Name of the faculty: | Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology |
Name of the study programme: | Electrotechnologies and Materials (EN) |
Degree of higher education: | 3. |
Institution body for approving the study programme: | |
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification: | |
Date of the latest change in the study programme description: | |
Reference to the results of the latest periodic review of the study programme by the institution: |
1. | Basic information about the study programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | Name of the study programme | Electrotechnologies and Materials (EN) | Number according to the register of study programmes | 103560 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b | Degree of higher education | 3 | ISCED-F education degree code | 864 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c | Place(s) of delivery of the study programme | Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d | Name of the field / Combination of two fields of study |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Number of the field of study | 2675V00 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ISCED-F codes of the field/fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
e | Type of the study programme | professionally oriented | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
f | Awarded academic degree | Philosophiae Doctor „PhD.“ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
g | Form of study | external | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h | Cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfils at each of the given institutions | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i | Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered | English language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
j | Standard length of the study expressed in academic years | 6 rok(y) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
k | Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students) | 1.grade: 5 2.grade: 5 3.grade: 5 4.grade: 5 |
Actual number of applicants |
Actual number of students |
2. | Graduate profile and learning objectives |
a | Learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes |
A graduate of doctoral studies in the field of study Electrical Technology and materials knows scientific methods of evaluating material structures and systems from the point of view of technology processing, structure, service life, reliability, interoperation and output diagnostics and controls, as well as from the point of view of determining the basic physical properties of the substrate materials and final structures. The comprehensive knowledge obtained in this way will enable the graduate to use it in a wide range of production technologies in electronics and photonics, as in their design, as well as in the organization and optimization of individual technological procedures. The graduate will receive the ability to predict changes in the properties of materials in various conditions of use, as well as from the point of view of the use of various technological procedures to produce electrotechnical elements, structures, systems, and equipment.
[CV1] has extensive knowledge of the theories, sophisticated methods and procedures of level science corresponding to international criteria in the field of electrical engineering. [CV2] knows the methods of analysis and synthesis, knows how to apply them when performing basic and applied research in the selected field of study. [CV3] has a systematic and comprehensive set of knowledge from several areas of field of study, which serve as a basis for carrying out research and development and creation new knowledge in the field of electrical technologies and materials and photonics and measuring technology. [CV4] has deep theoretical and methodological knowledge of technologies and materials used in photonics, in the electrotechnical and electronic industry, about the properties of materials and about the processes taking place in them, which are the object of scientific research or development, at the level of the current state of research in the world, [CV5] can lead smaller and larger scientific, research and development teams workers, lead large projects and accept responsibility for complex solutions of scientific and research problems, [CV6] learns the principles of independent and team scientific work, scientific research, scientific formulation of problems, design of an experiment with a time schedule, [CV7] will be able to follow the latest scientific and research trends in his/her field and supplement and update the knowledge in the form of lifelong learning, [CV8] specify knowledge from the field of physical processes taking place in various species materials, has knowledge of methodologies and diagnostic potential in terms of analysis materials. [CV9] could design and solve research projects, construct, and design equipment of technological practice. [CV10] can apply legal, social, moral, ethical, economic in his/her work also, the environmental aspects of their profession.
The study program of the third degree of Electrotechnology and materials leads students to be able to master the scientific methods of evaluating material structures and systems from the point of view processing, structure, lifetime, reliability, interoperation and output technologies, diagnostics, and control, as well as from the point of view of determining basic physical properties substrate materials and final structures. The comprehensive knowledge obtain ed in this way will enable their use in a wide range of production technologies in electronics and photonics, as in their design, as well as in the organization and optimization of individual technological procedures. Materials are the basis of all devices and systems and their development and proper diagnostics modern research. In addition to the mentioned theoretical knowledge, a graduate of the third-degree university studies in the field of Electrotechnology and Materials will receive these supplementary knowledge, abilities, and skills:
[VV1] can actively acquire new knowledge and information, analyze them critically and review and use them in the design of theories as well as in practical applications for development field of study [VV2] possesses innovative thinking, knows how to creatively formulate information about the procedure and results of solving tasks and is ready to present professionally on his/her own the results of research and development before the professional community. [VV3] can follow the latest scientific and research trends in his/her own field and supplement and update the knowledge in the form of lifelong learning, [VV4] can perform research, analysis, measurements, data collection and processing, can use advanced methods and tools for computer modeling and simulations processes. [VV5] can creatively apply acquired knowledge in practice, acquires the ability to develop own scientific discipline, will find professional application in various branches of science, research, industry, and services in both the public and private sectors. [VV6] can analyze and solve complex and non-standard tasks in the field of Electrical Technology and materials and bring new, original solutions. He /she can formulate engineering-physical-technological problems and bring their solutions to practical realizations |
b | Indicated professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability |
[VV7] has the qualified skills to independently solve scientific projects, determine the focus of research, and coordinate the implementation team of experts, applies his own findings of the theoretical analysis and the complex scientific research in solving problems and based on his outputs and findings, he/she can design, verify, and implement new research and work procedures. Indicated occupations for which the graduate is ready at the time of graduation and the potential of the study program from the point of view of the application of the graduates. He/she knows not only the principles but also the basic properties of materials for modern electronics, optics, and photonics. He/she has deep knowledge of geometric optics, electronics and technologies and can apply them for photonic elements and systems on a chip and on an optical fiber. The graduate can design, modify, and diagnose laser devices and components for telecommunications, medicine, and measurement. It uses and improves the quality and design of fiber optic technology. He/she knows how to introduce new optical or photonic prototypes and devices in various fields of technology. He/she optimizes optical designs by performing design/analysis with extensive use of lighting tools and empirical data as needed. He/she has knowledge of electro-optical and sensory systems. He/she can work with devices and materials used in basic and applied research according to the focus of the study program. The graduate has experience in the use of hi-tech laboratory equipment for surface and material analysis, such as an electron microscope, the technique of vaporization, sputtering of thin layers, and an atomic force microscope. List of some indicated professions: 2151001 Specialist electrical engineer technologist 2151 Electrical engineers and energy specialists 3113006 Materials technologist in electrical engineering 3114001 - Designer of non-standard measurement systems 2422016 Specialist in the field of science development, research, and innovation 2522001 Information system administrator 2521006 Data scientist Optician (for various application areas), Applied optoelectronics, Optical engineer, Technological engineer |
c | Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favourable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession |
SEC Technologies s.r.o. Sylex s.r.o. |
3. | Employability |
a | Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability |
A graduate of the doctoral study program Electrical Technologies and Materials will obtain broad-spectrum knowledge, the trajectory of which extends from the acquired basic knowledge of areas of knowledge of materials for electronics and photonics, as well as technologies and diagnostics methods. He/she can analyze signal propagation in optical lines, solve the design of light sources for the smallest level and manages the use of top simulation tools for modeling of photonic phenomena in structures and materials. The graduate understands and knows the acquired skills and implement habits in various technical areas, e.g., also in the field of IT technologies in photonics. Graduates of the study program find employment on the labor market in all relevant sectors of the economy - in the private, public, and state sectors, especially in positions focused on technology development, diagnostics and industrial use and technicians in diverse types of optical and automotive companies or also in independent activity. |
b | Successful graduates of the study programme |
During its short existence, the study program has trained a number of top doctoral students, who today successfully work in R&D positions in renowned companies with a base material, or at universities in the positions of assistant professors. Graduates from the given program have been leaving for companies for the last more than 5 years. Most of them ended up on university places in the positions of assistant professors and scientific-researchers and some graduates are placed in top companies. Graduates return to the faculty and at joint meetings they evaluate their life in new positions as extraordinarily successful and the high demand for a graduate of this program on the labor market constantly resonates from their words. Especially in Europe, there is a high-quality graduate of technologies in electronics and photonics much in demand as a response to the integration of optical elements and principles into all branches of industry and not only industry, but also healthcare. Majority graduates found employment in Slovakia, or in nearby companies in the Czech Republic. |
c | Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback) |
The fact that their work in data also speaks of how successful graduates are in companies accelerated cooperation at the level of science but also of the education of new young people photonists, e.g., at the level of assignment of final theses and joint development projects and internships. Most of the graduates experienced an internship abroad at top universities, or practice or joint development projects in companies. Creating such graduates confirms that the quality of the graduate matters and is an asset to the scientific society in Slovakia as well as abroad and is the engine of development of strong companies in the field of electronics and photonics. |
4. | Structure and content of the study programme | |
a | Rules for the design of study plans within the study programme | |
At the university level, it defines processes, procedures, and structures: Directive no. 203 - Rules for creating recommended study plans of UNIZA programs, determines the binding procedures for the creation of study plans in the preparation of the draft application for accreditation of the study program or modification of the study program. Study plan of the student determines the time and content sequence of study program subjects and the form of study results assessment. The rules for follow-up between individual subjects are set and described in the study plan. Directive no. 204 - Rules for creating, modifying, approving, and canceling study fees of UNIZA programs, sets the rules for creating, modifying, approving, and canceling study programs at UNIZA and when applying for study program accreditation, in which UNIZA asks for granting accreditation to the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education ("SAAVŠ"). Directive no. 205 - Rules for assigning teachers to provide study allowances of UNIZA programs, determination of study program staffing rules and principles how to assign teachers to study programs conducted at the University of Žilina in Žilina ("UNIZA"). A university teacher can work in the functional position of a professor, the position of associate professor, the position of professional assistant, assistant, or lecturer. Directive no. 212 - Rules for defining the workload of UNIZA creative employees, Creative employees of UNIZA can be: a) university teachers working as professors, visiting professor, associate professor, associate docent, docent, professional assistant, assistant, lecturer, b) scientific research workers, c) workers according to letter a) – b) of this paragraph acting in the position of rector, vice-rector, dean, vice-dean and head of department, d) professional staff, research staff, research coordinators, division heads, directors Specifically for the third degree of study, the processes, procedures, and structures are defined by Directive no. 219:Quality assurance of doctoral studies at the University of Žilina in Žilina - Education in the post graduate study program Electrotechnology and Materials (EaM) is conducted based on the post doctoral individual study plan, under the guidance of a supervisor. The post graduate study plan is determined by the supervisor in accordance with the recommended EaM study plan. |
b | Recommended study plans for individual study paths | |
c | The study programme, in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses Profile courses of the relevant study path (specialization) within the study programme - Appendix 1 |
d | Number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies | |
180 | ||
Other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study | ||
Conditions that the student must fulfill during the course of study, completion of individual parts of the study program, the student's progress in the study program, repetition, extension and on proper completion of studies is determined by directive no. 110: Study schedule for the third degree university studies at UNIZA: Dean's methodological guideline No. 2/2021 on the study schedule (for adjusting the procedure of specific activities) The postgraduate student's study plan consists of a study part that ends with a dissertation exam, scientific part and defense of the dissertation thesis. EaM study plan determines the number of credits for individual activities, and it is approved by the Departmental Commission and the Scientific Council of FEIT. The study part represents fifty credits from the scope of the study plan. It focuses on getting of deep theoretical knowledge in the field of the basics of materials with an emphasis on multidisciplinary field and the acquisition of a methodological apparatus supported by knowledge of selected mathematical-physical and professional disciplines. It consists of a study of two compulsory and two optional subjects and from the compulsory subject Written thesis to dissertation exam and defense of the written work for the dissertation exam. These are compulsory subjects: Basics of scientific work and foreign language. The choice of two compulsory optional subjects depends on the topic of the dissertation thesis. Each subject of the study part is assigned ten credits. All subjects of the study part are subjects of the state exam. The scientific part represents at least 130 credits from the scope of the study plan. It is implemented in Dissertation projects I to IV and individual and team scientific and research work, including the preparation and defense of a dissertation thesis. Dissertation projects I-IV represent complete parts (stages) of the dissertation thesis and each one is assigned ten credits. Assessed activities within individual and team scientific work are: publications in magazines and conference proceedings, chapters in monographs/university textbooks, protection of intellectual property (patent, utility model), citations registered in the SCI citation index and active presentation of results at conferences. Allocation of credits for individual activities within the framework of individual and team scientific work are determined by the relevant regulations, which are listed higher. Among the obligations of full-time post gradual students, which result from the Act on Universities and amendment of some laws no. 131/2002. From the law there is also pedagogical activity. The basic part of the study is the year in which the student must obtain an average of sixty credits. Full-time study is divided into school years as follows: First year - the student receives at least forty credits, Second year - the student receives at least sixty credits (or a total of one hundred for 1st and 2nd year credits), Third year - the student receives enough credits to reach at least 180 credits during the study. The supervisor submits the annual report to the dean no later than August 31 for the relevant academic year evaluation of the fulfillment of the postgraduate student's study program with a statement as to whether he/she recommends or does not recommend his continued studies. The supervisor evaluates the status and level of performance of the postgraduate student's study program, meeting deadlines, will grant credits and if necessary, submits a proposal to modify the individual study program. A postgraduate student in full-time post gradual studies registers for the dissertation examination no later than 18 months from the date of registration for postgraduate studies. A postgraduate student must, together with the application form for the dissertation examination, submit the written work prepared for the dissertation exam. Failure to meet the postgraduate student's conditions for registering for the dissertation exam, or failure to submit a written work for the dissertation examination within the specified term without prior approval of the head of the training center, is a reason for his exclusion from the study. The written work for the dissertation exam consists of a dissertation project containing an overview of the current state of knowledge on the given topic, an outline of the theoretical foundations of its future solution and analysis of the methodical approach to solving the given problem. One opponent, appointed by the dean, will prepare the opinion for written work for the dissertation. The dissertation exam consists of a part consisting of a discussion on the written work and from the part in which the postgraduate student must demonstrate theoretical knowledge in the specified subjects of the dissertation exam. The dissertation exam is held before the examination committee, which the chairperson and members are appointed by the dean based on the proposal of the chairperson of the committee. Commission has at least four members, at least one of whom is not from the place where postgraduate studies. The overall result of the dissertation examination is evaluated comprehensively by the examination committee by saying "passed" or "failed". Report is drawn up about the dissertation exam, where at the end, the commission will state its recommendation, or proposal to modify the title of the dissertation. The dissertation exam is one of the state exams. The study ends with the defense of the dissertation thesis, which is one of the state exams. After working out and acceptance of the dissertation thesis and its defense, the postgraduate student receives thirty credits (for the dissertation thesis and its defense). A student of the third level of university studies in ŠP EaM demonstrates with a dissertation thesis ability and readiness for independent scientific and creative activity in the field of research. The thesis presents the results of his scientific research and the application of research results in practice. The result of the dissertation thesis should be the acquisition of new knowledge in the given issue. The student must demonstrate a deep systematic understanding of the field of study, must demonstrate skills in research work and correctly apply scientific research methods. The student must demonstrate that he/she himself/herself conducted a substantial part of the research within the dissertation thesis, that he designed, constructed, realized, optimized and all this in an ethically pure way. Rules for repeating studies: They are again governed by the dean's order Dean's order no. 3/2021 in the academic year 2021/2022 Rules for extending studies: according to the Act on Universities and Amendments some laws no. 131/2002 Coll. |
e | For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure | |
number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | 1 r.: 90.0, 2 r.: 10.0, 3 r.: 30.0, | |
number of credits for compulsory optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | ||
number of credits for optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | ||
number of credits required for the completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for the common foundations and for the relevant specialization, in the case of a teaching combination study programme or a translation combination study programme | ||
number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of studies | ||
number of credits for professional practice required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies | ||
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for project work with the indication of relevant courses in engineering study programmes | ||
number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for artistic performances in addition to the final thesis in art study programmes | ||
f | Rules for the verification of learning outcomes, students’ assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment | |
The rules for the verification of educational outcomes are determined by Directive no. 216 Quality assurance of doctoral studies at UNIZA: Guide to doctoral studies: /ETM.pdf At the level of individual subjects for the verification of the overall educational outcomes are listed in of individual ILPs. For the evaluation of students and the possibility of corrective procedures, the procedure according to Directive no. 110: Study schedule for the third degree of university studies at UNIZA: |
g | Conditions for the recognition of studies or a part of studies | |
At the university level, processes, procedures, and structures are defined by directive no. 110: Study regulations for the third degree of university studies at UNIZA: and directive no. 216 Quality assurance doctoral studies at UNIZA: In the case of foreign mobilities and internships, it defines processes, procedures and the structure of conditions for the recognition of studies Directive 219 – Mobility of students and of UNIZA employees abroad: (link: Directive-c-219.pdf). In the case of a study program EaM subject guarantor of the study program after familiarizing himself with the applicant's portfolio decides on the recognition of the study, its part, or individual ones. He/she takes into account the fulfillment of the core knowledge of the study program. The same applies to applicants to study from Slovakia as well as from abroad. |
h | Topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list) | |
Maniaková Petra: Microstructures for sensing applications in photonics and plasmonic, Supervisor: Dušan Pudiš, Opponent: Jozef Novák, Ivan Martinček, Jaroslav Kováč, 2021
Goraus Matej: Photonic structures for passive and active optical and optoelectronic elements, Supervisor: Dušan Pudiš, Opponent: František Uherek, Ivan Martinček, Jaroslav Kováč, 2018
Jahoda Emil: New types of insulating materials for high-voltage electrical engineering facilities, Supervisor: Jozef Kúdelčík, Opponent: Mirko Černák, Miroslav Gutten, Anna Zahoranová, 2018
Veveričík Marek: Study of structural changes in doped liquid crystals acoustic and optical methods, Thesis supervisor: Peter Bury, Opponent: Ladislav Tomčo, Dušan Pudiš, Michal Rajňák, 2018
Figurová Mária: Optical technologies for LAB-ON-A-CHIP preparation for bioapplications, Supervisor: Dušan Pudiš, Opponent: Jaroslav Kováč, Ivan Martinček, Alžbeta MarčekChorvátová, 2017
Mizeráková Jana: Structural and transport properties of ionic conductive glasses, Instructor work: Peter Hockicko, Opponent: Anna Danihelová, Jarmila Műllerová, Ľubica Stuchlíková, 2017
Varačka Lukáš: Study of the properties of insulation materials in high voltage electrotechnical devices, Supervisor: Jozef Kúdelčík, Opponent: Milan Timko, Miroslav Gutten, Mirko Černak, 2016 |
i | Rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses in the study programme; list of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details) | |
Rules for submission, processing, opposition, defense, and evaluation of dissertations defines Directive no. 110: Study regulations for the third degree of university studies at UNIZA Directive no. 216: Quality assurance doctoral studies at UNIZA Directive no. 215 – Directive on final, rigorous and habilitation theses under the conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina: At the faculty level, the dean's decision no. 1/2021 on organization and administrative securing the third degree of study at FEIT UNIZA in the academic year 2020/2021 Dean's Decision no. 1/2021:'s Decision-_1_2021-1.pdf and specific information for students: /doctoral studies/ Dissertation topic proposals for supervisors after the approval of the chairperson of the subject committee is approved by the dean, who lists them no later than two months before the last day designated for submission of applications for doctoral studies, which can be applied for within the admissions process procedure to apply. The title of the study program, name is given for each listed topic trainer, form of study (full-time, part-time), application deadline and admission date proceedings. Proposals for dissertation topics are listed and published on the official board of the headquarters website of the faculty, which will also publish the method and dates of student registration for studies. The date of publication of dissertation topics is determined by the academic calendar of the study places. The entrance exam is held before an admission committee of at least four members. The admission committee consists of its chairperson and at least two members appointed by dean. Another member of the committee is the supervisor for the listed topic. The admissions committee evaluates the result of the entrance exam at a closed session with the conclusion "passed" or "failed". If several applicants were registered for one topic, they will be ranked according to success entrance exam. When determining the order, the commission also considers the scope and quality of the previous work, professional publication activity of the applicant and the results of his other professional activity. Dean decides based on the results of the entrance exam on the acceptance of the applicant within 30 days from the date conducting the entrance exam. During the implementation of the study program, mostly facts related to by fulfilling the content of the doctoral student's individual study plan are evaluated . The evaluation is performed once annually at the end of the academic year, the supervisor approves the guarantor of the study program and subsequently dean. The decisive facts are the dissertation exam and the defense of the dissertation thesis . A doctoral student who has not fulfilled all the obligations arising from the individual study plan and does not have enough credits, he/she cannot register for the dissertation exam either apply for permission to defend the dissertation. In the deadline set for the submission of the thesis, the author of the thesis will personally insert its electronic version identical to the bound version in the form of .pdf in one file with the option of converting to clean text to the Final Thesis Record system (hereafter EZP). Access to the EZP is via the website: UNIZA will send the work in electronic form to the Central Register of final, rigorous and habilitation theses (CRZP), where the degree of originality sent will be verified work. The doctoral student applies to the dean for permission to defend the dissertation thesis in accordance with the study schedule, if he/she has obtained the prescribed number of credits. Along with the dissertation thesis relevant reviews of opponents, trainers, leaders are also sent in electronic form final theses or rigorous theses, reviewers or other persons and these assessments are kept in the Central Register of final, rigorous and habilitation theses together with relevant work for the duration of its storage. Further details are regulated by Directive no. 103 (Directive on final theses under UNIZA conditions). The dean forwards the doctoral student's request for permission after receiving all the opinions from the opponents’ defense of the dissertation thesis together with all the requirements, including the opinions of the opponents to the chairperson of the defense commission, and the chairperson will propose to the dean the time and place of the dissertation thesis defense. The dissertation thesis together with its defense form one subject. Defense of dissertation thesis is a state exam, and the doctoral student must take it in the standard length of study at the latest in the last month of the last academic year of its standard-length study. The defense of the dissertation thesis takes place in the form of a scientific debate. The defense can act only in the presence of at least two thirds of the number of members of the defense committee entitled to vote, including at least two opponents, with at least one member of the commission must be from a workplace outside UNIZA. After the end of the defense, a closed session of the commission is held, in which members including opponents and the supervisor will participate. At a closed session, the course of the result of the defense thesis and the possibility of using the results of the dissertation in practice are discussed. Commission and opponents at the same time, will decide in a secret vote whether the commission proposes to award the doctoral student academic degree. Subsequently, the committee will evaluate the defense of the dissertation thesis with a grade, while classification is carried out according to the classification scale specified in Directive no. 110. Proposal for awarding or not awarding an academic title to a doctoral student, together with the minutes and file of a student the chairperson of the defense committee will submit to the dean. The Dean after positive assessment of the thesis defense committee's proposal for awarding or the non-awarding of the academic title "Doctor" to a graduate of doctoral studies will submit to the rector, documents about completion of studies. Academic title "doctor" ("philosophiae doctor", abbreviated as "PhD") is awarded by UNIZA with effect from the day of successful defense of dissertation thesis. Evidence of completion of the EaM doctoral study program in the study period in the field of Electrotechnology is a university diploma, a state examination certificate, and an addendum to diploma. As a rule, the dean hands over the documents of the completion of the studies to the doctoral student at a ceremony graduation, organized according to the traditions and customs of UNIZA. |
Opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility | ||
At the university level, Directive 219 – Dean's Decision no. 1/2021:'s Decision-_1_2021-1.pdf
At the faculty level, specific procedures, and up-to-date information on website:
At the faculty level, the coordinators and contact persons are: prof. Ing. Peter Brída, PhD. (Dean for foreign relations), Mgr. Silvia Pirníková, (faculty Erasmus coordinator), |
Rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences | ||
At the university level, it defines processes, procedures, and structures Directive no 207 – Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina in Žilina (link: Directive-c-207.pdf)) and Directive no 201 – Disciplinary rules for students at the University of Žilina in Žilina (link: Directive-c-201.pdf). A disciplinary commission is established at the faculty level. |
Procedures applicable to students with special needs | ||
Directive no 198 – Support defines processes, procedures, and structures at the university level of study applicants and students with specific needs at the University of Žilina in Žilina (Link: ) Detailed information for students can be found on the website: At the faculty level, the coordinators and contact persons are: doc. Ing. Mariana Beňová, PhD. (Dean for education), B.Sc. Emília Pekárová, (referent for education),
Procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students | ||
At the university level, it defines processes, procedures, and structures Directive no. 110: Study schedule for the third-degree university studies at UNIZA: At the faculty level through published e-mail contacts of responsible persons, through students represented in the student section of the Academic Senate of FEIT and via the link or Link for the dean: |
5. | Course information sheets of the study programme (In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compulsory courses | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compulsory optional courses | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optional courses | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. | Current academic year plan and current schedule |
Current academic year plan | |
Academic calendar |
Current schedule | |
Current schedule |
7. | Persons responsible for the study programme | ||
a | A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details) | ||
Name, surname, titles: Dušan Pudiš , prof. Ing., PhD. Position: Head of the Department of Physics contact (e-mail, phone):; 041/513 2300 |
b - c | List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme | ||
Contents is generated from Study plans.
d | List of teachers of the study programme (including doctoral students) with the assignment to the course | ||
Contents is generated from Study plans. |
e - f | List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics | ||
g | Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme | ||
Ing. Patrik Miček |
h | Study advisor of the study programme | ||
Name and surname: RNDr. Jana Ďurišová, PhD. E-mail: Phone: 041/513 2312 Access to advice: consultation hours, information on the web, individual consultations and advice. |
i | Other supporting staff of the study programme - assigned study officer, career counsellor, administration, accommodation department, etc. | ||
Name and surname: doc. Ing. Mariana Beňová, PhD. Area of responsibilities/Competences: vice dean for education hone.: +421 41 513 2119 E-mail:
Name and surname: Bc.Viera Beláková a Bc. Emília Pekarová Area of responsibilities/Competences: Department for education, study agenda. phone.: +421 41 513 2064, 2063 E-mail:
UNIZA accommodation facilities - link Accommodation department Veľký Diel Mgr. Gabriela Vániová, , +421 41 513 1471 |
8. | Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support |
a | List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centres, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds). |
At the university level, it defines the processes, procedures and structures of Directive 217 – Resources for the support of educational, creative and other related activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina. The material and technical support is based on the long-term direction of the department and is sufficient for the needs of studying photonics. From a material and technical point of view, the Photonics study program is mainly provided by the members and infrastructure of the Department of Physics. Long-term research tasks in the field of photonics are being developed here, which is also related to the developed infrastructure from the point of view of technological and material equipment. For the purposes of introducing the Photonics study program, the department will provide technological and diagnostic laboratories mainly for individual forms of study in the final year. We currently have a Laser Technology Laboratory, an Optics Laboratory, an Acoustics Laboratory, a Partial Discharge Laboratory, and a Microscopy Laboratory. These laboratories are equipped with the most modern technologies and diagnostics for Photonics. The laboratories include a unique interference lithography enabling the preparation of planar photonic structures with a period of up to 275 nm and different symmetry, near-field lithography for the preparation of planar photonic structures with a different non-periodic predefined shape with a resolution of up to 300 nm, lithography of direct writing with a laser beam. In the laboratories there is a unique near-field microscope with a resolution of 300 nm for the characterization of extremely small optical fields. In addition to these techniques, optical microscopes with a CCD camera and a number of optical components through mirrors, dividers, stands and holders, filters are standard equipment everywhere. Everything is placed on active optical tables. Electronic devices such as DC voltage sources, signal generators, oscilloscopes, multimeters are part of the laboratories. From optical devices, there are several dozen lasers from simple laser modules to high-end gas lasers with high coherence in the wavelength range from ultraviolet to infrared. We have several spectrometers and monochromators covering the region from 350 nm to 2100 nm. The workplace has an atomic force microscope and a confocal microscope. Part of the equipment consists of fiber radiation sources at 1310 and 1550 nm, an Anritsu 600-1600 nm spectrum analyzer. At the workplace, there are several micro- and nanopositioning devices controlled electronically with a resolution of 5 nm with movement in several axes. A special group of technologies is represented by facilities in the University Science Park located in the Photonics Laboratory. Laser 3D lithography with a resolution of 150 nm is unique in the Central European area, enabling the shaping of 3D structures in polymers. In addition, the laboratory includes an electron microscope with an ion beam for processing materials and electron lithography. There are also modern measurement optical spectrometers and detectors. The material equipment also includes standard teaching laboratories focusing on basic optics and new laboratories that were established as part of the project to establish the Photonics study program, where there are standard instruments and equipment for the demonstration of optical and photonic tasks for undergraduate and engineering students. The laboratories are equipped with optical and electrical signal sources, detectors, optical fibers, fiber breaking kits, oscilloscopes and small electronic and optical equipment. In addition to the Department of Physics, the Department of Telecommunications and Multimedia, the Department of Mechatronics and Electronics and the Aurel Stodola Institute in Liptovský Mikuláš participate in the fulfillment of the study program. These workplaces offer professionally equipped laboratories for education with image processing systems, Raman spectrometer, Ellipsometer and network and fiber optic analysis equipment. Of the total number of 58 university-wide classrooms, 13 are lecture rooms with a capacity of 100 to 250 seats, 26 classrooms with a capacity of 40 to 90 seats. 52 classrooms are fully equipped with computer and didactic equipment (data projectors, visualizers...) and connected to a computer network. University-wide classrooms are registered at: These classrooms are managed by the scheduling department, which assigns them to individual study programs and subjects according to the number of students and the requirements of the faculties/departments. The technical equipment of these classrooms is shown in the form of virtual tours on: prehliadka FEIT also has prepared virtual tours of the laboratories with a description of the material and technical equipment at: Scientific laboratories: This includes technological and diagnostic laboratories mainly for individual forms of study in final year. We currently have: Laboratory of laser technologies (BB406), Optics laboratory (BB 421), Laboratory of acoustics (BB 422), Laboratory of partial discharges (BB 422), Microscopy laboratory (BB 426) Photonics laboratory (University science park) Laboratory of materials (AB 109) These laboratories are equipped with the most modern technologies and diagnostics for electro-optics. These are spacious laboratories in the premises of the Department of Physics. Capacity is for smaller groups of students (up to 10). Laboratories for laboratory exercises: In order to ensure laboratory exercises, laboratories that have been built for a long time will also be part of it, where the latest devices and equipment for the demonstration of optical and photonic tasks for students of both engineering and bachelor studies are standard. One of these laboratories is located on the ground floor and the other in the new premises of the department. The laboratories are standardly equipped with separate workplaces with built-in tasks, a data projector and other didactic aids. It is also planned to partially use the existing physics laboratories (AB 104, AB 105, AB 107, AB 110, BJ 002), which are used by the department to provide physics teaching for bachelor study programs of students of the University of Žilina. These are equipped with separate workplaces and their own electrical distribution for each workplace. Each workplace also has its own computer. The capacity of these spaces is from 12 to 20 people. Laboratories for seminars and computational exercises: A computing laboratory (AB 112) with 8 computers is available for seminar exercises and computational simulation exercises. In addition to these, for the purposes of seminar exercises, the mentioned joint seminar spaces of the university with a number of seminar classrooms are available.
b | Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.) |
At the university level, Directive 218 on the collection of information defines processes, procedures and structures. (Link: smernica-UNIZA-c-218.pdf)
Currently, AIVS covers the entire life cycle of a study program student with its services, from the application to the final exam and activities related to the completion of studies at the university. AIVS supports the management of the study agenda at the faculties and other parts of the university in all degrees, forms and types of higher education. As part of each study program, it is used to record study applicants, students and graduates, to monitor study results, to support the study credit system in accordance with § 62 of Act 131/2002 Coll., to support the creation of a timetable, etc. It supports the generation of ECTS information packages (§ 20 paragraph 1 letter e), activities related to the completion of studies (certificates, diplomas), as well as the processing of addenda to diplomas (§ 68 paragraph 1 letter c). AIVS consists of several subsystems:
The "UniApps" application allows access to AIVS data and services from mobile devices with Android OS, in accordance with the university's concept of the introduction of mobile technologies. The university encourages students to use their own mobile devices. UniApps enables access to information for full-time students at the 3rd level. The following functionalities are currently available:
E-education (e-learning): At the university, e-Education is built on the basis of LMS Moodle. The organization of the courses is based on controlled study with the support of information and communication technologies in close connection with the Academic Education and Information System (AIVS). E-learning has been used at the university since the academic year 2004/2005. The study program is also significantly supported by its own information system in the form of the department's website, where students can find all the necessary information needed for their studies. These pages allow electronic registration for semester theses, bachelor's and diploma theses. The architecture of the website allows all educators providing the education of the study program to providerelevant information to students in the form of publication on the website of each subject individually. The information system of individual subjects makes it possible to make available assignments of semester or year papers, lectures, requirements for successful completion of the subject as well as the range of questions for the exam. |
c | Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning |
The focus of distance education work and study control at FEIT UNIZA is formed by e-vzdelávanie, the teaching part of which is built on the basis of LMS Moodle. The organization of courses is based on controlled study with the support of information and communication technologies in close connection with AIVS. E-learning has been used at the university since the academic year 2004/2005. MS Teams is mainly used for the needs of online lectures and exercises, instructions from the University Center for Information and Communication Technologies are available:: Microsoft Teams – informácie a Vzdelávacie tímy. |
d | Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation |
Kvant s.r.o. Sylex s.r.o. ON Semiconductor Czech Republic, s. r. o. Varroc Lighting Systems, s.r.o. SEC Technologies s.r.o. Characteristics of participation: cooperation in scientific and research activities, participation in education - professional lectures, opportunities for professional practice and internships, topics of final theses for students, joint development activities on projects and student projects. |
e | Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities |
At the university level, the possibilities of social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social enjoyment are described in Directive No. 217 - especially Articles 17, 18 and 19 (Link: smernica-UNIZA-c-217.pdf ) At the faculty level, there are other possibilities, such as (in case of a favorable epidemic situation) FEIT Ball, FEIT sports day, Christmas punch with the dean, etc. As part of the Electrotechnology and Materials study program, a Photonics Day is organized every year for all Photonics students with lectures and demonstrations of modern photonics and optics with the participation of graduates and industry and various other events related to the current situation. |
f | Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships, application instructions, rules for recognition of this education |
At the university level, it defines processes, procedures and structures Directive 219 – Mobility of students and employees of the University of Žilina in Žilina abroad. (link: Smernica- c-219.pdf) An Erasmus+ study stay or an internship is already a natural part of studying at UNIZA. The priority of the UNIZA leadership is to send every student on Erasmus+ mobility, at least once during their university studies. Current and future FEIT students have the opportunity to study at approximately 70 higher education institutions with which the faculty has concluded a cooperation agreement, as well as to complete a practical internship in companies and companies in within the program countries. At the faculty level, detailed information for students is provided on the website: contact person: Mgr. Silvia Pirníková, At the level of the Electrotechnology and Materials study program, the coordinator is: contact person: doc. Ing. Daniel Káčik, PhD. |
9. | Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants |
a | Required abilities and necessary admission requirements |
The entrance exam is held before an entrance committee, which has at least four members. The admission committee consists of its chairman and at least two members appointed by the dean. Another member of the committee is the trainer for the listed topic. They are assessed during the entrance exam:
The admissions committee evaluates the result of the entrance exam in a closed meeting with the conclusion "passed" or "failed". If several applicants were registered for one topic, they will be ranked according to the success of the entrance exam. When determining the ranking, the committee also takes into account the scope and quality of the applicant's professional publishing activities to date and the results of his other professional activities. Based on the results of the entrance exam, the dean will decide on the admission of the applicant within 30 days from the date of the entrance exam. If he decides to accept the applicant, he will also state the name of the supervisor and the topic of the dissertation in his decision. In addition to the above, the written decision must contain a statement, justification, instructions on the possibility of submitting a request for review of the decision and is delivered to the applicant personally. |
b | Admission procedures |
At the university level, it defines processes, procedures and structures Directive No. 206 – Principles and rules of the admission procedure for studying at UNIZA (link: Smernica-c-206.pdf). At the faculty level, the Academic Senate has approved the Admission Principles and Rules, which describe in detail all required skills and prerequisites for admission to study individual study programs at FEIT, including EaM, are available at the web address: /FEIT_Zasady_pravidla_prijatia_2022-2023_PhD-1.pdf
Those interested in studying will also benefit from the Information Leaflet on the possibility of studying at FEIT UNIZA: FEIT-PhD-2022-2023-2.pdf Applicants for studies in the EaM study program apply for dissertation topics announced by FEIT and published on the official notice board: studium-temy/. Dissertation topics, proposed by supervisors, are approved by the dean after approval by the chairman of the EaM departmental committee, who lists them no later than two months before the last day for submitting applications for doctoral studies, which can be applied for as part of the admissions process. For each listed topic, the name of the study program, the name of the supervisor, the form of study (full-time, part-time), the deadline for submitting applications and the date of the admission procedure are indicated. The entrance exam is held before an entrance committee, which has at least four members. The admission committee consists of its chairman and at least two members appointed by the dean. Another member of the committee is the trainer for the listed topic. They are assessed during the entrance exam:
The admissions committee evaluates the result of the entrance exam in a closed meeting with the conclusion "passed" or "failed". If several applicants were registered for one topic, they will be ranked according to the success of the entrance exam. When determining the ranking, the committee also takes into account the scope and quality of the applicant's professional publishing activities to date and the results of his other professional activities. Based on the results of the entrance exam, the dean will decide on the admission of the applicant within 30 days from the date of the entrance exam. If he decides to accept the applicant, he will also state the name of the supervisor and the topic of the dissertation in his decision. In addition to the above, the written decision must contain a statement, justification, instructions on the possibility of submitting a request for review of the decision and is delivered to the applicant personally. |
c | Results of the admission process over the last period |
The selection procedure was carried out on the basis of the achieved study results. In the last year, standard admissions were made in accordance with the directive on admissions to engineering study programs. Number of first-year applicants over the last 6 years Year of study AR16/17 AR17/18 AR18/19 AR19/20 AR20/21 AR21/22 I.year 6 7 7 4 3 2
Of this, the actual number of students enrolled in the 1st grade as of 31.10. of the relevant academic year for the period of the last 6 years Year of study AR16/17 AR17/18 AR18/19 AR19/20 AR20/21 AR21/22 I.year 5 5 4 4 3 2 |
10. | Feedback on the quality of provided education |
a | Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality |
At the university level, the processes, procedures and structures are defined by Directive no. 223 - Monitoring and ongoing evaluation of study programs. An essential part of the defined processes of the internal quality management system at UNIZA are the procedures for collecting, analyzing and using relevant information for the effective management of study programs. List the methods of obtaining feedback from students, the key mapped areas, the periodicity of monitoring, the method of evaluating and analyzing the findings, the method of applying the findings to education and all areas that affect it, the responsibilities for the application of the findings in practice with subsequent monitoring of the effectiveness of the measures taken, as well as the place and way of publishing the results (key findings) from the evaluation of feedback received from students. |
b | Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality |
Analysis results and making them available:
c | Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality |
Since 2018, the management of KF regularly organizes, usually once a year, meetings with students of each year of the electro-optics study program in the bachelor's degree and photonics in the engineering degree called "Photonics Day". This is a platform for free conversations with students with the aim of obtaining targeted feedback on study plans, individual completed subjects, teachers of these subjects and other observations related to the organization of studies and other activities. The management of the department ensures the anonymity of the presented opinions, observations, recommendations, critical statements, etc. Students very much welcome this open format of discussions and willingly participate in them. The guarantor and trainers in the EaM study program have so far held informal discussions with doctoral graduates on various occasions in order to obtain feedback. Directive no. 223 is effective from 25.11.2021 and not all monitoring and evaluation processes have taken place in terms of the defined time frames.
The alumni questionnaire can be filled out interactively. Its evaluation is done regularly and is available on the faculty website in the tab Vnútorný systém kvality FEIT. It is encouraging for the faculty that there were no answers in the surveys that they were dissatisfied with the education provided. |
11. | References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student (e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internal regulations and information / Link | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||