not speak Slovak or Czech are required to pass the language training (it is also possible at UNIZA). For those foreign students who are accepted on the basis of the international agreements, bilateral treaties or are the scholarship holders of the Slovak government the conditions of the given documents are valid. |
b | Admission procedures | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Guideline 206 - Principles and Rules of Admission Procedure for Study at University of Žilina in Žilina - defines the processes, procedures and structures at the UNIZA level. The further conditions of admitting the applicants for the PhD programmes at the Faculty are defined according to § 57 of the law. The admission procedure is realised in the form of a selection procedure with the goal to ensure that the applicants who are to start the study have the necessary capabilities and assumptions. All applicants pass a selection procedure. The selection procedure for the PhD study is realised in the form of an interview separately with each applicant with the admission commission. One of the main activities of the PhD study is the scientific and research and artistic creative activity of the PhD student that is a substantial part of the PhD study (see the information of the current PhD students - The goal of the admission exam for the PhD study at the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machine is to verify the applicant´s assumptions to study at the selected SP and to find out his/her capabilities for an independent creative activity. The admission procedure verifies these facts with the goal to ensure the high educational level and achievement of the internationally accepted results as follows:
We expect from the PhD student and verify his/her motivation for the study, the professional capability, assumptions for the creative and independent work, an active approach to fulfilling the tasks and personal responsibility. The admission exam is realised before an admission commission consisting of at least four members - it is created by the chairman and at least two members, the next member is the supervisor for the given topic. An order of the applicants is then created according to:
A report is written about the results of the admission exam. The applicants are accepted for the study on the basis of the order of the admission exam. The final decision about the result of the admission procedure is made by the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering based on the recommendation of the admission commission. In the case when the conditions for admission are fulfilled by more applicants than planned, the Dean of the Faculty can decide about admission of a higher number of these applicants. The decisions about the admission / non-admission for the study will be delivered by the registered mail to the hands of the applicant in the deadline according to the law. The decision about admission also contains the enrolment procedure for the study. The applicants with specific needs based on their request and on the assessment of the specific needs are given the form of the admission exam and the method of its realisation taking into account his/her specific needs in compliance with the Guideline – Support of Applicants for Study and Students with Specific Needs at the University of Žilina in Žilina. The topics of the dissertation theses the applicant can ask for in the framework of the admission procedure for studying the PhD PSs are published at the Faculty web site together with the names of the supervisors - The topics of the dissertation theses of the SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines can be found at: The topics are published at the latest two days before the last day determined for submitting the applications. The applicant registers for one or several topics, presents the name of the study programme and the form of study he/she is interested in. The applicants fill in the form – Application for Study – 3rd Degree or use the electronic form. The filled in form is to be sent to: The applicant can follow the whole procedure from registering until completing the procedure in the information system. The university portal can be used too. All the required appendixes can be inserted electronically as scanned documents. Also in the case of the electronic application it is necessary to print the application form, to sign it, attach the required appendixes and the document about paying the fee and to send it by post to the Faculty address until 31st May 2022. The incomplete application or an application sent after the deadline will not be accepted. In the case of absence or if the students fails during the admission procedure, the Faculty does not return the fee for the admission procedure. If the applicant wants to participate in several admission procedures at the UNIZA faculties, the application is to be submitted separately to each faculty and the fees have to be paid for each application. The applicant for the study of the third degree attaches to the application the following documents:
If they are available, the applicant can attach the following documents that he/she delivers to the Faculty at the latest on the day of the admission exam:
c | Results of the admission process over the last period | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UNIZA archives the documentation from the admission procedure, about the enrolment and enrolments for other parts of the study, statements of the study results, copies of the documents about graduating from the study and other documents at least 25 years from the day of graduating from the study. Study Programme Parts and Mechanisms of Machines:
The SP Parts and Mechanisms of Machines is created due to integrating the perishing SP Computer Modelling and Mechanics of Machines for the rationalisation purposes. |
10. | Feedback on the quality of provided education |
a | Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality |
The procedures of collecting, analysing and utilising the relevant information for an effective management of the SP are part of the formalised processes of the processes of the internal system. The fulfilling of the formalised processes of utilising the relevant information ensures that information used for assessing the SP and for the proposals of its adaptations and improvement will be analyses. These procedures are worked out in the Guideline 223 – Monitoring and Periodical Assessment of the Study Programmes - The Guideline 218 – Collecting, Processing, Analysing and Assessing Information for Supporting the Study Programmes states the rules, procedures and responsibilities concerning systematic collecting, processing, analysing and assessing the information for managing the educational activity and creative activities. The monitoring of the study programme at UNIZA includes the continual observation and analysis of the educational process in the given study programme, realisation of the planned activities that are to direct the quality improvement of the education, to achievement the outputs and goals of education, fulfilment of the relevant legislation and other legal guidelines. The assessment of the study programme based on the data acquired from monitoring is realised periodically with the goal to improve the SP quality systematically and to achieve the goals and outputs of the education effectively. This activity is part of the UNIZA quality and offers an objective view at further discussions about the quality of education at UNIZA. The following parties participate in monitoring and periodical assessment of the study programme:
Based on the research and analysis of the detected facts the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering realises measures that it implements to the educational process and all concerned areas. After implementing the results we realise monitoring of effectiveness of the adopted measures that follow the change of the students´ satisfaction who are in the individual phases of the student´s life cycle. The Faculty is implementing procedures for monitoring and assessing the students´ opinions concerning the quality of the study programme. This process is defined by the Guideline FME-SM02 Assessment of Customers´ Satisfaction presented in the register of documentation and records of the Faculty: The department responsible for science and research ensures the measurement and assessment of the customers´ satisfaction once for the given academic year during the summer semester. |
b | Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality |
The Faculty is implementing procedures for monitoring and assessing the students´ opinions concerning the quality of the study programme. This process is defined by the Guideline FME-SM02 Assessment of Customers´ Satisfaction presented in the register of documentation and records of the Faculty: The department responsible for science and research ensures the measurement and assessment of the customers´ satisfaction once for the given academic year during the summer semester. The feedback of the PhD students at the Faculty was realised to improve the SP quality and we used the form through the MS TEAMS: 46 PhD students out of 55 people enrolled for the academic year 2021/2022 took part in an anonymous research, i.e. 83 % of the students. The results are documented at: The results show that:
The SP guarantors and the Faculty top management (the Dean´s Collegium) analyse the data of the feedback, identify the possibilities and proposals for supporting the strengths, utilising the potential opportunities for improving the detected strengths and eliminating and possible threats. The feedback results of the education and identified possibilities are subsequently analysed, assessed by the Council of Study Programmes and are the basis for creating the Report about Assessing Study Programmes in the framework of the periodical evaluation of the study programme by the Council of Study Programmes. |
c | Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality |
The measures connected with the results of the students´ feedback are described in the Guideline 223 – Monitoring and Periodical Assessment of Study Programmes - The feedback of the SP graduates was realised to detect the possibilities of improving the study programme through MS FORMS sent to Sp graduates´ mail addresses. The SP guarantors analyse the data of the feedback, identify the possibilities and proposals for supporting the strengths, utilising the potential opportunities for improving and eliminating the detected strengths and possible threats. The feedback results of the education and identified possibilities are subsequently analysed, assessed by the Council of Study Programmes and are the basis for creating the Report about Assessing Study Programmes in the framework of the periodical evaluation of the study programme by the Council of Study Programmes. The part 3.a presents the results of the graduates´ feedback (questionnaire research). |
11. | References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student (e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.) | |
Internal regulations and information / Link | ||
Appendix No. 4 to S 108_2013 Scholarship Order + Appendix No. 2 + full text of S 108_2013 Scholarship Order as amened by Appendix No. 1 to 4 Appendix No. 1 to S 190_2019 Rules for Changing SP Guarantor, Habilitation Guarantor and Inauguration Procedure + full text of Guideline as amended by Appendix No. 1 Guideline 213 – Policies for Quality Assurance at UNIZA Guideline 218 – Collecting, Processing, Analysing and Assessing Study Programmes List of the valid guidelines:
S 106_2012 Statute of UNIZA as amended by appendixes 1 to 5
S 110_2013 Study Programme for 3rd Degree of University Study at UNIZA as amended by appendixes 1 to 3
S 132_2015 about Free Access to Information
S 149_2016 Organisational Order
S 152_2017 Principles of Editorial Activity of UNIZA as amended by apendixe No.1
S 159_2017 Working Order
S 163_2018 Accommodation Order of UNIZA dormitories
S 167_2018 Rules of Procedure of Disciplinary Commissions at as amended by appendixNo.1
S 180_2019 Grant System of University of Žilina in Žilina – full text
S 200_2021 Principles of Selection Procedure
S 201_2021 Disciplinary Order for Students of University of Žlina in Žilina
S 202_2021 Criteria for Appointing for Functions of Professors and Associate Professors and Principles of Appointing Functions of Visiting Professors
S 203_2021 Rules for Creating Recommended Study Plans of Study Programmes at University of Žilina in Žilina
S 204_2021 Rules for Creating, Adapting, Approving and Cancelling Study Plans at University of Žilina in Žilina
S 205_2021 Rules for Assigning Teachers to Ensure Study Programmes at University of Žilina in Žilina
S 206_2021 Principles and Rules of Admission Procedure for Study at University of Žilina in Žilina
S 207_2021 Ethical Code of UNIZA
S 208_2021 Rules for Acquiring, Harmonising, Adapting and Cancelling Rights for Habilitation and Inauguration Procedure
S 210_2021 Statute of UNIZA Accreditation Council
S 211_2021 Procedure of Acquiring Scientific and Pedagogical and Artistic and Pedagogical Titles
S 212_2021 Rules for Defining Workload of Creative Employee at University of Žilina in Žilina
S 213_2021 Policies of Quality Assurance at UNIZA
S 214_2021 Structure of Intrnal Management System
S 215_2021 Final, PhD and Habilitation Theses in Conditions at University of Žilina in Žilina
S 216_2021 Quality Assurance of PhD Study at UNIZA
S 217_2021 Resources for Supporting the Educational, Creative and Other Activities at University of Žilina in Žilina
S 218_2021 Guideline about Collecting, Processing, Analysisng and Assessing Informatio to Support SP Management
S 219_2021 Mobilities of Students and Employees of University of Žilina in Žilina abroad
S 220_2021 Assessment of Creative Activity of Employees in Relation to Assuring Educational Quality at UNIZA
S 221_2021 Cooperation of UNIZA with External Partners from Practice
S 222_2021 Internal System of Quality Assurance at UNIZA
S 225_2021 Statute of Consultancy and Career Centre of UNIZA
S 226_2021 GUIDELINE No. 226 about Author Ethics and Elimination of Plagiarism in Conditions of University of Žilina in Žilina
Internet Web Sites of UNIZA
Internal System of Quality Assurance at UNIZA
Long-Term Objective of UNIZA:
Long-Term Objective of UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
Study Guide:
List of PhD Students at UNIZA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
Information about Study - Brochure:
Guide of First Year Student:
Reports about Assessing Educational Activity :
Students´ Accommodation:
Accommodation Orders:
Current Guideline for Fees:
Student Loans: Centre of Psychological Support:
University Religious Centre at UNIZA:
Student Scientific Conference: TRANSCOM:
Student Part of the UNIZA Faculty of Mechaniocal Engineering Academic Senate:
Student Council:
Student Organisations at UNIZA (GAMA klub; Council of Accommodated Students, Internet klub, Í-tečko, Club of Friend of Railways of UNIZA, RAPEŠ, Rádio X, Erasmus Student Network, University Club of Fire Protection Sport UNIZA):
Student ID:
Students´ Questionnaire - satisfaction - assessment:
Awarding Students – in the Report about Activity of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
Academic Information System AIS – Manuals and Instructions for Students:
University e-mail and Office 365:
Magazine Spravodajca: |